Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 5: Caught This box full of jade male genitals made Chen Hui feel the malice of the whole world. She quickly threw the jade male genital back in the box. She subc

Chapter 5: Caught This box full of jade male genitals made Chen Hui feel the malice of the whole world. She quickly threw the jade male genital back in the box. She subc

She quickly threw the jade male genital back in the box. She subconsciously wanted to get up and step away, but she slipped and her bottom kissed the ground. The dull pain came at her but at this moment she didn’t care.

These jade male genitals…could it be that that exasperating eunuch used them on women? After all, he had no tool to commit crimes. Naturally, he could only rely on objects…but could a eunuch also have s.e.xual desires? Using them on a woman, he wouldn’t be pleasured! Wait…he wouldn’t use these on himself, right?

At this moment, many scenes appeared in Chen Hui’s mind. She felt that she had knocked open the door of a new world. Behind the door were countless of novel objects waiting for her…

The sudden movement outside made Chen Hui get out of her daze. She hurriedly crawled back. When she saw that the jade male genital that she had thrown inside the box was disordered, she wanted to put it back in place. Suddenly, she thought about how disgusting it was if this had been used and froze immediately.

She was very annoyed. Why did she have to be so curious before? She could’ve just looked, why did she had to touch?!

Since she had already touched it before, Chen Hui could only endure her wild imagination. Two fingers picked up the jade male jade genital and put it back in its original place. However, two fingers weren’t secure after all and the surface of the jade was smooth. Her hand trembled. That jade male genital fell down, hitting another jade male genital.

Chen Hui’s heart almost jumped out of her chest. She quickly calmed herself down and listened carefully. Only after she realized that the impact was not loud and that the person outside didn’t hear it did she relax a bit. However, when she looked inside the box, her heart immediately clutched again.

The jade male genital at the top…was broken….

Chen Hui stared blankly at the thing in front of her eyes. Her expression was truly that of mourning at a funeral hall. Although, she felt that this broken image matched that exasperating eunuch very well, but now she didn’t have the mind to laugh at him. At this moment, she grieved over herself! What kind of rotten jade male genitals was this? The quality was so poor. Fortunately, it was broken in her hands. If it had broken at another moment, where would that exasperating eunuch go cry to? She also could be considered of having the grace of saving him!

Thinking like that, Chen Hui pushed aside the other jade male genitals inside of the box and put the broken one at the bottom. Like this, one couldn’t see that one jade male genitals was broken!

Chen Hui closed the box again. She was hesitating whether she should leave or not. That box full of jade male genitals caused a great impact on her pure heart. She felt that she should view that exasperating eunuch in a new light. No, it was that perverted exasperating eunuch!

The sky was gradually darkening outside. While Chen Hui was indecisive between her fear for that perverted exasperating eunuch and her desire for meat, she suddenly heard sounds on the outside. It seemed like someone had entered the room.

Chen Hui almost jumped up. She quickly looked around and saw a closet. She hurriedly got up to hide inside of it, but then she heard the conversation between two people on the outside, saying that they wanted to change the quilt or something. Her hand immediately retracted. Her line of sight quickly crossed the box and then her whole body rolled and hid under the bed.

Chen Hui just hid well when someone entered and lit a candle. That person went to the closet to get the thing, changed the quilt on the bed and tidied before going out.

The candle was still lit inside the room. The light interweaved between light and darkness. The light couldn’t reach the place where Chen Hui was hiding. It was dark. The room was probably cleaned frequently. There wasn’t dust even under the bed. Chen Hui felt that this was a good hiding place after hiding for a while and thought about continuing to hide there.

However, the conversation between the two servants outside made Chen Hui’s heart jump again. They said that it was more appropriate to clean once more before master returns.

Chen Hui was sure that they would certainly clean under the bed when they clean. It was too clean here. It was obvious that it was cleaned every day.

Hearing the people on the outside talk, Chen Hui immediately rolled from under the bed and patted the dust on her clothes that did not exist. She turned her eyes nervously and swept one by one over the things inside the room. The box certainly wouldn’t do. She and the jade male genitals couldn’t coexist under the same sky. Moreover, she couldn’t fit in there! The closet? Clothes and etc were inside of the closet. Who would know if they wouldn’t get anything from there? Anyway, she wouldn’t be considered a maid who wanted to climb the master’s bed, right? And it wouldn’t be that her status would increase as the son’s position rises…if she truly got a son, that would be terrible!

  • There is a saying in Chinese that the mother"s position would rise in the family with a son. This usually happens in the influential families. However, a eunuch wouldn"t be able to have son, so, it would be bad if she truly got a son.

When she heard that someone on the outside was about to come in, Chen Hui made the prompt decision to climb onto the bed and let herself be covered by the quilt stacked in the back. This bed had been adjusted before. Presumably, it wouldn’t be adjusted again. She wasn’t very big. It wasn’t eye-catching that she hid inside. Coupled with the dim light and the bed was covered by a dark color, they were less likely to discover her.

Chen Hui made fine adjustments and try to minimize the weak points. Before the servants came in, she shrank into the soft and smooth quilt. Darkness was before her eyes. Only a dim light hit the top of her head.

The servants were tidying up and occasionally chatted. Chen Hui was tense the whole time and listened to the movements of the two servants. If something was wrong, she could…could only have her hands tied and wait to be captured.

One of the servants walked to the end of the bed. When Chen Hui’s heart was raised, she heard him suddenly said, “Hey, Xiao Liu, why do you think that Lord still hasn’t thrown this away? Putting such a big box here takes up so much s.p.a.ce.”

