Global Evolution

Chapter 398: 398

Chapter 398: 398

From the biological point of view, poisons are generally bright in color, which is a threat and warning to the enemy . From their own bright colors, we can tell others in an intuitive way that Laozi is not easy to provoke, you"d better stay away from me . This is also the threat way of many creatures .

Some creatures in danger, the body will suddenly become the brightest color to frighten the enemy, this is a way of defense, very common in the animal kingdom .

Some non-toxic animals also use this method to confuse the public and the public - arouse the fear in the memory of other creatures, so as to defend themselves .

But in any case, bright body is generally a symbol of poison . Looking into the cave, Liu Chang"s eyes are full of bright colors, so bright that he seems to go back to the kindergarten era, the age of thirteen color crayons .

At that time, many children could not draw, but bought the most colorful and complete crayons, and then grabbed seven or eight sticks and daubed them on the white painting paper, making them colorful .

How similar the situation is .

Just at this time, the white painting paper became endless ice, and the colorful color became a pit of fish .

"Dare you jump in?" Liu Chang pointed to the colored things in the cave and asked Tai Shel .

"I dare not . " Taishel looked at a pit of things, and stepped back, "you want to jump . "

"Didn"t you grow up in Australia? Why are you so afraid of these poisons Liu Chang continued .

"It"s because I was born and grew up here that I"m so afraid of these colorful things . Besides, although I have a strong anti-virus ability, I am not far behind you? " Taishel stood at the edge of the hole, pointed to a poison with white rings inside, and said, "I"ll teach you to recognize what"s the most poisonous among you! That"s the long ring on the body . See? Generally speaking, there is a rule in Australia that the brighter the body is, the more poisonous it is, and the longer the body is, the more poisonous it is . "

"What about the ghost of zhonghaibai?" When it comes to poisons, Liu Chang suddenly remembered that he and taishel almost died in the middle sea for the first time . At that time, taishel was in a complete coma, caressing something like jelly on his body, which was extremely poisonous, but his body was not bright . There"s no pattern yet: "it doesn"t seem to fit the poison characteristics here . "

"No, I haven"t finished yet . " Taishel said, and continued to add what he had not finished just now, and said completely: "the full text is, the brighter the color is, the more poisonous it is . If you want to kill people like the wind, it depends on those monochromatic objects!"

The last sentence of Tessel"s speech was like a ballad . Especially when it is sung in the language of the sea people, the scale is very compact and has a feeling of human nursery rhyme .

"This is a song that we children have to recite from birth, so that they can have a profound understanding of poisons from childhood, and will not die in the middle of the journey . " "The meaning of this ballad is very clear . The brighter the color, the more poisonous it is . The more poisonous the ring is . The animals whose bodies are pure and have no trace of variegated color . They almost die when they meet . Australia"s twelve poisons (there are twelve Australian poisons in reality, which seems to be called Australia"s twelve King Kong) rank at the top, almost all of them are solid colors . "

"It"s not easy to mix up in this area . " Hearing taischel"s words, Liu Chang suddenly thought of the situation of the Australians at the early end of their lives - perhaps different from the Chinese . They have to face more colorful things . They will die inexplicably when they go out to eat a meal, or even die inexplicably after taking a breath of air .

"Sad Australians . " Liu Chang thought of this strange scene, deeply breathed a breath, and then stepped on his "chariot" again, "let"s go, how far is Darwin port

"It"s almost there . " Tai Shel saw Liu Chang get on the car, also left the hole, in front of the road, "there are more than 100 kilometers . I seem to have smelled home

After leaving the cave, they continued on the road . The distance of 100 kilometers between them was more than an hour"s journey . Therefore, after thousands of kilometers of fighting, they soon saw Darwin harbor, a huge harbor in northern Australia .

"s.h.i.+t . Home Getting along day and night for more than ten days, taishel had learned some of Liu Chang"s mantras . When he smelled the soil on the land from afar, taisher was as fast as flying .

And Liu Chang in the back also hastened to maximize the throttle of the aircraft, all the way roaring to catch up .

Port Darwin is a big port - the guts are a big group .

When he came to Darwin port, Liu Chang obviously saw something different from Bolong, that is, big and many . Nature is still the huge house, and more is the number of houses .

Different from the scattered houses for walking in Bolong, the mountains and Sea rocks here are stacked in neat rows, with scale, quant.i.ty and shape - and the number of Xilong people is also very large . Before he got to the seaside, Liu Chang saw no less than 50 Xilong people digging pits in groups to prepare for hunting . While pa.s.sing by the hunting team, a Xilong recognized taixie .

