God Emperor

Chapter 2216: Kill Wan Xin

Chapter 2216: Kill Wan Xin

At the edge of the Milky Way of Styx, near Tianchu Civilization was an enormous Macroworld called Ashuran Planet. It was the main base of the Asuras.

Ashuran Planet had existed for thousands of years. Cultivators who wanted to walk the Ashuran path, regardless of their races and origins, could move to this Macroworld to the members of the Asuras.

The Asuras were never a specific type of race or species. Even a cultivator from a different clan in Infernal Court could transform into Asura.

In Ashuran Planet, there was a water region called Sea of Time. It was a terrifying forbidden land that even deities did not dare to casually step into.

In Sea of Time, there were countless Marks of Time in the form of light spots dancing in the air. They looked beautiful, but they were actually dangerous. They could turn a Saint into withered bones in an instant.

At the center of Sea of Time, there was an incomparably tall and majestic mountain of bones. It was formed from the bones of hundreds of millions of lifeforms. There were even bones of deities there.

At the top of the mountain of bones, there were five gigantic skulls of deities. Each one of them was comparable to a star. They jointly supported a majestic dark red building of a fane. There were mottled bloodstains all over the building. It was as though the building had been soaked in a large amount of divine blood. It was a terrifying sight to behold.

This was the residence of Asurendra Samay, which has already existed for long years, and no one had ever dared to trespa.s.s it.

After the war of G.o.ds ended, Asurendra Samay returned to ‘Sea of Time’ region.

At this moment, Asurendra Samay was sitting on a skeletal chair covered in divine inscriptions. This skeletal chair had a great origin, it was forged from the bones of a deity.

At a certain moment, a ball of illuminating divine light was separated from Asurendra Samay’s soul. It was enveloped by divine force and could not dissipate.

Asurendra Samay opened its eyes. Its eyes narrowed as he stared at the divine light.

During its battle with Moon G.o.ddess, Asurendra Samay had suffered an enormous loss. During its repeated clashes with Kaiyuan Deer Cauldron, strands of illuminating divine light invaded its divine soul. It seemed dim, but it was difficult to destroy.

The illuminating divine light was terrifying, especially against the divine soul.

Even for someone as strong as Asurendra Samay, its soul showed signs of being dissolved.

“That cauldron can dissolve divine soul for refinement. It is very similar to the legendary divine cauldron. However, that divine cauldron has already disappeared for many eras. How could it suddenly appear in the hands of Moon G.o.ddess?” Asurendra Samay thought.

It now hoped he could obtain a vessel and source as soon as possible. Or else, its existence as a divine soul, would face many limitations.

Immediately, Asurendra Samay started to predict the future using its divine spirit.

“He failed to bring Zhang Ruochen’s body back? Hmm, Chi Kongyue does at least meet the basic requirements,” Asurendra Samay uttered softly to itself.

He desperately needed a body and divine source. Only then could he have hope of surviving the upcoming Yuanhui Tribulation. If he could not get the best, he could settle for the second best.

Not long after, Wan Xin rushed back to Sea of Time.

“Greetings, master. Things did not go as expected. I failed to bring Zhang Ruochen back. Please punish me, Master.” Wan Xin knelt on the ground, feeling uneasy.

After all, Asurendra Samay was determined to get Zhang Ruochen’s body. For this reason, it even gave Yan Wushen Yin-Yang Equinox Flower.

Asurendra Samay said indifferently, “I already know what happened in Kunlun. You did a good job bringing Chi Kongyue back. Get Up.”

Wan Xin could not help but sigh in relief. He was really afraid that Asurendra Samay would get angry.

At the same time, he was secretly glad that he had made a wise decision at the last moment.

Wan Xin stood up and waved his hand, releasing Chi Kongyue, who had been subdued.

Asurendra Samay stood up and walked over to her, carefully sizing up Chi Kongyue.

In terms of cultivation and strenght, Chi Kongyue was incomparable to Zhang Ruochen. However, she was born with Five-element Chaotic Body, and there was deity blood ran in her veins. In addition, she was also the Master of Time. In fact, she was more compatible with Asurendra Samay, and her body was easier to be transformed into a divine vessel.

