Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“You there, come here a little.”

Today’s cla.s.s ended so I was about to return. As I was preparing to return, a voice called out to me. When I see their faces, they are the three culprits from the morning.

“…… What is it?”

“I’m saying come here. Do you know that I’m Burahari, third son of the Graham family? A upper-cla.s.s n.o.ble unlike you a lower-cla.s.s n.o.ble? “

I see, a upper-cla.s.s n.o.ble. Naturally curly golden hair with blue eyes. If I met him for the first time, the impression he would give off is a popular pretty boy, but now he’s giving off the impression of a typical idiot n.o.ble son opening his mouth using his parent’s power, someone who is mistaking his own power.
When coming to  it, the two behind him is his entourage. By the way, one guy had a pet.i.te figure with brown hair and freckles, the other person was not Yatsufusa, but had a relatively large build with black hair in the same age group.

“Was this not told by the teacher? Here, ident.i.ty has no power, so I have no reason to do what you say.”

I continued to get ready to leave when I declined normally, but Burahari takes my bag away.

“Will you return it…?”

“I’ll return it when you come with me.”

Burahari is laughing while giving a nasty smile, the two people behind him are also grinning.
Yatsufusa is looking anxiously around and grabs the hem of my clothes, a upper-cla.s.s n.o.ble as an opponent is truly scary. He’s a young maiden .
Well, although Yatsufusa’s body is large, he is an 11-year-old commoner without power. Also, not matter how much you say there is equality, it’s still scary.
For now, I’m unlikely to get the bag back unless I obediently go with them.

“I understand. Where are we going?”

Well, even though these guys are children without the permission to fight, they would be nothing but a fool to break it. Therefore there is only mischief like the one in the morning.


Burahari says that and with his two followers turns heel then walks away.

“Is it okay? Do we have to resist?”

“It’s okay. Fighting is prohibited by the school rules which is important. Yatsufusa-san, please return without minding it.”

I keep up with the three people while persuading Yatsufusa with a smile. We arrived there after walking for a while, it was in the woods a small distance away from the school building.
Maybe there will be hitting from now on? I wonder if they would hit my body because fighting and hitting the face is prohibited.
“Stop at the face, and keep it to the body” I remembered from a Sukeban thing a long time ago. (EN: Sukeban is a girl gang leader.)

“You are impertinent!”

Burahari shouts out while I was thinking of stupid things. These words are also cliche. The status, appearance, and the words of this guy is like a young master rushing things template.
Speaking of a rich template, I have not met Fram yet. Well, you would not see her since the school years are different and Fram enrolled at the normal 6-year-old grade. In the first place, I don’t understand the cla.s.s. I might try asking father later.

“Hey! Are you listening?!”

“What? Yeah, I was listening, I start with my right foot when I wash my body.”

“I didn’t hear such a thing!”

It seems to be different. I mean, despite being the third son of a upper-cla.s.s n.o.ble, his mouth is so dirty. This is a strangely evil kid. I didn’t study hara.s.sment, but instead honorifics and etiquette.

“I’ll say this again because it can’t be helped. It’s not smart being here with earth magic, you don’t fit in at this school and are an eyesore so withdraw.”

The words he’s saying seems unreasonable and childlike.

“Pardon me for saying this, but at this school, attributes don’t matter and I can learn equally here.”

“Noisy! I don’t know of such a thing! My father is an official of this country! Your family can be fired from their job right now if I say so!”

Honestly, people with power don’t seem to be able to do that. I’m not really that interested in the position of a n.o.ble.

“I already know. Your place is not even lower-cla.s.s, you’re a contemporary n.o.ble.”

“Contemporary n.o.ble?”

This is the first time I heard it so I obediently ask Burahari who snorts and explains with contempt.

“You do not know? They are originally a commoner who only became a n.o.ble through achievements in their generation. Therefore, your father is a former commoner.”

Ah, no wonder they did not seem too much of a n.o.ble. I knew mother was not a n.o.ble and originally a knight. But ……

“Then what is it?”

