Global Evolution

Chapter 385: 385

Chapter 385: 385

The design and modeling of the fish gun is very similar to the ordinary hand gun . The muzzle is like the muzzle of the gun . There is a huge alloy gun head inside .

The operation of the fish gun is very simple . Liu Chang has been holding the gun for several days . He has studied the usage of the gun for a long time . Another b.u.t.ton on the launcher of the fish gun will be connected with a metal collar with retractable force . It is equivalent to the iron chain of an ordinary fish gun, which can tie the head of the gun .

If the elastic metal ring is not connected, the gun head will be difficult to find back .

Liu Chang has a habit since he was a child . He likes to use what he is used to a little . He knows something in his mind . It"s like the first day of his last life, when he found a police pistol with few bullets, he also wanted to try how to use it .

Today"s situation is similar to that of that day . Although the giant squid in the East China Sea looks very ferocious, it is still in the position of being hunted compared with taisher or Liu Changbi, and the nuclear launcher has no use at all . Moreover, the energy in the nuclear launcher is limited, and the number of launches must be limited .

But even so, according to Liu Chang"s steady character, he still likes to try the gun with something first .


By pressing the b.u.t.ton for developing the launcher, Liu Chang felt that the head of the fish gun had a pause of about 0 . 1 second, and then the powerful energy was used from it . Driven by the powerful propulsion of nuclear energy, the fish gun pushed forward in the water with bubbles and heat at a very fast speed - even underwater, it was three times faster than the fastest bullet on the sh.o.r.e .

And because of the great difference between the quality and the bullet, the power of the spear is beyond doubt .

However, behind the huge propulsion force, there was a huge reaction force . After a shot, Liu Chang"s own body flew backward like a bullet . Although there was a strong buffer device in the body of the fish gun, the force was still extremely powerful even after buffering . Moreover, there was no thick land in the water . As a result, the gun burst out, and the fish gun and Liu Chang flew together Shoot .

In two opposite directions .

But fortunately, the metal band is long enough to fly 100 meters out of the fish gun . When Liu Chang retreated more than 30 meters, the fish gun with powerful force finally shot into the huge squid . Then, under the dual effects of powerful force and sharp gun head, it entered the thick body surface of the squid like a hot knife cutting b.u.t.ter, and then pierced it in seconds .

Put the squid through . The strength of the fish gun almost did not weaken, and it still flew forward . Fortunately, the metal ring that tied it behind was strong enough, and Li Qingshui could bear the powerful force . He pulled the spear back and transferred it to Liu Chang"s arm .

"s.h.i.+t In the water, Liu Changxian was shot by the reaction force of the fish gun . Then the fish gun that flew out was pulled by the metal ring again, and the driving force was transmitted to his arm again . When he pushed and shrugged, his arm was strongly pulled .

Fortunately, in the process of pulling, the ring began to deform irregularly to cus.h.i.+on the force . Otherwise, with the powerful launching force of the fish gun, his hands could be torn off at this moment .

But even if there is a ring to cus.h.i.+on the pulling force, Liu Chang still feels the strong tearing force coming from the front . He tightens his muscles and grasps the grip groove on the launcher which is ready for time . After a full second of stalemate, his body gradually changed from a rapid retreat to a stable figure, and finally was again carried forward by the nearly buffered force .

But the speed of this shot was much slower . No matter how powerful the power is, it won"t be a lot under the repeated self consumption . With the force set by Li Qingshui to fly forward, Liu Chang"s speed has slowed down a lot under the strong resistance of water after flying over 100 meters . The fish gun shot in front of him was also brought back by this force, and returned to Liu Chang"s hand through the huge hole in the squid .

"This gun is really powerful . " After catching the flying gun, Liu Chang looks at the big hole in the squid that can"t be called "hole" .

Why can"t it be called "hole" is because the fish gun goes through, and the huge body of the squid is almost broken in two by this force .

In the last five years, Liu Chang used countless guns . If you know how fast a bullet is, a bullet the size of a finger can tear a human into two pieces . But in water, it"s going to be hundreds of times more difficult to do this .

The length of the spear is one meter and the size of the arm is thick . It looks very big to human beings, but compared with this big squid in the East China Sea . It can only be regarded as the size of an ordinary bullet to human beings, but even so, even if it is in the water, even with a metal ring trailing behind it, a fish gun is still so decisive that it can pierce its body - even a powerful afterwave can tear it off .

This is from Li qingsailor"s launcher, the power is still beyond Liu Chang"s expectation - and this is only the first kinetic energy launch .

"Brother, you are such a good thing!" When she got out of the seaweed that had been "self restrained" before, taisher looked at it . Even if it was broken into two pieces, it was still two pieces of squid that wanted to escape from each other . She said, "if this shot is. .h.i.t on my head, it will definitely kill me with one shot! What a violent thing the man with gave you"Well, in addition to this emission, there are three keys behind it . " Liu Chang looks down at his own fish gun launcher . The operation of the launcher can be described as "fool type" -- the more high-tech things, the simpler the operation, which is reflected incisively and vividly .

The launcher has four b.u.t.tons with Chinese characters written on them . It is clear and simple at a glance - first kinetic energy emission, second kinetic energy emission, third kinetic energy emission and all kinetic energy emission .

As the name implies, the higher the number of kinetic energy launchers, the greater the power of the fish gun launched, and the more intense the energy consumption inside . The whole kinetic energy launcher should consume all the energy in the launcher as the last shot in a desperate attempt . Moreover, under the "all kinetic energy emission" b.u.t.ton, the reticent Li Qingshui annotated a line of small words: "if you press this b.u.t.ton, it is recommended to remove the collar . " .

This means that obviously, because the power of all kinetic energy launch is too powerful, it is bound to tear Liu Chang"s arm . After it is launched, it will not be under Liu Chang"s control . (to be continued)

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