Asurendra Samay estimated that Chi Kongyue’s divine bloodline would allow it to take three hundred years at most to successfully transform the body. When the time came, it could regain its prime.

Asurendra Samay was a deity cultivating the Path of Time. It could set up a Time Array skillfully to greatly shorten the time needed for recovery.

Chi Kongyue’s heart could not help but tremble when she saw Asurendra Samay.

In the end, she was only a Four-Step Saint King. The difference in strength between her and Asurendra Samay was too great. The feelling of reverence came from the depths of her soul.

After sizing up Chi Kongyue for a moment, Asurendra Samay tols Wan Xin, “You can leave first.”

“Yes, Master.”

Wan Xin bowed and left.

He knew that Asurendra Samay was going to possess Chi Kongyue’s body.

When Asurendra Samay came out of seclusion, it would return to its prime. By then, their position in the Asuras would also rise.

Thinking of this, Wan Xin could not help but feel very excited. As the only personal disciple of Asurendra Samay, he would definitely receive unimaginable benefits.

“Although your body isn’t as perfect as Zhang Ruochen’s, it’s still pretty good. Be a good girl and become one with me,” Asurendra Samay said.

Chi Kongyue was originally scared, but now she felt relieved.

Her sacrifice was worth it for Zhang Ruochen to be safe and sound.

Asurendra Samay released divine light that spread toward Chi Kongyue. It enveloped her and carried out the initial integration.


On Chi Kongyue’s neck, Jade Swallow Pendant in between the five Buddhist beads suddenly moved. A large number of tiny blood-colored inscriptions appeared on its surface. It flapped its wings and flew like a living bird.

An ancient and enormous aura erupted from the pendant. It was as if an ancient G.o.d had been revived and forcefully scattered all the divine light.

After that, a terrifying divine force was released from Jade Swallow Pendant. A faint towering figure then appeared.

Asurendra Samay’s expression changed. It hurriedly formed a hand seal and condensed its divine force of Time to block the attack.


The divine force released by Jade Swallow Pendant was too terrifying. Even when Asurendra Samay tried to block it, he wasn’t able to block it completely. The attack forced him back a dozen of steps.

Asurendra Sama stabalized its posture, its eyes brightened. It stared at Jade Swallow Pendant floating in front of Chi Kongyue.

With its cultivation, how could a power from a jade pendant force him back a dozen of steps?

How could this happen?

Chi Kongyue was also surprised. Although she had worn Jade Swallow Pendant since she was young, she did not know much about it. Zhang Ruochen had only taught her how to use it, he did not tell her about the origin of Jade Swallow Pendant.

When Zhang Ruochen and Chi Yao were in love, Chi Yao gave Zhang Ruochen a Sword of Creation, Ancient Abyssal Blade.

Zhang Ruochen gave her the ancestral treasure of the Zhang family, Jade Swallow Pendant.

Then, Asurendra Samay looked thoughtful and said, “I seem to have felt this power a long time ago.”

Asurendra Samay was a very special existence. Its true form was a Divine Jade of Time. Before it gained sentience and embarked on the path of cultivation, it had already existed for very long period of time.

Just like Ji Fanxin whose true form was a Lotus of Divine Reflection that survived since Age of Hadean.

During that ancient era, Asurendra Samay had had some consciousness. It was able to sense everything in the world. This could be considered as laying a foundation for his future cultivation.

At least a dozen Yuanhui periods ago, Asurendra Samay had once felt the same aura in a desolate starry sky.

Until now, there was still a blurry image imprinted in Asurendra Samay’s divine soul.

An incomparably majestic figure stood in the starry sky. Above his head, there were twenty-seven layers of heavens. An incomparably huge divine cauldron floated around him, dissolving the starry skies and the deities for refinement.

Even though Asurendra Samay had long become a prominent figure among the deities, every time it thought of that scene, its heart would still tremble uncontrollably.

“Is this the artifact left behind by that person?”Asurendra Samay thought.

After such a long period of time, he believed that that unrivalled deity should already be long gone.

Time was the most ruthless. Even if one was mighty and unrivalled, there would still be a day where one would die. There had never been a legend who did not die.


