God Level Summoner

Chapter 29 – The Past

Chapter 29 – The Past

The first time Li Cangyu met Ling Xuefeng was when he was 17 years old in the online game.

At that time, a Miracle server opened in China and Li Cangyu went to "Magic Academy", the first major district in Miracle with several good friends. He had been good friends with them since childhood and they were as close as brothers.

The five people teamed up to level in the new district, walking out of the novice village, walking to the first main city, clearing the first instance, gaining their first piece of equipment, etc. They played happily all the way to level 35. There might be frequent b.u.mps on the road but the process was full of fun.

At level 35, the more difficult instance Frost Temple opened. At this time, Li Cangyu was still a rookie and he tried to beat the boss for three hours. In desperation, he had to shout for people on the world channel.

[Looking for a violent output for Frost Temple! One spot is open!]

Then a demon summoner called LXF quickly joined the team.

He was a handsome man in a demon outfit, with a pair of black wings and glowing light wings on his back, making him look a bit strange.

Li Cangyu asked curiously: [LXF, are these three letters the abbreviation of your name?]

[Yes.] Ling Xuefeng didn"t hide it. [it is convenient.]

Then he was too lazy!

Li Cangyu said: [I"ll add you as a friend and we can clear the instance together.]

Ling Xuefeng asked: [Do you know how to fight it?]

Li Cangyu replied very honestly: [No.]

Then Ling Xuefeng decisively said: [Come with me, I will lead.]

The six people played the instance together. The surprising thing to Li Cangyu was that the level of the demon summoner was very high. He had a lot of experience fighting the boss and they managed to smoothly pa.s.s the instance.

The people who got a lot of equipment immediately typed excitedly in the team channel. [A master!]

Then they added Ling Xuefeng as a friend.

Magic Academy was the first new district to open in the national server. Most people would be playing the Frost Temple instance for the first time. LXF was so familiar with the boss" gameplay that he obviously hadn"t just started Miracle.

Li Cangyu couldn"t help asking him privately: [Have you played this game before?]

The other person replied: [I played for a few months in the US server.]

Li Cangyu suddenly realized. [The US service did start half a year earlier than the national service. Then did you rise to the maximum level in the US server?]


[Then can you help us?  We just started playing and don"t understand things very well.]

[No problem.]


Since Ling Xuefeng was a master of Miracle, the rookie Li Cangyu naturally had a good impression of him.

LXF"s words were short every time he replied, making it seem like he really didn"t like to talk. The rare thing was that he didn"t put on any airs or despise the rookie Li Cangyu.

Everyone teamed up and cleared several instances in a row, becoming more familiar with each other. Li Cangyu felt it was good to know a veteran of Miracle and couldn"t help asking him: [Yes, I want to play an elf summoner. However, the guides on the forums say that an elf is more suitable for playing an archer. I think that an elf summoner will be very strong, using the advantages of agility to quickly switch pets and increase the critical hit rate. This will make up for the pets" lack of attack.]

[Are you talking about a full agility elf summoner with the critical hits route?] Ling Xuefeng was a veteran of online games and was naturally familiar with this type of build.

[Yes. I think so.] Li Cangyu spoke seriously. [I asked on the forum yesterday and everyone said this type of build is impossible to achieve. You have played in the US server so I would like to ask you. Is it feasible?]

The small rookie Li Cangyu humbly asked the master. Ling Xuefeng didn"t immediately deny him like other people, encouraging him instead. [Right now, Miracle has just opened its service and the game is in the exploratory stage. Not many people play an elf summoner but the principle isn"t wrong. Don"t listen to what other people say. If you have an idea, try it out boldly.]

[Okay.] Li Cangyu originally hadn"t intended to give up this idea and now it was affirmed by a veteran. Li Cangyu felt very happy and his belief in trying an elf summoner was strengthened.

Later, the six people would often play together to clear instances. After getting to know each other, they discovered that Ling Xuefeng had set up the Wind Colour Guild and was actually the president.

There were numerous guilds in the district but the strength of the Wind Colour Guild was high and there were many masters. They beat a lot of world bosses and had the loudest reputation.

Ling Xuefeng once invited Li Cangyu"s five people to join the Wind Colour team but Li Cangyu refused. [We have different levels and are accustomed to acting freely. We don"t want to partic.i.p.ate in the big guild activities.]

Ling Xuefeng didn"t force him.

After reaching full level, a variety of guild missions opened and Ling Xuefeng would lead his members to complete the tasks. His communication with Li Cangyu gradually lessened.

