God Level Summoner

Chapter 189 – Basketball Match

Chapter 189 – Basketball Match

The result was that a fierce battle on the basketball court was launched between the masters team and the apprentices team.

Li Cangyu"s basketball techniques were excellent. He was fast when dribbling and his shooting was stable. In particular, his action of jumping and doing a hook shot was so handsome that people couldn"t help staring.

To his surprise, Xiao Han also played very well. Xiao Han wasn"t as tall as him but his footsteps were more flexible and he had a high shooting rate from long distances.

The thing that made Li Cangyu cry was that Qin Mo"s level of playing basketball was really unbearable. Once the ball was pa.s.sed to him, he would lose it after two moves. When he stood in front of the basket, he would throw it and the ball would be thrown outside the basketball court!

Young man, are you playing basketball or throwing the ball?

Xiao Han disliked this pig teammate and suggested, "Don"t shoot. Just grab the ball and throw it at me."

Qin Mo, "…Ah."

He used to sneer at Xiao Han"s Chinese level and didn"t expect that he would be teased for his basketball skills. Qin Mo was a bit sad… However, he saw that his master wasn"t as good as Cat G.o.d and Qin Mo"s heart was suddenly balanced.

Ling Xuefeng wasn"t as terrible as Qin Mo but his shooting accuracy was very low. He could only rely on the advantage of his height and stand under the basket to dunk. Then three out of ten b.a.l.l.s would make it in. The point was that his dunking action was very handsome. This handsome action alone could make up from his lacking skills.

Poor Qin Mo never threw one ball in from beginning to end.

In other words, every time the four people got together, Qin Mo couldn"t change his fate of being at the "bottom of the food chain."


In the basketball game, the score of the masters team was overwhelmingly dominant.

Ling Xuefeng wasn"t as good at shooting as Li Cangyu but his ability to find opportunities was strong. His ability to grab the ball was quite accurate. Xiao Han often couldn"t react before the basketball in his hand was taken away by Captain Ling. Then Ling Xuefeng would decisively turn and throw the ball to Li Cangyu, who would dribble the ball at a fast speed and shoot, scoring points.

Every time the ball made it in, Li Cangyu would happily walk to Ling Xuefeng and celebrate each other"s tacit cooperation.

The apprentices saw their masters high-fiving and wanted to cry. Once the score reached 96:36, Xiao Han finally couldn"t help exclaiming, "Master, it isn"t right for you to bully your apprentices."

The soy sauce Qin Mo immediately agreed. "Yes!"

Li Cangyu saw the two teenagers gasping from tiredness and his heart softened.

He did have fun today abusing the two little guys who couldn"t fight back. This abuse of his apprentice wasn"t good so Li Cangyu beckoned for the two of them to come over and told them, "Okay, Master will invite you to eat. It is my treat and Xuefeng will pay the bill."

Ling Xuefeng nodded. "No problem."

Xiao Han was happy. "This method of returning is a lot bad."

Qin Mo almost sprayed out his water and immediately correct. "Not, it is not bad! Didn"t I teach you this morning?"

Xiao Han said, "Oh, it is almost the same."

Li Cangyu laughed at both of them and couldn"t help patting Xiao Han"s golden head. "What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Han stared at him. "Master, you don"t want to eat fish?"

Li Cangyu would buy fish every time he treated someone so Xiao Han was very confused. Li Cangyu had just eaten Ling Xuefeng"s personally cooked fish yesterday and didn"t want to eat fish again today. He went over to Ling Xuefeng and asked, "What is good to eat nearby?"

Ling Xuefeng thought carefully. "There is a privately-owned restaurant nearby that isn"t bad. I will take you to try it."

The decision immediately got everyone"s approval. Ling Xuefeng drove them to a community with a good environment to try an authentic Shanghai private restaurant.


It was rare for Li Cangyu to be so completely relaxed. He was in a good mood and ate a lot of food.

In the afternoon, Ling Xuefeng drove them to the city to go shopping. If they were discovered by paparazzi, the image would be like two big G.o.ds taking their sons around to travel.

The two teenagers played happily. They had their masters escorting them and a free private car to sit in. This was definitely more convenient than taking a taxi or catching a bus.

More importantly, they didn"t have to pay for anything they wanted to buy! Their masters would pay. It was great to have a backer!

Of course, Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu also felt warm. Qin Mo and Xiao Han might not be their sons but they were teenagers that the masters appreciated and focused on raising. These apprentices would receive important tasks in the future.