Just as Asurendra Samay was about to probe the pendant once more, it suddenly retracted its divine light. After that, it melted into a drop of liquid that fused into Chi Kongyue’s forehead.

Everything happened too quickly. It was too late for Asurendra Samay wanted to stop it,.

In the next instant, the mark of a flying swallow appeared on Chi Kongyue’s forehead.


A strange look appeared in the eyes of Asurendra Samay. It originally wanted to study Jade Swallow Pendant, but it did not expect such a change to occur.

Asurendra Samay released its divine spirit to probe into Chi Kongyue’s forehead.

However, it did not discover anything after a long time. The swallow mark on Chi Kongyue’s forehead seemed to be just an ordinary mark. There was nothing special about it.

“Could it be that it is out of power?” Asurendra Samay made a guess.

Since Asurendra Samay could not find anything strange, it released his divine light again and continued to merge with Chi Kongyue.

Asurendra Samay was very confident that Jade Swallow Pendant would not be able to stop it even if the pendant was related that deity.

It was just an object left behind by that unrivalled deity instead of the true body of that deity. Moreover, even if that deity was still alive, with its current cultivation rank, it wasn’t afraid of him.

There were very few existences among the myriad of Macroworlds of Celestial Court and ten clans of Infernal Court that Asurendra Samay feared.

Not long after, Asurendra Samay completed its initial fusion with Chi Kongyue’s body. There was no abnormality during the process.

Finally, Asurendra Samay’s soul entered Chi Kongyue’s body and truly began to possess her.

As an ancient G.o.d, Asurendra Samay could possess a weak Four-Step Saint King easily.

Under the lead of Blood Empress and Lord Ming, Zhang Ruochen arrived at Milky Way of Styx where Infernal Court was located in a very short time.

The feeling of seeing Milky Way of Styx up close was completely different from other times.

Infernal Court did not set up any defenses. It seemed that anyone could enter.

However, if there really were living beings from Celestial Court who dared to intrude Infernal Court’s territory, they would probably die without a burial place.

Zhang Ruochen could feel that Milky Way of Styx was expanding and was full of aggression.

The sight reminded Zhang Ruochen of Death’s Door, where he could see Milky Way of Styx from there too.

Did It mean that if it wasn’t for Death’s Door, Milky Way of Styx would have extended to the starry sky where Kunlun was located?

Once Milky Way of Styx got near a Macroworld, the Macroworld would undoubtedly be more vulnerable to the invasion of Infernal Court.

Without stopping, Zhang Ruochen, Blood Empress, and Lord Ming entered Milky Way of Styx and landed on Ashuran Planet.

Without Asurendra Samay’s control, Sea of Time was still very dangerous, but it could not stop Blood Empress and Lord Ming.

After pa.s.sing through Sea of Time, the trio appeared on the mountain of bones.

“Which insolent bast*ard trespa.s.s Fane of Samay?”

Some elites from Fane of Samay became wary instantly.


Figures flashed out from Fane of Samay and appeared on the square.

Although Asurendra Samay liked peace and quiet, there were still some Asura cultivators in Fane of Samay. There weren’t many of them, but they were all Saints.

At this moment, dozens of cultivators flashed out, including the five Supreme Saints. They were all on guard.

They had to come to counter the trio. After all, Blood Empress and Lord Ming both exuded a powerful and reverent divine aura.

If Fane of Samay did not release a divine light to resist most of the divine aura, other than the five Supreme Saints, everyone else would have knelt on the ground.

“Greetings. May I know what bring two TrueG.o.ds here?” a Supreme Saint bowed and asked.

In the face of a TrueG.o.d, even a Supreme Saint had to remain humble.

Lord Ming said indifferently, “You are just a Supreme Saint. Get out of my way and ask Asurendra Samay to come out.”

The Supreme Saint’s expression changed as soon as he heard Lord Ming’s words.

It was obvious that this TrueG.o.d had come with ill intentions.

At this moment, another figure walked out of the Fane building. It was Wan Xin, the one who had abducted Chi Kongyue.

Unlike the other Asuran cultivators, Wan Xin could not get his eyes off Zhang Ruochen from the beginning as soon as he saw him. His eyes were filled with disbelief.

