Global Evolution

Chapter 363: 363

Chapter 363: 363

"Ha ha, if you have something to say, in the name of private, I"m really not used to your literary style . " Liu Chang clapped Xilong"s thigh with a smile and said, "you should be considered a more influential person in Xilong clan . "

"How do you know?" Asked Tessel .

"It"s easy to argue that you are the leader in front of the team at the beginning, and even if the status of Xilong is high, you should have an equal relations.h.i.+p with the undersea people . If you are just an ordinary Xilong, you should not be qualified to talk back to the officers of the seamen . " As Liu Chang a.n.a.lyzed, he asked, "so, what"s your status in Xilong?"

"An elder"s child was sent out for training . Originally, this battle was a trial battle, so I thought there was no danger, but I didn"t expect" what did the sea people tell you? " Liu Chang continued .

"No, I just said that I was fighting in the front line, and I was trying to test it . I talked to the elders of the Xilong people . But the elders are not much smarter than me, so I feel that they will be trapped in the sea Taishel said: "what we are talking about is how many resources on the land and how much fire can be brought to civilization by the elimination of big willow trees . What those sea insects say is true, I say we should not cooperate with them . "

"Ha ha . " Hearing taixie"s words, Liu Chang roughly what kind of cooperative relations.h.i.+p was between the white Xilong people and the sea people in the Ming Dynasty .

There should have been many intelligent races born on the bottom of the sea, but they are not all in one sea area - the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean . Each ocean is too far apart . Even if it is a giant ocean animal, it will take a lot of time to cross it .

What"s more, where the common race was born, it"s usually the most suitable environment for the sea animals in the Atlantic Ocean to go to the Pacific Ocean, and the sea animals in the deep sea may also feel uncomfortable when they come to the shallow sea . So, between the various races that were born . Just like the Xilong people, after the birth of wisdom, they should still live in their own territory . During this period, they may have met with other intelligent races, and may have learned some knowledge and language . But communication is certainly not frequent .

Until the arrival of the people of the sea, they used their intelligence advantages to deceive Gali to lure these races . As long as intelligent creatures, regardless of their intelligence, have their own desires . The people of the sea tell them what they want and move them for profit . They are not afraid that they can"t deceive these races . Not afraid that they will not "cooperate" .

After all, the sea people not only have a high IQ base, but also are the first to contact human civilization . Therefore, knowledge has its own advantages and disadvantages . After they have absorbed all of them, they naturally have their own means in negotiating such matters .

"The military secret you want to tell me is not this battle arranged by the undersea men, but actually a trial war at the forefront of knowledge?" Liu Chang looked at Xilong taixie and said, "this is not a secret!"

"No, no, No . I just said there are two reasons, two reasons for failure . " "The first secret, which is not cla.s.sified, is that this battle is tentative," teschel said . And the second, even if it"s a real secret . "

"This wave of undersea people are the small Nath people who were driven out by the deep-sea people . They are not very strong in the deep sea, so this is the second reason for their failure . " Taishel slowly told Liu Chang the current situation of the deep sea people .

"Since the sea people landed, they began to study human knowledge crazily, which is good . But in Haiti, the idea is different . Some undersea people don"t like land . They think that the deep sea is the place where they should live, so after learning the knowledge, they go back to the deep sea and prepare to establish their own civilization system on the seabed . They think that the resources of the ocean are 100 times richer than that of the land . They don"t need to occupy some environment they don"t like . It"s just like human beings don"t choose to settle in desert, so they learn to know After knowing . It seems to be grateful to human beings, and it seldom appears except for the occasional landing part to help human beings . "

"Another part of the undersea people think that life on the earth can be common, and they have the obligation to understand the whole earth, and also have the obligation to integrate other life on the earth . They think that species need to unite, and threats like willows need to be eliminated . Therefore, they have formed their own forces and want to do something through their own power . "

"Hehe, is this the master of the earth?" Liu Chang knew that Xilong said it well, but it came down to one word: desire to conquer .

Obviously, this separated undersea race, xiaoturner, is a race with a strong desire for conquest among the undersea people . They expel dissidents by means of close ties . In fact, Daliushu is also a kind of alien, integrating civilization and trying to do something important that they seem to do .

"So this little Turner is not very strong among the sea people?" Liu Chang asked .

"No, after they were separated from the sea people, they were not very strong indeed . I heard from my father that none of the real wise people of the undersea people, that is, the earliest born and best group of people, are of the xiaoturner nationality . It is said that the real elite undersea people, those intelligent embryonic seapeople who had been born four years ago, can understand the past and the future All of them are a hundred times smarter than ordinary sea people, and I don"t know if it"s true Xilong said some of the mysteries of the sea floor, "their most profound race is called prokaryote . . . ""Prokaryote?" Liu Chang chewed on the p.r.o.nunciation, "but found that this word belongs to the most simple and easy to understand p.r.o.nunciation in the sea people"s language . It"s like father and mother in human vocal organs

"Well, this ethnic group has a strong ability to produce eggs . The oldest wave is called prokaryotes, and they command almost all the people who are willing to dive into the deep sea and build their own civilization there . " When talking about this ethnic group, taisher"s face showed a different look than usual . Liu Chang knew that the giant sea animal didn"t look up to the sea people very much . But speaking of this ethnic group, his face had hundreds of muscles, which formed a different look -

and according to Liu Chang"s a.n.a.lysis, this look should be called longing .

Or reverence .

"What"s your opinion of willow?" Liu Chang asked this question on the point .

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