Ling Xuefeng might be particularly strict with Qin Mo but he actually felt very appreciative of this boy. Otherwise he wouldn"t accept Qin Mo as a disciple.

Li Cangyu was even more fond of Xiao Han. He sometimes touched his apprentice"s head and was very patient when speaking to his apprentice.

One day pa.s.sed quickly. Ling Xuefeng considerately sent the two apprentices back to their hotels and then took Li Cangyu home.

On the way back, Li Cangyu suddenly asked, "Xuefeng, do you like children?"

Ling Xuefeng was a bit surprised by the question. He looked over and wondered, "Why are you suddenly asking this?"

Li Cangyu looked into the other person"s eyes and said seriously, "I just think that if you have children, you will be a good father. You will be strict with your child"s education and talk to them seriously but you can give your child the most correct guidance. You will be a father whom the children respect the most."

Ling Xuefeng couldn"t help smiling at the praise. "I don"t think I"m as good as you say?"

Li Cangyu exclaimed, "Don"t be modest! Based on your att.i.tude towards Qin Mo, you will be strict towards the younger generation but this will allow them to grow up as quickly as possible." He paused before suddenly changing the topic. "If you like children, later we can adopt one… or two?"

Ling Xuefeng was startled. He hadn"t expected this topic to suddenly be brought up.

Li Cangyu continued, "We are together and definitely can"t have children. However, I can"t selfishly deprive you of the right to be a father. So… if you like, I really don"t mind adopting children."

Ling Xuefeng listened to him seriously considering the future and was moved.

In fact, the two of them were in a hurry when they were together and hadn"t planned carefully for the future.

Falling in love and getting married were completely different matters. Many people in love were happy as long as they were together and didn"t think about the future. Now his lover was thinking of him and planning their future. This showed that Ling Xuefeng"s weight in Li Cangyu"s heart wasn"t as simple as lovers.

He was the one Li Cangyu wanted to spend a lifetime with so he was included in the plan.

Li Cangyu"s future would always contain Ling Xuefeng.

This was obviously Li Cangyu"s intention behind staying with Ling Xuefeng. He wasn"t playing around in this relationship. It was a serious love so he would worry over these things. He thought about Ling Xuefeng"s feelings and considered the future.

Such a straightforward and serious Li Cangyu instantly softened Ling Xuefeng"s heart. He suddenly braked and parked the car on the side of the road. Then he turned and hugged Li Cangyu.

"It is enough to have you." Ling Xuefeng whispered, "As long as you are willing to stay with me, that is enough."

The man"s low voice contained a hint of excitement…

Li Cangyu was startled before reaching out to gently stroke Ling Xuefeng"s back.

He understood Ling Xuefeng"s excitement,

In the years he had left Miracle, Ling Xuefeng had been waiting for him. Li Cangyu hadn"t personally experienced this type of "obsessively waiting for a person" but he could understand it.

Perhaps because he waited for too long but Ling Xuefeng"s heart still had some unreal and uncertain feelings despite the two of them being together. Perhaps Ling Xuefeng was worried that one day Li Cangyu would leave him?

Li Cangyu gently hugged him and said softly, "Xuefeng, you should know what type of person I am. Once I am serious about something, I will definitely stick to it. I am serious about you. No matter what happens in the future, let"s face it together and resolve it together. I will be the person you most rely on. Understood?"

Ling Xuefeng had been decisive and strong from an early age. If someone had said this to him then he would find it ridiculous. Now these sentences were spoken by his beloved and he felt an extra warmth.

Yes, in this relationship, Li Cangyu was as determined as Ling Xuefeng was.

Ling Xuefeng happily discovered Li Cangyu"s true intentions today and he felt that waiting for many years was particularly worthwhile.

How could three years matter when he could wait for a lover like Li Cangyu?

Ling Xuefeng tightened his grip and whispered, "Li Cangyu, I love you."

This simple confession was what he wanted to say most. It was the first time he formally called out the other person"s name. Li Cangyu couldn"t help smiling and patted him on the shoulder. "Me too."

The two people smiled at each other.

The so-called love was deep and spring blossoms were blossoming in the depths of their hearts.

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Chapter 190 – Carnival (1)

They returned home that night and Ling Xuefeng opened the computer in the study room, logging into the official Miracle League website to check the results of the Carnival vote. Li Cangyu pulled a chair over and sat next to him.

