Global Evolution

Chapter 387: 387

Chapter 387: 387

"After NABA port, Okinawa county is ahead . " Pointing to the port that the two men did not pa.s.s by, taisher said, "Naha, a military and commercial transit port occupied by little Turner, is actually a port now . After all, the sea is frozen, and most of the s.h.i.+ps built by human beings are useless . It is said that little Turner has recently developed an ice vehicle, which is much more than a s.h.i.+p, but does not know the ma.s.s production How long will it take to get down? "

Taisher was once a member of xiaoturner"s army, and as a Xilong nationality, his authority in the army should not be very low, so he understood a lot of hearsay .

"I don"t know how long this night will last?" Liu Chang looked at the sky and couldn"t understand the idea of heaven .

"No one can say anything about it . Maybe we can find out something by asking the protonuclear Presbyterian, but I heard that they don"t like to talk . " After landing on the largest island of the Ryukyu Islands, the two men ran to Okinawa county . "I remember that Okinawa did not have a Okinawa County before, but there was a Okinawa city . The two places were not in the same place . What"s the matter now?"

"Well, the one near the port of Naha is Okinawa county . Now it is a city where human beings live, and it is almost the only city where human beings live . As for the Okinawa city in the middle of the island, it has been transformed into a distribution center for marine life by little Turner . The buildings there are no longer suitable for human habitation, but it is too far away to go today . "

"Oh . " Liu Chang nodded and looked at the sky which had been completely dark for several hours . With taisher running in the country of the sea, they went to the edge of Okinawa county .

After all, the island is an island . Even if the island is a little larger, it will be more than 100 kilometers across . What"s more, Okinawa county is very close to the port of Naha where they landed, so it was not long before the two reached the edge of this human city .

When he came to the edge of the city, Liu Chang found that the city had been transformed into the architecture of an ancient city - he could see the new-style city walls on the edge of the city .

The walls were painted gray and black, not brick, but looked like they were made of a very hard plastic material . It"s covered with greasy material with a pungent smell on it . It looks wonderful .

"Do you know what this wall is for?" Taishel saw Liu Chang staring at the city wall, and his face showed a look of children who wanted to show off preaching .

"It should be used to protect those marine creatures who landed inexplicably . These coatings have a pungent smell and can keep many animals away . Moreover, the paint looks very greasy, so that those shrimps and crabs will not climb into the city . It"s supposed to be useless to monsters and intelligent creatures . It"s supposed to be just to prevent those small, dangerous organisms from moving around . " Liu Chang sucked his nose in the air and got such an answer: "what doesn"t make bricks is that for giant creatures, bricks or plastic baffles have little difference . And after the end of the human race, engineering has been greatly reduced . They can"t afford to build the city walls . "

Liu Chang said a set of words, blocked Tai Shel"s mouth, let him hold his breath for a long time, then suddenly remembered what"s added a sentence, "Er . This city wall is not built by human beings, it is the material provided by the sea people! "

"Ha ha, it seems that this place called pure human city is not so pure!" As they spoke, they reached the edge of the city"s "wall," and were later spotted by soldiers holding hands there .

However, the soldiers did not panic after seeing this man and a giant animal, apparently on this island . All kinds of intelligent biological communication has a long history . Soldiers obviously know Xilong people . Therefore, after seeing taixie, several soldiers came down from the "lookout platform" on the city wall respectfully, opening the "city gate" to taisher .

Of course, the city gate of the city wall is no exception - but even if it is plastic, Liu Chang can see that the baffle of the city gate is still very thick, and there are electronic devices in the things more than half a meter thick . Under the control of the soldiers, the city gate opened a huge door opening with a height of 30 meters and a width of 20 meters, so that people of this body type can also pa.s.s through safely .

Liu Chang didn"t pay attention to the electronic structure of the city gate . After all, this thing existed decades ago . When taisher bent down to enter the gate, he stretched out his hand to pinch the plastic material and slightly pressed a nest on it .

"This plastic is so hard that it can match the ordinary metal products . " After a few soldiers in j.a.panese farewell, Liu Chang and Tai Sher entered Okinawa county .

"Well, little Turner"s stuff is usually not too bad . " As soon as taishel entered the city, a j.a.panese woman who could speak the language of undersea people immediately welcomed her .

"Two Two, all right Women should belong to the evolution of vision, because in the cold winter night of death, in the dark, Liu Chang found that she accurately found the right direction from a long distance to meet up .

