Global Evolution

Chapter 342: 342

Chapter 342: 342

"The guy named Li Qingshui said that these sea people are still close to human beings in att.i.tude? You"re going to get close to them and see what"s going on? " It is Li Tiantian who talks behind Liu Chang"s back . Liu Chang didn"t want anyone to take this trip, but he had to follow him every day .

Because since I heard of the death of Zhiqing bird, I have been very unhappy every day . I don"t speak all day long . Moreover, I have a strong hostility to Li Qingshui . Although he is young every day, he is not stupid at all . He knows the causes and consequences before everyone goes to Qingdao, and also knows who the opponent is this time . Therefore, he can easily guess who died in the hands of the beloved bird .

Later, Liu Chang also asked Li Qingshui about this, and Li Qingshui gave the answer: "it"s not his hand . " .

But I don"t believe it every day, so I"m still depressed every day . I don"t want to say two more words with no one . I"m cold to Liu Chang, and I have thorns between my words .

"You go, say h.e.l.lo to them, and see if the undersea brothers are willing to accept you as an alien . " Every day, she was carried by Liu Chang behind her back . Her eyes were better than those of Liu Chang . So she pointed the way and said, "well, there are footprints over there . They look very fresh . I haven"t seen what the sea people look like . Go and have a look . "

There are more people in Jinan Liu Chang never stops .

"No, I want to see it . " I find fault in my back every day .

"Don"t talk about it . Go and see what you can do? This time, if it"s not for my fear of leaving, you"ll find Mr . Li"s trouble . I"m not coming out with you . " Liu Chang carries on his back every day .

"Well, are adults like you? Ungrateful, if you don"t have to take you to Qingdao, can it die? " Speaking every day is like gouging out her heart . Her intense pain makes her ignore other people"s feelings, and makes Liu Chang, who is running, a good meal .

"Yes . I"m sorry . " Seeing Liu Chang stop every day, she seems to realize what she said wrong . After all, she is kind-hearted . Although sometimes the mouth is very bad, and a little stubborn, there is no big defect . In fact, even when the most loving bird is with her, one person and one bird are mostly quarreling, swearing and getting along with each other less .

"You want to see the undersea man?" There is no danger in the vertical and horizontal direction . The small number of sea people is not a threat to Liu Chang . Therefore, he turned his head and asked, "if you want to see it, I"ll take you to have a look, but don"t talk nonsense . "

"Well, I see . " I nodded every day . Her eyes showed a girl"s peculiar curiosity . She wanted to see the sea people, half because of deliberate disturbance, the other half because she had a little curiosity .

After all, as human beings, as ordinary people, in fact, everyone is very curious about what other intelligent species look like - we haven"t seen the undersea man every day . Never seen willows, nature has their own guess and conjecture about their appearance and temperament, and naturally want to verify the conjecture and conjecture .

And in order to make the guilty mood a little bit calm, Liu Chang delayed a section of the journey, along the direction of the footprints . All the way to the pursuit of a small group of undersea people .

The seafloor man may have lived in the deep sea for a long time, so his body is very flat . Although he can walk upright, he is more likely to wriggle on the ground like a big bug .

"This is the sea man?" Seeing the so-called "people" of this small group from afar, they are surprised to grow up their mouths every day, "isn"t it, can it call people?"

The sea people are flat and soft, with tentacles on their sides and huge heads on their heads . They have no limbs, no facial features on their faces . It can be said that there is no "human" appearance . Even when Liu Chang first saw them, he did not recognize that this species was human . He was even more surprised when he was young every day .

"I thought it would be big head, short body, Martian look . " Every day when I see the sea people, they are on their way . They carry geological detectors on their backs, and they look very strange with their body shapes .

"In fact, I used to think that sea people would look like et, but it turns out that my vision is too short-sighted . If you look at it from an academic point of view, you can see that although the sea people look strange, they are very scientific . " Liu Chang pointed to a man at the bottom of the sea and explained: "the flat body can withstand the pressure of the deep sea . The soft body and the moving way of snakes can make them adapt to various terrain . The exhaust holes on the back should also be used for decompression . A flexible tentacle is actually an organ that is more flexible than fingers and arms to operate various instruments, and the huge brain, relatively speaking, can store more brain capacity

The books I read these days are of great use at the moment - looking at the sea people from a scientific point of view - Liu Chang found that the evolution of these creatures is really scientific!

"But they are really ugly!" Cover your mouth every day .

"Seafloor creatures, in the eyes of mankind, are not very good-looking . " Liu Chang laughed and said, "enough of it, let"s go . "

Liu Chang didn"t want to frighten the snake . Although the purpose of his coming this time was to mix with the people at the bottom of the sea, he was definitely not mixed into this small unit of troops . Li Qingshui told him that it was best to go to attack the willow tree and have a look . So, after satisfying her curiosity every day, he was ready to leave . At this time, the leader of the haiyanren team, who was on his way, suddenly stopped, and then the first half of his body, like a centipede, stood up . His body was strangely folded for 80 degrees . Then his eyes without pupil looked at Liu Chang"s hiding direction .

"Over there, are they human friends?" The captain of the sea people still uses standard Mandarin, but the voice is a little stuffy . "Since you can meet by chance in this jungle, it"s fate . Come and have a drink!"

The speech is Putonghua, and the tone is also very warm . It is the greeting way of ordinary Chinese, even ancient swordsmen . This kind of playful way of speaking can easily shorten the distance between the two sides .

"Found me?" Liu Chang was surprised to see the man at the bottom of the sea looking at himself . The first time he contacted the man, the other party found himself when he entered the building, which made him more confused . For the first time, he thought that there was a crab in the office building of Haier Group in Qingdao, so he didn"t cover up his smell and voice when he entered . It was understandable to be found . (to be continued)

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