"Ah, is it Mr . taisher coming back?" A Xilong with a huge harpoon heard the roar of running from afar . He was wrinkling his forehead to see who was so ignorant . He started to run away from the fish that had just been dug up in the hole . However, he saw taisher"s all-round running, and then his forehead immediately expanded . "Taischer Young master Liu Chang almost didn"t laugh when he heard the fis.h.i.+ng captain"s words from a distance . He always felt that the Xilong people were a bold and unconstrained race, and had never heard of honorifics to anyone . Although when he first met taisher, Liu Chang guessed that this man was of high status from his conversation with the Haimen chief Guan Xi, but now he heard honorifics from one of the roughest races It"s kind of funny .

"Don"t laugh, childe is our honorific t.i.tle . " Taishel heard Liu Chang laughing at him, and said a word while running .

Then they came to the fis.h.i.+ng team one after another .

First taixie, then Liu Chang .

Therefore, the expressions of the Xilong people who were fis.h.i.+ng at the front and back feet changed twice when they saw the surprise of taixie"s return, and then the curiosity of Liu Chang"s arrival . Because of the lessons learned from the past two times, Liu Chang changed his skin into scales before he came this time, and then became the favorite fresh food of Xilong Red .

"What kind of species is this? It looks so cute . " One is obviously a female Xilong . Seeing Liu Chang"s love in her eyes, she reaches out to pinch it .

"Human beings, mutant humans, my friend . " To stop the reckless behavior of the people, taisher introduced: "this is my friend, my best friend, who saved my life . "

"Ah?" Hearing taixie"s words, the female Xilong, who stretched out her hand to pinch Liu Chang, stopped her claws . She angrily returned to the original place and asked, "I have saved the life of the young master . I can"t think of this lovely little thing . No, no, no, this human is still very powerful . "

"I"ll tell you about him later . Are my parents still in the family?" Asked Tessel .

"Well, the two adults are still in the family . They both think the childe is dead . They are planning to have another child . . . "

"Poof!" Hearing this, Liu Chang, who had endured for a long time, couldn"t help laughing directly . Generally speaking, the death of a child is a very sad thing for human beings . However, the happy Xilong people obviously don"t know what sadness is . As taisher said, when they die, they become flesh like relatives, and they will not have any thoughts on the dead .

Therefore, the death of taischel, his parents will not be sad, but are planning to fill their void with another person .

This is not what makes Liu Chang feel the most ridiculous place . The most ridiculous thing is that an outsider is informing taixie of this matter with a serious and solemn expression, and taisher himself is still interested in hearing it .

"What? They are going to have a baby Taishel was shocked to hear the news, and ignored Liu Chang, who was laughing at the side, and said goodbye to them and ran to the port again, "we can"t let them regenerate . If we have more children, we will consume our energy greatly . I"ll go first . I"ll inform them that I"m back . You can keep busy with you

Taishel waved his paws while running, and left the sea ice in a big stride, while Liu Chang naturally followed .

All the way to the maximum throttle, Liu Chang came to the seaside and stopped the aircraft to the sh.o.r.e . Then he ran quickly to catch up with the pace of Tai Sher, who was running at full speed in front of him . He shuttled between huge stone houses, and soon came to the largest man-made hillside of the port .

"You have a big family . " The hillside of the port is man-made . It looks like a hill more than 100 meters high .

Smell should be a piece of sea rock, very hard texture, was so born to be carried to the sh.o.r.e, put on the sh.o.r.e, the most obvious, the highest terrain - much larger than ordinary houses .

The mountain has been hollowed out into a hollow shape, and there are two Xilong guards at the door .

The two guards saw Tai Sher and Liu Chang from a distance, and then their faces showed the same expression as those of the fishermen: "childe, you . . . "

"Go ahead, I"ll tell you later!" Taishel did not have time to listen to the words of the two guards, all the way into the house, and Liu Chang followed closely, entered the real home of this friend .

There is no magnificence in the imagination . There are no dazzling decorations in the huge mountain . There are only some simple and simple tables and chairs . After entering the mountain, Liu Chang did not find more Xilong people . It is different from the situation in which servants and servants are everywhere in the ancient big families . It seems that although the Xilong people have formed a social cla.s.s However, due to time and character, there is no obvious privileged cla.s.s here .

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