“Impossible. How did he come here?”

He had seen Zhang Ruochen die in front of the Dimensional Rift with his own eyes. Zhang Ruochen’s body had almost turned into a skeleton. How could Zhang Ruochen still be alive?

Moreover, even if Zhang Ruochen had survived under those circ.u.mstances, how did he come to Infernal Court? How did he land on Ashuran Planet?

Wan Xin could not help but feel uneasy.

Zhang Ruochen also saw Wan Xin, and his eyes became icy cold.

Even though he had regained his rationality and calmness, he still could not control his killing intent toward Wan Xin.

Zhang Ruochen sensed Chi Kongyue’s aura. He was certain that she was inside the Fane building.

“Wan Xin, as you wish, I’ve come to Infernal Court. Have you thought about the way you want to die?” Zhang Ruochen said coldly as he walked forward.

Hearing this, Wan Xin could not help but take a step back.

He could feel that not only had Zhang Ruochen come back to life, but he had also become an Immortal Vampire who had attained Supreme Sainthood.

Looking at the two Immortal Vampire deities behind Zhang Ruochen, it wasn’t hard to guess that this had something to do with the Immortal Vampires.

But why would the Immortal Vampires do this?

Wan Xin could tell from the aura Zhang Ruochen exuded that Zhang Ruochen wasn’t just an ordinary Neverwither Supreme Saint. His power had increased many times over.

He did not know what had happened to Zhang Ruochen. But apparently, this was a bad news for him.

Seeing Zhang Ruochen approaching, Wan Xin could not keep calm anymore. He stepped back into the Fane building.

“This is Fane of Samay. No one is allowed to enter.”

A silver-haired Supreme Saint appeared and blocked Zhang Ruochen’s way.

Even though two Immortal Vampires had come with Zhang Ruochen, this was Asurendra Samay’s territory. No one had dared to act atrociously in the past few Yuanhui periods, and the deities were no exception.


Zhang Ruochen stomped his foot and released an extremely powerful divine power, causing the entire white mountain to tremble.

The white mountain was engraved with a large number of divine patterns. It was extremely st.u.r.dy and difficult to destroy.

“Anyone who stands in my way will die,” Zhang Ruochen said.

Sensing Zhang Ruochen’s killing intent and pressure, all Asuran cultivators were trembled. The weaker Saint Kings almost fell to the ground.

Only the five Supreme Saints were still calm.

If they got scared and allowed Zhang Ruochen to barge into the Fane building, they would definitely become a laughing stock.

Wan Xin had seen Zhang Ruochen’s killing spree outside Kunlun’s Central Imperial City and knew what kind of person Zhang Ruochen was. Immediately, Wan Xin rushed into the depths of the Fane building as fast as he could, wanting to seek help from Asurendra Samay.

It wasn’t just Zhang Ruochen. There were two Immortal Vampire deities with him. Only Asurendra Samay could deal with them.

Even though Asurendra Samay was in the process of posessing a vessel and did not want anybody to disturb it, he could not care too much now.

Seeing that Wan Xin wanted to escape, Zhang Ruochen immediately made his move and rushed over.

“Stop your impudence!”

The silver-haired Supreme Saint shouted. His five fingers grabbed a 12-foot-long silver blood-patterned spear that appeared out of thin air.

As the silver-haired Supreme Saint waved the silver blood-patterned spear, the Precepts of heaven and earth and the surrounding energy force within myriad miles of radius were activated. They revolved according to his will.

An extremely terrifying Saint Will of spearmans.h.i.+p erupted. It was extremely sharp and seemed to be able to pierce through everything in heaven and earth.

The silver blood-patterned spear vibrated. The spear moved like a dragon in an unpredictable trajectory. Countless shadows of spear appeared at the same time. Each spear shadow was infused with many different types of Precepts, and the number of each Precept was a few millions.

Zhang Ruochen did not dodge. His eyes were cold. He grabbed back and released the powerful power of the demiG.o.d body without any hesitation.

The white mountain was extremely st.u.r.dy. It could withstand his power. He did not have to worry about crus.h.i.+ng the ground or accidentally using too much force.


