God Level Summoner

Chapter 122 – Summary After the Game

Chapter 122 – Summary After the Game

Due to the two consecutive victories, Canglan didn"t need to play a third round of the team battle. The match between Canglan and Dream was over and the final score was 10:4. The initial two youngsters lost in the arena round but Li Cangyu personally led the team battle and won twice, finally scoring 10 points.

In the commentators" room, Chen Weiwei and Shao Yu gave a simple explanation of the game. Both of them praised Cat G.o.d"s first match after returning to Miracle.

In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu signed his signature on the form submitted to the referee and then took the players to the opposite room to shake hands with the Dream team. The Dream players were very depressed but they admired Cat G.o.d"s personal strength and ingenious tactical arrangements.

After coming back, Li Cangyu brought everyone to eat dinner.

Today"s first match harvest of 10:4 wasn"t bad. Bai Xuan proposed to eat in celebration and Li Cangyu also had this idea. He took everyone to a local restaurant in Guangzhou to eat Cantonese cuisine.

The team was sitting in a chartered car arranged by the club for during the compet.i.tion. Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang both sat down and Li Cangyu didn"t care about them. He opened up WeChat and sent someone a message.

[We played 10:4 in the first game.] It was naturally sent to Ling Xuefeng.

[I watched it live.] Ling Xuefeng returned a message in seconds.

[Aren"t you going to comment on your boyfriend"s performance?] Li Cangyu continued to ask.

[Very handsome.] Ling Xuefeng was helpless towards the big cat who desired praise. However, his eyes couldn"t help becoming gentle when he typed these words.

The always serious man was unable to say flowery words so Li Cangyu no longer embarra.s.sed him. He smiled and sent a hug emoji, before asking, [By the way, do you know Zhuo Hang?]

Ling Xuefeng wondered: [The newcomer in Canglan, the one playing the elf hunter?]

[Yes, do you know him?]

[I don"t know.]

Li Cangyu looked back at Zhuo Hang and found that this youth was looking out the window. The side silhouette was handsome and his slightly raised chin made him look really proud.

His eyes were no longer as bright as usual after losing the game. They were a bit bleak.

Whose child was he?

Li Cangyu turned around and thoughtfully touched his chin.


Everyone arrived at the restaurant and circulated the menu while chatting. They were all happy apart from Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.

Gu Siming took the initiative to pat Zhuo Hang"s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "Don"t be sad. We might"ve lost in the arena but we won two rounds in a row and got 10 points!"

Xiao Gu obviously intended to be kind but the result was counterproductive. To Zhuo Hang"s ears, it just sounded like sarcasm.

Zhuo Hang didn"t answer and turned away with a pale look.

Gu Siming received the cold shoulder and scratched his head before turning to comfort Li Xiaojiang. "Xiao Jiang, don"t take it to heart. Today"s loss in the arena isn"t your responsibility!"

"…" Li Xiaojiang"s head hung low enough to hit the table. Zhuo Hang"s face became paler.

Li Cangyu was speechless. This Xiao Gu added to the chaos!

Only Xiao Han wasn"t worried. He knew his Chinese wasn"t good enough and didn"t speak nonsense. He just lowered his head and focused on the menu.

Bai Xuan saw that Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang"s faces had become uglier and couldn"t bear it. He gently rubbed Li Xiaojiang"s head and smiled. "Don"t mind it. It is normal to win or lose in a game. You are still newcomers and it doesn"t matter if you didn"t play well in the first match. When I was a newcomer, my fingers were shaking so much that I couldn"t add blood. Why don"t you take it slowly? There will be many games in the future. You are slowly making progress, don"t worry."

Vice-Captain Bai"s voice was very gentle. Like soft feathers, it gentle swept over their ears. Li Xiaojiang head these comforting words and his mood improved.

The dishes were quickly served and once the table was full, the group immediately moved their chopsticks to grab the food.

Li Xiaojiang was slow and always couldn"t grab the food. Bai Xuan considerately set a small bowl of various dishes in front of him. Li Xiaojiang gratefully looked at Bai Xuan before bowing over the small bowl of food in front of him.

