Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“I have some questions but is it alright?”

“It is good.”

In front of the excessive white robe legal loli teacher, I asked her that question then nods as she hears it.

“First of all, why were you sleeping in the sand?”

That is the most mysterious. Thanks to that I was scared.

“Well, I heard that sand baths were good for your health. Because my cla.s.s is free unlike the other attribute, I tried it with the sand in here. Just hit the sand then fell asleep since it was such a comfortable place.”

Yeah …. there are places like that, but let’s listen to the rest of everything I’d like to hear.

“Then, what’s with that appearance?”

“This? Once upon a time, a man-made this with a special material which had a lot of variations, seems to be used when people go to the beach. I like this because of the “old suku” type love.”  (EN: 旧スク)

The man who developed the swimsuit is definitely someone who has memories of Earth. I’m talking about technology in a different world. Seriously.

“Well, the last one is are you really the teacher? Your appearance seems really young.”

I saw going to say look like a child, but instinctively felt I was going to receive a body blow so I selectively chose my words and ask.

“Do you know about dwarfs? The man grows quickly, the woman stop young then the body stops growing being left with a young appearance: I am not slowly growing, actually dwarfs growing is rather better.”

Estrea-sensei then puffs her chest out swaggering, honestly, she just looks like a loli kid. I do not say that.

“Well, do you have another question to ask? You came here to receive a lesson…… I wonder when you’re going to start your self-introduction.”

“Oh, yes. My name is Alba Fontecium Lambert. Here is…… “

“I am his contracted spirit! Alba’s Aldi! “

” Alba, Alba is it…… oh, here. Hmm, you’re certainly a student of the earth attribute. So you have a single earth spirit contracted with you at your year? “

Estrea-sensei confirms it on the roster then asked while looking at the Aldi making sure my name is there.

“That’s right. Because earth has always been made a fool of, I want to try improving its position.”

“Fumufumu, young but respectable. Even so, are you not quite calm despite being a 9-year-old? Are your years much more than this? “

Well, it is because I am an adult, but I should deceive her since no one would believe me if I were to say it.

“Unexpectedly, you have contents of an uncle.”

“Hahaha, that joke.”

A sharp person unexpectedly.

“By the way, I may use some difficult words. Are there any hard words you don’t understand? You can ask me if you need to.”

Estrea-sensei says so, then I spread a textbook on the table while standing on a chair.
By the way, I’m standing on the chair simply because I couldn’t reach the teaching pedestal.

“First of all, although it is said having the earth attribute is inconvenient to have in this world, I do not think so. Earth attribute has high versatility, it’s an advantage that isn’t found in flame nor ice. “

I answer the question after thinking for a while.

“Unlike fire and ice, there are many places with soil, sand, and stone right?”

“Yes. Of course, if you burn anything or go to a waterhole like a lake, the conditions become fair. Although it’s necessary to chant when making something from nothing, the ratio earth occupies is large, in this case, it’s easy to fight without a chant with earth. It’s a big advantage.

Indeed, If you go outside, things earth-related can be found anywhere and you can fight with almost no chant if you can manipulate your magical power. It’s about getting used to it.

“How much can Alba manipulate?”

“Well, I have not tried recently do to a circ.u.mstance, but four years ago I could do at least this much with an earth doll”

I explain while expressing the size of the earth doll with my hand.

“That was four years ago so it’s rather d.a.m.n good. Now I’ll teacher you this since the topic of golems came out, but do you know what kinds of golems there are?”

“? It’s not just earth?”

“Oh, ice forms ice golems and flames for flame golems. However, there are not used as national weapons. Why is that? “

Estrea-sensei asked me a question that I didn’t know, so I shook my head.

“The efficiency of magic power is simply bad, as the body of the golem increases, the amount of magic power used increases and it releases the magic power every time it moves. As a countermeasure, there are a lot of magicians that gather around one which is currently mainstream to manipulate it. This is not something a normal person can handle. Another way is to circulate the magic power into the golem, but there’s no technology for that. “

“Can’t they make it if they embed a magic stone? “

“That would need and original magic would it not?”

Oh, certainly. A humble golem seems to be especially difficult.

“That? Aldi can move around normally while in that body made of clay, but I think it’s a golem?”

Aldi who was rumbling somewhat tired of the cla.s.s is called and comes walking with a ⌊totetote⌉.