All the spear shadows shattered and disappeared.

When the silver-haired Supreme Saint regained his senses, he found that Zhang Ruochen was holding the tip of the silver blood-patterned spear.

‘Zhang Ruochen caught it with his bare hands?’

“Break free!”

The silver-haired Supreme Saint roared and 17 beams of Saint light burst out from his body. They were the 17 shackles that he had broken free. Each shackle contained terrifying power.

The silver blood-patterned spear shook violently and burst out an extremely sharp beam. The Saint will of spearsmans.h.i.+p was completely condensed in it.

Zhang Ruochen’s demiG.o.d physique was strong enough to fight head-on with a Supreme Artifact. Hence, the spear could not cut him.

However, the power contained in the beam was so strong that it shook Zhang Ruochen’s palm until it went numb.

Taking this opportunity, the silver-haired Supreme Saint pulled out the silver blood-patterned spear and used an even powerful spear technique.

‘No matter how extraordinary Zhang Ruochen is, he is only a Neverwither Supreme Saint. My cultivation has already entered Hundred-Shackle Realm, and I hold a powerful Saint Will. There’s no way I can’t defeat Zhang Ruochen.’

“Rise the demon dragon!”

The silver-haired Supreme Saint suddenly thrust out the silver blood-patterned spear.

Hundreds of millions of Precepts were injected into it.

At the same time, countless Precepts of heaven and earth gathered on the tip of the spear.

The vast power of heaven and earth interweaved into an illusory demon dragon that was as long as the spear. It was lifelike, looking ferocious. it furiously pounced at Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen moved forward without fear in his eyes.

A streak of demonic red light appeared on his palm. The meridian points on his arm unleashed ma.s.sive blood-colored divine energy.

This divine power was so powerful that the surrounding s.p.a.ce was distorted.

At the same time, the surrounding Precepts and energy force were also affected and became chaotic.

A demiG.o.d physique was certainly highly compatible with the Precepts and energy force of heaven and earth.

If Zhang Ruochen could perfectly control the power of this body, almost all the Precepts and energy force of Heaven and earth within a radius of 100,000 miles could be mobilized by him. Contrary, it would mean that his opponent would have hard time mobilizing more Precepts and energy force of Heaven and earth.

A huge blood-red palm seal was condensed. It struck down at the demon dragon.


The huge demon dragon exploded in an instant.

Zhang Ruochen moved forward and grabbed the body of the spear, approaching the silver-haired Supreme Saint.

A powerful divine power was released from Zhang Ruochen’s fist. It turned into a cloud of fire, charging at the silver-haired Supreme Saint.

With his silver spear being caught by Zhang Ruochen, the silver-haired Supreme Saint could not dodge the attack a close distance. He had to mobilize all the power of his Neverwither physique and shoot a palm strike with all his might.

The majestic Asuran murderous aura gathered and transformed into a giant millstone that met Zhang Ruochen’s fist.


The cloud of fire incinerated everything. The millstone immediately exploded and turned into dust.

Then, Zhang Ruochen’s fist hit the silver-haired Supreme Saint’s chest.


The armor the silver-haired Supreme Saint wore shattered into pieces and flew in all directions.

The silver-haired Supreme Saint was sent flying and crashed heavily into the Fane building.


The silver-haired Supreme Saint spat out a mouthful of blood. He felt a burning pain in his chest, and his internal organs were all injured.

Seeing that the silver-haired Supreme Saint was injured, another Supreme Saint with a single horn on his head immediately attacked and shouted, “Taste my weapon!”

A plantinum paG.o.da flew out from the single-horned Supreme Saint’s body. It was only a foot tall and there were many Asuran inscriptions on its surface. It was an Asuran weapon and was not inferior to a regal weapon.

Under the control of the single-horned Supreme Saint, the paG.o.da was instantly revived. The Asuran killing intent within it was released without reservation.


The paG.o.da hit Zhang Ruochen’s back.

Zhang Ruochen’s body shook. His shoulders felt intense pain, but that was all. They weren’t wounded.

Of course, if the one who got hit were other Supreme Saint of Neverwilt Realm or Hundred-Shackle Realm, their spine would have been broken by this sudden attack.