Zhuo Hang was silent. Once the turntable reached him, he would casually move his chopsticks like it was an errand. He was clearly absent-minded.

Li Cangyu took the initiative to raise the water gla.s.s and made a toast. "During the compet.i.tion, the team is banned from drinking wine. Today, we will use water to replace wine. Let"s raise our gla.s.ses for gaining 10 points in the first match today."

Everyone stood up. Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang had to follow and hold up a gla.s.s of water to clink it against everyone"s gla.s.ses.


"Canglan must win!" Gu Siming shouted excitedly.

"There will be more points in the future. We will win the championship in one go." Zhang Jueming readily drank the water in the cup. Bai Xuan couldn"t help saying, "Old Zhang, take it easy. It isn"t alcohol so is there a need to chug it down?"

“I"m thirsty!” Zhang Jueming laughed. "If this was liquor, I would drink it all in one go."

Uncle Zhang"s words made everyone laugh, apart from Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.

Li Cangyu didn"t want to teach them at the dinner table. He saw that the two teenagers were still looking down and couldn"t help saying, "Xiaojiang, Xiao Zhuo, since we came to eat, you should eat well. Don"t think about anything else at the dinner table. The chicken here is very famous. Come and try it."

He took the initiative to give Zhuo Hang a chicken leg as he spoke. Zhuo Hang was flattered and quickly picked it up, almost knocking over his plate.

Li Cangyu smiled at him and thought, "Boy, eat a bit. You need strength for when I clean you up later!"


Everyone returned to the hotel and Li Cangyu ordered, "Xiaojiang, come to my room. Zhuo Hang, come 10 minutes later."

Li Xiaojiang hung his head and followed. Zhuo Hang"s face was also ugly. Cat G.o.d named them separately. Wasn"t this to scold  them?

In order to give Cat G.o.d time to teach them, Uncle Zhang who lived with him took the initiative to go with Xiao Han and Gu Siming to play the computer.

Once Li Cangyu opened the door, Li Xiaojiang entered and said, "Sorry Cat G.o.d, I didn"t, didn"t play well today. I, I…"

Li Cangyu saw him stuttering for a long time with slightly red eyes and couldn"t help feeling pained for this kid. HIs voice was gentle as he said, "Xiao Li, I"m not scolding you. Don"t rush to admit your mistakes. Come and sit down."

Li Xiaojiang looked up with a startled expression. He found that the captain"s face wasn"t terrible. Instead, he was smiling. Li Xiaojiang couldn"t help feeling confused as he went to the sofa and sat down.

Li Cangyu then asked, "I arranged for you and Zhuo Hang to fight together in the arena. How did you communicate with him?"

Li Xiaojiang hesitated for a moment before answering, "I, I went to him but I didn"t know how to tell him."

Li Cangyu"s eyes were cold. "Did he ignore you?"

Lai Xiaojiang lowered his head.

It was obvious from this action that Li Xiaojiang was definitely ignored by the proud Zhuo Hang before the game.

Poor Xiao Li, he was very introverted and couldn"t speak without stammering. He took the courage to find Zhuo Hang to try and cooperate, only to be ignored by Zhuo Hang. Wouldn"t Li Xiaojiang"s heart at that time be sad?

Li Cangyu couldn"t help gently patting Li Xiaojiang"s hair. "Your approach is right as communication is very important. You don"t speak much but at least you know how to cooperate with the team. In this game, I found that you cooperated with Zhuo Hang many times but couldn"t keep up because of your slow hand speed. This isn"t your fault. You tried your best."

Li Xiaojiang was stunned as he stared at his captain. He didn"t expect for the captain not to scold him.

Li Cangyu went on to say, "You were actually very calm in this match. You judged the timing that is most advantageous and carefully controlled and consumed the other people according to your own rhythm.  The problem is inexperience. There is no need to blame yourself. This is just the beginning so have more confidence. Don"t question yourself. The fact that I chose you as my teammate is a confirmation of your strength." Li Xiaojiang looked emotionally at Cat G.o.d. His eyes were wet and full of grat.i.tude. It was like a stray cat that no one wanted was finally picked up and found a good home.

