Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 397 - Chapter 397: New Moon Bloodline Advances To Six- Winged!

Chapter 397 - Chapter 397: New Moon Bloodline Advances To Six- Winged!

Chapter 397: New Moon Bloodline Advances To Six- Winged!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At Venus base city, the New Moon Citizen Ma Qi and his companions walked on the streets in boredom.

“I’m so envious of those who can go to Earth to carry out missions! They can easily obtain a large number of merit points.”

“That’s right. Humans on Earth are like chives that can be harvested at will by our New Moon Organization. In history, our New Moon Organization has done this countless times. It’s not difficult at all.”

“Unfortunately, our levels are too low and we’re not strong enough. We’re not qualified to go to Earth to carry out missions.”

Ma Qi listened to his companions’ words with a hint of yearning in his eyes.

He could easily obtain a large number of merit points by going to Earth to carry out missions.

Moreover, the greater the merit, the more merit.

In the New Moon Organization, merit points were extremely important.

Basically, all the resources of the New Moon Organization could be exchanged with merit points.

Ma Qi also wanted to go to Earth to carry out the missions of the organization and earn merit points.

In this way, he could use his merit points to exchange for a large number of cultivation resources to become stronger as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, he was not strong enough and was not qualified to go to Earth to carry out a mission.

Suddenly, a huge shadow descended.

Puzzled, Ma Qi raised his head and immediately realized that in the sky above the city, a figure carrying four silver wings that blotted out the sun had appeared out of nowhere.

“Has… has the Lord of the Holy Race descended?”

Ma Qi was shocked.

His companions also sensed that something was wrong. When they looked up and saw a figure with four silver wings that covered the sky, their reaction was the same as Ma Qi’s. They thought that a Lord of the Holy Race had descended.

In the New Moon Organization, everyone knew that only people from the Holy Race could awaken the true New Moon Bloodline and awaken Silver Wing, who was known as the Wings of Stars.

Now, the figure in the sky was carrying four silver wings that covered the sky.

If it wasn’t the Lord of the Holy Race, who else could it be?

Ma Qi and the others weren’t the only ones who noticed the figure in the sky.

In this city, almost all the citizens of New Moon City discovered the figure that looked like a G.o.d or a devil.

Some people even knelt down and worshipped the figure with four wings on its back.



The Void trembled, and a substantial Spiritual pressure pressed down like a mountain, enveloping the entire Venus Base City.

This Spiritual pressure was too terrifying.

The Void seemed to be unable to withstand it as a large area of distortion appeared.

Almost instantly, Ma Qi felt as if his head had been hit by a heavy mace. An unbearable pain surged from the depths of his brain.


He could not help but scream. He held his head in his hands and knelt on the ground.

“What… what’s going on? Why would the Lords of the Holy Race attack us?”

Ma Qi’s heart was filled with confusion. Under the stimulation of the bone-piercing pain in his mind, his vision became blurry.

He could only vaguely see that his companions had also knelt down.

No, almost everyone on the long street knelt down.

“Human Chu Zhou, why are you here?”

Ma Qi vaguely heard such an angry roar.

He struggled to raise his head, fighting the headache. He looked at the sky and tried to clear his blurry vision.

Immediately, he vaguely saw figures with torrential flames flying up from various parts of the city and rushing towards the figure with four wings on its back.

He was just an ordinary New Moon citizen and a low-level member of the New Moon Organization. He didn’t know most of the experts in this base city.

However, he recognized the figure who led the experts into the sky.

It was the highest-ranking person in charge of the base city—Lord Xu Sheng.

Other than Lord Xu Sheng, he also vaguely recognized the other Martial G.o.ds.

“Why did the Lord of the Holy Race attack us? Why did Lord Xu Sheng lead everyone to deal with the Lord of the Holy Race?”

At this moment, Ma Qi felt a sharp pain in his head, and his thoughts were a little sluggish as he thought in a daze.

Vaguely, he felt that the name Lord Xu Sheng called out was somewhat familiar.

At this moment, he saw an incomparably terrifying scene.

The terrifying figure with four wings on its back slowly stretched out a hand, opened its five fingers, and suddenly clenched them.

In an instant, Lord Xu Sheng, the few Martial G.o.ds, and all the experts who rushed into the sky were all squeezed into blood.

“…” At this moment, Ma Qi’s mind went blank.

His scalp went numb, and his body trembled instinctively. His body secreted sweat crazily, dyeing his clothes wet.

Then, he vaguely saw a horrifying scene.

Many people on the street suddenly had their heads exploded.

Not far from him, the heads of a few powerful martial artists in silver cloaks suddenly exploded also.

Scarlet blood even splattered at his feet.

“Am I going to die?”

Ma Qi thought in fear.

However, he did not die. His companions who were kneeling on the ground beside him were not dead either.

He did not know why he and his companions did not die bue his heart was filled with fear, and he did not have the energy to think about anything else.

He only saw a huge black hole appear in the sky above the city. Then, corpses floated up and flew towards the black hole before being devoured by it.