However, in his spare time, he would go to his friends list to find the ID "Old Cat" and ask about the other person"s current situation.

[How is your summoner"s equipment going?]

Li Cangyu replied: [I"m still missing a necklace with attack power.]

[I received one in the instance today. I will give it to you so meet me at Yisu City"s east gate.] Ling Xuefeng sent the equipment to Li Cangyu.

[Thank you!] Li Cangyu was happy about completing his full set of equipment.

[Do you want to try PK?] Ling Xuefeng sent him a request and Li Cangyu accepted. The two people fought each other at the grand plaza in front of the east gate.

Li Cangyu had pondered on the elf summoner for a long time and gradually developed the use of Flying Feather Steps to move while quickly summoning pets. Still, he wasn"t skilled enough at present and he fell under Ling Xuefeng"s fierce offensive in half a minute.

Li Cangyu wasn"t discouraged after being beaten. He climbed up and said: [Great!]

Ling Xuefeng typed: [It seems you have more experience with the elf summoner gameplay?]

Li Cangyu replied without hesitation: [Yes, I have been studying these days and thought of some ideas, but the operation still isn"t very skilled.]

[Do you want to practice another round?]

[Okay.] Li Cangyu was naturally very excited about sparring with a master and immediately sent an invitation.

Thus, the two of them played against each other for more than an hour and reluctantly went to sleep in the early hours of the morning.


From that day onwards, every evening after the guild missions, Ling Xuefeng would come to the east gate of Yisu City to fight with Li Cangyu.

In fact, Li Cangyu"s level was really good for a newcomer just starting Miracle. Ling Xuefeng had experience with playing Miracle on a foreign server for six months and was naturally more powerful than Li Cangyu. If they fought 10 times, Li Cangyu would lose 10 times.

However, Ling Xuefeng was very clear that the other person was only losing right now because of his lack of experience and unskilled operations. Despite this, he pushed himself to try big moves and after a while, this person would definitely become a master.

The two people often discussed how to play a summoner. For example, when should a pet be summoned, how to operate in order to move the pets to the exact location with the shortest time, how to mix up the pets" skills…

The pets for the demon race and elves might be different but the principles were very similar.

The result of this mutual communication was that both of them progressed at a rapid speed. Li Cangyu always felt that he learnt something from this communication while Ling Xuefeng thought that Old Cat"s ideas were very novel and gave him a lot of inspiration.

Thus, no matter how busy he was as president of Wind Colour, Ling Xuefeng would come to the Yisu City east gate to find Old Cat at a fixed time. Old Cat would always be waiting there. Once they met, there was no need to speak as they would instantly send each other an invitation.

The two people didn"t make a verbal agreement but at 22:00 every night, many players would see a demon summoner and elf summoner fighting in the big square at the east gate of Yisu City.

One day, after playing five rounds, Ling Xuefeng couldn"t help asking: [By the way, can I ask how old you are?]

[I am 17 years old.] Li Cangyu replied. [How about you?]

[I am a year older than you.] Ling Xuefeng said.

Li Cangyu realized that they were peers. No wonder why there were no obstacles to their communication.

Ling Xuefeng felt some surprise. The ID of "Old Cat" was reminiscent of a 30 year old uncle yet he was unexpectedly a 17 year old youth. This was clearly a deep "kitten!"

Ling Xuefeng thought this and couldn"t help typing: [You are only 17 years old. Why are you called Old Cat?]

Li Cangyu said earnestly: [It sounds more powerful.]

Ling Xuefeng, "…"

After a moment of silence, Ling Xuefeng said: [You are younger than me. I won"t call you Old Cat and will just call you Cat.]

[It doesn"t matter.] Li Cangyu said. [Maybe later I will become Cat G.o.d and then I"ll send you an autograph!]

The always stern Ling Xuefeng was amused by this youth"s confidence and smiled.

He thought that this guy was very interesting. His age was so young, his ideas were novel, his progress was very fast, he was confident and he had a spirit of perseverance. He had been abused so many times by Ling Xuefeng but didn"t feel discouraged. Ling Xuefeng had a hunch that this boy called Old Cat would certainly have great achievements in Miracle in the future.


The two people naturally became closer after knowing their ages were similar. They become friends and once free, they would sit idly in front of Yisu City"s east gate, exchanging ideas and learning from each other.

The rookie Li Cangyu always lost to the master Ling Xuefeng but he didn"t feel frustrated. Li Cangyu had just started playing Miracle and Ling Xuefeng could teach him a lot. Every time, he would immediately rise up and continue to fight. Every day, he rejoiced in his progress.

