God Level Summoner

Chapter 276 – The Real Mechanical City

Chapter 276 – The Real Mechanical City

After watching the game between China VS Australia, Sato Takashi and Fujita Rika specifically studied the map of the city and according to the 3D map released by the league, they inferred that there were six mechanisms in the upstairs and downstairs levels.

Everyone saw the effect of the 1st room. It caused the room to collapse and for players to directly transfer to the lower floor. The lower floor"s mechanism fired arrows at the players. The effects of the other rooms and corridors were currently unknown.

The three people who died were concentrated at the blue recovery point, waiting to fight again after their resurrection.

The remaining two were delayed for a while and jumped directly into the gap between tiles. According to the rules of the league"s death racing mode, suicide deaths weren"t counted as a head for the opponent.

The two of them wanted to commit suicide to meet their teammates. The surprising thing was that after jumping into the dark abyss between the floor tiles, they didn"t die. Instead, they were transmitted to the 5th room on the upper floor.

j.a.panese team members, "…"

Wasn"t this map too pitted? Jumping into a dark hole actually transmitted them? The Chinese designers were too cunning!

The a.s.sa.s.sin and priest of the j.a.panese team looked at each other and didn"t know what to do. As a result, Ling, Tan and Cat sneaked in from the aisle while Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang also jumped into the abyss and were teleported upstairs. In the blink of an eye, the five people gathered in the 5th room.

The netizens would probably be spitting if they saw this setting.

The moving floor tiles looked very dangerous. According to general logic, they should fall down when stepping on air. Who would think they would instantly move upstairs? Could it be more pitted?

The two players of the j.a.panese team were surrounded by five people and wanted to cough up blood.

In the 2v2 battle downstairs, they had to deal with Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang"s outbreak. As the priest, Yamaguchi Ryuzaki had to crazily press the b.u.t.tons and his fingers were sore. Now he had to face five people and he had the feeling of "nothing left to live for."

Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang had obviously only wanted to consume his skills. After all, it was hard to directly kill a healer in a 2v2 fight. Now it was different. After meeting his teammates, Su Guangmo didn"t say anything and rushed forward with the sword, accurately using the move Spirit Lock. He stabbed the chest of the priest before using Light and Shadow Rotation.

The colourful sword directly cut the blood of the priest and a.s.sa.s.sin to 70%.

Lou Wushuang calmly moved behind the priest and stunned him with Pain Blade. He followed up by moving to the a.s.sa.s.sin, the knife in his hand cold and fierce—Back Stab, Soul Stab, Death Strangulation!

His intention to kill the a.s.sa.s.sin was obvious. The other team members started cooperating. Tan s.h.i.tian fired his arrows, Ling Xuefeng"s skeletons surrounded the opponents and Li Cangyu"s fire spirit continued to throw Fireb.a.l.l.s.

Su Guangmo was handling the priest, lest he add blood to his teammate.

Under the bombardment of the four people, the a.s.sa.s.sin of the j.a.panese team quickly lost blood and the heads ratio became 4:0!

The Chinese team cheered again.

Then Li Cangyu suddenly ordered, "The lower floor!"

His voice was clear and allowed everyone to hear it. The training room became quiet and Ling Xuefeng instantly stepped on a mechanism.

The three members of the j.a.panese team rushed over to rescue their teammates and saw this image—the 5th room shaking like there was an earthquake and the floor collapsing. Dust flew around and the Chinese team"s five members were collectively sent downstairs.

j.a.panese team members, "…"

These guys could really play!

Sato"s eyes were cold as he ordered, "Chase them!"

It might be 4v5 but the j.a.panese team was actually in a good position.

First of all, they just came from the resurrection point and everyone was full of blood. Second, the death racing mode refreshed everything after resurrection. In other words, their current skill cooldown time was reset and all their big moves were available.

On the other hand, the Chinese team won four heads and the big moves of the summoners, archer, swordsman and a.s.sa.s.sin were on cooldown. The remaining small skills wouldn"t pose too much of a threat.

If the j.a.panese team caught up at this time, they were likely to kill the other party!

Sato Takashi and his teammates instantly jumped into the pit after the 5th room was destroyed and landed in the lower west corridor.

