Global Evolution

Chapter 392: 392

Chapter 392: 392

Liu Chang also gave a rare smile when he saw the appearance of shuishunai next to him, and continued his first speech in his life -

"with this person as a translator, I don"t have to worry about your communication . I believe you all heard some news about me before you come here . Yes, I come from China . On the other side of the sea, I come from the East China Sea Swimming here, with a partner of Xilong nationality The sea is really beautiful and dangerous . . . "

Liu Chang"s speech for the first time in his life is longer than the ten speeches made by others . How could he think that some of the outside world he said casually would be so attractive to the residents of this island . From night to night, from midnight to early morning, the j.a.panese on these islands were even more and more enthusiastic . After Liu Chang said that, one after another, strange questions came one after another . They seemed to have unlimited curiosity about the outside world like birds in a cage .

In particular, they have unlimited concerns about the future of this kind .

At this moment, in the face of these people who have infinite desire for the world, Liu Chang suddenly found that the former concept of state was suddenly indifferent in the end of the world . He felt a kind of centripetal force from human beings .

As a result, he patiently talked about the outside world with these enthusiastic and language poor Islanders . At the end of the day, more and more people came, especially in the latter half of the night, when people from the other two neighboring tribes got news, which created a strange situation of shoulder to shoulder in the square, which was also Liu Changzi Since the uprising in Zhengzhou a year ago . It"s the first time to see such a high density of people gathering together .

So the speech and answering questions continued until 3:00 a . m . Liu Chang saw that everyone"s enthusiasm had not subsided, and he had to go on his way tomorrow . Only then did he signal to mizunouchi to finish his speech .

After receiving the look from Liu Chang, she was very pleased to know that she could raise her spirits if she continued to ask questions like this . Therefore, she had been listening to her translation without any unnecessary interruption, and for the first time, she said her own words besides translation .

"Well, there"s a lot of enthusiasm . But Mr . Liu is very tired Standing next to the loudspeaker, Mizuno mizus.h.i.+ tried to calm the wave of enthusiasm by lowering his gesture . He continued: "Mr . Liu will leave here tomorrow to go to a bigger ocean and experience more things . It is said that Mr . Liu"s next stop is Australia, where there are many poisons . So I suggest that we end this day . Let this friend from the other side of the sea have a good rest and face greater challenges tomorrow

Although many islanders still want to hear more about the outside world, no one asked any more questions . Liu Chang was among the crowd and watched by everyone . It"s squeezed out . But what made him feel a little funny was that before he left, there were still people looking for him to sign .

"Really?" Liu Chang picked up the crude pen and looked at the young men and girls who were looking forward to each other .

"Well . " The couple, who looked like brothers and sisters, nodded and stretched out their sleeves . Let Liu Chang sign his name - after signing, Liu Chang knows that this signature will follow them for a long time - because clothes are scarce in winter, and few people can change their clothes except for very few human beings . After all, there are too many things to wear, and the cloth in the past is easy to rot, and some things can be wrapped in the body, and most people will not let go .

After the signing, Liu Chang completely squeezed out of the crowd, then left the square in the eyes of everyone who could see him, and then under the leaders.h.i.+p of Narita mizus.h.i.+ . Came to a s.p.a.cious and clean check room .

"I haven"t had time to get you something to eat after talking for so long . " When she came to this room, she seemed much more energetic than before . It seemed that the energy of hope that appeared in the public was also transmitted to her, which made her more lively than before . She said this, and at the same time, she told her a.s.sistant to get some food .

a.s.sistant went back, the speed is still very fast, after a while, Liu Chang"s house is full of stoves .

"It"s nice to have a hot meal . " After the end of the world, people"s eating habits have changed . One is the shortage of food, the other is the weather . The food that Kazuo Mizuno entertains Liu Chang is quite different from the traditional j.a.panese food . It is actually a "pot stew" similar to hotpot .

However, it is because of this that it is more in line with the current weather conditions . After eating raw meat for a day, Liu Chang"s appet.i.te is greatly increased when he sees these things that can be cooked .

"Is this the sea man"s crop?" Liu Changjia has a mushroom like mushroom in his hand, which is also one of the most popular dishes .

"Well, the average undersea man will provide us with these mushrooms on a per capita basis every week . If we want to eat something else, we have to kill ourselves or exchange our resources . " As he spoke, he relaxed his collar and opened the stove filled with strange oil fuel for Liu Chang . The room immediately became hot .

After a day"s journey and a long speech, Liu Chang finally got tired, and the sky was about to light up . After making a warm bed for Liu Chang, he bowed down with a smile and was ready to leave . "Thank you, sir, for everything today . " Before leaving, he thought and said, "if you want a person to talk to, I can do it for you . "

"No, I just want to sleep alone . " Entering the warm bed, Liu Chang had no more words to say . He waved his hand and watched the mature woman step back to help him pull the door . He also immediately fell asleep .

After sleeping until the next day, Liu Chang thought about it . After thinking about it, Liu Chang easily bypa.s.sed everyone"s eyes and ears with his own equipment . He left the tribe from under the eyes of mizuna, who was waiting outside the door for a night, or from the ceiling above his head . He picked up the stairs from the underground to the cold outdoor . Liu Chang easily found the compound room by following the smell Taishel is still sleeping .

"Man, get up!" Taishel snored in bed, shaking the floor was shaking, "man, it"s time to get up!"

"I didn"t hear you snore before . Fortunately, this is in the city . If you snore on the sea or in the sea, how many predators can be attracted!" Liu Chang said

"Snoring?" Taisher heard Liu Chang"s words, his face puzzled for a while and laughed, "don"t worry, I will never make unnecessary sound in the sea . We Xilong people only sleep in the safe zone where the spirit is completely relaxed, and we will make redundant sound when we sleep . " (to be continued)

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