Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 606: King Of Adventurers a.s.sessment!

Chapter 606: King Of Adventurers a.s.sessment!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Golden Flame Star.

Chu Zhou once again arrived at the Universe Adventurer Alliance’s branch on Golden Flame Planet.

In fact, this was the seventh time he had come here. He was already familiar with this place.

“Tsk, it’s ‘Lord of Yan Huang’ Chu Zhou.”

Chu Zhou had just stepped into the Universe Adventurer Alliance when many martial artists who were working here recognized him and looked at him in awe.

“…Isn’t ‘Lord of Yan Huang’ Chu Zhou already a six-star adventurer? Why is he still here? Could it be that he wants to partic.i.p.ate in the seven-star adventurer a.s.sessment?”

“The Seven Star Adventurer a.s.sessment is also known as the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment. This is an a.s.sessment that very few people apply to partic.i.p.ate in! Even many Universe Lords have never partic.i.p.ated in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment.”

“Generally speaking, the value of the Adventurer’s Medal is incomparable to the value of the Intrepid Medal in the Infinite Battle Arena. It’s even incomparable to the value of the Conqueror Medal.

If the person who obtained the Adventurer’s Medal was an Elite, then the person who obtained the Intrepid Medal was an elite among elites.

As for those who received the Conqueror Medal, they were invincible among their peers by default!

However, the value of the King of Adventurers medal was comparable to the value of the World Overlord Realm Conqueror Medal.

“In our Blood Mountain Galaxy for billions of years, including dragons, only four people have obtained the Domain Realm Conqueror Medal. However, no one has obtained the World Overlord Realm Conqueror Medal. Similarly, no one has obtained the King of Adventurers Medal.

“If the Lord of Yan Huang, Chu Zhou, can obtain the King of Adventurers Medal, then he will have made history.”

“…The value of the King of Adventurers medal is indeed high… but it’s too dangerous. It’s not that no one in our Blood Mountain Galaxy has partic.i.p.ated in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment, but they’re all dead!”

In the hall of the Universe Adventurer Alliance, martial artists looked at Chu Zhou with burning eyes. Even some World Overlord-level experts stopped in their tracks and stared at Chu Zhou…

They really wanted to know if Chu Zhou was going to partic.i.p.ate in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment.

“Lord Chu Zhou, why did you come to our Adventurer Alliance this time…?”

Bagger, the person-in-charge of the Golden Flame Star Universe Adventurer Alliance branch, hurriedly came out of his office to receive Chu Zhou personally after knowing that he had arrived.

Chu Zhou glanced at everyone in the hall indifferently and said calmly to Bagger, “I want to apply for the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment!”


It was as if a thunderclap had sounded in everyone’s minds.

In the hall, everyone looked at Chu Zhou in shock. They did not expect Chu Zhou to really partic.i.p.ate in the extremely dangerous King of Adventurers a.s.sessment.

In the hall, everyone looked at Chu Zhou in shock. They did not expect Chu Zhou to really partic.i.p.ate in the extremely dangerous King of Adventurers a.s.sessment.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. “Lord Chu Zhou, please come to my office to speak in detail.”

He quickly brought Chu Zhou to his office.

After Chu Zhou’s figure disappeared, the martial artists in the hall were completely excited.

“… ‘Lord of Yan Huang’ Chu Zhou is actually partic.i.p.ating in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment. This is definitely a huge event that will shock the entire Blood Mountain Star Field!”

“The impact of this matter is too great. If Chu Zhou the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment and becomes the King of Adventurers, Coiling Dragon Manor will truly be invincible in the Blood Mountain Galaxy. At that time, Coiling Dragon Manor will directly become the number one holy land in the Blood Mountain Galaxy, surpa.s.sing the Blood Mountain Sacred Land and the Mirror Moon Lake Sacred Land… Even the Blood Mountain Empire will probably have to listen to the Coiling Dragon Manor.