The other servant named Xiao Liu seemed to have taken a glance at it and then said lazily, “After all, it’s jade.”

The first voice spoke again, “What do you think that Lord w.a.n.g was thinking about? Doesn’t he also not have that thing?  Who did he want to irritate by giving these stuffs to Lord Li?”

Xiao Liu said, “Talk less. If lord Li hears you talk about him behind his back, I won’t be able to save you.”

The first voice quieted down. Perhaps, he had been frightened. He didn’t say much afterwards. After cleaning up with Xiao Liu and putting down the canopy of the bed, the two left.

Chen Hui almost died from being frightened when the servant approached the bed. Only after the two left did her tight muscles relax completely.

Anyway, she got to knew that the box of jade male genitals hadn’t been used. There was no need to chop her hand anymore…That eunuch w.a.n.g must be eunuch Li’s enemy. He specifically sent a box of jade male genitals to irritate eunuch Li? She thought silently, they were originally from the same root and should be helping each other. No, they don’t have a root.

Since it was like this, eunuch Li wouldn"t be too angry that she accidentally ruined a jade male genitals, right? Of course, she would never take the initiative to tell him.

The conversation of the two servants about the jade male genitals made Chen Hui’s hesitating heart calm down a bit. Knowing that the jade male genitals weren’t used by eunuch Li, she felt that his image in her heart was not so perverted anymore. She also got a bit more confident in her next plan.

Those two servants had been in the outer room. Chen Hui didn’t know what they were doing. She froze on the bed and didn’t dare to move. When they didn’t come in again after a while, she relaxed a lot but still didn’t dare to move from the location.

This bed and this quilt were much more comfortable than the one she was using. Chen Hui couldn’t help but rub the soft quilt and suppressed a comfortable moan in her throat. Not only did she want to eat meat, she also wanted to use good things and live well…Later, she has to perform well in front of eunuch Li!

Recalling the bootlicking performance that she had seen in TV series, while Chen Hui snorted disdainfully, she also recalled and try to learn. No matter how bad eunuch Li was, he is a human after all. He would have friends, partners, bootlickers and etc…As a eunuch, he must feel inferior and is sensitive. He definitely needs a caring person who doesn’t look down on him…She thought that she was the perfect candidate! She would treat him as a boss who was not easy to coax and he could pay her back with a worry-free life. This was a win-win situation! As to whether this would succeed or not and or she had overreached herself…the word failure had never existed in her dictionary!

Just as Chen Hui was thinking about the bright future, Chen Hui who was inside the oxygen-poor quilt, felt comfortable and slowly drifted into sleep.

When Chen Hui woke up from shock, she was a bit confused for a while. It took a while before she remembered where she was at the moment. Her heart jumped wildly and at the same time, she heard a movement close at hand. Someone seemed to be pulling the quilt on her body.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Hui suddenly lifted the quilt and stood up with the quilt. She pressed the person who was standing at the edge of the bed down the bed like a predator hiding in a layer of soil and pulled its prey into the layer of soil. At the same time, she covered the other party’s mouth and looked around nervously.

Aside from her and the person she had caught, there was no one else in the room.

She felt that the person under her began to whimper after recovering from the shock. Perhaps, he realized that his mouth had been covered, he began to struggle.

Chen Hui got anxious, lowered her voice and said, “Don’t move. If you move again, I will kill you!”

The person beneath her stopped moving.

Chen Hui was completely awake after this thrill.

It was over. She seemed to have gotten herself into trouble…When she fearfully looked down at the person she had trapped, she let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the person who was crushed by her was not that exasperating eunuch.

However, this one was also a eunuch without doubt. As for the reason…Chen Hui pretended to be very natural and slightly moved her knee away. There was nothing at the place where her knee was before…

The eunuch beneath Chen Hui looked about twenty-six or twenty-seven-year-old. The face didn’t have much distinctiveness. It was the kind that if you throw him in a crowd, you wouldn’t be able to find him. However, she felt that at least, he was more pleasing to the eyes than that exasperating eunuch Li. The candlelight was dim. The eunuch’s expression wasn’t clearly visible, but Chen Hui knew that his expression wouldn’t be good.

Chen Hui was still covering that person’s mouth. After threatening the other party, she also didn’t know how to start the next scene. This person must be someone who serves eunuch Li. Even if she wasn’t so reckless just now, she would also had been discovered. She didn’t need to criticize her impulse so harshly. Perhaps, eunuch Li would come to bed soon. That was why the person who served him would come to make the bed first. This meant that she was running out of time.

Chen Hui coughed lightly, “Little eunuch, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I was looking for your lord.”

Sensing that the mood of the person beneath her had changed, Chen Hui immediately explained, “But don’t worry, I didn’t come to him. I’m looking for him for something trivial.”

The lips covered by Chen Hui moved a bit. The warm lips crossed her palms. She felt a bit itchy and said hurriedly, “Do you want to say something?” She hesitated for a moment and then said, “Then, I will let go, don’t shout.”

She cautiously let go. The person who had been suppressed under her body immediately coughed. There seemed to be some anger in his voice, “How did Lady Chen Hui come in? What do you want to do?”

Chen Hui was dumbstruck. Lady Chen Hui? After time-traveling for five days, she finally got to know her name. She was a bit touched.

Chen Hui looked at the person beneath her and prepared to start her performance.

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