Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“Mother, do you have clay?”

I’ve been training my earth magic for a few days, one of those days I asked mother something during a meal.

“Clay? Why?”

“I was wondering if I made clay into various things, it would help my imagination …..”

I answer my mother’s question as so.
In fact, when making various things with clay, you call nature and imagination …… this could train the image power.
That’s only a part of it, but my real intention is to resume my hobby.
The so-called hobby is figurine production.
I’d crushed stone called stone powder clay into uniform grains of powder, then mix the powder in with chemicals such as adhesives and the clay would mainly formed.
The quality was close to paper clay.
Stone powder clay was the one I wanted, but I did know whether or not it existed in this world, even the worst, normal clay would be fine because this is just a hobby, so I ask mother about it.

“It isn’t sold here ….. It might be in an arts shop at the Imperial City, do you want it?”

“Yes. I want to be better at earth magic even if my imagination is only trained a little bit.”

By the way, there also had been a study of what honorific to say which had begun recently.
It became a habit to speak like a good child-chan with honorifics because of the recent studies of n.o.ble things like courtesy and etiquette I had.

Mother opens her mouth after listening to my words.

“Well then, would you like to go to the Imperial City to buy it tomorrow. I also want to see the Imperial City after a long time”


I shouted involuntarily due to surprise.
I would enroll at the magic school in the Imperial City.
My father Mercurio severely told me that the Imperial City was a wonderful place, I was excited be going there next year.
The Imperial city had humans in addition to cat beast people, bird men, elves, and a variety of other races staying there.
It’s a difficult thing to not look forward to because different races is one of the thrills of fantasies.
After I finished eating dinner, I went to bed earlier looking forward to going to the Imperial City tomorrow.

“Haa ……”

The next day, mother and I were brought to the Imperial City through the transfer tool and I was overwhelmed by the scenery.
The first thing that entered my eyes was an excellent western castle that’s usually only seen in manga and anime. Inside the castle, there were a variety of races packed together spreading across my eyes.
There was an ogre person who was growing a horn on his head, a Minotaur person with the head of a bull. And cat ears! Real cat ears were here.
However, the body was that of an old man who had muscles.
Although I was aware that this was a fantasy when there was magic, again, when you see all these races you’ll realize that this is a different world than Earth.

“Hey Alba, I know you’re in high spirits but it’s not rare to get lost.”

Mother who settled the procedure with the transfer equipment comes over with the guards.
Even thought the Imperial City’s security is good, there is a dangerous group of  thief’s so it’s necessary to have guards.
However, they are only two skillful guards from the mansion because it’s to conspicuous to take too much.
In the story I heard from my mother they are quite strong considering their magic.

After that, I went to the store that handled art supplies with 4 people, mother, the two guards, and me.
The n.o.ble purveyor had luxury overflowing from it due to the appearance of the store.
When I opened the door and entered the shop, there were many art supplies I had seen on Earth crowded into this place.
In the store there were some other customers too, a good stout person was listening to the description of an item from the clerk, the man gave off the feeling of a painter while looking at the product.

“May I help you? What can we do for you today?”

As I was looking around the store, a young good-looking man wearing round speaks towards us.

“I want clay for this child, but are you dealing with it here?”

“There is clay here of course.”

While we were being guided, I saw several types of clay and putty, and also tools like a chisel and some others.
Prompted my mother to choose the clay I like, I walk to the sales floor to look at the several types of clay.
The clay was in bags and there were several sizes.
Because it was said I could check the bags, I take the clay in my hand to examine it.
When I looked at a certain number of clay, I noticed one that was familiar to me.
It looked white, but was different from ordinary clay.

“This clay is made by crushing a stone and mixing it evenly with a special fruit that has adhesive effects. It is a clay that comes in handy for sculptors.”

No way I thought, but after hearing the description from the clerk, I was confident.
It’s the stone powder clay.
I never thought it would be in this world. Well, fine materials and production process will differ but this is the closest thing as possible to stone powder clay.
I didn’t understand the market place in this world, but it seemed expensive when I looked at it with the sense I had on Earth.
By the way, the unit currency of world that I learned from my experiences is that you can think 1 yen = 1 lira.
Incidentally, there is minting technology and normal bills also exist in this world.
So to say, it’s not likely that there are gold coins jingling like in fantasy.

“You want it?”

While I was groaning at the price, mother comes and asks me.

“Yes …… but it’s slightly high?”

I said that in as little question because I had no confidence in market.

“You are so modest, it shouldn’t feel expensive child? This is cheap compared to your improvement in magic. Do not hesitate if you need something else.”

⌊Don⌉, mother hits her chest and a smile floats on her face saying speak out.
I obediently received the favor and got the stone powder clay with several other ordinary clay for practice points. I also got a Painting set with paint and paintbrushes, varnish, and a chisel  (EN: It was translated Paint and Paint, but one was varnish!).
I did not check the prices because I was afraid, but I knew it would be nothing to our house because mother gets paid commonly. As expected of n.o.bility.

Later, we went to an expensive looking restaurant to have lunch and I kept mother company while shopping when looking around the Imperial City.
We also visited the magic school along the way, but only from the outside, I wasn’t able to see the whole picture .
I did not look inside because only related parties had permission to, also, I wanted to save it for next year’s fun.

After we finished the tour of the magic school, we decided to go back home because the sun had begun to set.
When father had come home then we went to the Imperial City, he had wined like a child and wanted to go together, but that’s a story for another time.

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