[This time, I survived for 65 seconds. That is 5 seconds more than I did last time.]

[You have progressed very quickly and I"ve lost blood.]

Li Cangyu replied seriously: [Next time, maybe I can win.]

[Come on.]

One day, Li Cangyu would beat Ling Xuefeng.

Li Cangyu was convinced of this.

This day hadn"t arrived yet when the Chinese Miracle League was established and Miracle"s official website announced the official launch of the professional league.

In order to attract outstanding talents to join the league, the bonuses for the first season were very high. The officials promised that all teams that made the playoffs would be provided financial support, so that players could be relieved of their worries.

Li Cangyu heard that many places were building a Miracle team and he also watched various e-sports compet.i.tions from an early age. In addition, he especially loved the gameplay of the elf summoner so he wanted to partic.i.p.ate in this league.

Bai Xuan and the other three small players were also very interested in this professional league. They had honed their skills in the online game and had become famous masters in the district. The five people went to a private room in the Internet cafe and excitedly discussed the possibility of team formation.

“Captain, let Brother Li be Captain!" Someone suggested.

"No problem." Li Cangyu wasn"t polite since he always played the role of everyone"s oldest brother in this small group. He thought about it before saying, "Let"s first decide a team name."

The group of people had their own opinions like Conquering Team, Disdain the World, etc. They thought for a long time but nothing was suitable.

Finally, Bai Xuan—who was very good in English—suggested a name. "Should we call it FTD? The abbreviation of For the Dream?"

Li Cangyu felt that this name was very special and made a decision. "Okay! It will be the FTD team!

"Great! The FTD team!"

"Come on, this season"s championship will be ours!"

"The hundreds of thousands of yuan in grand prizes is waiting for us to take!"

The group of teenagers were extremely excited, as if they were standing on the champion"s podium and would soon receive the trophy.

Only Bai Xuan was relatively calm as he suggested, "According to the announcement of the official website, there will be three people in the single-elimination battle. The three of you are outputs and are just enough. However, the group battle is the 6V6 crystal mode. We are five people… we are lacking one so do you want to pull over LXF?"

A friend next to him cried out, "Yes! Perhaps he wants to play in the professional league?"

Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu. "What do you think?"

Li Cangyu said, "Let me ask him."

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Chapter 30 – Team Planning

Bai Xuan suggested having Ling Xuefeng join the team and Li Cangyu also had this thought.

He hadn"t known Ling Xuefeng for very long but every time they talked, he had the feeling of a "close friend." Ling Xuefeng might not speak much but the contents of his sentences were excellent. He was one year older than Li Cangyu and was more mature. He played in the US server for a period of time and had a deeper understanding of Miracle.

If he could pull such a powerful person into the team, the strength of the FTD team would definitely increase.

Li Cangyu was thinking about how to persuade him when he woke up the next morning and got a call.

Since they often played instances together and PKed in the Yisu City square, he had exchanged phone numbers with Ling Xuefeng to facilitate contact.  Now the caller ID showed it was Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu picked up in a puzzled manner. "h.e.l.lo? Why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

A calm voice entered his ears. "Are you free today? I happen to be in Hangzhou. Come out and meet me."

In a previous conversation, Li Cangyu had mentioned that he was studying in Hangzhou. He didn"t expect Ling Xuefeng to actually come over but it was truly speak of the devil and he would appear.

Li Cangyu immediately said, "Okay, decide a place and I will come out."


Some time later, Li Cangyu arrived at the agreed upon place and opened the door to a private room. He was surprised to find that three people were actually sitting there.

Li Cangyu instantly recognized Ling Xuefeng despite never seeing him before.

The teenager standing in the middle was wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans. He was tall and slender, handsome with a pair of deep and dark eyes. The expression on his face revealed a touch of indifference, just like the Ling Xuefeng in the online game.

Of the two men standing beside him, one was wearing silver-framed gla.s.ses and had the appearance of an elite worker. The other one was in a plaid t-shirt and slacks. He was older than Ling Xuefeng and should be around 20 years old. He was smiling gently at Li Cangyu.

The teenager in the middle offered his hand and said, "h.e.l.lo, I am Ling Xuefeng. I don"t know your name yet."

"I am Li Cangyu." Li Cangyu shook hands with him and wondered, "Who are these two people?"

Ling Xuefeng didn"t talk nonsense and spoke bluntly. "The one wearing gla.s.ses is the manager of the Wind Colour team, Zhu Ping, and the other person is a main member of the Wind Colour team, Yuan Shaoze. We came here today to formally invite you to join the Wind Colour team."

