Goblin Kingdom

Chapter 200


Tl Note: This will be the only chapter for today. I’ve been skipping these for a while now, but it seems people still use the cheat sheet, so I’ve started translating them again.


Protagonist (King Cla.s.s)

A human from another world who reincarnated into this world as a goblin. He once lost his mind due to starvation and hunted a monster to satiate it. He is currently revered by the goblins, and has promised to create a kingdom for them as their king. He is under the protection of the G.o.ddess of the Underworld, and after uniting the various races of the forest has invaded the land of the humans, taking the first step in his path to world domination.

Gi Ga Rax (Knight Cla.s.s)

A spear-wielding goblin who is the first goblin from Gi Village to evolve into a rare cla.s.s. He is a firm believer of the king and he has sworn fealty to him. He lost his right arm and left leg, but he managed to pick himself back thanks to his indomitable will. He is currently leading other wounded goblins like him to fight for the king. He calls his platoon the imperial guards.’

Gi Gu Verbena (Duke Cla.s.s)

Former leader of the village that has now become the parent organization of the protagonist’s horde. He was a rare cla.s.s at the time, but he was still subdued by the protagonist’s powerful howl, and became his subordinate. He specializes in the long sword, but he can use any close combat weapon. His real specialty lies in fighting with others. He conquered the goblins from the southern region and is now leading a force second only to the king’s horde.

Gi Go Amatsuki (Baron Cla.s.s)

In the face of being killed by the gray wolves or swearing fealty to the protagonist, he chose to swear. His preferred weapon is a curved sword, as it can cut his prey easily. He has received the divine protection of the Sword G.o.d, and once ended up pointing his sword to the king due to his influence. Ashamed of his weakness, he left the village. After a long time of wandering, he returned a new man and killed the Holy Knight, Gowen, who he once lost to.

Gi Za Zakuend (Shaman Cla.s.s)

A mage goblin who lived in a village situated by the roots of a great tree. He became the protagonist’s subordinate after losing to him in a duel. He is a firm believer of the king and has sworn fealty to him. His appearance resembles that of humans. He has received the divine protection of the wind G.o.d.

Gi Gi Orudo (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

A beast tamer, a goblin who can talk to animals. He came from the same village as Gi Gu, and currently has a triple head as his main beast. His preferred weapon is an axe. He is currently fighting as a part of the detached force responsible for conquering the colonial city.

Gi Ji Arsil (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

A goblin who can use the Meld skill, and thus, specializes in reconnaissance. He gets along well with Gi Gi and has fought as a pair with him plenty of times. He used to prefer a long sword, but after specializing in reconnaissance, he has since switched to a dagger. He has learned the a.s.sa.s.sinate skill, and is merciless to all who oppose the king.

Gi Zu Ruo (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

When he was young, he lost his mind when Gi Ga was deeply wounded during the battle of the orcs. Using the Mad Dog skill, he was able to take down three orcs by himself. He is a powerful goblin, who has received the divine protection of the mad G.o.d. At the king’s behest, he went to the northwestern part of the Forest of Darkness to increase their forces. After arriving late to the western capital war, he has since been desperate to achieve something.

Gi Zo (Druid Cla.s.s)

A water mage from Gi Za’s village. He was tasked to protect the village by the protagonist. He has received the divine protection of the water G.o.d. He is no longer among the living due to Gulland.

Gi Da (Rare Cla.s.s)

A spearman from Gi Ga’s faction. His debut as a warrior was in the battle against the orcs. He possesses the Unreasonably Stubborn skill. He is no longer among the living due to Gulland.

Gi Jii Yubu (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

The most brilliant student created by the goblin training, who now leads a regiol. As a commander, he has skills that could be matched with humans, but it seems he’s not ready just yet to take a holy knight on.

Gi De (Rare Cla.s.s)

A subordinate of Gi Gi. He is also a beast tamer. He evolved into a rare cla.s.s when he was caught up in the battle the orcs. As an obedient subordinate of Gi Gi, the king expects much from him. (He is currently using a triple boar and a wild dog.) He died to the Wand of Destruction, Bellan.