Li Cangyu softened at the sight and couldn"t help smiling. He smoothed out Li Xiaojiang"s hair and stated, "In the future, I will give you more opportunities to fight. There might be many times where you will need to pair up with Zhuo Hang for the arena. You have to remember to believe in your own judgment and play at your own pace. Don"t try to accommodate Zhuo Hang. You are the core of this combination, understood?"

Li Xiaojiang nodded vigorously. "Yes, I understand!"

Li Cangyu found that this child was outstanding and worked very hard. However, the stuttering made it difficult for him to communicate with others. He lacked confidence from an early age and habitually let others take the lead, becoming a supporting role instead.

Still, the black magician was a highly aggressive cla.s.s. It was necessary to build up Xiaojiang"s confidence as soon as possible.


Li Xiaojiang left and Li Cangyu poured a gla.s.s of water, slowing drinking it on the sofa. It didn"t take long before he heard the ringing of the door bell. He opened it and found Zhuo Hang standing at the door.

They were a similar age but Zhuo Hang was taller and stronger than Li Xiaojiang. His appearance was very handsome, especially when he laughed. He was a typical sunny handsome person in a young idol campus drama. Once he grew up, his appearance and figure would improve. Even if he wasn"t an e-sports player, he could rely on his face to eat.

He was tall, handsome and had a relative who was a big G.o.d in the e-sports circle. It was no wonder that he had a sense of superiority.

He was young and his character wasn"t stable enough. His own conditions were good and he was pampered since childhood. It was normal for him to have a sense of superiority.

However, Li Cangyu wouldn"t allow him to bring this to the field. It was absolutely taboo to not cooperate with his teammates or to abandon his teammates in his heart.

If Zhou Hang had won in the arena today, he would rush over to hug Li Cangyu and say, "Cat G.o.d, was I good?" Now that he lost, Zhuo Hang obviously wasn"t happy. He lowered his head after entering the house and cried out,  "Cat G.o.d."

Li Cangyu didn"t let him sit down. He walked back to the sofa and sat down. He took a sip of water before asking seriously, "Powerful hunter, tell me why you lost today?"

Zhuo Hang, "…"

Cat G.o.d"s posture was like a parent teaching their child. Zhuo Hang suddenly felt afraid of him.

Li Cangyu saw that the other person wasn"t speaking and went on, "Okay, then let"s change the topic. Who is the relative in your family? He might be quite famous in Miracle to give you such a sense of superiority?"

A hint of embarra.s.sment flashed on Zhuo Hang"s face. "Cat G.o.d, please don"t ask…"

"Why, are you ashamed?" Li Cangyu"s voice deepened. "If you can"t overcome the psychological barrier, I have to at least know who your relative is so I don"t send you to those matches."

Zhuo Hang, "…"

The boy looked very embarra.s.sed.

Li Cangyu wondered, "The great G.o.ds of the Miracle League, they can be counted on 10 fingers. Let me guess… are you related to Su Guangmo, captain of the Flying Feathers team?"

Zhuo Hang lowered his head and didn"t speak.

Li Cangyu kept asking, "What about Tan s.h.i.tian?"

Zhuo Hang"s head lowered further.

Li Cangyu was surprised. "Really? You know both Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian?"

Zhuo Hang, "…"

Li Cangyu saw his sad expression and couldn"t help smiling. "Then you really aren"t small!"

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Chapter 123 – Zhuo Hang"s Background

Speaking of the relationships in Zhuo Hang"s family, the world "complicated" could be used to describe it.

Zhuo Hang"s paternal grandfather had two younger sisters. The youngest sister was nearly 20 years younger and later, she married Su Jiasheng and had one son, Su Guangmo. From the blood relationship perspective, Su Guangmo"s uncle was Zhuo Hang"s grandfather and to Zhou Hang, Su Guangmo was the son of his grandfather"s sister.