"It is no problem for you to be selected for the Carnival." Li Cangyu declared with great confidence as he put an arm around Ling Xuefeng"s shoulder. "Your popularity is so high. If I"m not mistaken, you will be in first place in the voting."

The voting interface opened in front of them and Wind Colour"s captain, Ling Xuefeng was currently in first place.

Ling Xuefeng looked back at the other person and found that Li Cangyu was happier than him. Li Cangyu touched his chin and said, "I guessed correct. The eyes of the audience are high and they know your strength."

Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly as he held Li Cangyu"s hand that was on his shoulder. "Your strength isn"t weak. This time you should be able to enter."

“Me?" Li Cangyu asked with some doubt and shook his head. "I don"t think so. I"ve been away from the league for three years and I"m not more popular than the players who have been fighting in the league. This Carnival has only 12 places and I shouldn"t make it."

“Not necessarily. Take a look first." Ling Xuefeng scrolled down to see the rankings of the other votes.

The voting time for the Chinese Carnival was until 24 o"clock on Tuesday. For the current voting poll, the top three were occupied by the three highly popular players of Ling, Su and Tan. The fourth was Lou Wushuang of Ghost Spirits. This was because the team performed well recently and the captain himself had high popularity. He gained new fans who voted for him.

In addition, Red Fox"s Liu Xiang was a regular visitor on the popular list. Pure Cleansing"s captain Chu Yan was the best auxiliary psychic in China and his votes didn"t fall. Then there was Wind Colour"s vice-captain Yan Ruiwen, Flying Feathers" vice-captain Yu Pingsheng, Time"s vice-captain Cheng Wei, Ghost Spirits" vice-captain Zhang Shaohui…

Then Ling Xuefeng saw the name Li Cangyu followed by Bai Xuan.

He carefully counted it from the beginning and said with certainty, "You are currently ranked 11th and Bai Xuan is 12th. There are still a few hours left in the voting. It is better to make a Weibo post so you aren"t overtaken by the people behind you."

Behind him was Pure Cleansing"s crybaby Zhu Qingyue and Red Fox"s vice-captain Yang Muzi as well as Cheetah"s captain Jiang Xu. Their votes were close and the possibility of some senior fans deliberately holding back tickets to vote at the last minute couldn"t be eliminated.

Li Cangyu felt surprised. "Bai Xuan and I could actually make it into the top 12? Canglan has that many fans?"

Ling Xuefeng explained, "Canglan has done well in recent matches and you publicly said that you want to enter the world summoner"s list. Many people yelled at you for bragging but there are also many people who like you and paid attention to you."

Li Cangyu touched his nose. "It turned out to be like this."

He didn"t care too much about popularity or being selected for the Carnival. The Carnival was originally an entertainment project and it didn"t matter if some of the most popular G.o.ds were chosen to play together for two days.

However, Li Cangyu was quite happy about the affirmation of his fans. He logged into Weibo and sent a message: [I am very surprised that my votes can exceed 10,000. Thank you for voting. I don"t mind if I partic.i.p.ate in the Carnival or not. It is the next match that matters and I"m not going to let the people who support me down.]

He had always been blunt when speaking and didn"t sell his popularity on a public platform like some players. Still, his honest and refreshing words made the fans who liked him more determined.

Li Cangyu"s Weibo soon got thousands of replies. [Cat G.o.d is really domineering. I will give you a bunch of dried fish as a reward!] [Cat G.o.d, I really want to be your shovel!] [Cat G.o.d, my ticket has been cast!] [On behalf of the Canglan Support group, many people just registered on the forum and aren"t eligible to vote. Everyone is trying their best and next time it will be higher!]

Li Cangyu became more surprised the more he looked, especially by the comment of the "Canglan Support group." He couldn"t help replying curiously: [What group is the Canglan Support group? Did you build it yourself?]

The fan who got the response was so excited that she wanted to go downstairs and run two laps. She took a deep breath to calm down before replying: [Captain! Your loyal fans privately built the group. The owner is @Sister Shasha who has liked you since she was in school. Everyone is really happy that you returned to Miracle!]

Some people came forward to say: [Cat G.o.d, I have been paying attention to you since the second season and really like the elf summoner. I haven"t played since you left Miracle. I heard you are back and built a side account in the new district. I can"t play like you but watching you play is very cool!]

