God Emperor

Chapter 1411: Heavenly River and Merit Star

Chapter 1411: Heavenly River and Merit Star

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Ghost King Bloodmoon made another G.o.dly pact with Empress Chi Yao as Zhang Ruochen insisted.

Based on the new pact, monks from Sacred Central Empire who had become half saints needed to stay in Kunlun’s Field and follow Chi Yao’s orders.

Certainly, Empress Chi Yao also conceded that she wouldn’t target or kill them on purpose.

Zhang Ruochen also spent another day bringing all the monks who hadn’t reached half-saint level into the Universe World.

“Your highness, we from Guarding Dragon Pavilion have special missions, so we can’t get into Universe World in the first place.”

After finis.h.i.+ng that, the Vice Leader left Peakless Mountain with the members from Guarding Dragon Pavilion.

“Your highness, you’ve already tried your best. You don’t need to feel guilty. We’ll definitely come back if you become a G.o.d in the future, and we’ll follow you forever.”

“Empress Chi Yao is a G.o.d, so she will never break her promise. No need to be worried about us, your highness.”

The previous officials of the Sacred all came to say goodbye to Zhang Ruochen.

In the end, only Blackie, Mu Lingxi, the Crazy Alcoholic, Gu Songzi, and Ghost King Bloodmoon stayed.

Blackie patted Zhang Ruochen’s shoulders and said, “You’re only a saint, yet two G.o.ds negotiated because of you. You’re the first person in history who has accomplished that. Nothing to be upset about.”

Zhang Ruochen’s eyes gleamed, and he said, “I’ll have to become a G.o.d, no matter what it takes. There’s no point living if I can’t become a chess player.”

Before, Zhang Ruochen only had one purpose in life, to seek vengeance on Chi Yao.

Now, Zhang Ruochen had another, which was to control his fate and become an equal player against G.o.ds.

The Sun and Moon Crystal Coffin gradually opened, and white light gushed out of it. A G.o.ddess whose skin was glowing walked out. She was unbelievably beautiful.

The light rain pouring from the sky covered her body, making it dim.

“Moon G.o.ddess.”

the Crazy Alcoholic, Gu Songzi, Ghost King Bloodmoon, Mu Lingxi and Blackie all bowed toward her.

Zhang Ruochen stayed silent for a while, but then, he also greeted her. “Moon G.o.ddess.”

He couldn’t blame Moon G.o.ddess for what had happened today as n.o.body had expected Chi Yao to be back this quickly.

Moon G.o.ddess had only recovered part of her G.o.dly power, so she was still pretty feeble. She’d done a great job signing a pact with Chi Yao and saving Zhang Ruochen and the monks from Sacred Central Empire.

She was the only one in Kunlun’s Field who could balance Chi Yao’s power.

Moon G.o.ddess had done her part no matter what.

Moon G.o.ddess was floating above Sun and Moon Crystal Coffin. She looked almost exactly the same as Ghost King Bloodmoon, but she looked more beautiful and aloof as if she didn’t belong to this world.

Even the Crazy Alcoholic and Gu Songzi didn’t dare look at her and they found it blasphemous just looking at her a bit longer.

Moon G.o.ddess looked to Ghost King Bloodmoon and pointed at her forehead.


The ghost body of Ghost King Bloodmoon was dispersed and turned into ghost Qi, going into the finger of Moon G.o.ddess. Obviously, there was no need for Ghost King Bloodmoon to be here anymore.

“Let’s head to Heaven World now.”

Moon G.o.ddess flicked her fingers, and then, moonlight covered Zhang Ruochen, Mu Lingxi, Blackie, the Crazy Alcoholic, and Gu Songzi.

After the moonlight disappeared, they had already vanished from Saint Wood Mountain.

All the disciples from Demonic Sect changed while groveling on the ground. “Safe trip, Moon G.o.ddess.”

“Safe trip, Moon G.o.ddess.”

A hundred thousand years ago, Kunlun’s Field was a subsidiary mortal realm of Heaven World, so there was always an ancient saint road connecting the two worlds.

G.o.ds were able to reopen the ancient saint road using their G.o.dly power.

Empress Chi Yao went to Heaven World to negotiate with other G.o.ds a year ago.

The new saint road between Kunlun’s Field and Heaven World was built based on the old saint road.

Just as Moon G.o.ddess led Zhang Ruochen and the others waiting outside, the entry to the saint road was also opened. Half saints, saints, saint kings and supreme saints from Kunlun’s Field all entered the saint road, heading toward Heaven World.

Unless they were great beings with very special missions, the most powerful monk in Kunlun’s Field was only at the Ninth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm.

Heaven World was deep in the universe, and it was at the center of all the other worlds. It was incredibly far from Kunlun’s Field. It would take a normal saint from Kunlun’s Field at least a hundred years to get there.

There was a tumbling Heavenly River around Heaven World, and inside the river were bizarre rules flowing.

Heaven World was circular, and there were only stars floating around Heavenly River, making a simple d.y.k.e.

At this moment, Moon G.o.ddess, Zhang Ruochen, Mu Lingxi, the Crazy Alcoholic, and Gu Songzi were all standing outside Heavenly River on a star that had a diameter of five thousand miles.

Carved on the star were lots of sophisticated formation inscriptions, and inside the metal palaces and formation towers lived many saint soldiers and saint generals.

