God Emperor

Chapter 1558: Dojo

Chapter 1558: Dojo

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

“Look! It’s Deity w.a.n.g Xu!”

“I’ve seen the clips of his fighting before. Can’t believe I’m seeing him in person.”

“I fought the hologram of Deity w.a.n.g Xu before, but I couldn’t even handle one of his moves.”

w.a.n.g Xu caused a sensation by coming to the plain.

Both his status and his power amazed people.

He was someone who was ranked in seventh place on the ‘Saints Merits Rank,’ which meant he was no doubt an extraordinary talent with a great future.

Although Zhang Ruochen’s performance was amazing on Zuling Field, only the monks from large fields that were ranked low would pay attention to that merits battle.

As for the powerful fields that didn’t need to worry about becoming the next battlefield, they wouldn’t pay attention to the merits battle of seven weak fields.

And besides, it’d been only a month or two since Zhang Ruochen got in the ‘Saints Merits Rank’, so the news hadn’t been spread yet. Aside from the talents who were actually on the rank, others didn’t know his background at all.

Only a handful of monks knew which large field he was from.

And fewer monks knew what he looked like.

w.a.n.g Xu had recovered, and it seemed that his power was improved again. He walked out of the s.p.a.ce transportation formation, surrounded by a group of monks.

Han Shang, a disciple from Truth G.o.dly Palace welcomed him and said, “This is your seventh time coming to Truth G.o.dly Palace. I’ve been responsible for receiving you, including this time.”

w.a.n.g Xu shot him a glimpse and said, “I remember you… What’s your name again?”

“Han Shang.” Han Shang smiled and nodded.

w.a.n.g Xu pointed at Han Shang as if he were his slave. “That’s right. That’s the name.”

“I’ve prepared the Cloud Boat for you, deity. Please follow me.”

Han Shang was leading the way in the front, and the monks from Ruiya Field followed. The monks from other large fields all avoided them.

Ruiya Field was ranked in seventy-third place in the western universe. Their deity being in Truth Heavenly Domain was like an emperor embarking on a tour. Everyone tried to ingratiate himself to him. If a saint could befriend the deity of Ruiya Field, he or she would become a sensational person in the field.

w.a.n.g Xu suddenly noticed something as he walked. He stopped and looked in a direction, seeing Zhang Ruochen.

As for Zhang Ruochen, he was leaving with Su Jing and the others to register.

Han Shang noticed how fierce Deity w.a.n.g Xu looked. He saw Zhang Ruochen and the others, and he said, “They’re the lower-cla.s.s monks from Guanghan Field.”

“Lower-cla.s.s monks? Where did Truth G.o.dly Palace cla.s.sify monks?” w.a.n.g Xu was still staring at Zhang Ruochen like a hunter staring at his most precious prey.

Han Shang said, “People cla.s.sify the monks themselves. They’re nothing but monks from the third to last large field, which means they’re lower-cla.s.s monks. I don’t even know why they came to Truth G.o.dly Domain.”

w.a.n.g Xu then looked to Han Shang, smiled, and walked away.

“What did he mean?”

Han Shang couldn’t figure out why w.a.n.g Xu smiled like that.

“Is the deity attracted to the girls from Guanghan Field, but then again, those girls are indeed beautiful. One of them is even in the cla.s.s of those on the ‘Nine Angels Beauty Scroll.’”

After the registration, Zhang Ruochen and the others went on to take the Cloud Boat.

Zhang Ruochen asked, “Where’re we going next, Uncle Jing?”

Su Jing thought for a while and said, “How about you guys head to Truth G.o.dly Palace first? I’ll stay here.”

“Heading to Truth G.o.dly Palace first? But the monks from Truth G.o.dly Palace said we need to wait in line. Shall we go to the Dojo opened by our G.o.ds first?” Zhang Ruochen said.

This was the first time Su Qingling, Wen Shusheng, and Ling Mi came to Truth Heavenly Domain, so they didn’t know anything about the situation here. They were also curious why Su Jing asked them to head to Truth G.o.dly Palace first.

Su Jing felt ashamed seeing how confused everyone was. He then said, “If you really want to know about it that much, then I’ll tell you.

“Only G.o.ds are allowed to establish dojos in Truth Heavenly Domain. Those dojos are left for their monks to rest in Truth G.o.dly Palace.

“To put it in another way, G.o.ds occupy a small territory with their power.”

Zhang Ruochen said, “Does that mean the Moon G.o.ddess and Tree G.o.d established their dojos, and that we can go rest there?”

Su Qingling said, “Is there an inheritance left for us by the Moon G.o.ddess and Tree G.o.d?”