“The nucleus of Aldi is present. I wonder why the magic is circulating inside and not being released to the outside. But there should still be fatigue from moving the body around.”

Speaking of which, I was told flying made her tired easily. In short, if you have a nucleus where magic power is stored, you can move it. Hm…….

“Well, we’ll keep the golem there. First of all, I want to know your ability. Hey, come over here”

I approach the sand and soil in the corner from the beckoning of Estrea-sensei and arrive at a small rocky mountain.

“First of all, it’s relatively easy to handle sand. One small grain of sand per one grain of sand is easy to manipulate, in which that sand is easier to manipulate and rocks are difficult to manipulate, there is no relationship with spells, though.”

In short, if there is a small volume it’s easy to manipulate without a spell.

“It is likely to say that when having an image to flow magic power into your target, but when touching it directly you can manipulate it much better. In that respect, it’s superior to flame which you do not want to touch.”

I was told to put both my hands on the sand and pour magic power into it. Since I was not instructed on anything to make, I’ll make the golem that we were talking about earlier. Even though I don’t imagine detailed parts, the sand golem was easily made a bit bigger than me.
After all, my magical power was raised so I was able to create such a golem, I felt that I still had magic power left so I constantly push the magic power in and make it take a heroic pose from a show.

If a golem with a mana stone which is a.s.sumed to be a type of battery, what I’m doing right now is being a power supply connected to an adapter. It seems it would move as you wanted as long as you are constantly putting magic into it. The fuel efficiency is bad.

It seems like my magic power is rising, but I feel like I can understand how magic power should flow into the sand. I can say it well, but my body is remembering it? I can make the magic power flow without resistance.

“Oh, you are quite good.”

Esutorea-sensei says impressed.

“Your magic power is high which I think something special happened?”

“Well, I was bedridden for a while under certain circ.u.mstances. So when I woke up, my hair had grown out and magic increased.”

“Hm-hum. The hair probably grew out due to the increase of your magic capacity, but I’m not so sure on the cause.”

Estrea-sensei considers while placing a hand on her chin, she opens her mouth soon changing the subject.

“Well, next do earth. Is there still magic left?”


I do a pretty similar thing to earth, at the end was a rock which was slightly difficult to manipulate.

“After all, there is a fairly large quant.i.ty of magic.”

“Is that so?”

“Oh, not a high magic power by far, only in the same age. It is indeed that, but this is such a degree that yours is near to an adult…… there’s not that much explanation.”

So it was that high. If so, I’m convinced about why my hair is so long. Even so, why did the magic power increase this much? It is a mystery.

“Well, for the time being, it’s a repet.i.tion of earlier. The best way to train magic power is to consume it. The casting of magic and magic tool will be done for the time being. I will order it from the cla.s.s after this lesson.”

“How will you order it? “

“Canes and the general stuff will be here by tomorrow’s cla.s.s. For something tailor-made, I’d say it would arrive in around one week.”

For now, it might be better to try an ordinary cane. I mean, I want to use full-fledged magic as quickly as possible. Something made according to fighting style. Oh, but there is also a gold problem.
Even though my parents dote on me, I can’t use their money for my own convenience.
But whether I can buy it with my own pocket money or not. First of all, I don’t know the price for a custom-made magic tool.

When I was troubled, I remember about Hein-san. Speaking of which, he was a weapon merchant, it might be possible to get magical tools cheaply. He said I could depend on him when I was troubled. Peoples favors are obediently received. This is my merit.
Any, I should try using a cane, I’ll have Fram pa.s.s it on.

After that, in accordance with Estrea-sensei, I repeatedly manipulated the earth until the end of the lesson.
After cla.s.s, I ordered magic tools. Read-made goods seem to be cheap because of how abundant they are, they were not that expensive. Dare to ask why I would rent school items, but it seems quite useful for something so I decided to order it. Fortunately, it was an amount even I could pay with my pocket-money.

Finally, I spent the day swelling with the expectation that I can use full-fledged magic starting from tomorrow.

(AN: To tell the truth, it’s quite frustrating about my memory retention in a long time.
And earth technology will be occasionally introduced.)

So confusing! I’ll just randomly use earth or soil depending on the situation…

Also quick reminder!

Hein is Fram’s father who was thankful to Alba so he gave him a favor.

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