God Level Summoner

Chapter 130

Publishedat 8th of April 2019 01:27:31 PMChapter 130
Li Cangyu was healthy from a young age and rarely fell ill . He had been rained on before but never caught a cold . Yesterday afternoon, the Canglan team didn"t have a match . Li Cangyu explored the vicinity to see if there was a good restaurant . In a few days, he would lead his teammates there to improve their meals . Then the weather in Guangzhou suddenly changed and he encountered a torrential rain when coming back . He was drenched like a drowned chicken . Combined with the low temperature of the hotel"s air conditioner, he got a cold and sneezed when he woke up this morning .

He had always been in good health and didn"t pay much attention to it as he went to the venue with his teammates .

Unexpectedly, his body became more uncomfortable in the afternoon . At this point, it was too late to change the members partic.i.p.ating . Li Cangyu had to bear it but the reaction of his mind slowed down and his fingers couldn"t keep up . His mistakes caused Canglan to lose two consecutive team battles .

This result made Li Cangyu felt extremely guilty . He didn"t expect that he would influence everyone like this .

Once he returned to the hotel, he called the players to his room and frankly admitted his mistake . “Today"s team battle is my mistake . I"m sorry . I didn"t get one work and wasted your hard work . ”

His voice was hoa.r.s.e like there was a large amount of sand in his throat . It was difficult to speak but he still gave an account to his teammates . The team members naturally didn"t blame such a responsible captain . Instead, they felt distressed .

Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu with worry and said softly, “You are in a bad state, Don"t blame yourself, we don"t blame you . In any case, it is just the regular season . Losing a few points has little impact on us . ”

Xie Shurong smiled and echoed the words . “Vice-Captain Bai is right . Cat G.o.d, don"t mind it . This game was good practice . ”

Zhang Jueming asked, “How are you feeling? Do you want to go to the hospital?”

Li Cangyu waved his hand . “I"m fine, I just need to rest . ”

Li Cangyu saw the four youngster"s worry for him and felt warm . He smiled and declared, “I"m really fine . It is just a small cold . If my cold isn"t better by the next match tomorrow afternoon then…”

Li Cangyu"s eyes swept over the teammates in front of him before finally stopping on Zhang Jueming . “Old Zhang, how about you arrange it?”

Zhang Jueming was startled . “Me?”

“You used to be captain and it isn"t the first time you"ve directed a match . I will let you arrange the next match . ”

“Shouldn"t it be arranged by Vice-Captain Bai?” Zhang Jueming looked back at Bai Xuan .

Bai Xuan touched his nose and muttered in an embarra.s.sed manner, “I can only add blood . I"m not good at tactics . ”

Li Cangyu agreed . “Xiao Bai has never commanded . He is the healer and has to take care of everyone"s blood . He will be too distracted to see the opposite side"s situation . I will leave it to you . ”

Zhang Jueming readily nodded . “Since you believe in me so much, I will try it . Don"t lecture me if I lose!”

“It won"t happen . ” Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder . “You arrange the next match with everyone . I have a headache and will go to sleep first . ”

Zhang Jueming quickly said, “Then go to rest . We will go to Vice-Captain Bai"s room to discuss it . ” He looked at the four teenagers and gestured . “Kids, let"s go! Don"t argue with Cat G.o.d!”

The four youngsters immediately followed behind Uncle Zhang .

Xiao Han reached the door when he turned around and said, “Master, take a good rest . Qin Mo said you should drink hot water if you have a cold . ”

Li Cangyu waved at him . “Yes, go ahead . ” He paused before calling out, “Come back!”

Xiao Han had just stepped out of the door and returned when he heard the words . “Master, what"s wrong?”

Li Cangyu wondered, “You seem to be getting along well with Qin Mo?”

Xiao Han nodded . “Yes, my Chinese is relatively poor . I have been chatting with Qin Mo every day to practice my grammar . ”

Li Cangyu, “…”

Was he sure that Qin Mo"s Chinese was good?