The Chinese team had left the corridor by this time and spread out on the floor tiles. Sato Takashi chose Tan s.h.i.tian, who had the least blood. "Kill the archer!"

Fujita Rika had long wanted to get revenge for the arrows. Once she saw the archer, she jumped forward and chased Tan s.h.i.tian. She decisively used Spirit Lock to set Tan s.h.i.tian in place and then used Light and Shadow Rotation!

This girl"s style of play was really fierce and her positioning was very sharp. Her strength was among the top swordsmen in the world but… she was a bit worse than Captain Su.

Tan s.h.i.tian evaluated her in his heart. She was fierce but lacked some calm.

After using Spirit Lock, she could just use Breaking Bone Sword and two general attacks to kill him. There was no need to waste big moves.

However, Fujita Rika was too aggressive and wanted to kill Tan s.h.i.tian at the fastest speed. Thus, she didn"t hesitate to use a big move. Of course, her actions were incorrect. Who knew when the Chinese team members would come over to interfere?

The thing that surprised her was that Li Cangyu didn"t care about Tan s.h.i.tian being hit.

As Fujita Rika pursued Tan s.h.i.tian, the black magician Sato Takashi, the elf summoner Ida Takuya and the a.s.sa.s.sin Itoh Sawa surrounded Li Cangyu and started to kill him.

Li Cangyu relied on his rapid movements to avoid the siege of the three people but this time, Sato Takeshi"s encirclement was very tight and they surrounded him from three directions.

Nearby, Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo wanted to come to the rescue. Li Cangyu guessed the thoughts of his teammates and immediately typed on the team channel: [Don"t save me. Gather at the red dot.]

Ling Xuefeng understood his thoughts and decisively turned towards the stairs.

The j.a.panese team successfully killed Li Cangyu and Sato Takashi"s heart felt more comfortable. The score of 4:2 was better. At least they had some room to fight.

Then he was surprised when he looked around. He found that there were no Chinese members left on the lower floor.

It seemed that Tan s.h.i.tian and Li Cangyu deliberately delayed the time to let their teammates escape?

Sato frowned at this thought and ordered, "Gather upstairs!"

He was smart this time and directly jumped into the gap between tiles with his teammates. Sure enough, this seemingly dark abyss was actually a teleport point to go upstairs. The coordinates for this location corresponded to the 6th room on the upper floor. All j.a.panese team members were sent to the 6th room.

There was no one else and this was normal.

The Chinese team chose to run up the stairs instead of using the teleport.

A bad feeling suddenly appeared in Sato"s heart.

This was clearly a shortcut. Why did they use the stairs instead?

He was thinking when a rumbling sound entered his ears. Sato Takashi wondered if the room was going to collapse again. Were they having fun with this?

However, it turned out that the Mechanical City had more surprises for him.

This time the room didn"t collapse. Instead, a huge iron cage dropped from the sky. Like prisoners, all four of them were stuck in the cage.

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Chapter 277 – Crushing Strength

Sato, who was locked up in the cage, wanted to vomit blood. A cage could drop from the roof to trap people? Was it like the Chinese martial arts movies where the bad people were caught?

Such a disgusting map, the designers of the Chinese team were too good!

He had vaguely guessed the secrets of the Mechanical City. According to the rules of the league, the effects of a self-made map couldn"t exceed four. The Chinese team collapsed the 1st and 5th rooms. The downstairs corridor caused a rain of arrows and the abyss was a teleport point. Since the 6th room had the cage, it was likely that the 1/3/5th rooms collapsed while the 2/4/6th rooms contained cages.

It was no wonder why the Chinese team didn"t jump into the black hole! The location corresponded to a room with a cage and it was useless to directly teleport there. Instead, they waited for the j.a.panese team to go up and then used the mechanism to trap them.

The feeling of being locked up wasn"t pleasant. The four people in the cage glanced at each other.

They were somewhat puzzled about why the Chinese team didn"t come and hit them. Fortunately, the careful healer pointed the mouse at the iron cage and looked at the attributes. He immediately said, "The cage can"t be moved but it also can"t be attacked."