Tan s.h.i.tian was a relative of Zhuo Hang"s mother. Zhuo Hang"s mother was also surnamed Tan and Tan s.h.i.tian was her cousin. The age gap between Zhuo Hang and Tan s.h.i.tian wasn"t big and was still within one generation. Thus, Tan s.h.i.tian was Zhuo Hang"s maternal cousin.

Zhuo Hang"s parents were born in a big family. Zhuo Hang was the only son and never had any grievances when growing up. This made him develop a confident nature with a high sense of superiority.

Zhuo Hang"s grandfather might be in his 70s but his spirit was very good and he had a strong body. Every year, everyone had to go to his home to celebrate Chinese New Year. Zhuo Hang and Su Guangmo became familiar with each other from childhood, despite being separated by a familial generation. Their ages were similar and they had a common language. When they were young, they piled wood together, played with trains and swam together.

Su Guangmo"s personality was refreshing and he didn"t care much about generations. He always treated Zhou Hang as a younger brother. Their relationship lasted from childhood to adulthood and were more like friends.

On Tan s.h.i.tian"s side, Zhuo Hang often saw him when visiting his maternal grandfather"s house.

Tan s.h.i.tian had a gentle personality, was handsome and had a good sense of humour. He often told funny jokes and his stories were more interesting than novels. As a child, he often told stories to amuse Zhuo Hang, thus Zhuo Hang also had a particularly good relationship with Tan s.h.i.tian.

Speaking of which, Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian actually met each other before the league.

Four years ago, Zhuo Hang"s father had a car accident while on a business trip. He had to rest at home after surgery and relatives naturally came to visit. Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian happened to come over on the same weekend and met each other at Zhuo Hang"s home.

There was no blood relationship between Su and Tan but Zhuo Hang introduced them, causing the two of them to quickly becoming familiar with each other.

After dinner, Zhuo Hang proposed that they play basketball and the three people went to the court to practice. Su Guangmo found that Tan s.h.i.tian"s skills weren"t bad. The two of them stayed in contact with each other and would play basketball together when they had the chance.

At that time, Su Guangmo was already a newcomer in the Flying Feathers team. Tan s.h.i.tian hadn"t yet debuted and was just a small rookie in the online game.

Later, Tan s.h.i.tian formed a strong interest in Miracle and his level was getting higher. He wanted to play in the professional league and asked Su Guangmo about the situation of the Miracle League.

Su Guangmo was the captain of the Flying Feathers team but Flying Feathers was a melee team with the swordsmen as the main force. It was useless for Tan s.h.i.tian"s archer to join Flying Feathers. The Time team was focused on long-range player and Su Guangmo gave Time"s old captain Xu Luo a private recommendation, allowing Tan s.h.i.tian to have a direct interview with Captain Xu.

Xu Luo appreciated Tan s.h.i.tian"s talent and nature and recruited him as an apprentice.

Tan s.h.i.tian debuted in the fourth season and successfully won the Best Newcomer Award. Then he become the Time team"s captain after Xu Luo"s retirement in the fifth season. He became the youngest captain of the new generation of Miracle League players.

The media wasn"t aware that Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian had this relationship. The reporters just thought that they two people disliked each other. Every time the reporters asked Tan s.h.i.tian who the most annoying player was, he would smile and say, "Of course the person I dislike most is Su Guangmo. It is too annoying to be chased and killed by a swordsman." When a reporter asked Su Guangmo the same question, Su Guangmo would say, "The one I dislike the most is the archer Tan s.h.i.tian. The remote kiting is too annoying."

Think carefully. If they weren"t familiar with each other, would it be possible for them to publicly say words that would offend the other person?

Not long ago, Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian had a very good understanding in the basketball event and won a small award. People thought it was because they both played basketball. They completely didn"t know that Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian had been friends for several years, playing together since they met through Zhuo Hang.