Li Cangyu, "…"

What was this unexpected result? He had wanted to invite Ling Xuefeng to join the FTD team!

Ling Xuefeng"s tone was very serious. "I returned to China to form a team. Many of the Wind Colour Guild"s management are experts that we are looking to rise. The Wind Colour team is now officially registered and has team members, sponsors, a training room and a dormitory. We are only lacking a vice-captain. If you want, I would like to offer you the position of vice-captain of the Wind Colour team. Come with me to the Miracle Professional League."

Li Cangyu was silent, his mood complicated.

Yuan Shaoze saw that he wasn"t responding and said with a smile, "I am Xiao Ling"s cousin. I often listened to him talk about you. He said that your summoner ideas are very novel, you are talented and your progress is very fast. You are a rear e-sports genius. That"s why we are sincerely inviting you to join the Wind Colour team. I personally came with the manager and brought the contract. If you agree, we can sign the contract on the spot."

Manager Zhu Ping also said, "Wind Colour has many experts but Xuefeng insisted that the vice-captain"s positions is left to you. I believe in his eyes but I also believe in your potential. This is the contract. I hope you think about it."

Li Cangyu took a close look at the contract.

The conditions that Wind Colour gave him were really good but if he joined Wind Colour, what would Bai Xuan do?

Last night they just discussed building a team and Xiao Bai even gave it the special name of For the Dream, FTD. Everyone had been so happy and full of hope. He was the person they chose as team captain. How could he leave them and join another team alone?

Li Cangyu couldn"t do such a thing.

Despite the Wind Colour team"s high salary, he decisively handed back the contract and looked at Ling Xuefeng. "Thank you for your appreciation. I"m sorry but I can"t join the Wind Colour team."

Manager Zhu was surprised. "Is the treatment not good enough?"

“It isn"t a matter of treatment." Li Cangyu said seriously, "I want to build a team myself."

"…" Their expressions were a bit complicated.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Shaoze said, "It is good to have ambition. However, building your own team isn"t as you as you think. Manpower, funds, team quarters, a training room, many things must be prepared. You also have to submit an application with the league."

"I know." Li Cangyu"s att.i.tude was very resolute. "I will work with my friends to solve these difficulties."

“You shouldn"t think that things are simple." Ling Xuefeng suddenly said. "At present, the Miracle League has officially registered eight teams. In addition to Wind Colour, there are strong teams such as Flying Feathers and Time.  If you join Wind Colour, I am confident that we can win the championship together. If you build your own team, you probably won"t make it to the playoffs, let alone get a trophy."

"So what?" Li Cangyu met Ling Xuefeng"s eyes, seeing the same resolution and confidence there.

He knew that Ling Xuefeng"s invitation was sincere but he couldn"t leave his four friends to join Wind Colour. He wasn"t a selfish person who would ignore promises. He had decided to team up with Bai Xuan and promised to be the captain of the FTD team. He should take up this responsibility and bear the expectations of his good friends.

Li Cangyu spoke to Ling Xuefeng in the same calm tone, "I won"t regret it even if I can"t get a trophy."

The three people, "…"

Yuan Shaozhe was speechless. He had never seen such a stubborn teenager!

Wasn"t it good to directly get the position of vice-captain?

Ready-made team quarters, ready-made training rooms, ready-made strong teammates and even a high salary! Did this person think it was easy to build a team by himself?

However, Yuan Shaoze was somewhat scared by Li Cangyu"s firm gaze. He was only a teenager yet he was so decisive and resolute. He ignored the temptations of money and a trophy, adhering to his own ideas. This Li Cangyu certainly wasn"t simple!

Yuan Shaoze looked back at his cousin Ling Xuefeng and clearly found a hint of disappointment.

His younger cousin actually liked this Li Cangyu. At the time, the team manager hadn"t believed that an elf summoner could be strong. It was Ling Xuefeng who firmly recommended Li Cangyu, using his ident.i.ty of captain as the guarantee. That"s why the manager took the special trip here.

In terms of the contract, Ling Xuefeng also negotiated with the manager for a long time in an attempt to give Li Cangyu the highest salary.

They didn"t think this would be the result…

Li Cangyu saw Ling Xuefeng"s stunned expression and took the initiative to say, "Thank you, Ling Xuefeng. I know that you must"ve spent a lot of effort and even deliberately left the position of vice-captain to me. However… I"m sorry. I promised a few friends to build a team with them. Maybe we are doomed not to become teammates. Then I will see you later on the field."