However, if Chu Zhou failed and died in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment, Coiling Dragon Manor would be in danger. Almost everything Coiling Dragon Manor had now relied on Chu Zhou.

Without Chu Zhou holding the fort, Coiling Dragon Manor, which had just been promoted to the Third Holy Land for a few years, would probably fall from the ranks of the Holy Lands. It might even be in danger of being destroyed… After all, Chu Zhou had offended too many super factions previously.

“Once Chu Zhou dies, those super forces that Chu Zhou had offended in the past will definitely stand up and kick him while he’s down. They might even take the opportunity to divide up Coiling Dragon Manor.”

In the hall, many martial artists discussed.

Moreover, they quickly sent the news to the Mirror Universe.

Hence, in less than 10 minutes, all the major factions and countless martial artists in the Blood Mountain Galaxy knew that Chu Zhou was partic.i.p.ating in the King of Adventurers’ a.s.sessment.

The entire Blood Mountain Galaxy was shocked.

Is he so confident that he will definitely pa.s.s the King of Adventurers’ a.s.sessment?”

The Emperor of the Blood Mountain Empire, Dong Fu Blood Mountain, muttered to himself as he gazed deeply in the direction of the Golden Flame Planet.

“Aren’t you satisfied after becoming a Transcendent World Overlord? You still want to become the King of Adventurers… Should I say that you’re eager to improve, or that you’re rash and impulsive?”

In the Blood Mountain Sacred Land, a slender woman stood at the peak of the Blood Mountain, facing the wind. The long blue hair on her back was more than ten meters long, fluttering in the wind like a blue waterfall.

Her name was Prynne, and she was the greatest foundation of the Blood Mountain Sacred Land.

Holy Lord Tian Mang of the Blood Mountain Sacred Ground stood behind her with an indescribable respect.

“King of Adventurers a.s.sessment? Has someone in our Blood Mountain Galaxy finally dared to partic.i.p.ate in this a.s.sessment again? Is it because of their youth? Heh heh, it’s a pity that when we became Transcendent World Overlords, we were too old. After living for a long time, we became afraid of death and didn’t dare to partic.i.p.ate in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment.”

In the Mirror Moon Lake Sacred Land, in a pavilion at the center of the lake, a beautiful woman with a plump figure, snow-white skin, and an elegant temperament was reclining on a jade bed. Her right hand was supporting her head, and her clothes were lowered, revealing a beautiful snow-white scene.

At this moment, several graceful figures were dancing on the lake, and someone was playing a melodious instrument.

However, the beautiful woman on the jade bed was not in the mood to admire it. Her eyes were staring blankly in the direction of the Golden Flame Star, and a trace of self-mockery appeared at the corners of her mouth.

It was as if he was mocking others and himself.

“Heh heh, you don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. Do you think you can pa.s.s the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment just because you became a Transcendent World Overlord? Little do you know that… more than 99% of the Transcendent World Overlords who partic.i.p.ated in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment have died.”

In the headquarters of the Crimson Moon Church, the Head Palace Master, who had the wordT engraved on his golden mask, smiled coldly.

After the news of Chu Zhou partic.i.p.ating in the King of Adventurers’ a.s.sessment spread, it caused countless martial artists to discuss and quarrel.

Some people thought highly of Chu Zhou, while others did not.

The outside world was in an uproar, but the Coiling Dragon Manor was calm.

This was because the people from Coiling Dragon Manor had long known that Chu Zhou was partic.i.p.ating in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment.

Golden Flame Star, Universe Adventurer Alliance, Bagger’s office…

“Lord Chu Zhou, I’ve already settled the application procedures for the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment for you.”

“However, the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment is rather special. Currently, you’re the only one from our Blood Mountain Galaxy who has applied to partic.i.p.ate in the a.s.sessment. Therefore, we’ll probably let you partic.i.p.ate in the a.s.sessment with applicants from other Star Fields.”