Gi Do Buruga (Shaman Cla.s.s)

A wind mage. Also from Gi Za’s village. He has never stood out because of Gi Za, but he has gradually distinguished himself among the goblins. He has the divine protection of the wind G.o.d. He leads the druids alongside Gi Za.

Gi Ba (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

A skillful goblin who can use the Fierce Arm skill. He has received Verid’s divine protection, and as such, deeply loathes humans. Most of his efforts have been centered against the humans, making him a valuable a.s.set in supporting the frontlines.

Gi Bi (Rare Cla.s.s)

A water mage. He is expected to be Gi Zo’s successor, but he is still a long way away from that goal. He is a part of Gi Za’s druid platoon.

Gi Bu (Rare Cla.s.s)

A beast tamer. Gi Ga works him hard everyday. He is now affiliated with Gi Gi’s beast tamer army and is looking after beasts he isn’t familiar with.

Gi Be (Rare Cla.s.s)

A one-armed goblin. He has received Verid’s divine protection and deeply loathes humans. He is affiliated with Gi Ga’s imperial guards.

Gi Ah (Rare Cla.s.s)

A goblin who evolved into a rare cla.s.s during the war with the elves. He possesses the invasion-cla.s.s skill, One who Encroaches into the Divine Region.

Gi Ii (Rare Cla.s.s)

A goblin who evolved during the war with the elves. He is an explorer and specializes in moving.

Gi Uu (Druid Cla.s.s)

A goblin who evolved during the war with the elves. He is a water mage.

Old Goblin (Normal)

An old goblin. He isn’t very useful in combat. Because he was once enslaved by humans through magic, he is good at talking. He is the parent who riced Gi Za.

Ra Gilmi Fishiga (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

One of the four tribes of the west. He is an archer of the Ganra tribe.

He went to the Gi Village as a messenger after receiving permission from the tribe. He invited the protagonist to the four tribes. He has been t.i.tle the First Archer or Gadieta. He is constantly worried over the relationship between the tribe and the king. He is currently fighting as part of the detached force responsible for the colonial city.

Ra Narsa (Rare Cla.s.s)

One of the four tribes of the west. He is an archer of the Ganra tribe.

She had been chased from her village by the Gaidga goblins when she met the protagonist. She is the current chief of the tribe and has recently started to distinguish herself. She has remained in the tribe’s village, supporting the goblins from the back.

Ru Rou (rare Cla.s.s)

A young goblin of the Ganra tribe. In the Ganra tribe, the names Ra, Ru, and Re are three most influential. The rest of the goblins have no family name, and are thus, normal goblins. He is currently fighting with Gilmi.

Aluhaliha (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

One of the four tribes. He is the chief of the Paradua tribe.

He threw away his pride and worked with the Gaidga to save his people from starvation, but after losing to the protagonist, he and his tribe have since joined him in his quest for world domination. He is the oldest among all the goblins. His black tiger steed is named Jirouou. He is currently retired, but he frequently patrols the area around the Fortress of the Abyss.

Hal (n.o.ble Cla.s.s)

Chief of the Paradua tribe.

He used to be a young warrior who worked as Aluhaliha’s aide. After inheriting Aluhaliha’s position, he has since proven himself a worthy chief capable of standing equal to the human cavalry. He has sworn fealty to the king.

Alashd (Rare Cla.s.s)

A middle-aged goblin from Paradua.

He works as Aluhaliha’s aide and is currently a member of the elders. He is staying at the Paradua village.

Rashka (Lord Cla.s.s)

The biggest chief among the four tribes.

He is the strongest goblin among the four tribes, but his subordinates haven’t been as blessed. He was Narsa’s fiancé.

He evolved during the goblin’s first invasion.

Dashka (Rare Cla.s.s)

A young goblin from the Gaidga tribe.

Kuzan (Rare Cla.s.s)

Chief of the Gordob tribe.

She is a goblin blessed with the divine protection of the G.o.ddess of the underworld. She has a skill that allows her to resurrect the dead. She is currently responsible for managing the Fortress of the Abyss. Gi Ga respects her. She studied medicine during her stay in the elven village and has since been working with the other Gordob members to support the goblins from the back as medical pract.i.tioners.

Tl Note:This wasn’t edited at all. This whole thing was really exhausting to type for some reason. Just let me know if you see any glaring errors.

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