It dawned on Sato. If the opponent was locked up in the cage, it was too unfair if the remote cla.s.ses used their skills. The Chinese team who submitted the map could completely kill the opponents within the iron cage. Even if the other side was strong, they could be completely destroyed by the map. This was too unfair.

The designers probably considered the balance and review of the league. The iron cage had the effect of "you can"t come out but I can"t hit you." The four people of the j.a.panese team were trapped by the iron cage but this ensured that they were temporarily safe. The healer wisely filled up everyone"s blood.

However, the one person who was tragic…

The a.s.sa.s.sin Itoh Sawa resurrected at the blue point and had his skills refreshed. In order to avoid the siege of the Chinese team, he cleverly lurked with his stealth skill and searched for his teammates using the mini-map.

He froze as soon as he entered the 6th room.

His four teammates were trapped in an iron cage. What was going on here?

They stared at each other through the cage and Sato Takashi immediately said, "You must withdraw first. Don"t stay here!"

It was too late.

Lou Wushuang had long expected that the resurrected j.a.panese member would come find his teammates and had been lurking invisibly in the 6th room. He saw the healer in the cage step forward and knew that the team member must"ve come!

He typed a signal on the team channel and the people on standby in the 5th room immediately came through the side door.

—Death Arrow Rain!

Tan s.h.i.tian was resurrected and his big moves refreshed. The distance was very far and the range very wide. It instantly hit the j.a.panese team"s invisible a.s.sa.s.sin! Lou Wushuang had been waiting here and after seeing the a.s.sa.s.sin emerge, he used Pain Blade to set the other person in place.

Next was a combination of gorgeous and flashy skills. The five members of the Chinese team combined to kill the j.a.panese team"s a.s.sa.s.sin.

The four people in the cage could only watch their teammates die in front of themselves.

Sato felt a chill go down his back…

In the match against Australia, only one-sixth of the mechanisms of the Mechanical City were used.

He finally realized the full picture of the Mechanical City in today"s friendly game!

It had to be said that the Chinese people can"t be underestimated.

They could create such a complex map despite the World League explicitly stating that there couldn"t be more than four effects on a map. Many of the mechanisms were based on tactical designs.

For example, this prison cage. It looked very simple but the usage was actually large. This cage was a barrier to isolate the battlefield and the four members of the j.a.panese team were confined inside. This left one person outside who could only be killed!

Moreover, while the j.a.panese team members were trapped in a cage, the Chinese team"s players could go and restore their blood and blue while waiting for their dead teammates to resurrect.

Yes, Li Cangyu and Tan s.h.i.tian who died had been resurrected in full blood.

The effect of the cage would soon be lifted. The four people of the j.a.panese team would face the siege of the five Chinese members.

Sato"s guess wasn"t wrong.

Once the time came, the cage broke apart like a sword was taken to it. The j.a.panese team"s imprisonment was lifted but they also lost their "not attackable" state.

At that moment, Ling Xuefeng summoned black crows and used Cover the Sky!

Large crows flew to where the j.a.panese team was standing and they lost their vision.

The j.a.panese team"s healer wasn"t stupid. He decisively used Purification to resolve the negative state of his teammates. The next moment, Su Guangmo quickly moved and used Spirit Lock!

The frozen healer couldn"t add blood and could only watch.

Lou Wushuang took advantage of this time by moving behind the black magician Sato Takashi. Sato Takashi just wanted to cast a big move to control the Chinese team but he was interrupted by Lou Wushuang!

The two melee of the Chinese team, Su and Lu became a nightmare for the j.a.panese team!

The priest was fixed in place and the black magician interrupted. Su and Lou wanted to grab the head first? There was no way!

Sato Takashi was annoyed as he kept being interrupted. He wanted to destroy Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang in one breath but their flexible movement made him feel helpless!

In addition, the size of the room was limited and there was no way to retreat further.

Su Guangmo"s Light and Shadow Rotation was opened again, cruelly cutting everyone"s blood. Lou Wushuang cleverly exchanged positions with him and stared at the priest"s casting bar.

The two of them cooperated with each other so there was always one person close to the priest!

The healer of the j.a.panese team wanted to cry. From the beginning, he released only one big group skill while the rest of his skills were continuously interrupted…

The a.s.sa.s.sin and swordsman took turns staring at him, making him want to smash the keyboard!

