Episode 18 [Glory for the Earth Magic!]


Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“Hmm…… the morning…… what?!”

I wake up to the light coming through the window, the moment I get up, a severe pain ran along my head with the sound of ⌊gochin⌉.

“Ow ow, What, what on earth ……”

I see the ceiling in the room as I confirm the situation. Although I just got up and my brain isn’t working correctly I don’t remember the ceiling be so close, but I start remembering my current situation as my conscious gradually becomes clear.
Yes, I arrived at the magic school yesterday. I suppose I’ll have to get used to it since the top of the bunk bed was the only one empty.
It was 6 o’clock in the morning when I checked. From the start, the dining room is open from 7 to 9 o’clock . Something about the dining room is that you can not order, it is the type that has a menu that comes out on a daily basis like a school lunch. This has food included in the school tuition with the consideration that a gap between the poor and the rich don’t come out.

Inside was Jonand-san and Coneal who I met yesterday, Aldi was still in a dream, and Randoriku was not in the room so he probably got up already. I went down the bed as to not add +1 from the two people then change into my uniform and head to the lobby.
Although tidbit to other students who are chatting, I was sitting on a sofa in a corner which was vacant but it was unfortunate because there were no acquaintances so I settle down comfortably.
While I was s.p.a.cing out, the door opens and Randoriku-san enters then notices me so he approaches while raising his hand.

“Good morning Randoriku-san.”

“Good morning …… it is early.”

It was a waste that Randoriku’s conversation was omitted as usual. I know he’s not a bad person, but it is difficult to continue a conversation with these types because it’s hard to get the right topic for them. I try searching for a topic, the notice Randoriku-san was sweaty so I ask him a question.

“Randoriku-san, what are you doing to be sweating so early in the morning?”

“It’s a …… little discipline. I will not stop my day-to-day training. Every morning when I train, there is a feeling of magic power reinforcement…… due to the discipline.”

You only feel it? For a moment, I thought whether or not to try doing it together.

“I was going for …… a joke, but it’s not interesting after all?”

Oh, it was a joke. Oh yeah, the room master was trying to ease the feelings of a new freshman. I somehow feel sorry. Since Randoriku-san was depressed, I tried to connect the story in some way.

“For example, well, what kind of training do you do?”

“I…… a long time ago I was sick of being bullied …… I started training, then eventually it became interesting so it’s a daily routine…… “

Randoriku’s appearance and the word bullied does not fit well together. Heck, I wonder how you would train from a bullied boy to a muscles boy. I really want to know since I seem delicate.
Well, I’ll think about it later because I can’t do intense exercise yet.

There, we parted at that spot since to say, Randoriku was sweating so he went to the dormitory bath. Then after a little while of waiting, Jonand and Coneal came with a sleepy face so I decided to go to the dining room.
Actually, I was waiting for Yatsufusa, but I think he already went and ate together with his roommates so I went ahead.
I asked the two people if we should wait for Randoriku-san, but we didn’t need to because he always comes later.

After entering the dining room, it was filled with a large number of students. There seem to be three dining rooms in total, but there is still this number of people, truly a mammoth school.
We received breakfast from the counter and find a place with four seats with one vacant for Randoriku-san.
Today was a healthy menu of bread with soup and a salad. It even says this is a general cla.s.s meal, but those of the upper-cla.s.s won’t complain about not getting a grand meal.

“No one wants to complain about it because the dining room aunts have control over banning their meals, they have no power in this school.“

To my question, Coneal explains it. What, scary.
I do not know how long the meal ban is, but to say that one of the three human desires is prohibited, there will be no one defying them which is quite tight.
Looking around, I see a person wearing an extravagant robe with gold decorations profusely who looks like a young master eating the meal without any particular complaint. Although, his expression is terrible unsatisfied.

“Hey, can I modify the uniform?”

“N’a? Oh, would not do it. Supposedly n.o.ble guys want to show off their power since doing so is not prohibited but their ident.i.ties were set as equal, well, they have a bad habit of remodeling, I don’t do it because it’s a waste to be flashy even though I’m a n.o.ble.“

Jonand who’s the son of a n.o.ble makes such a remark while stuffing his face with bread. His personality is very frivolous, but the popularity of this guy is unexpected. It’s popular among popular distinction.
After eating with Randoriku, I returned to the dormitory with Aldi once I was prepared.

“Oh, Alba-kun, Good morning.”

Yatsufusa left a room with a bowl.

“Good morning. Are you going to the school building now?”

“Yeah, because I just ate breakfast. If it’s good, want to go together?”

“Going together is good…… you’re going without your roommates?”

“Yeah, we’re in different cla.s.ses since they’re all seniors above me.“

Same situation as me. For more detail, I hear Yatsufusa talks about how he is the only freshman among the three people.
Well, just having a good number of people will not necessarily mean its right.
Yatsufusa and I tell stories of our roommates to each other. Yatsufusa was talking happily since his roommates were beast men who he made friends with, people like cat and bird people because he was not good with humans.
Yatsufusa rejoiced about me when I told him my roommates were good people and the room master also had the earth attribute.