The Crazy Alcoholic was a saint king who had seen a lot, yet his eyes popped looking at everything around him. “Gos.h.!.+ There’s a river floating in the universe, and the river is too wide for us to see the other side.”

Moon G.o.ddess said, “This is the river that protects Heaven World. It’s called Heavenly River, which is one hundred and eighty thousand miles wide. The water inside is called weak water. Don’t even try to cross the river, otherwise, you’ll be killed instantly.

Zhang Ruochen looked calm, but he was amazed deep down.

What kind of power makes Heavenly River float around Heaven World? And what kind of a place is Heaven World?


A giant water pillar gushed out of Heavenly River, and then, the water pillar formed a giant wearing armor. G.o.dly might spread from his body.

The giant that was formed by weak water smiled. “It’s been a hundred thousand years, and you’re finally back to Heaven World. Congratulations, Moon G.o.ddess.”

Moon G.o.ddess nodded and said, “Give me a heavenly boat. I need to cross Heavenly River.”

“Wait a second, Moon G.o.ddess. I need to check the ident.i.ties of the others first.”

The weak water giant took out a mirror and turned it toward Zhang Ruochen and the others. The light pillar fell on Zhang Ruochen in the end.

The weak water giant put back his mirror and said, “Moon G.o.ddess, the saint standing behind you has a world in his body. If I let him in, I’ll break the heavenly rules. I can’t bear the consequences.”

Moon G.o.ddess turned around and looked to Zhang Ruochen. She said, “The monks in a world can’t go to Heaven World if there’s no G.o.d in the world.”

Zhang Ruochen knew what Moon G.o.ddess meant. He opened his arms and closed his eyes.

Moon G.o.ddess pointed at Zhang Ruochen’s head to seal his Universe World with her G.o.dly power.

“Can he enter Heaven World after I seal his world?” Moon G.o.ddess asked.

The weak water giant said, “Based on the rules of Heaven World, all creatures need to put their names on the ‘Merit Record’ first.”

“They’ll follow the rules,” Moon G.o.ddess said.

“Thanks for understanding,” the weak water giant said.

Every mortal realm of Heaven World had a ‘Merit Record,’ which was stored in Merit Star.

Merit Star was at the edge of Heavenly River. It wasn’t a circular planet. Instead, it was shaped into levels, and on each level was a ‘Merit Record.’

There were eight thousand nine hundred and forty levels of Merit Star, making it eight thousand nine hundred and forty miles tall.

Each level was one mile tall.

On the first level was carved ‘Kunlun’s Field,’ and there was only one name: ‘Chi Yao.’

Gu Songzi rushed toward the first level and prepared to write his name on it.

Moon G.o.ddess said, “You’ve been abandoned by the G.o.d of Kunlun’s Field, so you can’t write your name on ‘Merit Record’ of Kunlun’s Field.”

Moon G.o.ddess walked to the fourth level and stopped there.

She saw ‘Guanghan Field’ on the level. She frowned and said, “‘Guanghan Field’ has fallen to the fourth level already? What happened to Guanghan Field in the past hundred thousand years? It seems I’ve done the proper preparations.”

Zhang Ruochen squinted and asked, “There’re eighty-nine hundred and forty mortal fields of Heaven World?”

“That’s right,” Moon G.o.ddess said.

Zhang Ruochen said, “The more merits the world earns, the higher it’ll be on the level? Is that why Kunlun’s Field is on the last level, because it has no merits yet?”

“Correct,” Moon G.o.ddess said.

Zhang Ruochen asked, “Will our merits be recorded under Guanghan Field if we put our name on the ‘Merit Record’ of Guanghan Field?”

Moon G.o.ddess said, “Obviously.”

Zhang Ruochen said, “What are merits for? They’re not just for ranking, are they? Does the thing you ask me to do have something to do with merits?”

Moon G.o.ddess said, “Put your name on the ‘Merit Record’ first, then follow me to Heaven World. You’ll understand in the future that the merits are thousands of times more important than you could possibly imagine.”

Zhang Ruochen and the others could only put their names on ‘Merit Record’ after being allowed by a G.o.d, so they had to join Guanghan Field.

After putting their names on the Merit Record, Blackie discovered something interesting. It said, “There’s a ranking on each level, and the guy who’s ranked first on ‘Saint Merits Rank,’ Wu Hao, has four million, seven hundred thousand merits already.”

The Crazy Alcoholic yelled, “The person who’s ranked first on ‘Saint King Merits Rank’ has three point seven billion merits. What do these merits mean?”

Moon G.o.ddess explained after seeing them surprised, “Merits represent your status in Heaven World, and they also determine how many resources you can have. ‘Merits Rank of Guanghan Field’ doesn’t mean anything. If you can get yourself to the ‘Merits Rank of Heaven World,’ that’ll mean you’re renowned across all the fields.”

Moon G.o.ddess took a look at Zhang Ruochen and said, “If you want to become the chess player, you need to get yourself to the ‘Saint Merits Rank’ of Heaven World first, after which some G.o.ds of Heaven World will want to recruit you.

“Certainly, there’re talents from almost ten thousand fields here. Many of them have bodies of true G.o.ds, G.o.d’s destiny, and Five Elements Chaotic Bodies. Some talents can comprehend Nine Ancient Ways. It’s not an easy task for you to make it to ‘Saint Merits Rank’ of Heaven World.”

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