However, although her eyesight was not bad, she could only see the vague shadow of taishel in the night . She only found that there was a human being when she came near .

Probably I have never seen such a combination of one person and one Xilong, and I have never seen a human who dares to act alone in the sea in the middle of the night . So when a woman comes, she looks a little surprised . "h.e.l.lo, ladies and gentlemen, I"m dieno Xingyi, the guide of Okinawa . This gentleman is . . . " The female guide named dieno Xingyi looks at Liu Chang . For professional reasons, she can see that Liu Chang is not from the Ryukyu Islands or even from j.a.pan .

Although Chinese and j.a.panese are similar in appearance, they are quite different in temperament, not to mention dieno Xingyi, a specially trained receptionist, who can be easily distinguished by ordinary people .

Therefore, for this woman to see her ident.i.ty at a glance, and asked, Liu Chang is not surprised . After all, after all, few human beings have been able to travel across borders, let alone across the sea .

Liu Chang now has a frozen swimming suit in his hand, a fish gun on his back, and thorns that have not been removed in time . At first sight, this outfit is just coming from the ocean . This woman is not surprised, because according to her attempt, it is absolutely impossible for no one to cross the sea, even with the help of the Xilong people .

"Oh, I"m a Chinese from Jinan, Qingdao . " Liu Chang didn"t hide his ident.i.ty . After all, the purpose of his trip was to watch all the intelligent creatures on the sea floor . The best thing he could do was to have a good relations.h.i.+p with them . For the j.a.panese, the last four years had pa.s.sed . Liu Chang also wanted to see how the inhabitants of these sea island countries survived .

"From China?" Even though she had guessed something, when Liu Chang confessed, the receptionist still showed a look of surprise . She covered her mouth with her gloved hands, and blurted out a j.a.panese sentence: "うそ!"! Did you cross the sea? "

"Well, I came here after Donghai yesterday and wanted to have a rest . " When Liu Chang spoke, he suddenly thought that he had no money . After the end of the world, the hard currency in many places was grain . However, because the local governments had to operate the city"s commercial operation function, they usually forced their hair styles to be universal currency . Liu Chang thinks that since this is the territory occupied by the small Turner people of the undersea people, if there is no accident, they will also issue their currency for circulation, but he really has no money - he didn"t want to take some before he left, but the trip to the sea is extremely dangerous . Even more self-defense weapons are unnecessary, and he won"t bring this useless currency .

So, thinking of this, Liu Chang said --

"I don"t have any money now . If I need to, I will pay you some food tomorrow . . . "

"No, I don"t need to . . . " Before Liu Chang finished speaking, Dieye Xingyi quickly waved her hand, "it"s our honor to receive friends from China . Please come with me, sir and this gentleman . . . "

The j.a.panese woman spoke and bowed to Liu Chang and taishel, and then led them into Okinawa county .

Not long after entering the city, Liu Chang first saw a huge building, which seemed to be a wonderful hybrid building with obvious functions, which provided temporary accommodation for intelligent creatures of different sizes .

There are holes the size of fists, and there are huge rooms tens of meters high . This kind of things of different sizes and shapes come together, which looks like a kind of strange honeycomb .

After taking Liu Chang and taishel to the beehive, the j.a.panese woman bowed to them again and said to taishel, "this gentleman, please stay here tonight . "

"Well . " Taishel looked at the huge beehive . Although it was simple and crude, it was much warmer than that in the wild . Then he patted Liu Chang on the shoulder and said with a smile, "communicate well with your peers . I"ll sleep first . "

"Go to sleep . I"ll come to see you tomorrow . " Liu Chang nodded and watched Tai Shel drill into the beehive, then turned his head to the j.a.panese woman and continued: "go ahead, there should be a place for human beings in front of you?"

"Well, No The woman shook her head . "Because after the end of the day, few foreigners have come to this place, only our own place of residence . Come with me, sir . I"ll take you to our settlement . Please stay with us tonight . "

"Yes . " With a little bit of sense of preparedness, Liu Chang followed the woman forward . After a while, they came to an equally huge building . The building looked unbroken but not new . It looked like a renovated building . The woman pointed to the building and said, "five years ago, this is the Okinawa police headquarters . More than a year ago, the money was rebuilt into an underground building by the undersea people One third of us live here

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