Whenever Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian were together, in addition to playing basketball, they would talk a lot about the Miracle League. Zhuo Hang became curious and went online to check. He knew that these two were Miracle professional players and under their influence, he also fell in love with the Miracle game.

He was a bit talented himself and studied for a year. His standards soared and he had no rivals in the online game.

Zhuo Hang felt that both Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian were great G.o.ds in the Miracle League. They certainly weren"t bad but he knew that neither the Flying Feathers team or the Time team needed an elf hunter. He wanted to find a team himself and maybe he would one day be the captain!

He was filled with these dreams and confidence as he looked for a team in the league to accept him.

On the day that Cheng Wei forwarded Cat G.o.d"s recruitment post, Tan s.h.i.tian also forwarded it. Zhuo Hang saw this message on Tan s.h.i.tian"s Weibo and didn"t hesitate to recommend himself to Cat G.o.d. His talents were indeed appreciated by Cat G.o.d and he formally became a professional player.

Only, his superiority was too strong and his tail too high. He fell to the ground in the first game.


Li Cangyu had no doubt that Zhuo Hang had a relationship with Tan s.h.i.tian and Su Guangmo. He asked Ling Xuefeng and Ling Xuefeng said that he didn"t know Zhuo Hang. Thus, he asked Zhuo Hang whether he knew Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian, following the order of the league"s most popular players.

The result was that Zhuo Hang really knew them!

If he didn"t know them, he would definitely say it. Not only did he not refute Li Cangyu"s words, he lowered his head when Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian were mentioned. This was too obvious!

Li Cangyu couldn"t help raising his eyebrows when he saw this boy"s head move lower and lower. He asked, "You don"t want to say it? Should I call Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian right now to confirm it?"

"Don"t!" Zhuo Hang immediately looked up. "Don"t call them."

“Then tell me exactly what is your relationship with them?" Li Cangyu was very curious about this. It was no wonder that Xiao Zhuo had such a strong sense of superiority if he had two G.o.ds like Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian at home. It was natural to be confident.

"Er…" Zhuo Hang scratched his head and whispered, "Su Guangmo is the son of my paternal grandfather"s sister and Tan s.h.i.tian is my mother"s cousin. Cough, it is complicated…"

This might sound complicated but Li Cangyu understood. Su Guangmo was a relative of Zhuo Hang"s father while Tan s.h.i.tian was a relative of Zhuo Hang"s mother. Su and Tan had no blood relationship.

Zhuo Hang"s age wasn"t much younger than Tan s.h.i.tian and Su Guangmo but they were in different generations.

It seemed that a player qualified to "enter the Miracle League at the bottom" had finally appeared. The other players were mostly a younger brother generation while Zhuo Hang came out and was in a completely different generation from his relatives.

Tan s.h.i.tian was Zhuo Hang"s maternal cousin then Cheng Wei, who was Tan s.h.i.tian"s peer, would be also be Zhuo Hang"s maternal cousin!

Li Cangyu couldn"t help laughing at this thought and asked, "Then do you usually call Su Guangmo by Uncle (father"s younger brother)? Do you call Tan s.h.i.tian by Uncle (mother"s brother)?"

"Hmm…" Zhuo Hang hung his head with red ears.

There was no other way. Who told him to be born in a home with such a complicated family tree? He didn"t clearly know his uncles and aunts. He always called Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian by Uncle, causing him to be scolded many times by the elders.

Li Cangyu stood up and walked to Zhuo Hang. "Captain Tan and Captain Su must"ve seen today"s game. Do you believe me?"

Zhuo Hang, "…"

Many players in the professional league were watching Cat G.o.d"s return. The two captains were bored so it was normal for them to watch the second division. Zhuo Hang"s head hung ever lower when he thought of this and he almost cried.

Li Cangyu asked curiously, "Did you tell them about the Canglan team?"

Zhuo Hang made an awkward expression. "I didn"t tell them."

Li Cangyu smiled. "Then won"t they be very surprised right now?"

As soon as these words were heard, Zhuo Hang"s phone rang. The caller ID was Su Guangmo.

