Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

My rehabilitation life started the day after the party. 
After all, I can barely move my body since I was asleep for 3 years. Since magic school doesn’t limit age, it comes to be that I will partic.i.p.ate in the fall entrance ceremony and due to my circ.u.mstances and spend one year dedicated to rehabilitation.
Magic school has two ceremonies that are in spring and autumn, because right now is summer, it was calculated that it would take slightly more than one year of rehabilitation to reach the next years autumn entrance ceremony.
However, it may be slower than what was expected ……

When I say that there was rehabilitation, I will omit about it since it wasn’t that interesting. If I have to explain the contents, it only went up to the width of practice at first, it was light exercise of moving when you’re ready to move to rehabilitate the body little by little.
Also Hein-san in the midst of rehabilitation brought me candy from various countries out of sympathy. Hein-san is originally a merchant, but he seems to be the head of a merchant guild.

Guild is a cla.s.sic in fantasy where they mediate between merchants making requests to adventurers. Once you become a guild head, it seems power equivalent to a middle-cla.s.s n.o.ble is obtained.
By the way, my father is a  lower-cla.s.s n.o.ble. It’s not even amusing to be at a middle-cla.s.s level since it has peculiarly ugly fights which help avoid rising prices that could lower your family’s income. Hein-san was in a top position, but there was the matter with Fram too so Hein-san seems to have become quite good friends with my parents over the past three years.

I heard stories about other countries from Hein-san who came to visit for sympathy. Fighter faction countries and magic of an advanced nation that specialize in hand-to-hand combat and weapons instead of magic. Hein-san has a variety of stories, such as the Far East of the country that is a build of different cultural system than here.
I worked hard with my rehab wanting to look at those countries some day.

One year has pa.s.sed since my rehab started, I’m now 9-years-old. I somehow regained most of my original physical strength thanks to hard work during the one year rehabilitation. Strenuous exercise is still impossible, but in everyday life, it was determined that there was no problem so I got permission from my parents. I was thinking about the uniform I would get within a month, I had talked with a smile when I was called to a room by mother.

“Hey! Come! Look! Its your magic school uniform Alba!”

It was measured with me before so now it had finally been finished. Oh yeah, my height did not seem to grow much and I seem to be entering the cla.s.s of a small build. Well, it is good. It did not work because I hadn’t eaten for three years. But …… Fram honestly got a big shock. Fram’s height was about 130㎝ while my height was 124㎝. Its said that woman start to grow early but it was still hard to conceal her shock.
Surely from now on growth is expected.

I try to spreading the uniform I received from mother while remembering such a sad fact. Robe-conscious, it was in a form close to the blazer of a certain place on Earth.
The uniform does not suit the Middle-Age ish view of the world, but it seems the uniform design is the tradition from its founders. Though its good, it has one problem.

“That, Mother …… why is the uniform from woman?”

Yes, the uniform I received from some reason had a skirt that went up to the length of knee-high, not the pants.

“‘Cause you know. Alba has hair that grows out like a girls right? Actually, I think I would want to have a daughter recently right?”

I think? Well hey! What kind of nerve does this person have to dress her son as a girl.

“…… Mother”

“Ah, hey. It was just a joke. Look, here is the real thing so don’t glare at me like that.”

When I stare at mother with ⌊Jito⌉ eyes, she takes the girl uniform back and hands me a different one in a panic. I confirm it was a uniform for boys this time. You’re…… near 30 so don’t show such mischievousness.
Since I was prompted by mother, I change into the uniform in a different room, then come back to the room mother is in.

“You look good very much. At last I can see you in your uniform, mother is so happy.”

Mother comes hug me while having a gentle smile. I do not blame mother and father since I was reckless, they even supported me earnestly during the one year of rehabilitation. I return the hug tomother whose corner of her eyes had become hot.

“I also want to wear a uniform!”

Aldi who saw my uniform demanded it on the floor while jumping and hopping, mother was on the look-out as if waiting for this.

“Hehehe, of course I have prepared one for you Aldi-chan!”

⌊Gasogoso⌉, mother takes out a small uniform that looks just like the previous girl uniform.

“I made this uniform thinking it would look good on Aldi-chan! In fact, a little while ago I was using a girl as a model so I could prepare it in advance for Aldi-chan.”

What a waste of money. It will never be cheap speaking of uniforms.
…… Did you mean you were trying to put me in that seriously. No, lets not doubt the parents.
Upon receiving the uniform, Aldi got dressed in it happily and turned round a round.