“Good, that’s good having seniors with the earth attribute!”

“Yes. Since the opportunity is good, I’ll try to be taught a lot of thing about the earth attribute by senpai in various ways. He is amazing and good, but he’s too quiet.”

We reach the school building while talking about such stories. In the cla.s.s table, it appears that Yatsufusa and I are in the same cla.s.s.
I’d say that my dorm and cla.s.s felt a bit too deliberate, but I’ll obediently accept it since it’s good. I’m honestly happy to be together with my friends.

“Went to another school?”

As I confirmed my cla.s.s, Aldi unexpectedly made an appearance from my bag.

“A, Alba-kun ……that child is?”

Yatsufusa makes  a face full of surprise seeing Aldi. Oh right, this is the first time Yatsufusa is meeting Aldi.
I use the same explanation I used yesterday for Randoriku and them. Yatsufusa was at first surprised but changed to being impressed immediately.

“Alba-kun is great. You contracted with a spirit…… I also want to try contracting a spirit but you can’t readily meet them.”

“Does Yatsufusa-san have any acquired attributes?”

“Hmm. It’s just wind attribute, I don’t remember any plans for an acquired attribute.“

“Then you can surely contract a nice spirit sometime.“

“I’m sure a spirit will come since your magic is so gentle and you’re a doggy!”

Aldi is floating and stroking the fluffy head of Yatsufusa while laughing merrily.

“Thank you. I have more confidence of getting a spirit after your words.”

“…… My words are useless.“

“What? Oh! Eh, the kind of confidence is different! Alba-kun’s words made more meaning come out!”

Yatsufusa notices the intentions of my words and cries out in a panic making excuses.

“It was a joke.”

“A joke! I was so surprised!”

Yatsufusa comes screaming in the feeling that is no anger but earnest, still he’s raising his voice. I continue the conversation while apologizing.While embracing this nostalgic casual conversation with friends, we reach the cla.s.sroom.
This school has a certain age for admission, but there is a variation which people are distributed so there is no bias.
That is to say that not the youngest and oldest will be in the same cla.s.s. Even though the age is different, the content of what you learn is not different.
You can immediately go up through the school years, or if you are excellent you can do the so call grade-skipping.
Grades are divided into six junior departments and three senior departments in which the content you learn becomes more advanced as you go up. The basic time of graduation was 15-years-old or higher as long as you don’t do any grade-skipping, but I won’t graduate at 15-years-old unless I do some grade-skipping.
The junior high is the same as an elementary school from Earth, just think of it as an escalator-type.
Also, the ratio of magic cla.s.ses increases and the grade increases.

While waiting in the morning, the sound of school bells rang like an HR system and then self-introductions began.
After some self-introductions, it became my turn.

“Well, my name is Alba Fontecium Lambert, inherent attribute is earth.”

As soon as they heard earth attribute, it was a bit undertone, but some places in the cla.s.sroom had groans and laughter.
First, I did understand it, but it seems the earth attribute is really made fun of. There was preparedness for this, but there is a little to bear as the maliciousness gets vented.
Yatsufusa was going to say something but did not say anything due to his shy personality. Well, since I know his character, I have no desire to blame him for not being a lifeboat. Rather, it’s bad to give a lifeboat hear since you’ll be attached with a strange look.

“Yaiyai! You guys are rude!” (EN: The true main character.)

Aldi jumped out of the bag floating the shouted angrily because of my situation.

“Alba is really great! Its a fool who sees him as terrible!”

“A, Alba-kun …… it?”

Finally speaking on the sidelines was a young man who was the cla.s.sroom teacher. Whether I was experienced or not with this and unable to reply to being made a fool of due to my earth attribute…… at least my spirit was more reliable then the teacher on the sideline.

“This child is Aldi, an earth spirit. We are friends and she already has a “contract”.”

Groans with a different meaning from the earlier words occur in the cla.s.sroom. It’s common knowledge in this world that only those with inherent and no acquired attributes can make contracts with spirits.
In other words, it was the fact that I only handle the earth attribute instead of acquired attributes that I automatically made a contract with Aldi. Although I heard it from Aldi, if one day I were to learn acquired attributes, then impurities would be mixed in and the contract would be canceled.

“Hey, so it’s that…… a spirit of earth only goes to people with only the earth attribute?”

“In a sense, he’s brave ……”

The atmosphere of ridicule disappears, words of praise and surprise were heard, but it was only a little bit. It seems the appearance of Aldi worked in a positive direction unintentionally.

“It does not matter if you make a fool of the earth attribute, however, I thank you since I’m going to become the master of the earth attribute.”

I say that shedding the atmosphere…… I really went with the flow. There was regret in my mind, but on the surface, I sit down with a cool face.
Thereafter, the cla.s.ses self-introductions ended with a puzzled air, there was a half day of explanations and textbook distribution which then ended my first day.

…… Still, I might have gotten a little carried away.

(AN: There are only men here for a while, but I’m straight.
Please wait because girls are scheduled to come out next time!)

One day Aldi will become the main character… one day.

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