Chapter 173: Corridor of Remembrance

Chapter 173 – Corridor of Remembrance

Trying to defuse the sudden heavy mood, Kairos laughed merrily . The way he speaks might be a bit frank, but he’s a good guy .

[My bad . Fate, I have something else to take care of . ]

As he continued to walk, Kairos put his hand on my shoulder when he walked by .

[After this, we are going to infiltrate the facility . I heard from an insider that this will be the only chance to do it . ]

[That sounds good, but why are you telling that to a stranger like me?]

I’m after all, just someone who popped out of nowhere .

[After all this time we spend together, surely we don’t count as strangers anymore, right?]

[Then, why?]

[I just have a hunch that we have a similar goal . And it has something to do with Gallia . Your eyes briefly changed color when I mentioned about infiltrating the facility . That sign alone is enough for me . ]

[Isn’t that a bit too easy?]

[Is it? I’ve lived like this my whole life . For me, it’s good if you are a trustworthy person . But of course, reality won’t be that convenient . ]

Kairos turned away afterward, talking to Myne this time .

[I will return Sloth to you, as promised . ]

[Alright . With this, I’m free to do what I want . ]

Myne said as she received the black axe from Kairos and stashed it on her back .

[Oi oi, don’t tell me you want a rematch?]

[Of course . I’ll bring your head back home . ]

[This is really hopeless…]

Turning his face up to the sky, Kairos sighed in defeat .

But it wasn’t for long, as he immediately broke into a laugh .

[Fine . Next time you really should go all out against me . Well, the winner will still be me though . ]

[I will win next time . ]

Despite saying all that to Kairos, Myne’s tone sounded soft to me .

I felt uncomfortable to be stuck between these two weirdos .

The two just declared their intention so openly to each other .

Turned out Myne always had some screws loose in weird places .

But well, that’s exactly how I knew her .

When I unintentionally laughed,

[What’s so funny?]

She stared at me with such pressure . Nothing less from the Wrath skill holder .

But anyways, the atmosphere was no longer as heavy as when we first left Babylon . And it’s all thanks to Kairos .

But Greed who had been watching us silently suddenly rang an alarm .

[You guys, stop playing pretend friends . Incoming enemies ahead . ]

[As expected from Greed-sama ey?]

[Enough with the flattery . Kairos…don’t overdo it . ]

A huge flock of monsters visibly spread in the distance . Several machine angels were mixed in among them .

According to Kairos, this was just a patrol force regularly sent by the empire .

[Guess we’ll have a bit of a warm up before we arrive at our destination . Myne, Fate, can you keep up?]

[ [ Of course ] ]

I had Kairos to lend me a greatsword .

Even then, I’m still worried whether the weapon could withstand my power or not . Well, the weapon I’m used to wielding is in Kairos’ hand right now . As it is now, this greatsword was the only weapon tough enough for me to use .

Grave tension ran through my spine .

I never thought that battling without Greed… would be this uneasy…

This made me realize that I’ve been relying on him way too much .

[We must crush them all in here . Otherwise, the survivors will attack Babylon . ]

After drawing out the black sword, Kairos immediately switched to bow form .

He then allowed Greed to consume his status, causing the bow to grow larger .

With a fluent, natural movement, he released《b.l.o.o.d.y Ptarmigan》 .

The power was way greater than what I knew of . Not to mention that from his countenance, Kairos didn’t seem to expend a lot of status for that shot .

In other words, I hadn’t utilized Greed to his maximum capacity .

Kairos who pretty much deleted half of the enemy forces with that shot started to show signs of enjoyment from consuming that many .

[Kuuu~! It’s nice to eat that many all at once after all . This is why b.l.o.o.d.y Ptarmigan is soo good . ]

[Don’t get lax! There are still half of them . ]

[Yeah, yeah, Greed is always such a worrywart . ]

[Tsk . ]

It was only the first strike . But the result was already very devastating .

The flock fell into chaos and began to disperse

[Alright, here is our chance!]

Both me and Myne ran following Kairos .

It’s such a great occasion . Just when I was thinking to test whether my gluttony skill could work in this world .

Firstly, let’s try killing something that I could afford .

An orc immediately lost its head to my slash .

It certainly had fallen over and died . But I didn’t feel anything, nor I heard the familiar voice informing me that the gluttony skill had been activated .

I tried killing more monsters, but the result was still the same .

Also, experience spheres flew to me, but it didn’t increase my level either .

Well, what was I thinking? This wasn’t the real world after all .

[Fate, why are you dozing off like that? If you have something to think about, do it after we’re done . ]

Kairos reprimanded me while squaring off with a machine angel .

Looking at Myne, she was fighting like usual .

I suppose this flock wasn’t even enough to be considered as a warm up for her .

Despite the fact that they filled the horizon when they appeared before us, we still wiped them out pretty quickly .

[Yosh, that’s the last one . Fate, Myne, thanks for the hard work . ]

Kairos praised the both of us as he beheaded a monster that I had never seen before .

[That’s… Just what kind of monster that is?]

[Beats me . This is probably a new breed . I keep seeing them among the flock recently . They’re pretty tough . ]

He added a quiet [for now] at the end .

[When I first encountered them, they’re at most as strong as orcs . But nowadays they’re as bad as the machine angels .

[Is it really that bad?]

[But they’re really delicious for me . After all, for those with gluttony skill, the stronger the food, the better, right?]

I’m having trouble replying to that .

But Kairos didn’t really care about that, as he’s busy rampaging around .

Did he get affected by the influence of Gluttony skill?

The more I think about it, the more clear to me that Kairos was willingly eating the soul of those he defeated .

[Alright . It’s just a little more walk, and we should be able to see it . ]

He said a little walk, but Kairos and Myne’s walking speed weren’t actually normal to begin with .

Soon we arrived at the depths of Gallia .

I was expecting valleys of greenery and meadows . But there was no such thing here .

All I could see was black research facility .

The scale was very large . Comparable to the underground city below Hauzen .

It was so huge I couldn’t exactly consider it just a research facility .

[Are we going to infiltrate that place?]

[Yep . ]

Again he showed me how cool of a person he was . Kairos apparently had no such thing called nervousness .

I turned my sight toward Myne .

She would be our biggest problem . I simply couldn’t believe that she’s capable of any form of stealth .

She’d just broken through the front gate and entered . It was always like that when we travelled together .

But I actually found her looking anxious . It was all over her face in fact .

[What are you looking at? I can certainly do better than you . ]

[Really? Looks like you’re not up for it though . ]

[Even if I look like this, I’m still the one handpicked to Kairos . ]

Myne replied proudly .

But looking sideways, I saw Kairos smirked .

If I had to make a guess, it’s either she challenged him head on, or that she flopped her stealth ambush and thus was forced to fight him directly .

[Well, it’ll be fine as long as we stay quiet . The stage has been set up in advance for us . You two just need to keep silent . ]

He alternated between me and Myne .

[Where’s your answer!]

[ [ Yessir! ] ]

[Yosh, good answer . Okay, let’s go]

With Kairos leading us, we went to infiltrate the research facility . ]

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