Vaguely, he saw the terrifying figure with four wings flying towards a secret building in the center of the base city.

A moment later, the figure soared into the sky and completely disappeared from his sight.

At the same time, the mental pressure that enveloped the entire city disappeared, and so did the huge black hole.

Ma Qi collapsed to the ground and took in deep breaths of air, slowly recovering from the suffocating feeling.

However, there was still deep fear in his eyes.

It was the same for his companions.

“Lord Xu Sheng is dead. The Martial G.o.ds guarding our base city are also dead… There are so many experts, but all of them are dead. It seems that we survived because we are not strong enough.”

“Yeah, we survived because we weren’t strong enough.”

Xu Sheng’s companions trembled at this moment, and their faces turned pale.

Ma Qi smiled bitterly. He had also noticed that the people who died on the long street were all strong people, while weak people like them had survived.

Suddenly, he remembered who Lord Xu Sheng had shouted before he died.

“Chu Zhou… Isn’t this the most terrifying genius in the Human Alliance on Earth? He actually appeared in our Venus Base City and killed all our experts… Even Lord Xu Sheng was killed by him. Has his strength already reached this level?”

Ma Qi finally remembered Chu Zhou’s ident.i.ty.

He was extremely shocked by this.

In the sky of Mars.

[Attribute points: 3,730,000,000 ( + 500,000,000)]

Chu Zhou looked at his Attribute Board and saw that he had gained another 500 million attribute points. A satisfied expression appeared on his face.

After leaving Mars, he “visited” Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Ura.n.u.s, Neptune, Venus, and the other six planets at his fastest speed. He ended with Venus.

Even though the powerhouses of these six planets were far inferior to Mars in terms of ma.s.s and quant.i.ty,

it still contributed a large number of contribution points to him.

His total attribute points reached 3,730,000,000.

“Upgrading the Nomological Profound requires too many attribute points. Even a low-level Profound requires about one billion points from Beginner to Lesser Mastery. It requires five billion points from Lesser Mastery to Large Mastery and 10 billion points from Large Mastery to Perfection.”

“As for the increase in intermediate and advance-level Profound, the attribute points consumed are even more terrifying.”

“3,730,000,000 attribute points. It looks like a lot… but in fact, it’s still unable to raise any of my Profound from Lesser Mastery to Large Mastery.”

At this moment, Chu Zhou suddenly felt the “barrenity” of the solar system.

The Solar System consisted mainly of the Sun, eight planets, numerous dwarf planets and asteroids, and countless smaller celestial bodies.

However, the only planets with life were Earth, the Moon, Mars, and the other seven planets occupied by the New Moon Organization.

However, the life force of the New Moon Organization was far inferior to that of Earth. It was not even one-thousandth of the life force on Earth.

Therefore, it could be said that life in the solar system was basically concentrated on Earth.

Chu Zhou could obtain attribute points by devouring powerful life…

The stronger the lifeform, the more attribute points he would obtain after devouring it.

On the other hand, if it was too weak, the attribute points after he devoured it would be almost negligible.

There were too few planetary lifeforms in the solar system. Even Martial G.o.ds were few in number…

With his current situation, he could probably devour all the life in the entire solar system. It was probably far from being able to raise all the Profounds he had grasped to the Large Mastery realm.

It was because of this that he suddenly felt that the solar system was “barren”.

“Looks like I have to find other ways to obtain attribute points in the future… Let’s see if I can find one. Other than devouring flesh and blood, 1 can also obtain attribute points through other methods.”

He muttered to himself and looked at the Attribute Board again. He pulled up the information about the New Moon Bloodline that he had not paid attention to for a long time.

[New Moon Bloodline: Wings 100% (Upgradable)]

“Even though I’ve embarked on the path of laws and ordinary bloodline powers are no longer of much help to me… the increase in strength from the New Moon Bloodline is still very considerable.”

“Moreover, the New Moon Bloodline can actually give birth to abilities like Internal s.p.a.ce and Instant Flash. It must be related to s.p.a.ce. The New Moon Bloodline is not simple. It’s worth continuing to improve.”

Thinking that his current attribute points were not enough to increase his Profound, he decided to use them to increase his New Moon Bloodline.

“Improve my New Moon Bloodline!” Chu Zhou thought.

The next moment, the four silver wings that covered the sky behind him automatically extended.

Countless mysterious, ancient, and n.o.ble runes spun on the four huge silver wings.

An extremely ancient and primitive powerful bloodline in his body boiled violently at this moment, emitting terrifying fluctuations.

The entire sky of Venus turned completely dark.

Endless dazzling stars appeared.


A terrifying pillar of starlight that was a hundred miles long suddenly descended from the depths of the ancient Starry Sky and enveloped Chu Zhou’s body.


A pair of brand new silver wings suddenly extended from his back.

Moreover, this pair of brand new silver wings and the other four silver wings were all growing.

In the end, the six silver wings were a hundred miles long..

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