Chapter 1785 Transfer

"Thank you."

Lu Yanlong nodded and thanked him. He followed Fang Heng through a pa.s.sage and entered a room in the depths of the mausoleum.

Fang Heng sized up the layout of the room.

There was a sarcophagus in the middle of the room, and behind the sarcophagus was a familiar metal frame and dark purple spatial crystals floating in the air.

It seemed that the sarcophaguses in all the small mausoleums were the same.

There were also corpses left behind by the sp.a.w.ns in the sarcophaguses.

The five people in the room turned to look at Fang Heng and Lu Yanlong.

Three of them were wearing Federation uniforms.

They were all from the Federation.

Just as the captain of the federal team said, Nasto was 1.9 meters tall and stood out in the crowd.

Nasto and the others had just entered the room and were still checking the status of the sarcophagus and the spatial trap.

"Welcome." Nasto stood up and clapped his hands, "It seems that everyone is here."

Lu Yanlong nodded at the people in the room.

"We"re from the Starfish Company. We"re here on behalf of the Federation."

A Federation player standing beside Nasto nodded and said, "I know. The Federation"s commission department is looking for someone. Did Colonel Bram tell you about it? This is not an ordinary mission. We are here to clear the spatial trap. You should know the risks. How long have you been learning spatial science? Are you strong enough?"

Before Fang Heng came here, there were already two or three groups of players who had come to report. Without exception, they were all chased away by them.

This was not something that players who had just advanced to intermediate spatial science could do.

"I know. This is my apprentice. He came here to learn. I"ll take care of him. There won"t be any problem."

Lu Yanlong looked at Fang Heng worriedly.

Theoretically, the removal of a spatial trap would require at least intermediate spatial science.

It was only limited to theory.

If it was a beginner who had just leveled up to intermediate spatial science, the margin of error would be too low. If he accidentally failed, the entire s.p.a.ce would collapse under extreme circ.u.mstances, and everyone would be in trouble.

It was necessary to be cautious.


Lu Yanlong saw the suspicion in everyone"s eyes and couldn"t help but cough lightly. He added, "He can observe at the side."

Nasto looked at Fang Heng and said, "If it"s just observing, it"s safer to stay outside."

"I am not just a mere apprentice, I can help."

Fang Heng said as he took a small step back.

As he retreated, Fang Heng"s figure slowly faded and merged into the secondary s.p.a.ce projection.

A few seconds later, the s.p.a.ce around Nas...o...b..gan to distort.

Fang Heng stepped out of the secondary s.p.a.ce projection and appeared beside the sarcophagus.

Everyone looked at Fang Heng in surprise.

This move. He easily entered the secondary s.p.a.ce projection and completed a distance transfer!

He looked very calm and at ease.

Everyone present was proficient in spatial science, so they nodded inwardly.

It was already very good for him to be able to display this ability.

He was even stronger than most of them!

Lu Yanlong was even more surprised when he saw this scene. He stared at Fang Heng in a daze as if he had seen a ghost.

What the h.e.l.l!

When did he...

What happened to Mr. Fang?

A week ago, he was still a player who knew nothing about spatial science!

What happened to him after he was locked in the main mausoleum for a week?

He was actually able to control the secondary s.p.a.ce projection so skillfully, and he could even shuttle through it freely?

Judging from what he had just displayed, it was definitely not a low-level spatial science!

Lu Yanlong stared at Fang Heng for a long time, and suddenly, an indescribable sense of defeat rose in his heart.

He suddenly felt as if he had lived his life like a dog for so many years.

He spent more than ten years honing his skill, yet Fang Heng managed to catch up to him in one night.

It was hard to accept.

The other players could not help but fall silent when they saw Fang Heng"s move. They looked at Lu Yanlong again.

Was he pretending?

His apprentice was at least an advanced spatial science scholar. What about him?

Grandmaster level? Or was he at demiG.o.d-level?

Lu Yanlong noticed that everyone was staring at him. He couldn"t help but think of what he had just said. His face instantly heated up. He didn"t think too much about this nonsense and quickly changed the topic, "Everyone, if you don"t have any objections, let"s start now."

Everyone nodded and took a few steps back to get down to business.

Other than Nasto, the highest level among this group of players was only advanced spatial science. There was still a distance from master level.

Nasto was the person in charge of the mission.

He felt that it was not bad.

It seemed that Fang Heng and Lu Yanlong were very powerful. With their help, the entrusted mission could be completed more easily.

"Alright, I"ll repeat myself. We"ll first cut off the spatial traps around the sarcophagus. As for the spatial traps inside the sarcophagus, don"t touch them for the time being."

Nasto looked at the time and added, "Do it as soon as possible. I hope we can complete the mission before noon."

Everyone gathered around the sarcophagus and began to move it.

Fang Heng also stepped forward and pressed his hand on the edge of the sarcophagus.

After leveling up his spatial knowledge to the grandmaster level, his spatial sensing ability greatly improved.

Fang Heng could easily sense the layout of the spatial traps around him. Then, he injected his mental power into his palm and used his spatial power to dissolve and cut off the spatial traps left around the sarcophagus.

The efficiency of cutting the spatial barrier was very slow.

The seven of them worked together and spent a total of six hours on and off until a light clicking sound came from the outside of the sarcophagus.

It worked.

Everyone"s tired faces finally showed a hint of relief.

The spatial traps on the outside were completely cut off from the sarcophagus.

The time was too short for them to remove the entire trap. They had only removed the connection between the trap"s detonator and the trap in the cave.

There were still spatial traps left in the room and the sarcophagus.

Of course, for players like Fang Heng who were proficient in spatial science, the spatial traps left in the sarcophagus were no longer a threat.

It wouldn"t be a problem to ensure his own safety.

Nasto heaved a sigh of relief. He looked around at everyone and paused for a moment on Fang Heng and Lu Yanlong before continuing, "Everyone, you"ve worked hard. The most dangerous part is over. Let"s rest for half an hour to recover. We can relax a little after that. We just need to help complete the transportation of the sarcophagus."


Fang Heng, like the others, found a protruding rock around them and sat down.

While everyone was resting and chatting, Fang Heng was observing the sarcophagus in front of him without saying a word.

When he was trying to remove the spatial trap around the sarcophagus, he had already sensed that the corpse inside the sarcophagus had an abnormal fluctuation.

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