“How is it Alba!? Do I look good !?”

“Yeah, you look very good.”

“Really!? Eheheー♪ I’m matching together with Alba!” (EN: <>

Aldi arrives embracing my neck floating and smiles to my words. Aldi is able to fly, but it seems she saves it since it uses extra magic to fly when she is in her doll body.

“You two people are really like brother and sister”

Mother looks at the state of me and Aldi saying so. Well, certainly Aldi is anything but a friend, she feels like a younger sister I want to protect.

“Hey, Alba, someday, you should make a larger body to give to Aldi-chan. If she grows bigger I can make much more various clothes for Aldi-chan.”

Mother completely treats Aldi like a daughter and proposes such a thing. Hmm, I don’t think it’s impossible, the problem depends on whether Aldi has enough magic. She can move her current body without a problem, but when it becomes human being sized, it might not be the same..

“Well, for the time being I’ll think of it as a goal.”

I think once I enter magic school, it’ll be settled since I don’t know if it’s possible at present. A life-sized magic doll …… it’s a name that tickles my heart.

“I get to be the same size as Alba?”

“For now calm down, I’ll consider it after admission.”

“It’s not unreasonable because I’ll still be happy staying with Alba even if I remain the same?”

Aldi says that while coming to my cheek.
I…… she is so cute! My brother heart becomes increasingly stronger.I spend time playing with Aldi lightly that day having such a conversation, a week pa.s.sed and it’s finally the last day.

“…… It’s still large looking at it.”

In fact for the first time in a year …… actually four years since I had come in front of the magic school. Arriving here, children were wearing the robe here and there since today was the entrance ceremony.
The magic school requires students to live in dormitories and we will be distributed to the four dorms that divide the school after the entrance ceremony. In this famous magic school, it seems rather than separately distributing, the teachers will choose.
Since the entrance ceremony to magic school is the first step to independence, there are no basics and the parents will only be partic.i.p.ating with their child for this step.
They had sent me off partway, so I head to the entrance ceremony by myself (because Aldi doesn’t want to stand and is quiet in my bag) in the auditorium to carry it out.
The age of admission people can enroll to the school is equivalent to 18-years-old of age or under, there were a variety of people around the same age as me and some old children when I entered.


When I was looking around restlessly like a country b.u.mpkin, I hit something and fall on  my backside.

“I’m sorry…… are you okay?”

Looking up, I saw the person who was talking in a stutter that I had b.u.mped into, a good older brother who was likely at 180 held out a helping hand.

“I’m sorry, I was overwhelmed by the people around me and became absent-minded.”

I take his hand, and this good-nature brother like person helps me stand up then I pitter-patter the dust off.

“I, Ie …… what happened here likewise …… I was looking away, I’m sorry ……”

I had been deprived of my eye when I saw the objects on this brothers head and behind when I apologized. On the brother’s head was black hair with triangle ears going ⌊fussafusa⌉ that were also covered in the same black hair, on his behind was a tail with jet-black hair shaking and wobbling with a ⌊pyokopyoko⌉.
…… It’s the Ke, Kemofusa! (EN: Idk… Google has abandoned me!)
Bad, I really want that tail! Actually, I’m in fact an animal enthusiast! Bad, it’s the level where the moegap has grown from this brother.
…… Phew, calm down me. A little tension from the unexpected Kemofusa made it strange.

“That …… are you all right?”

When I was silent, the brother suddenly come talk to me anxiously. For now, I answer with a smile so it doesn’t convince me of my current sentiment.

“Oh, yeah. I’m sorry, it’s okay. Are you also a freshman?”

Like I said, you can enroll as long as you under the age of 18 so it won’t be so surprising. The brother to my question nods sheepishly.

“Its, Yeah. Oh, I’m from a village of people who gave me tuition because I had magic talent, For those people I have to work hard here.”

The brother clenches his fist while saying so. Somehow I concluded that the brother was a good person.

“Then do you want to go to the auditorium together since we met at the edge?”

Please give me a bit of luck so I can touch the tail. I say that when I invite the brother.

“…… Oh! Well, if you are happy with me.”

So said the brother acknowledging my offer while laughing shyly. So we headed towards the auditorium while having a silly conversation between us.

(AN: Finally, School arc has started.
Also a fascination of a life-like appearance.

Gentlemen, I love animals.
I like anything like dogs or cats as long as they are fluffy (Mofumofu).)

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