“He is only a Neverwither Supreme Saint. How can his Neverwither physique be so powerful?” The single-horned Supreme Saint was shocked.

He knew very well how powerful his attack was. If he himself had gotten hit, he would have been seriously injured.

Zhang Ruochen turned and kicked.

Violent divine power of Fire surged out crazily, causing the temperature of the region to rise.

The single-horned Supreme Saint’s expression changed slightly. He immediately summoned the paG.o.da again.

Hundreds of millions of Precepts surged out of the single-horned Supreme Saint’s body and poured into the paG.o.da. All Asuran inscriptions inside the paG.o.da appeared clearly.

The paG.o.da grew rapidly and instantly became three thousand feet tall. Its power faintly combined with the white mountain.

For a moment, the white mountain trembled slightly. It released rays of divine light and poured into the paG.o.da.


The paG.o.da shook, and the Divine Power of fire released by Zhang Ruochen dissipated.

Then, the paG.o.da spun and pressed down on Zhang Ruochen.

The surrounding Precepts and Saint Qi were triggered and drilled into the paG.o.da crazily. The paG.o.da became bigger and bigger, emitting a destructive qi dynamic.

Zhang Ruochen’s eyes become grim. All 144 meridian points in his body released bright Saint light at the same time. The power contained in it was released without reservation at this moment.

He punched upward.


The unparalleled energy force condensed into an illusory giant blood-red dragon. It rose into the sky like a trapped dragon soaring into the sky. It was unstoppable.


The giant blood-red dragon held the paG.o.da, stopping it from pressing down on Zhang Ruochen.

Then, the giant blood-red dragon unleashed its power and devoured all the surrounding Precepts and the energy force of heaven and earth that gathered.

The paG.o.da was unable to suppress the giant blood-red dragon. It was sent flying in an instant.


The paG.o.da cracked, and clear rifts appeared on its surface.

The single-horned Supreme Saint grunted. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. He could not help but step back.

It was true that Zhang Ruochen could not control the strength of his demiG.o.d physique well. However, that did not stop him from crus.h.i.+ng the Supreme Saints who had reached Neverwilt Realm and initial stage of Hundred-Shackle Realm.

Seeing this, the remaining Asuran cultivators were all terrified. They all stepped back. No one dared to come forward.

Zhang Ruochen could not be bothered with them. He charged into the Fane building and chased after Wan Xin.

The only person he really wanted to kill was Wan Xin.

Wan Xin thought that the five Supreme Saints of the Fane could stop Zhang Ruochen for a moment. Unexpectedly, two of them were injured in the blink of an eye. They could not stop him at all.

Sensing that Zhang Ruochen was getting closer and closer to him, Wan Xin panicked.

As Wan Xin approached the Fane building where Asurendra Samay was in seclusion, Zhang Ruochen blocked his way.

Wan Xin was terrified but pretended to be calm and said, “Zhang Ruochen, you’d better not act recklessly. Chi Kongyue’s body has been possessed by my Master. No matter what you do, you can’t change it.”

“Leave now. Otherwise, you’ll only end up dead when my master is alarmed. Not even the Immortal Vampire deities can keep you alive.”

At this point, Wan Xin could only mention the name of Asurendra Samay. He hoped that he could at least intimidate Zhang Ruochen. Only then would he have a way to live.

His combat strength was not powerful enought to counter Zhang Ruochen who was currently furious and violent. Even if there were ten of him, he would not be a match for Zhang Ruochen.

It would have been better if he did not say this. After saying this, Zhang Ruochen could no longer suppress the killing intent in his heart. He reached out a hand, grabbed Wan Xin’s neck, and lifted him up.

“You deserve death for your sin!”

Zhang Ruochen’s eyes were red as he said p.r.o.nounced every single word.

At this moment, Wan Xin felt death approaching. He could not help but shout, “Master, save—”

Unfortunately, before he could finish, his neck was crushed by Zhang Ruochen. A terrifying power entered his body and destroyed all his life force and Saint Soul in an instant.

Back then, before the Dimensional Rift, he had provoked Zhang Ruochen to come to Infernal Court to kill him. He had not expected that his words would come true.

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