Global Evolution

Chapter 430: 430

Chapter 430: 430

However, the absence of Li Qingshui"s trace does not mean that he can be at ease . More and more amphibians gathered from all directions, and gradually formed a encirclement situation . After two minutes, their number increased by a geometric multiplier and gradually occupied the absolute advantage .

What"s more, the troops coming from the research inst.i.tute obviously have different weapons from those of the surrounding amphibians . Many amphibian groups that look like battle companies have heavy weapons with huge caliber .

"Speed up and surrender . We don"t want to kill you . " After the amphibians took control of the situation, the attack suddenly stopped - two minutes and forty-seven seconds were counted down, and the amphibians gradually took control of the absolute situation .

Faced with the encirclement of thousands of amphibians, and with a large number of "artillery area coverage level" heavy firepower, Liu Chang now even if another mutation is not possible to win .

However, Liu Chang didn"t intend to win either - because he saw no possibility of victory in the face of 20000 amphibians armed with super technology . His mission goal at the moment is to reach or escort Li Qingshui to this nanbanqiao alley . At the moment, Li Qingshui disappeared here, which means that his mission goal has been achieved . Therefore, he is very cooperative Stop and delay .

"I don"t want to resist, but are you not afraid to confront the human army with such a large-scale march?" Although Liu Chang said this surrender, he didn"t mean to put down the weapon in his hand . He wanted to quarrel now . The more he pulled, the longer the better . After all, it seems that Li Qingshui"s situation is not as simple as finding the hiding place . If there is no accident, Liu Chang can imagine that the place where the hidden stream should be a scientific laboratory, after all At the end of the flow, he cut off half of his head . If the body dies, it is very difficult to keep it .

After all, microbes are so powerful that ordinary means can"t guarantee the long-term integrity of a flesh and blood body .

"Although the combat effectiveness of the human army is not comparable to that of you, no one is inferior to that of weapons of ma.s.s destruction . You"d better not be too presumptuous in human cities . . . " Liu Chang continued to roar in the air . Now he could see hundreds of muzzles pointing at his face . This sense of oppression was very intuitive, as if thousands of guns would be fired at the next moment, turning this area into powder .

"Human weapons of ma.s.s destruction? In the capital? " Amphibians yelled at Liu Chang from afar: "do you feel this possibility? Don"t waste time with us . We want to know where Li Qingshui is now, and where did you put our ancestors" bodies after you killed liuzu? "

"I don"t know about that . " Liu Chang looked at more and more gun muzzle aimed at him, and gradually produced a threat to his life . He had to urge in his heart, hoping that Li Qingshui could be faster there .

After all, they risked their lives all the way in order not to control their own lives in other people"s hands - even if the final solution is to negotiate, but if their own lives are completely controlled by others, the negotiations will fall into complete pa.s.sivity - because you can"t ask for more - everything you can offer, the best The result is to get your own life back .

As a result, the countdown in his heart kept counting down . Looking at the increasing number of muzzles in the air, Liu Chang"s coldness gradually increased . He even felt that there were amphibians in the team, and he seemed to want to fire a special kind of sh.e.l.l to paralyze himself in place .

"I can"t wait!" The chill in his heart is getting more and more serious . Before falling into complete pa.s.sivity, Liu Chang"s feet move . At this moment, the muscles of his thighs become the dynamo tissue of arthropods . When a big pit is stepped out of the ground, people shoot out like .

Almost at the same time, the nervous amphibian pressed the b.u.t.ton of the transmitter in his hand .

In principle, hundreds and thousands of rockets are enough to turn this area into ruins . After all, nanbanqiao hutong is a small street . During the war, it can"t even withstand a large-scale bomb attack . Hundreds of rockets are enough to make this area clear ten times .

But amphibians also seem to know that the body of the flow is hidden here . If they find that the first target disappears here, and the second target stays here to argue with them, they will understand what is going on . Therefore, after determining the target, they were afraid that the explosive weapons would hurt the flow of the body, so they had a unified brain domain command, and replaced all the weapons in this batch with a kind of strange smoke bomb .

Puff, puff!!!

After hundreds of .h.i.t the ground, it is no longer the strong energy flow explosion, but replaced by a kind of gas mixed with radioactive substances . This gas has no damage to buildings, and even has less lethality to human body than the afterwave of previous . This is a kind of strange numb sh.e.l.l . The gas seems to be mixed with willow sap, which has an amazing paralyzing effect Liu Chang held his breath for the first time . Even though he left the core area of the gas at the first time, half of his body touched those strange gases and was still completely paralyzed .

The right hand holding the knife almost froze there . Liu Chang felt that after the gas was stuck, it seemed that the blood would no longer flow . It turned into something like mercury and lead sand repeatedly, and it solidified on the blood vessel wall . "* *, how many strange things have willow made against me?" This kind of gas seems to be only effective for human beings . After the amphibians fired the sh.e.l.l, they did not get any injuries . There was also a "special team" carrying a vacuum cleaner like thing on their back, which could spray this kind of thing into the air regionally and extensively . It seems that they want to wrap the whole block around several blocks The Ministry is in the range of this strange paralytic potion .

"The human army is gathering fast Vacuum this area . . . " Liu Chang captured some pieces of EEG information in the air, so that he could know that the human army after the end of the world is also not a dry meal, but compared with the amphibians who were prepared earlier and had more advanced weapons, it seemed that they were still a little slower .

The paralytic medicine in the air is gradually crowded to every corner, and nanbanqiao Hutong, as the core launching area of gas, is naturally covered with every inch of s.p.a.ce .

In which Liu Chang felt that the power of action fell again and again, as if the next moment will become a rock condensation in place . (to be continued)

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