“Of course.”

Su Jing said, “I heard that the Moon G.o.ddess and Tree G.o.d carved their Way of Truth on the dojos’ walls. Monks from Guanghan Field can comprehend the pictures carved on the walls once they get into the dojos. Although it’s less efficient than getting to Truth G.o.dly Palace directly, they’re still invaluable resources.”

Ling Mi and Wen Shusheng were both thrilled.

They only had a month in Truth G.o.dly Palace, so it was almost impossible for them to comprehend the Way of Truth.

However, if there were pictures of the Way of Truth left by the Moon G.o.ddess and Tree G.o.d, they could read the pictures even if they couldn’t get into Truth G.o.dly Palace. Then they would have a much higher chance of comprehending the Way of Truth.

Su Jing said, “A hundred thousand years ago, when Guanghan Field was in its prime, we had more than twenty dojos in Truth Heavenly Domain. Each month, there’d be a large group of talents coming here to refine. Guanghan Field was more prominent than Ruiya Field before.”

“Unfortunately, Gunaghan Field doesn’t have any dojo anymore!”

Su Jing felt pained when he finished the last sentence. He couldn’t help tensing his muscles, but he felt helpless.

All the monks were shocked.

“How come? Are the dojos left by G.o.ds protected by their power? Aren’t they supposed to be immortal?”

Su Jing said, “G.o.ds’ power can only protect the dojos themselves, but it can’t protect them from being seized by external forces.”

Zhang Ruochen said, “Does that mean the dojos left by G.o.ds from Guanghan Field were all occupied by the monks from other large fields?”

“That’s right.”

Su Jing shook his head and said, “Guanghan Field only has three people going to Truth G.o.dly Palace every ten years, as opposed to those stronger fields who have a higher quota every month. They found the dojos of Guanghan Field were always empty, so they seized them to themselves, and the pictures of the Way of Truth left by the Moon G.o.ddess and Tree G.o.d were also rendered refining resources for monks from other large fields.

“In the end, the monks from Guanghan Field don’t have anywhere that belongs to them.

“Some of the talents tried to get the dojos back, but all the monks occupying our dojos come from stronger fields. Their talents are more powerful, with greater numbers. All the talents from Guanghan Field were defeated, banished or even humiliated.”

Su Qingling, Wen Shusheng, and Ling Mi had been refining in Guanghan Field or Shatuo Heavenly Domain the whole time, so they’d never expected that the monks from Guanghan Field would be bullied like this.

“What a shame… What a shame… If the G.o.ds from Guanghan Field knew their dojos were seized by others, they would be in agony.” Wen Shusheng clenched his teeth.

Ling Mi and Su Qingling also clenched their fists, as they felt ashamed too.

Su Jing said, “That’s why I asked you to head to Truth G.o.dly Palace directly. Even if you have to wait outside the G.o.dly palace, it’s still better than being humiliated in the dojos. Besides, most of you here are girls.

“A talented girl from Guanghan Field tried to take back the dojo that belonged to the Moon G.o.ddess, but she was trapped in the dojo and blew up her saint source so that she wouldn’t be humiliated. I heard the Moon G.o.ddess’s dojo is occupied by the evil way monks from a powerful large field.”

Zhang Ruocen wasn’t raised in Guanghan Field, yet even he felt angry. “We’ll only be laughed at if we keep swallowing our pride. Let’s fight them and get our dojos back, no matter how powerful they are.”

Ling Mi was a calm girl, but she wasn’t very confident in herself. After all, many greater talents were born in Guanghan Field, yet even they failed and got humiliated. It was obviously impossible for her to take the dojos back.

However, she had confidence in Zhang Ruochen. She stared at him and said, “I’ll follow our priest. I believe he can make us proud again.”

Wen Shusheng yelled, “We need to fight even if that means we’re going to blow up our saint sources. We have to get our dojos back, or die trying.”

Su Jing saw everyone’s motivation, and he was moved. And besides, he had some more confidence thinking about Zhang Ruochen’s abilities.

“It’ll be up to you to get back our dojos. After all, only you guys are ent.i.tled to get into Truth G.o.dly Palace, which means only you can fight them. I won’t be of much help. You need to think it through first. You’re going to face enemies from much stronger fields, so are you really ready to handle the humiliation to come if you fail?”

“So what? We’ll just blow up our saint sources and drag them all down. We need to send a message that there’ll be a price to pay for occupying Guanghan Field’s dojos,” Su Qingling said.

Su Jing wanted to talk her out of it, but in the end, he didn’t say anything. He boarded the Cloud Boat with them and headed to the dojo left by Tree G.o.d.

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