Okay, so you are saying that because I’m a contemporary n.o.ble. I do have human desires such as wanting money and being popular with the girls, but frankly, I do not want to have conspiracies to get them .
I do not want to disappoint my parents, it’s usually the eldest son that’s going to succeed, but the story is different.

“What? Oh, So! My father can easily deprive your father of his social status!”


“Eh!? S, so……”

The final art of quarrel, the goodwill arm push strategy.
Even if I’m told that, the other side will before long run out of words to say, it might turn into a “This fellow knows now. Let’s go already.”
Well, there’s that but also the fact that there is another possibility of being beat because I raised the issue to the other party.

“So, do not go against me! Obediently quit the school since I told you the story!”

“This fellow is impertinent, I’ll do it!”

“…… it is good.”

Burahari screaming is not discouraged even to my childish mouth shot (not a typo). Well, they’re holding out in spite of being a child. The other two with a small odor come say something with Burahari.
Though they remain, it truly is childish to use mouth attacks which they lack earnestly. It was that or……

“You guys! What are you doing!”

Someone comes running from the other side with a familiar voice while I was about to make a breakthrough.
Approaching, it was Fram with the usual blonde rolls shaking vigorously.

“Is not even one of you ashamed as a n.o.ble!?”

Fram stands in front of me to protect me while glaring at the opponents with her hands on her waist.

“It, it’s noisy… this has nothing to do with a woman!”

“That’s right!”

“This is a man’s talk.”

Burahari and them are being pushed by Fram’s threatening att.i.tude, but those three attack back refuting the glare. Wow, this little girl is strong.

“I’m a 5-year junior. As a senior, I won’t overlook these turn of events.”

This child casually went grade-skipping two years. Even if she has a flame attribute, I guess there is the talent too.

“So Alba-san, what on earth caused this?”

Because Fram asked me back here, I tell her an explanation with great detail. When I finish my explanation, the three people scowl at me with an angrier look than before.

“You did light bullying for such a reason, you’re just a small vessel.”

“Huh!? I won’t forgive because you made a fool of me even if you’re a woman!”

“Oh? How do I forgive? Want me to bake you without leaving any bones?”

Fram laughs and smiles at Burahari’s words without faltering, Burahari completely falls silent.

“Generally, I was a fool because what the earth attribute is seen as is fundamentally wrong. I also made a fool of the earth attribute until a few years ago, however, my view on earth magic changed from a certain incident . The earth attribute may look modest, but it’s a great attribute that’s useful for people. I do not forgive myself for being such a fool! 

Fram says a.s.serts that decision! With a doss face, she glances back at me looking at my reaction. (EN: Doss might be a type of smile.)
Still, Fram who made a fool of the earth attribute changed to this. Although I did not aim for this, the help is worth it.

“But earth can only be used in architecture, is it not.”

Burahari counters in a low voice whether his mind is broken or not. Contrary to appearance, this guy has guts.

“Well! Are you still going to say such things!?”

“Well Well, please calm down Fram.”

I soothe the enraged Fram.

“Ah, however Alba-sama…… these people are being selfish without knowing the personality of Alba-sama.”

“It can not be helped. It’s because the earth attribute is not popular with the general public, so I can have people recognize it.”

“How so?”

“Because fighting is prohibited without permission, I should get permission to fight. To have a 1-on-1 match with Burahari and me. “

“But, wasn’t Alba-sama still not taught magic?”

“Yes, I know, how about one month later? It will not be making a large injury to each other, but rather abilities and other differences.I don’t think Burahari think one month is too long.”

I described as so and look towards Burahari seeking for consent.

“…… I do not mind it.”

“Well, in any chance, if I win I won’t drop out? Of course, if you win I will gracefully drop out.”

Burahari nodded to my conditions, one month later Burahari and  I will compete against each other in the Sashi, I gloat inwardly since it went well. (EN: Sashi might be sandbank)

“Oh, Oh yeah, if I win ……”

 I told the conditions of when I won to Burahari.

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