The youth"s dark eyes were clear without any traces of impurities.

Ling Xuefeng knew that he couldn"t shake this resolve, no matter what he said.

They were the same type of person. As long as they decided on a goal, they would go after it very firmly. Even if they were badly beaten, they wouldn"t easily bend their spines.

“Then I wish you good luck with building your team." Ling Xuefeng finally stretched out his hand. He watched Li Cangyu and said slowly, "Since there is no way for us to become teammates, I hope that one day you will be my strongest rival."

“I look forward to that day." Li Cangyu replied.

“See you at the stadium."

At that time in Hangzhou, the hands of the two young men tightly held each other, the simple movements expressing their pure admiration of each other.

They didn"t know how the Miracle Professional League would develop. Ling Xuefeng didn"t expect that the Time team would suddenly break out in the first season and crush his championship dream. Li Cangyu didn"t expect the FTD team to experience so many twists and turns…

At that time, they were only friends who met in an online game, exchanged ideas, learned from each other, slowly explored and made progress together.

They had the same dream and looked forward to a day where they would be holding the gold trophy.

Many things happened afterwards. The FTD team disbanded, transferred, reorganized and disbanded again. Li Cangyu suffered so many setbacks but had become a world-cla.s.s master and his thoughts weren"t as simple as the original youth.

Li Cangyu was accustomed to racking his brains for a chance to win and gradually became a captain that was thoughtful and proficient at strategies.

But for him, the name Ling Xuefeng was still the softest existence in his heart.

He always remembered what Ling Xuefeng told him in his youth.

—Don"t listen to what other people say. If you have an idea, try it out boldly.

—Since there is no way for us to become teammates, I hope that one day you will be my strongest rival.

Ling Xuefeng didn"t expect his words to become a prophecy. Later, Li Cangyu used his own ideas to play the elf summoner to perfection. Then Li Cangyu became a deadly enemy of Ling Xuefeng on the field.

Their fate might be to not fight side by side, but they were the strongest opponents in each other"s hearts and the most appreciated confidant.


Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were silent as they recalled the past.

A long time pa.s.sed before Ling Xuefeng finally typed: [Are you playing your elf summoner again to return to Miracle?]

Li Cangyu replied: [Of course, I haven"t won the championship so I am somewhat dissatisfied!]

This person was still as confident as before.

Ling Xuefeng saw this sentence on the computer screen and his lips couldn"t help curving up, like they were smiling. A rare gentleness appeared in his eyes.

He used the hands that abused countless people on the field to quickly type: [Fighting. I"ll wait for you to come home.]

After three years, Li Cangyu was finally coming back.

His time in Wulin could only be considered a short journey. The Miracle League was his real home.

In the past few years, the Wind Colour team was invincible in the Miracle Professional League and Ling Xuefeng had no rivals in the arena.

Many players from the same period retired and the younger generation of players were full of respect for him. It could be said that Ling Xuefeng was already successful but there was a gap in his heart that had never been filled. It was the spot that he left to Li Cangyu.

The 17 year old Li Cangyu and 18 year old Ling Xuefeng met in the online game. This was a simple time filled with the purest friendship. They might"ve failed to become teammates because of their respective ideals and embarked on a position of mutual hostility, but Ling Xuefeng"s appreciation of Li Cangyu never changed.

This person would be suffering and distressed after his team disbanded.

However, Ling Xuefeng was glad for the confidence that allowed him to return.

—Li Cangyu, I believe that you will prove your strength to everyone.

—I am in Miracle and waiting for you to come home.

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Chapter 31 – Real Ident.i.ty

The Wind Colour onlookers felt like this was an unreal dream.

Captain Ling was actually smiling.

Captain Ling smiling? No one would believe it!

Ling Xuefeng always looked cold and he felt very strong and decisive. The players barely saw him smiling. Even if Wind Colour won the championship, he would face the reporters with a serious expression. Not only did he now have a smile on his lips, his eyes were also showing a gentle emotion.

Everyone, “…”

They must be dreaming.

The guild managers and team members looked stunned.

The young apprentice Qin Mo was the most dazed. He had expected his master to abuse this Braised Fish to get revenge. Shouldn"t the normal script be like this? The apprentice was bullied and the master came forward to get revenge and make Love to Eat Braised Fish beg for mercy?

The result was his master chatting with Braised Fish and acting very familiar with him. He completely threw away the script.

Qin Mo was very puzzled but didn"t dare say anything in front of his master. He could only watch silently.

Yan Ruiwen, who knew the inside story, recovered first and asked with a shocked expression, "Captain Ling, this person… is he Li Cangyu?"