“Next, you just have to wait for the notice from the higher-ups.” Bagger said enthusiastically.

If the Adventurers Alliance branch he was in charge of gave birth to a King of Adventurers…

Then, as the person-in-charge, he also had huge achievements. It was even enough to advance him by one level.

“Alright! 1’11 wait for the notice in Golden Flame City.”

Chu Zhou nodded and left the Adventurer Alliance.

He stayed in the Blade Edge Chamber of Commerce branch in Golden Flame City and waited for the Adventurer Alliance’s notice.

He did not care about the commotion in the outside world.

The notification came very quickly.

On the third day, Chu Zhou received a notice to go to the square in front of the Universe Adventurer Alliance and wait for the person who would pick him up for the a.s.sessment.

Chu Zhou and Bagger waited for a dark blue droplet-shaped s.p.a.ceship in the square.

“You’re Chu Zhou?”

A blue-skinned one-eyed man alighted from the s.p.a.ceship and stared at Chu Zhou.

“This is a Transcendent World Overlord!”

Almost instantly, Chu Zhou sensed the strength of the one-eyed man in front of him.

Almost instantly, Chu Zhou sensed the strength of the one-eyed man in front of him.

h.e.l.lo!” Chu Zhou smiled and nodded at Wuka.

“Since you are Chu Zhou, get on the s.p.a.ceship now!” Wuka nodded and replied.

Chu Zhou’s figure immediately moved and followed Wuka into the water droplet-shaped s.p.a.ceship.

The water droplet-shaped s.p.a.ceship quickly disappeared from the Golden Flame Star.

After Chu Zhou entered the s.p.a.ceship, he realized that other than Wuka and the three staff members in the Adventurer Alliance’s uniform, there were six other people.

The moment Chu Zhou entered, the six of them looked at him.

“They’re all Transcendent World Overlords… These six people should be the ones who partic.i.p.ated in the King of Adventurers a.s.sessment with me!”

Chu Zhou sensed the energy fluctuations of the six people and was secretly shocked.

“h.e.l.lo, my name is Xi Mo. I’m from the mid-level civilization country in the universe, the Purple Thorns Empire. Brother, how should I address you?”

An extremely sunny-looking young man greeted Chu Zhou.

On his head, there was a curved golden horn, which reminded Chu Zhou of the golden-horned king in Journey to the West in his previous life.

“Chu Zhou!” Chu Zhou said his name.

“Then 1’11 call you Brother Chu,” Xi Mo said enthusiastically. “Brother Chu, let me introduce you to the others.”

“His name is Rambo, and he’s from the Luo Lan Empire.”

“Her name is Longyue, and she’s from the Long River Empire.”

“His name is He Yu. He’s also from the Long River Empire.”

“His name is Ai Tuo’er. He’s from the Northern Ice Empire.”

“Her name is Saffy. She’s from the Blue Moon Empire.”

Under Xi Mo’s enthusiastic introduction, Chu Zhou quickly got to know the other five people.

These five people were all from the Zhen Yang universe country’s intermediate level civilizations.

These five people were of different races.

Rambo looked like a lizardman and had many lizard characteristics.

Longyue actually had three faces at the same time, and each face was very beautiful.

He Yu looked similar to humans on Earth, but he had a pair of crane-like wings on his back.

Ai Tuo’er’s skin was almost translucent. Through his skin, one could vaguely see a mysterious blue liquid flowing in his body.

Extreme coldness emanated from his body.

As for Saffy, she was a voluptuous, cold, and beautiful woman. She had waist-length hair that emitted blue light, and there was a blue moon mark between her eyebrows.

“They’re not simple people”

Chu Zhou sized up the six of them, including Xi Mo. He sensed the faint and suppressed energy fluctuations on their bodies and was secretly vigilant.

Almost at the same time, Xi Mo and the others were also secretly sizing up Chu Zhou. When they sensed the energy fluctuations on Chu Zhou’s body that were as deep as the sea, they were also extremely wary of him..

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