Xiao Han continued, “Many people in the Wind Colour team watched today"s match . Master made many mistakes in the game so once it ended, Qin Mo asked me what was going on . I told him that Master has a cold . ”

It was no wonder why Ling Xuefeng called him . It seemed his confusing performance today was seen by many people in the league!

Li Cangyu was too lazy to worry about these things . He waved his hand and ordered, “Okay, you can go . ”

Xiao Han turned and walked away, carefully closing the door for his master .

Li Cangyu touched his aching head, took off his coat and lay on the bed to sleep .

He was sleeping so deeply that he didn"t hear his phone ringing . Once he woke up, it was the next morning and he had a large number of missed calls . They were all from Cheng Wei .

There were also several serial bombing messages: [Cat G.o.d, what"s wrong? Your mistakes were a bit strange . Were you in bad shape?] [Cat G.o.d, why aren"t you answering your phone?] [Cat G.o.d, Cat G.o.d! Cat G.o.d, read my messages and reply to me!]

Li Cangyu sent back: [I just woke up . It"s nothing . I wasn"t in good shape yesterday . ]

He didn"t want to tell Cheng Wei about the cold . Once he knew, it might spread through the entire Miracle League . There was no need to make such a big fuss for a small cold .

Cheng Wei saw the text message and immediately replied: [You"re not in good shape? Then take a break! Don"t be too tired! Your body is your a.s.set!]

Li Cangyu looked at the row of exclamation points and helplessly replied: [I know . ]

Cheng Wei, this guy always had an excitable personality but his concern was particularly direct .

Li Cangyu put down his phone and went to the bathroom to wash his face .

His headache was still very strong and he was slightly dizzy . The confusion was like his mind had become messy paste and his thoughts were sluggish . He took a long time to send the text message because his fingers weren"t too stable . It seemed that he really couldn"t play today"s match . Fortunately he let Old Zhang arrange it yesterday .

He just thought this when Zhang Jueming opened the door and saw that he got up . Zhang Jueming placed a bowl of rice porridge and a bag of buns on the table, stating, “Vice-Captain Bai had me bring you breakfast . Wash your face and eat a bit . How are you? Is it better?”

Li Cangyu didn"t want his teammates to worry so he reluctantly smiled . “It is much better . Don"t worry about me and go play the game . ”

Zhang Jueming asked, “You aren"t going to watch?”

“Yes, I"m a bit tired and will take the day off at the hotel . Please tell everyone else . ”

Zhang Jueming nodded . “Okay, have a good rest . I"ll take them to lunch first then we will head to the venue after eating . ”

Li Cangyu said, “I"ll cheer for you . ”

Once Zhang Jueming left, Li Cangyu sat on the bed and saw the bowl of porridge and hot steamed buns on the table . He didn"t eat dinner last night and still didn"t have an appet.i.te . He opened the porridge to take a look and didn"t feel like eating . He just went back to bed to sleep .


The Canglan team ate lunch at the hotel . Zhang Jueming explained while eating, “The arena will be Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Li . Cat G.o.d won"t be in the team battle . This means that Xiao Li will play and be the main output . Everyone will protect you . Just read your spells with confidence . Everyone should remember how to split up based on our discussion last night . Remember to listen to my commands . ”

The youngsters nodded while Ah Shu and Bai Xuan didn"t have much opinion .

Zhang Jueming had left the Miracle League for many years but he was once an aspiring captain . He wanted to win the championship to prove his strength but unfortunately had to leave .

When he was young, he worked hard to study the various pairings and styles of Miracle . Despite leaving for several years, these things were deeply engraved into his bone marrow and were still as clear as yesterday .

He was a person who had been a captain . He was very different from a temporary commander .