Ling Xuefeng"s expression was calm. "Yes."

The elf summoner who exchanged three pets in 10 seconds and tied with Captain Ling without experiencing any loss, it really was Li Cangyu!

Yan Ruiwen was stunned. "He really is returning to Miracle! By the way, what is he doing in the new district?"

“He should be making a new team and finding teammates." Ling Xuefeng explained.

"…No wonder." Yan Ruiwen suddenly realized.

Yan Ruiwen had been Ling Xuefeng"s partner for many years and was very clear about Li Cangyu"s position in the captain"s heart. No wonder why his facial expression softened. It turned out this Love to Eat Braised Fish was the Li Cangyu he missed for three years…

Ling Xuefeng swiveled his chair around and ordered, "President, in the future when you meet Love to Eat Braised Fish, you shouldn"t provoke him. If he comes to kill you, avoid it."

Popular Land Under Heaven, "…"

Telling him to avoid a person, this wasn"t in line with Wind Colour"s style?

Yan Ruiwen smiled, "You would be considered lucky if you could run away. This person is a great G.o.d."

Popular Land Under Heaven wondered, "A great G.o.d? He is at the professional level?"

Yan Ruiwen replied, "He is similar to Captain Ling"s level."

Popular Land Under Heaven, "…"

Oh my G.o.d! How big of a G.o.d was this? It was similar to Captain Ling"s level? No wonder why all six of them were destroyed.

Qin Mo heard this and raised his head with a puzzled expression. "Vice-Captain, you said that his level is similar to my master?"

"Yes." Yan Ruiwen glanced at Ling Xuefeng and smiled. "He is Captain Ling"s strongest opponent. The captain of the FTD team, Old Cat."

Everyone, “…”


Perhaps the members of other teams had long forgotten the name of Cat G.o.d but the people of Wind Colour could never forget.

At that time, there was a question of whether Cat G.o.d or Captain Ling was the best summoner. There were dozens of posts on the summoners section of the forum. In addition, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng often missed each other in the single-elimination battle. Therefore, this problem became the unsolved mystery of the Miracle League and was often discussed by fans.

Later, Li Cangyu transferred games and his popularity in Miracle fell. Ling Xuefeng became the strongest summoner in the minds of many fans.

However, Wind Colour knew that the person their captain most acknowledged was actually Cat G.o.d.

They actually naively tried to kill Cat G.o.d!

Popular Land Under Heaven found out the truth and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Killing them two times was Cat G.o.d"s mercy. If he really cared about killing them, wouldn"t Wind Colour experience pandemonium?

Ling Xuefeng calmly looked at everyone and ordered, "This matter must be kept secret. Don"t let the other guild or team members know, so as to not affect his development in the game."

The crowd immediately nodded. "We understand, Captain!"

Ling Xuefeng looked at his shocked apprentice. "Did you record your duel?"

"It is recorded!" Footage from Miracle could be saved on the account and watched online. At the captain"s question, Popular Land Under Heaven took the initiative to open the video called "Qin Mo against Braised Fish."

Ling Xuefeng carefully watched the video before turning back to Qin Mo. "He saw that you are my apprentice and gave you 30% of his blood."

Qin Mo, "…"

It turned out that the opponent was still taking it easy? The truth was really a big blow…

Ling Xuefeng patted his apprentice"s shoulder and said, "In the third season of the Miracle League, very few people could win against him. Then he led his team to Wulin and learned many new tactics. His current strength will be stronger than that year. It is normal for you to lose to him so don"t lose confidence."

Qin Mo finally felt better after being comforted.

Love to Eat Braised Fish was actually an incredibly powerful professional G.o.d? In addition, he was on the same level as Master? A newly debuted person being abused by him… it didn"t seem that shameful?

Qin Mo"s mood finally moved from overcast to clear as he looked at Ling Xuefeng. "Master, Cat G.o.d is leveling in the new district. Does he mean to make a team and return to the Miracle League?"

Ling Xuefeng nodded. "Yes."

Yan Ruiwen suddenly had a question. "This is the third time he is forming a team. This team should be better than the previous two, right?"

“It is natural." Ling Xuefeng had no doubts. "Canglan is disbanded so he has no more pressure to take care of his good brothers. He can set up a new team according to his own ideas. With his tactical skills, the team he sets up definitely won"t be weak."

Yan Ruiwen thoughtfully touched his chin. "It seems that the eight teams in the first division will have a big shake-up next year."

Ling Xuefeng was also looking forward to this.