Zhuo Hang awkwardly picked up the call. It had just connected when a man"s refreshing voice was heard. "Xiao Hang, the elf hunter from Canglan who played particularly badly in today"s arena, was that you?"

The elf hunter who played particularly badly… Captain Su was really direct!

Zhuo Hang looked at Li Cangyu with embarra.s.sment.

Su Guangmo continued to ask, "Why did you suddenly run to the Canglan team?"

Zhuo Hang, "…"

Su Guangmo frowned. "Speak!"

Zhuo Hang explained with a bitter expression, "I want to play in the professional league as well. I just tried it…"

Su Guangmo suddenly realized. "No wonder why you were hiding and secretly sending text messages during the Spring Festival. I thought you had a girlfriend but you were sneaking around to play compet.i.tively!"

Zhuo Hang, "…"

Su Guangmo said, "I really can"t bear to watch you play the game. You were literally abused by the other side. You ran to Cat G.o.d"s team but are you sure you won"t be driven out by Cat G.o.d? A newcomer"s tail is so high that you aren"t afraid to step onto air and fall into the mud. If I was Cat G.o.d, I would make you look at the keyboard all night as reflection!"

Zhuo Hang, "…"

The young boy looked at Li Cangyu with a wronged expression.

Li Cangyu was very happy when he heard Su Guangmo scolding his small nephew on the phone. It seemed he didn"t need to come forward. Su Guangmo would first scold the arrogance out of this child.

Su Guangmo spoke a few more sentences before finally hanging up. Then Zhuo Hang"s phone rang again. This time, the caller ID was Tan s.h.i.tian.

Zhuo Hang held the phone and didn"t know what to do. Li Cangyu smiled and ordered, "Pick it up."

“…" Zhuo Hang was forced to pick up the call.

A gentle voice entered his ears, "Xiao Han, why are you in the Canglan team?"

Tan s.h.i.tian had something to do today and didn"t watch the live broadcast of the match between Canglan and Dream.

Once he came back in the evening, he was caught by the brainless fan Cheng Wei and watched a replay of the game. Cheng Wei kept boasting about how handsome and cool Cat G.o.d was but Tan s.h.i.tian"s eyes were fixed on a little boy with a proud face in the soundproof room.

Wasn"t this person Zhuo Hang? How did he appear in the Canglan team?

Tan s.h.i.tian was full of questions and immediately called his small nephew. "You didn"t tell me that you wanted to be a professional player. How did you suddenly join Cat G.o.d"s team?"

Zhuo Hang explained, "I usually watch you play and wanted to try it myself."

"The professional league isn"t as simple as your think. Your current level is still a bit worse than good professional players." Tan s.h.i.tian said with a smile, "I"m not against you playing compet.i.tively but you have to be clear about your strength and don"t be overly proud. I saw your arena games today and you played badly. You have to practice more."

Zhuo Hang nodded. "Yes…"

"Cat G.o.d is a good captain. Follow him and study hard." Tan s.h.i.tian spoke softly, "Many compet.i.tors are better than you. You are new and should have a humble att.i.tude. When you played Miracle with me, I didn"t say anything when you made mistakes because you are my family, not a team member. However, the team is different. Since you have become a professional player, you must be serious. Cooperate with your teammates and integrate with the team as soon as possible. Understood?"

Tan s.h.i.tian was the youngest and gentlest captain in the Miracle League. Even when teaching the team, he usually spoke in this kind and cordial tone. He was reasonable but spoke enlightening words. Thus, the players were convinced about this despite his young age.

Cheng Wei listened to him talk on the phone and couldn"t help asking curiously, "Do you know Zhuo Hang?"

Tan s.h.i.tian smiled and explained, "He is my nephew."

Cheng Wei was immediately excited. "Ah? Then I am your peer and he is my junior. Hahaha, my seniority is upgraded!"

Tan s.h.i.tian saw his happy expression and couldn"t help rubbing Cheng Wei"s head, thinking, "You really have to upgrade generations. After all, you will be my wife in the future."

