Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1217 - 1217 The Search

Chapter 1217 - 1217 The Search

1217 The Search

The realm of the barbarians.

The headquarters of the Holy Court in the eastern part of the Empire.

In the prayer temple, Bishop Karkkila was bathed in the holy light. He knelt piously in front of the Book of Oath and silently chanted the prayer.

All of a sudden, he sensed something. He opened his eyes, gazing at the altar in front of him.


Holy light fell from the sky and gathered on the Book of Oath on the altar.

“Ka ka ka…”

The pages of the Book of Oath flipped by themselves under the mysterious force’s guidance, and they quickly stopped at one of the pages.

A gentle holy light bloomed from the Book of Oath.

A miracle!

A miracle had actually appeared in front of him!

Karkkila prayed silently, his eyes shining with a strange light, and even his breathing was a little rushed because of his excitement.


Behind him, the door of the prayer hall was slowly pushed open.

Two knights from the Holy Court entered the room respectfully and knelt on one knee.

“The news from the Empire says that the Imperial mausoleum of the Empire has been destroyed.”

Karkkila took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

A warm smile appeared on his face.

“The seal of the Imperial mausoleum has loosened. This day has come faster than we expected. The holy realm has already sent the latest revelation.”

Karkkila turned his head with a pious smile on his face and said, “It’s our destiny, holy warriors.”

“This continent has decayed. The people have forgotten their faith and who saved their lives. Disaster is coming, and it will awaken their painful memories.”

“For the sake of a bright future, we must make some sacrifices.”

“Darkness shall bring about a new life. Only the holy light can save this world.”

The followers of the Holy Court were all excited.

“Begin executing our plan. I believe that the holy light will once again illuminate this land and completely dispel the darkness.”

“As you wish, Lord Bishop.”


In the Land of Plague, in the central region of the sacred tree forest, as he watched the zombie clones come and go, transporting resources to help with the construction of the Tier 2 mage tower, Warren’s eyes were filled with surprise.

The zombie creatures could actually cooperate and help in the construction of the mage tower?

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Warren would have found it hard to imagine.

Was Fang Heng controlling everything from behind the scenes?

With Fang Heng around, they could really build a large number of mage towers on the continent and completely seal the abyssal demons!

Warren unconsciously loosened his clenched fist.

For hundreds of years, under the heavy pressure of the Empire, Warren had always felt that completely eliminating the demons had gradually become an illusory thing.

Until he met Fang Heng.

He seemed to have seen the light of hope in Fang Heng.

He had never been so excited before.

“What’s wrong with the people from the Mage a.s.sociation? Why are they in the Land of Plague?”

Once again, Warren shifted his gaze to the members of the Mage a.s.sociation, his eyes filled with doubt.

“Yes, I’ve worked with the Mage a.s.sociation before, and I asked them for help. In recent years, the Empire has been researching a replica of the enlightenment stone through alchemy. Have you heard about this?”

Hearing the voice behind him, Warren turned around and looked at Fang Heng who was walking towards him.

He frowned slightly and stared into Fang Heng’s eyes to observe.

The eye transplant was a success?

So fast?

Warren paid more attention to Fang Heng’s eyes and asked, “Your eyes? It was successful?”

Tang Mingyue, who was with Warren, also looked at Fang Heng with curiosity.

“Yes, my physique is rather special.”

Fang Heng nodded. He had just completed the transplantation of the omniscient eye. After trying it out and finding that it was not affected, he immediately rushed over to find Warren.

“How do you feel?” Warren asked.

“Hmm, not bad.”

“You’ll feel better after resting for a while.”

Warren nodded.

In his opinion, the ability to transplant organs through alchemy and medicine was also a part of the use of power.

There were specialized branches in alchemy.

Previously, Sydney had fused himself with the abyssal worm, which could also be considered a special organ transplant.

However, after the organ transplant, there would be a very troublesome body rejection reaction.

This kind of rejection would accompany him for life.

This was especially so for organs like the omniscient eye, which had powerful abilities. The stronger the body, the stronger the rejection, and the more it could not truly integrate with the body.

Fang Heng might not be able to control it in a short period of time.

It would take at least a few years, or even decades, to master some of the omniscient eye’s abilities.

“Yes, I’ve done some detailed research on the enlightenment stone.”

Warren pulled everyone’s thoughts back to the enlightenment stone.

“The enlightenment stone can provide the demonic seed with great power and even eliminate part of the backlash. I’ve looked up some records before, and the late Emperor Andrast also used the power of the enlightenment stone when she first used the demonic seed.”

“After that, even after the demonic seed was destroyed, the royal family never gave up on trying to completely control the demonic seed. The replica of the enlightenment stone might have been developed by the royal family to control the evil demons.”

Fang Heng nodded and continued, “We’re in a bad situation now. The Empire has issued a wanted order to the entire Land of Plague, and we should all be on the Empire’s wanted list. Anyway, I’m going to return to Hani City to see what the Empire is doing.”

As he spoke, Fang Heng raised his head and looked at the Tier 2 ghost tower that was under construction.

The Empire might have felt threatened this time, so they declared their hostility against the Land of Plague. They didn’t even care about the barbarians and directly sent the royal guards and General Deng Wen to the Land of Plague.

Would the sacred tree in the Land of Plague be able to stop the army of the Empire?

Fang Heng wasn’t sure about this.

Let’s do it step by step!

Fang Heng took a deep breath and thought of a way to complete the construction of the Tier 2 mage tower.

Originally, the Tier 2 mage tower was already 80% complete. Due to the sudden cancellation of his lordship by the Empire, the endless supply of resources that had been sent into the Land of Plague through the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce had also stopped.

The rest of the construction plans for the mage towers with the other feudal lords had also temporarily come to a halt.

He could only roughly judge the att.i.tude of the feudal lords towards the Land of Plague by their friendliness.

Well, most of them were hostile, and only a small number of them were still friendly.

Fang Heng felt a headache just thinking about it.

It was too difficult.

He still wanted to build a mage tower in the territories of the various feudal lords with his own strength when he was at odds with the Empire.

In your dreams!

Right now, he could only take things one step at a time. First, he had to go to Hani City to ask about the situation and retrieve the construction materials that had originally belonged to the Land of Plague. He had to think of a way to complete the construction of the Tier 2 mage towers.

When the supplies were transferred back, Wei Tao and the rest should also return to the Land of Plague to discuss the follow-up plan. They would try to find a breakthrough from the mission they received after killing Sydney.

While thinking, Fang Heng took another look at the direction indicated by the mission.

The distance was very far, and the general direction seemed to be somewhere in the southern part of the Empire.

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