He couldn"t help feeling excited when he thought of that man returning to the stadium.

It would be good to see him again on the field!


In the game, Bai Xuan also quickly recognized the operator behind Popular Land Under Heaven and couldn"t help asking, "Is this demon summoner Ling Xuefeng?"

Li Cangyu nodded. "Yes, it is inevitable that he would be alerted.

Li Cangyu had just wanted to teach a lesson to the arrogant young boy when he first killed Qin Mo. He didn"t understand Qin Mo"s personality and hadn"t expected the youth to suffer a severe blow. Qin Mo was broken and distracted on the arena field, causing Wind Colour to lose.

Li Cangyu had a bad feeling when watching the game yesterday. Qin Mo played so abnormally that Ling Xuefeng would definitely figure out the reason. Li Cangyu just hadn"t expected Ling Xuefeng to really be waiting for him in front of the computer today.

However, Li Cangyu felt very glad to meet this old friend.

Most of the players who debuted in the first season of the Miracle Professional League had retired. When he met Ling Xuefeng in his youth, they were both summoners and there was a common language between them.

In particular, Ling Xuefeng"s "I"ll wait for you to come home" really made Li Cangyu"s heart feel warm.

Li Cangyu had been gone for so many years. Despite never winning a trophy, there were still people in Miracle who remembered him. Someone was waiting for him to come back. He didn"t need a lot of people, just one was enough.

[Oh right, is your apprentice okay?] Li Cangyu thought of the pale-faced Qin Mo at the stadium and couldn"t help worrying. The 16 year old Qin Mo seemed to be a seed that Ling Xuefeng was raising. Had his defeat caused a psychological shadow?

[He"s fine.] Ling Xuefeng replied. [He is still young and you should teach him.]

“…" The bullied Qin Mo couldn"t say anything. He could only silently stand behind his master and hang his head.

Ling Xuefeng turned back. "Xiao Qin, you sit in Vice-Captain Yan"s position and use the vice president"s blood kin summoner account to fight with Cat G.o.d again."

Then he typed to Li Cangyu: [This child has G.o.d potential but his mentality isn"t stable enough. Can you teach him again?]

Li Cangyu didn"t accept: [You want me to teach your apprentice? I think you are really too much. If my teachings turn him into a great G.o.d, what would happen if I meet him on the field later?]

Ling Xuefeng: [There is a tuition fee.]

Li Cangyu asked curiously: [What is the tuition fee?]

Ling Xuefeng: [Don"t you like to eat fish the most? I"ll make fish with pickled vegetables for you when you return home.]

Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before he turned back and asked Bai Xuan, "Can you make fish with pickled vegetables?"

Bai Xuan replied, "No, I can only make braised fish and steamed fish."

Li Cangyu immediately turned back to the game. [Deal.]

Bai Xuan couldn"t bear it and yelled, "Will you lose all principles for fish?"

"I can eat fish but I can"t eat principles," Li Cangyu replied earnestly.

Bai Xuan, “…”

Well, he had a point.

On the Wind Colour side, everyone made complicated expressions when they saw their captain using fish to bargain with Cat G.o.d.

They felt that their captain wasn"t right after meeting Cat G.o.d!

In addition, the captain could cook? They couldn"t imagine him wearing an ap.r.o.n and making pickled fish with his cold face!

Qin Mo also had a complicated expression. Master sent him to be abused by Cat G.o.d and also used fish as the tuition fee, wasn"t this deal really cost-effective?

In any case, he never dared defy Master"s words and went to operate Same Boat Under Wind and Rain"s account.

Ling Xuefeng commanded, "Calm down and learn carefully."

"Yes." Qin Mo took a deep breath and saw Love to Eat Braised Fish send him an invitation to join the team.

Ling Xuefeng saw this and asked privately: [What are you doing?]

Li Cangyu: [There are many guilds around and the PK is too obvious here. So we will enter the instance.]

[It makes sense.] Cat was careful as always. Ling Xuefeng thought this and sent a request to join the team.

Li Cangyu opened the Frost Temple instance and the six people entered the instance. This way, no one outside could see what happened inside the instance.

[Player Love to Eat Braised Fish, elf race, summoner cla.s.s, level 40, is requesting to learn from you.]

The prompt appeared on the screen and Qin Mo accepted.

His master was sitting next to him with Vice-Captain Yan, Guo Xuan, Xu Feifan and the guild management watching the battle. Qin Mo was a bit nervous and didn"t know what pet to summon.

Li Cangyu calmly summoned a water spirit and used Water Ball to control Qin Mo.