Cheng Wei didn"t know Tan s.h.i.tian"s thoughts and was studying the relationship between Zhuo Hang and Tan s.h.i.tian.

Zhuo Hang was red-faced and a bit stunned. His head dropped as he said, "I understand…"

Tan s.h.i.tian suddenly asked, "Didn"t Cat G.o.d scold you?"

Zhuo Hang looked up at Li Cangyu. He thought, "Cat G.o.d hasn"t scolded me yet. You and Su Guangmo took turns to call and scold me!"

Tan s.h.i.tian saw that there wasn"t an immediate reply and guessed, "Is Cat G.o.d next to you?"

Zhuo Hang whispered, "Yes…"

Tan s.h.i.tian ordered, "Give him the phone."

Zhuo Hang handed the phone to Li Cangyu who accepted it. "Captain Tan is looking for me?"

Tan s.h.i.tian touched his nose and spoke somewhat awkwardly, "My Xiao Hang isn"t sensible and brought Cat G.o.d trouble."

"It isn"t a problem."

Tan s.h.i.tian continued, "This child"s nature isn"t bad. He is too arrogant because he is an only child. He is used to being spoiled by his family. He is now an adult so Cat G.o.d shouldn"t be polite with him."

Li Cangyu glanced at Zhuo Hang and smiled. "Of course. Leave it to me."

Then Cheng Wei"s excited voice filled his ears. Apparently he had stolen the phone. "Cat G.o.d, Cat G.o.d, your performance in today"s match was as handsome as always! Super G.o.d is too handsome! Quickly finish playing the second division. The first division starts in May and I want to see you on the field!"

Li Cangyu smiled."Yes, I will."

He hung up and returned the phone to Zhuo Hang. Then Li Cangyu patted the teenager"s shoulder and stated, "Captain Su and Captain Tan have finished their calls. Is it my turn?"

Zhuo Hang, "…"

He could imagine that every time he made a mistake, Su Guangmo would scold him, Tan s.h.i.tian would speak to him, Cat G.o.d would train him…

Wasn"t his sense of superiority actually an illusion?

He was the real "bottom of the Miracle League" player.

Other people would only be scolded by their captain for a mistake. If he made a mistake… he would be scolded by three captains…

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Chapter 124 – Brilliant Idea

Zhuo Hang hung his head in a depressed manner, waiting to be scolded by Cat G.o.d.

The thing that surprised him was that Cat G.o.d didn"t directly scold him, instead saying earnestly, "Xiao Zhuo, your talent isn"t bad but there are many talented players like you in the Miracle League. There aren"t many who can stick out. Do you know why?"

Zhuo Hang was stunned and looked up at Li Cangyu. He tentatively answered, "Is… is it a matter of opportunity?"

"Opportunity is an important factor but the key is to rely on yourself." Li Cangyu explained seriously, "Many talented players experience a few setbacks in the newcomer period. They suffer severe psychological blows and then collapse. There are also many talented players who have too smooth a path. They climb all the way up but once they finally fall, they can no longer get up…"

Li Cangyu looked gently at the teenager in front of him. "Xiao Zhuo, you are thinking too lightly of the league. Like me, there are many players who haven"t won trophies for many years. Like Old Zhang, there are players who can"t achieve their dreams and leave with regrets. The players who can stand out are only a small percentage. The professional league is a very cruel place and everyone who can become a G.o.d has worked harder than others. Don"t look at Su Guangmo and watch Tan s.h.i.tian. He is so popular now and is sought after by countless fans. Yet he also experienced a lot of setbacks and tempering in the newcomer period."

"You are still a newcomer and your posture can"t be too high. Climb up step by step, making your foundation stable.  If you become boastful because you know a few great G.o.ds, there is no need for me to tell you what will happen."

"I will be direct. The key to losing today"s matches is you, not Xiao Li. You should know that Xiao Li is very introverted and shy. He doesn"t know how to express himself but he tried to cooperate with you many times. However, from beginning to end, you never paid attention to what he was doing. This is the pairs arena, not the solo arena. You completely lost the meaning of a combination."