[I didn"t know about Cat G.o.d until you moved to Wulin. It is because of you that I found out about Miracle! I really like your decisiveness and you look very handsome. This is the important point. I am a face devotee!]

[It isn"t easy for Old Cat to persist for so many years. I have pulled all my friends and relatives to vote for you. I"m not asking for anything else. I just want to let everyone know that you are qualified to stand on the Carnival stage!]


Li Cangyu was a big man but his eyes became hot when he saw these comments.

He remembered the person called Shasha seven years ago. He also remember that the Miracle League of that time wasn"t as prosperous as it was now. The number of fans for every team wasn"t as high. In particular, the FTD team did badly and barely had support thanks to Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan. However, there were always a few people who cheered for the FTD team whenever they played.

Later, Li Cangyu met with them and the leader of the group had an ID called Shasha. She was a university student. Her nature was very hearty and she liked tying her hair in a handsome ponytail. When she first met Li Cangyu, she gave him a model of a big cat and smiled. "Captain, cheer up. Even if your performance now isn"t good, we believe that one day you will stand on the highest podium in Miracle!"

This simple sentence was undoubtedly the biggest inspiration for the young Li Cangyu.

A few years had pa.s.sed. Li Cangyu didn"t think she would come back and re-establish the support group.

There were also many fans who knew him from Wulin and merged with the Miracle fans. There were the old players who liked elf summoners and returned because of his return…

Everything was shocking and made him feel moved.

Li Cangyu didn"t think he would have so many loyal fans.

Today, in order to vote, the old Cat G.o.d loyal fans that were hidden for many years all came out. In particularly, the appearance of old friends who he met in the first season made Li Cangyu feel particularly pleased.

He found Shasha on Weibo and sent her a private chat. [Shasha? Did you build the Canglan Support group?]

The other person quickly replied: [Captain is well! I can"t say it is new. This group has always been there! Most of the administrators are veterans who have watched you play since the first season. Everyone is very happy that you came back. Recently, many new fans have been added and the current group is full and very lively. I"m planning to open a sub-group.]

Li Cangyu wrote emotionally: [I haven"t seen you for a few years. I thought you left Miracle a long time ago!]

Shasha replied: [There are some friends who have left but there are also many who stayed. Like Lei Shao, Xiao Yang and Bubu, they are a few you saw in the past. We are usually low-key and afraid to cause you trouble. Now we don"t need to hide because the contestant we like will stand on the world podium! Isn"t that right?]

Li Cangyu was even more moved when he saw this. [Thank you.]

He was really grateful to those who silently supported him for a long time.

In the past, he hadn"t been able to get good results but this group didn"t give up on him. It was the so called "true sentiments are seen in hard times". These fans were very pure and sincere toward him. Their encouragement and support was his greatest motivation.

Shasha was the leader of the FTD Support group. The Lei Shao, Xiao Yang and Bubu she mentioned were veteran players of Miracle. They were dead loyal fans of the elf summoner and Bai Xuan who played a healer. During FTD"s most difficult period, they personally went to the matches to cheer for Li Cangyu. He didn"t expect them to still be here after so many years!

As Shasha said: [The contestant will like will one day stand on the world podium!]

Yes, Old Cat would one day make them proud of liking him!

[Our fan club was privately built for Cat G.o.d but you can rest a.s.sured that we will take care. We won"t smear other players or cause you trouble.]

Li Cangyu was naturally 100% rea.s.sured at his fan club being managed by this group of elders. He immediately replied: [Okay, work hard. Give everyone my thanks and I won"t let you down!]

Shasha took a screenshot of Cat G.o.d"s words and sent them to people in the group. The fans immediately cheered. The feeling of being recognized by their idol was really great and everyone became more motivated to vote!


The conversation between Li Cangyu and his fans was seen by Ling Xuefeng.

He also had an impression of this person called Shasha. Many years ago, she came with several fans to encourage Li Cangyu when FTD was defeated. She sent a plush cat model to Li Cangyu and gave a present to Bai Xuan. Li Cangyu must be very happy about these old fans still being here.

Li Cangyu rarely cared about his popularity and he attracted a lot of controversy by switching games but no player could completely ignore outside evaluations. The fans who liked him and supported him would be the greatest encouragement and comfort.

Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu"s touched appearance and gently reached out to hug him. Ling Xuefeng"s fingers slowly stroked his back. "They are still… I"m still here."

Li Cangyu smiled and hugged Ling Xuefeng. This really was his home and it was good that he could come back!

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