Global Evolution

Chapter 329: 329

Chapter 329: 329

"Well, what kind of meeting does researcher Li hold now?" Asked Lao Liu .

"Meeting on army mobilization . . . " When the guard said this, his face showed an excited look, "Mr . Li"s mobilization words are so good, I have never heard anyone"s war mobilization words can say so exciting!"

"Oh? Then we have to go in and listen . " Lao Liu nodded with a smile, patted the guard on the shoulder, and then entered the hall in full view of the public .

As soon as he entered the vast hall, the sonorous and powerful voice came out .

“…… Today, we stand here, on the land of the Chinese people! Standing in Beijing, standing on the land irrigated with blood and life by our ancestors, behind me is the portrait of Mao Ze Dong, a freedom fighter who led the proletariat to stand up from the bottom . Maybe he is not recognized by the world, and some of his arguments have been proved to be wrong . But today, today, standing here, his spirit is the light of our Chinese people! ”

"because in front of me is a humiliated nation groaning in weakness, a species that is scared after falling from the altar! Since the advent of the end of the world, it seems that the pride of this nation, the pride of this species, the pride we have acc.u.mulated for five thousand years, is suddenly gone . Let those disgusting species, c.o.c.kroaches, dominate our heads! They trample on our dignity at will, the dignity of the most remote nation on earth

"Dignity? Maybe you are . Middle level officers, realists, will you laugh at me? Tell me, Mr . Li, in the end of the world, dignity is something . All I need is a bowl of rice and a loaf, which can make me live . Yes, maybe dignity is the least valuable thing at present . "

"But . People live, we must have these spiritual things to support our way forward . We are human beings . We are the earliest intelligent species born on the earth . We have ruled the earth for tens of millions of years . We have abandoned our spirit . What is the difference between us and those maggots who eat enough in the toilet? "

"What we need is not a bread, but a living s.p.a.ce! A living s.p.a.ce belonging to our mankind!! And within the law of the jungle . This s.p.a.ce can"t be replaced by begging and praying . All things compete and the fittest survive . If we don"t have iron and blood posture, we will lose our final living s.p.a.ce . "

"You want your family, your kids . Wife, do you still live with fear every day? What"s the difference between living like this and dying? It"s time to fight, brothers, take your weapons . Let those disgusting species who dare to land on this land we love to see what is the top species in the world, and tell them with our guns that the acc.u.mulation of civilization needs time, not mutation

Finish this sentence . Li Qingshui took out his gun and exploded in the air .

"Bang bang bang" sound, is so inspiring, at this time, even the most calm people, can not help but blood boiling up .

In the great hall, the officers at all levels, who were sitting upright, were more or less agitated - in the huge hall where the needle dropping was supposed to be quiet and audible . There was a sudden commotion .

The agitation and excitement raised the hall to three degrees, because the adrenaline surged officers could not bear the excitement of their bodies one by one, and each trembled more or less .

And also at this time, a crisp applause, over all the voices in the hall, crisp ring up .

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

Pa Pa!

The voice drowned out all the groans, and naturally drew everyone"s eyes to this side - and the senior officers sitting in the front row recognized at once who was coming .

Liu Xinmin, the spiritual core of the Research Inst.i.tute and the person who has made the greatest contribution to the city, is Liu Xinmin, who is called Lao Liu in Liu Chang"s circle and must be called Liu Lao in the high-level of China .

Therefore, his appearance once again brought the atmosphere of the hall to another peak .

Accompanied by Liu ChangLei and others, he slowly stepped onto the stage . Then he puffed up and said with a smile: "what Mr . Li said is really wonderful . This is the best and most perfect speech I have ever heard! Come on, let"s give our warmest applause to this fighter who focuses on human freedom! Of course, it"s cold . When you take pictures, you should not damage your blood vessels! "

Old Liu half jokingly finished this sentence, and then took the lead to clap again .

And below, natural applause thundered .

After a moment of enthusiasm, because this is a meeting place full of soldiers, so order is restored quickly . After the applause, they returned to silence again, and they looked at the leader of Beijing City Research Inst.i.tute with the most intense eyes .

"Well, what Mr . Li said is very good . It"s really good . We humans are a bit too conservative in these years . Because of the coming of the end of the world, we all pay attention to the things around us, always pay attention to some important but trivial things . For example, where is our next ration? Can our wives and children survive? ""It"s the most important thing, but it"s also something that"s holding us back . After all, at the end of the world, many magical, aggressive species emerge, and our human circle shrinks and shrinks . In fact, the existence of things on the earth is very simple, as long as the species have s.p.a.ce for survival, it can continue . But if there"s no living s.p.a.ce, we don"t have to think about the big things . Because without living s.p.a.ce, no one can live . "

If Li Qingshui"s speech is as sonorous as fire, then Lao Liu"s speech at the moment is as soft as water . Naturally, it takes everyone"s emotions to another direction .

"So what we need to pay attention to is the things that take away our living s.p.a.ce, for which we can give our lives . " Lao Liu finished this sentence, and looked at Li Qingshui with a smile beside his eyes .

He did not pierce Li Qingshui"s lies, nor blocked his words - but left a way for everyone .

This road is like this . All the stirring and dynamic meanings of this speech are still there . But which side should the human spearhead at in the end? This is the matter to be solved in private .

Obviously, Li Qingshui is very confident in himself, so he did not refute Lao Liu . (to be continued)

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