Bai Xuan listened to his quick a.n.a.lysis of the tactics and the lineup arrangement and felt relief for Li Cangyu . Li Cangyu carried everything in the old Canglan team . Now they had Old Zhang . If Li Cangyu felt uncomfortable, he could share some of the pressure .

Bai Xuan"s healing level was first-cla.s.s but he wasn"t proficient in tactics . Ah Shu"s personal strength was high but he didn"t have many ideas when it came to commanding the team battles . At the crucial moment, Old Zhang could control the scene for the Canglan team .

Once they finished eating, Zhang Jueming headed to the arena with his teammates . They had just walked to the hotel"s lobby when they saw an unexpected figure—Ling Xuefeng .

The man was wearing a black trench coat and there was no expression on his handsome face . He stood there as if waiting for someone .

Once he saw the group, he immediately strode to Bai Xuan and asked, “Where is your captain?”

The startled Bai Xuan replied, “He is resting in his room . ”

Ling Xuefeng demanded, “Who lives with him? Give me your door card . ”

Bai Xuan had some doubts . “Captain Ling, did you come here looking for Cat G.o.d?”

Ling Xuefeng didn"t give much explanation . He just made a sound of agreement and said, “Give me the door card . I will go straight to him . ”

Zhang Jueming thought it was strange but it wasn"t easy to refuse . He pulled out his door card from his pocket and handed it to him .

Ling Xuefeng turned and left, leaving the stunned group behind him .

A moment later, Xie Shurong couldn"t help asking, “How can Ling Xuefeng appear here? Why is he looking for Cat G.o.d?”

Bai Xuan smiled . “Don"t be curious . He is familiar with our captain and probably has something to discuss . ”

Xie Shurong stared at Ling Xuefeng"s disappearing back and thoughtfully touched his chin . Bai Xuan saw him staring at Ling Xuefeng waiting by the elevator and pulled his arm . “Let"s go and play . Don"t worry about it . ”

Ah Shu was towed away by the vice-captain and other people had to follow .