"You should remember the match between China and the US at the World Carnival. If Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and Chu Yan kept playing 1v1 against the US team"s three attackers, it might be a losing situation. They eventually won because they replied on the power of cooperation. You and Li Xiaojiang certainly can"t fight when facing these old players alone and will be broken one by one. It is only when combined together that 1+1=2."

"You lost two arena matches and was almost abused because you looked down on Li Xiaojiang. You thought he would drag you down and didn"t want to cooperate with him. This subconscious thinking is fatal on the field. In order to get your teammate"s help, you first have to trust your teammate. Xiao Zhuo, even I don"t look down on Li Xiaojiang. What right do you have to be biased against him?"

Zhuo Hang was stunned. He thought for a long time before his head dropped, his eyes turning red.

He couldn"t refute a single one of the captain"s words. He only only feel ashamed and embarra.s.sed.

What qualifications does he have to swell up with confidence and look down on others?

Even a world-cla.s.s player like Cat G.o.d could calm down and cooperate with the four newcomers. Why did Zhuo Hang act like he was superior in the team?

Li Xiaojiang was indeed introverted and took a long time to stutter out a sentence, but this wasn"t his fault. He was born like this. He played slowly on the field because it was his style…

Since Cat G.o.d let them form a fast and slow combination for the arena, they should"ve looked for the advantages of the combination and find a way to use these advantages to defeat the opponent. Instead, he questioned if Li Xiaojiang would drag him back or not and decided that regardless of Li Xiaojiang"s life or death, he would fight alone.

Today"s match, it was estimated to be a farce that wasn"t as good as the online game"s arena in the eyes of many great G.o.ds.

It was no wonder why Su Guangmo called him and why Tan s.h.i.tian gently told him that newcomers should be modest and learn more. They clearly saw his pride and hoped to wake him up in time.

Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian, these great G.o.ds wouldn"t be so blind. Zhuo Hang was a newcomer who just debuted and he actually dared to look down on this teammate. Regardless of whether his teammate could play on their own or not, this was really a big joke!

Zhuo Hang formed fists as he thought this and whispered, "I"m sorry, I was wrong."

This teenager"s voice was very small, just like a mosquito. From an early age to when he was older, he hadn"t bowed to people when making mistakes. This time he sincerely admitted it so Li Cangyu didn"t want to force him.

Putting down this child"s pride wouldn"t happen overnight and too much might be counterproductive. Li Cangyu thought this and gently touched Zhuo Hang"s head. His tone was mild as he told Zhuo Hang, "It"s okay. We have a lot of time and can slowly adjust this."

Zhuo Hang nodded seriously. "Yes."

Li Cangyu paused and asked, "Do you have an opinion on Xiao Li?"

Zhuo Hang"s head was lowered as he replied, "No."

Li Cangyu inwardly sighed and stated, "Xiao Li grew up in a very different environment from you. His parents aren"t cultured and he didn"t see many people growing up in the country. He isn"t like you who has worn the best clothes and eaten the best food since childhood. There might be a big difference but since you have become teammates, I hope you can get along well."

Zhuo Hang was silent for a moment. "I… I will."

"Go back and change rooms with Xiao Gu. Later Gu Siming will live with Xiao Han and you will live in a room with Li Xiaojiang during the away matches."

Zhuo Hang was shocked, "Eh? I will live with him?"

Li Cangyu asked gravely, "Didn"t you just promise to get along well? Is this remorse?"

Zhou Hang was embarra.s.sed. "I… I have no common language with Li Xiaojiang."

Li Cangyu smiled. "Then start with a mutual understanding and look for a common language."

Zhuo Hang saw that Cat G.o.d had made up his mind and scratched his head. "Oh… okay."

Li Cangyu couldn"t help inwardly laughing at the reluctant look.

He would let the confident Zhuo Hang live with the unconfident Li Xiaojiang. Perhaps they would influence each other and their mentalities would become more stable.

"This is a wonderful idea," Li Cangyu thought happily.

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