Ling Xuefeng constantly summoned and interfered with the four j.a.panese members and the damage caused by Skeleton Explosion was considerable.

However, Li Cangyu stood in the distance and didn"t attack them. He was doing a gorgeous operation at an extremely fast pace.

He quickly summoned the water elf, fire elf, thunder elf and wind elf. The Chinese team"s players watching from behind guessed what he wanted to do and held their breaths nervously. The j.a.panese team"s Sato Takashi and Fujita Rika realized it too late.

—Banshee Summoning, Witch Demon"s Curse!

Ling Xuefeng knew what Cat G.o.d wanted to do and cooperated with the banshee to pull the four members of the j.a.panese team to the right position. It was like gathering the mobs in an instance to the right position, providing Li Cangyu with the best output s.p.a.ce.

Li Cangyu decisively pressed the T key that was rarely used on his keyboard.

—Elf Cataclysm!

There was a huge bang as the water, fire, thunder and wind spirits exploded together. The blue, red, green and purple mixed in a raging tide that washed over the four people of the j.a.panese team!

Four kills!

This move directly collected the heads of the four residual blood members!

The number of heads changed to 9:2!

The crowd watching behind the Chinese team clapped excitedly.

"The captain is too handsome!"

"Cat G.o.d is too powerful!"

"Everybody is awesome!"

Li Cangyu also had a smile on his face. Xuefeng"s tacit understanding pulled the four j.a.panese people into a group and his Cataclysm directly smashed all four people. In one word, it was cool!


Sato Takashi"s face was almost green and Fujita Rika was gritting her teeth. The expressions of the other three members were somewhat frustrated.

9:2, this score was really embarra.s.sing.

They came to the Chinese team"s door for a friendly match and sent their strongest five players. The result was that they were completely abused by the Chinese team"s Mechanical City. This was simply a disgrace.

The players watching behind them couldn"t help saying, "It"s all because of the map. This map is too perverted."

"That"s it!"

"The map is too much!"

The healer Yamaguchi Ryuzaki coughed and smiled. "There is no need to be too serious with a friendly game…"

Neither the captain or vice-captain spoke. It was because Sato Takashi and Fujita Rika were people who had seen too many world masters. They both knew it wasn"t only the problem of the map but…

The Chinese team were too powerful!

There was no need to mention the demon summoner Ling Xuefeng and terran swordsman Su Guangmo, they were high-ranking players in the world. The a.s.sa.s.sin Lou Wushuang was also famous in the a.s.sa.s.sin circle. However, Li Cangyu"s summoner and Tan s.h.i.tian"s archer were people who had never been seen on the world"s leaderboard!

What was the result?

Tan s.h.i.tian killed three of them in one breath. Li Cangyu killed four people in one breath!

The thing that Sato Takashi couldn"t accept was that even if it wasn"t the Mechanical City and they were facing each other on a flat and un.o.bstructed map, the j.a.panese team still couldn"t beat the Chinese team!


After seeing that the j.a.panese team was quiet and refused to come out from the resurrection point, Li Cangyu couldn"t help smiling and typed on the public channel: [Captain Sato, this is the Chinese team"s map and it is too unfair for you. Don"t you have to train this afternoon? Why don"t we call it here. We can"t delay the formal matches.]

Fujita Rika had a good understanding of Chinese and translated these words for the captain. Sato Takashi"s face was as dark as a pot!

It was obvious since the j.a.panese team didn"t leave the resurrection point. The other side already saw that the j.a.panese team didn"t want to play and let him step down.

In fact, this was a slap to the face that made him feel ashamed.

On the other hand, it made the Chinese team seem quite gracious…

Sato"s ears were red as the five players directly exited the room.

Li Cangyu didn"t ridicule the j.a.panese team. As the captain of the national team, he must maintain his grace in front of foreign teams. The j.a.panese team took the initiative to come to the door and challenge them but Li Cangyu let the other side take a step back. This directly smashed Captain Sato!

Regardless of whether it was the map, strength, tactics or demeanour, Li Cangyu ruined the j.a.panese team"s provocation.

The Chinese team members were so handsome!

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