They didn"t ask on the surface but curiosity filled their hearts . Why did Ling Xuefeng suddenly come to the hotel to find Cat G.o.d? Shouldn"t he be in Shanghai?Li Cangyu was healthy from a young age and rarely fell ill . He had been rained on before but never caught a cold . Yesterday afternoon, the Canglan team didn"t have a match . Li Cangyu explored the vicinity to see if there was a good restaurant . In a few days, he would lead his teammates there to improve their meals . Then the weather in Guangzhou suddenly changed and he encountered a torrential rain when coming back . He was drenched like a drowned chicken . Combined with the low temperature of the hotel"s air conditioner, he got a cold and sneezed when he woke up this morning . He had always been in good health and didn"t pay much attention to it as he went to the venue with his teammates . Unexpectedly, his body became more uncomfortable in the afternoon . At this point, it was too late to change the members partic.i.p.ating . Li Cangyu had to bear it but the reaction of his mind slowed down and his fingers couldn"t keep up . His mistakes caused Canglan to lose two consecutive team battles . This result made Li Cangyu felt extremely guilty . He didn"t expect that he would influence everyone like this . Once he returned to the hotel, he called the players to his room and frankly admitted his mistake . “Today"s team battle is my mistake . I"m sorry . I didn"t get one work and wasted your hard work . ” His voice was hoa.r.s.e like there was a large amount of sand in his throat . It was difficult to speak but he still gave an account to his teammates . The team members naturally didn"t blame such a responsible captain . Instead, they felt distressed . Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu with worry and said softly, “You are in a bad state, Don"t blame yourself, we don"t blame you . In any case, it is just the regular season . Losing a few points has little impact on us . ” Xie Shurong smiled and echoed the words . “Vice-Captain Bai is right . Cat G.o.d, don"t mind it . This game was good practice . ” Zhang Jueming asked, “How are you feeling? Do you want to go to the hospital?” Li Cangyu waved his hand . “I"m fine, I just need to rest . ” Li Cangyu saw the four youngster"s worry for him and felt warm . He smiled and declared, “I"m really fine . It is just a small cold . If my cold isn"t better by the next match tomorrow afternoon then…” Li Cangyu"s eyes swept over the teammates in front of him before finally stopping on Zhang Jueming . “Old Zhang, how about you arrange it?” Zhang Jueming was startled . “Me?” “You used to be captain and it isn"t the first time you"ve directed a match . I will let you arrange the next match . ” “Shouldn"t it be arranged by Vice-Captain Bai?” Zhang Jueming looked back at Bai Xuan . Bai Xuan touched his nose and muttered in an embarra.s.sed manner, “I can only add blood . I"m not good at tactics . ” Li Cangyu agreed . “Xiao Bai has never commanded . He is the healer and has to take care of everyone"s blood . He will be too distracted to see the opposite side"s situation . I will leave it to you . ” . Zhang Jueming readily nodded . “Since you believe in me so much, I will try it . Don"t lecture me if I lose!” “It won"t happen . ” Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder . “You arrange the next match with everyone . I have a headache and will go to sleep first . ” Zhang Jueming quickly said, “Then go to rest . We will go to Vice-Captain Bai"s room to discuss it . ” He looked at the four teenagers and gestured . “Kids, let"s go! Don"t argue with Cat G.o.d!” The four youngsters immediately followed behind Uncle Zhang . Xiao Han reached the door when he turned around and said, “Master, take a good rest . Qin Mo said you should drink hot water if you have a cold . ” Li Cangyu waved at him . “Yes, go ahead . ” He paused before calling out, “Come back!” Xiao Han had just stepped out of the door and returned when he heard the words . “Master, what"s wrong?” Li Cangyu wondered, “You seem to be getting along well with Qin Mo?” Xiao Han nodded . “Yes, my Chinese is relatively poor . I have been chatting with Qin Mo every day to practice my grammar . ” Li Cangyu, “…” Was he sure that Qin Mo"s Chinese was good? Xiao Han continued, “Many people in the Wind Colour team watched today"s match . Master made many mistakes in the game so once it ended, Qin Mo asked me what was going on . I told him that Master has a cold . ” It was no wonder why Ling Xuefeng called him . It seemed his confusing performance today was seen by many people in the league! Li Cangyu was too lazy to worry about these things . He waved his hand and ordered, “Okay, you can go . ” Xiao Han turned and walked away, carefully closing the door for his master . Li Cangyu touched his aching head, took off his coat and lay on the bed to sleep . He was sleeping so deeply that he didn"t hear his phone ringing . Once he woke up, it was the next morning and he had a large number of missed calls . They were all from Cheng Wei . There were also several serial bombing messages: [Cat G.o.d, what"s wrong? Your mistakes were a bit strange . Were you in bad shape?] [Cat G.o.d, why aren"t you answering your phone?] [Cat G.o.d, Cat G.o.d! Cat G.o.d, read my