Ling Xuefeng whispered guidance from the side. "The damage of Water Ball isn"t high and it will freeze you for three seconds. You can wait three seconds and then hide to avoid his follow-up big move."

"Yes!" Qin Mo nodded seriously.

Li Cangyu knew that this boy"s confidence hadn"t yet recovered and that his movements had to be slowed down.

Once the three seconds freezing effect was over, he slowly summoned the fire spirit.

Qin Mo immediately tapped the keyboard and used the general racial skill of the blood kin race, "Nightfall" to enter stealth mode, smoothly escaping from Fireball.

"I hid!" Qin Mo shouted excitedly.

His face turned red after shouting. He had been so excited after hiding from the small fireball but it wasn"t over.

What should he do next?

Qin Mo thought about it and decided to summon his blood spider. He intended to seize this opportunity to control the opponent.

Once the blood kin became invisible, the summoned pet was also invisible. Qin Mo sneaked behind the elf sure and placed the blood spider—success!

Ling Xuefeng praised him, "Very good. Continue to fight."

Qin Mo suffered a severe blow this time and his confidence almost collapsed. He needed to slowly recover his strength. Ling Xuefeng felt very grateful that Li Cangyu was willing to cooperate to help his young apprentice.


In front of Li Cangyu"s restrained gameplay, Qin Mo lasted two minutes before losing.

He couldn"t lose too directly to Qin Mo since no one would believe it. Therefore, Li Cangyu grasped the scale well. He lost a lot of blood before defeating Qin Mo, so that it looked like Qin Mo had some hope of winning.

After playing this game, Qin Mo"s face finally cleared and he seriously looked back at Xu Feifan. "Brother Xu, I still don"t have a firm grasp on the blood kin"s pet cooldown times and switching to the stealth skill. Can you teach me a bit?"

Xu Feifan certainly knew that Cat G.o.d deliberately gave face to Captain Ling"s little prince but he didn"t dare burst the bubble. He smiled and asked, "Do you want to have a match? I"ll teach you slowly as we play."

Qin Mo stood up excitedly, "Okay!"

The two people went to different computers to fight in the arena. Ling Xuefeng saw that his apprentice had left and typed in the private chat: [Thank you.]

Li Cangyu said: [There is no need for thanks. The pickled fish is on the account.]

Ling Xuefeng said: [No problem. I will give you the biggest one.]

Wind Colour: "…"

What was this strange feeling of Captain Ling coaxing his cat with pickled fish? Was it an illusion?

Ling Xuefeng ignored everyone"s curious eyes and typed: [I heard that you are currently abroad? It is at your sister"s house?]

[Yes, my sister is on duty at the hospital so I am staying at her house.]

[When are you coming back?]

[I will probably stay until the end of the year.]

[This October, the first Miracle World Carnival will be held. China will be sending six representatives to New York in the United States to partic.i.p.ate in the carnival. I will come to see you then.]

[There are only six spots. Will you be selected?]

[Of course.]

[Are you that confident?]


He was still like this after so many years!

Li Cangyu replied helplessly: [Then once you go to New York, I will invite you to my sister"s house and you will make pickled fish for me.]

He was still obsessed with eating fish after so many years. He truly was a cat.

Ling Xuefeng smiled and typed: [Good.]

The Wind Colour group simply wanted to stop looking.

"Captain, how did you become so good at talking? What did you promise to Cat G.o.d? You would go to the United States to make fish with pickled vegetables… Are you going to take the pickled vegetables on the plane?"

The onlookers saw the two people chatting and felt like they were light bulbs peeping at the screen. Should they keep watching? Should they stop watching?

Popular Land Under Heaven was scratching his head with embarra.s.sment when he found that Vice-Captain Yan had wisely gone over to watch Qin Mo and Xu Feifan"s duel. He immediately realized what he should do and took the people around him to watch the arena.

Now that the Wind Colour onlookers were gone, Ling Xuefeng could continue chatting peacefully with Li Cangyu.

It had been too long since they had seen each other and there were many things he wanted to say, but he didn"t know how to speak.

Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment before asking: [Is your team going smoothly?]

Li Cangyu replied: [It is okay.]

In fact, Li Cangyu was very happy with the current progress. It had been four days since entering the new district and he already had Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Gu Siming, three very strong teammates. This time he had the Dragon Warriors Club behind him and Liu Chuan"s appreciation and help. The progress was unexpectedly smooth.

Li Cangyu had a hunch that he would keep gaining powerful teammates in the new district.

He had lost for so many years and it was finally time for him to reverse the situation!

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