messages and reply to me!] Li Cangyu sent back: [I just woke up . It"s nothing . I wasn"t in good shape yesterday . ] He didn"t want to tell Cheng Wei about the cold . Once he knew, it might spread through the entire Miracle League . There was no need to make such a big fuss for a small cold . Cheng Wei saw the text message and immediately replied: [You"re not in good shape? Then take a break! Don"t be too tired! Your body is your a.s.set!] Li Cangyu looked at the row of exclamation points and helplessly replied: [I know . ] Cheng Wei, this guy always had an excitable personality but his concern was particularly direct . Li Cangyu put down his phone and went to the bathroom to wash his face . His headache was still very strong and he was slightly dizzy . The confusion was like his mind had become messy paste and his thoughts were sluggish . He took a long time to send the text message because his fingers weren"t too stable . It seemed that he really couldn"t play today"s match . Fortunately he let Old Zhang arrange it yesterday . He just thought this when Zhang Jueming opened the door and saw that he got up . Zhang Jueming placed a bowl of rice porridge and a bag of buns on the table, stating, “Vice-Captain Bai had me bring you breakfast . Wash your face and eat a bit . How are you? Is it better?” Li Cangyu didn"t want his teammates to worry so he reluctantly smiled . “It is much better . Don"t worry about me and go play the game . ” Zhang Jueming asked, “You aren"t going to watch?” “Yes, I"m a bit tired and will take the day off at the hotel . Please tell everyone else . ” Zhang Jueming nodded . “Okay, have a good rest . I"ll take them to lunch first then we will head to the venue after eating . ” Li Cangyu said, “I"ll cheer for you . ” Once Zhang Jueming left, Li Cangyu sat on the bed and saw the bowl of porridge and hot steamed buns on the table . He didn"t eat dinner last night and still didn"t have an appet.i.te . He opened the porridge to take a look and didn"t feel like eating . He just went back to bed to sleep . *** The Canglan team ate lunch at the hotel . Zhang Jueming explained while eating, “The arena will be Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Li . Cat G.o.d won"t be in the team battle . This means that Xiao Li will play and be the main output . Everyone will protect you . Just read your spells with confidence . Everyone should remember how to split up based on our discussion last night . Remember to listen to my commands . ” The youngsters nodded while Ah Shu and Bai Xuan didn"t have much opinion . Zhang Jueming had left the Miracle League for many years but he was once an aspiring captain . He wanted to win the championship to prove his strength but unfortunately had to leave . When he was young, he worked hard to study the various pairings and styles of Miracle . Despite leaving for several years, these things were deeply engraved into his bone marrow and were still as clear as yesterday . He was a person who had been a captain . He was very different from a temporary commander . Bai Xuan listened to his quick a.n.a.lysis of the tactics and the lineup arrangement and felt relief for Li Cangyu . Li Cangyu carried everything in the old Canglan team . Now they had Old Zhang . If Li Cangyu felt uncomfortable, he could share some of the pressure . Bai Xuan"s healing level was first-cla.s.s but he wasn"t proficient in tactics . Ah Shu"s personal strength was high but he didn"t have many ideas when it came to commanding the team battles . At the crucial moment, Old Zhang could control the scene for the Canglan team . Once they finished eating, Zhang Jueming headed to the arena with his teammates . They had just walked to the hotel"s lobby when they saw an unexpected figure—Ling Xuefeng . The man was wearing a black trench coat and there was no expression on his handsome face . He stood there as if waiting for someone . Once he saw the group, he immediately strode to Bai Xuan and asked, “Where is your captain?” The startled Bai Xuan replied, “He is resting in his room . ” Ling Xuefeng demanded, “Who lives with him? Give me your door card . ” Bai Xuan had some doubts . “Captain Ling, did you come here looking for Cat G.o.d?” Ling Xuefeng didn"t give much explanation . He just made a sound of agreement and said, “Give me the door card . I will go straight to him . ” Zhang Jueming thought it was strange but it wasn"t easy to refuse . He pulled out his door card from his pocket and handed it to him . Ling Xuefeng turned and left, leaving the stunned group behind him . A moment later, Xie Shurong couldn"t help asking, “How can Ling Xuefeng appear here? Why is he looking for Cat G.o.d?” Bai Xuan smiled . “Don"t be curious . He is familiar with our captain and probably has something to discuss . ” Xie Shurong stared at Ling Xuefeng"s disappearing back and thoughtfully touched his chin . Bai Xuan saw him staring at Ling Xuefeng waiting by the elevator and pulled his arm . “Let"s go and play . Don"t worry about it . ” Ah Shu was towed away by the vice-captain and other people had to follow . They didn"t ask on the surface but curiosity filled their hearts . Why did Ling Xuefeng suddenly come to the hotel to find Cat G.o.d? Shouldn"t he be in Shanghai?

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