God Level Summoner

Chapter 356 – China VS USA (Decisive Match)

Chapter 356 – China VS USA (Decisive Match)

The score on the big screen turned to 2:2, meaning both sides had to play the fifth tiebreaker game.

According to the rules of the league, the game mode and map would be randomly selected by the system. There was no distinction between home and away, which also guaranteed the absolute fairness of the game.

The five minute intermission pa.s.sed quickly and Li Cangyu and Noah headed to the command seats again.  The referee pressed the random generator b.u.t.ton and the mode and maps started to scroll quickly on the big screen.

The audience held their breath nervously. After 10 seconds of counting down, the randomly selected game mode and map finally settled in the middle of the screen.

-The arena, Moonlight Forest!

This result surprised the domestic audience. In the previous four games, there were three death racing and one economic warfare. The probability of the system"s choice was related to this and the final decider was an arena game.

The Moonlight Forest map had a special meaning for many people. This was the name of the new district opened all over the world last year.

It was the opening of the Moonlight Forest district that brought the First World Compet.i.tion into everyone"s eyes. Li Cangyu took advantage of this situation to return and met strong teammates such as Xiao Han, Zhang Jueming, Zhuo Hang, Xiao Han and Li Xiaojiang in the new district. The Canglan team completed the reorganization and won the seventh season, become the domestic champions.

Now the World Compet.i.tion"s deciding game randomly became the Moonlight Forest map. It seemed like a coincidence and like destiny. The story started with Moonlight Forest and ended in Moonlight Forest.

Moonlight Forest was the birthplace of the elves in the Miracle game. The plants in the forest were silver and the tall trees and leaves blended together, while many silver-white sports flew through the air. The colour of the map was very bright but it had the cleanliness and tranquility of paradise.

This map wasn"t very difficult and often appeared in leagues around the world. The netizens were very familiar with it. The map was square and the refresh points of both sides were diagonal in the upper left and lower right corners. The distance to the middle of the map was exactly equal.

The simple map removed environmental factors and allowed both sides to go head to head, showing the real strength of a team.

In the deciding game, the panoramic view of the map was shown before the lineup selection. This allowed both parties time to think. After the map finished showing, both captains had to submit the lineup list at the same time.

This was a great test of the commander"s tactical arrangements. In addition to ensuring their own lineup was foolproof, they had to beware of the targeted lineup the other side might send.

Li Cangyu and Noah thought for a long time. Once the map preview finished, the two sides didn"t move. It was only after the countdown was approximately one minute that the two captains submitted the list of players to the referee.

The commanders returned and the referee showed the first pairing on the big screen.

The American team sent the archer Thomas and the black magician Noah.

The Chinese team sent the archer Tan s.h.i.tian and the hunter Zhuo Hang!

This combination completely confused the domestic audience. Cat G.o.d was known as the "combination demolisher" in the domestic league, often forcing other teams to split apart their key combination. Now in the World Compet.i.tion, he still wanted to break apart a combination? He sent Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang instead of Tan Cheng?

In this regard, Kou Hongyi smiled and explained, "In fact, Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang have known each other for a while and often privately partner together. Their relationship is very good! Their understanding is high! Their relationship is actually…" Kou Hongyi"s careless spilling of the truth was stopped by Yu Bing"s expression and he immediately coughed to stop the topic.

Yu Bing calmly said, "The first pair from the US team is the archer and black magician. This is obviously aiming at the Tan Cheng combination.  Cat G.o.d sent the flexible Zhuo Hang with Tan s.h.i.tian for a forest map and naturally had his reasons.

Many viewers were interested in Kou Hongyi"s unfinished sentence and started to speculate. [Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang have a good personal relationship? I can"t see it.] [Time"s captain and Canglan"s newcomer can"t play together. How can there be a personal relationship? What exactly is the relationship between them?] [Are they cousins or something?] [It doesn"t look like it at all!]

The audience"s gossip soul was burning but no one guessed that Zhuo Hang was actually related to Tan s.h.i.tian and Su Guangmo. He was the real lowest generation of the league.

Cheng Wei was a bit unhappy about not playing and hung his head without talking. Tan s.h.i.tian whispered into his ears, "I would like to partner with you but we have been working with each other for so long and our style has been studied by the US team. Cat G.o.d is doing this to ruin the US team"s plan."

Cheng Wei understood these truths and there was no need for an explanation. However, he felt warm after hearing Tan s.h.i.tian"s words and quickly recovered his good mood. He smiled and scratched his head, "I"m not so stingy. I don"t own you and you don"t need to ask me to partner with someone else. Take your nephew and play!"

Tan s.h.i.tian thought in his heart, "I don"t own you? I am afraid you are uncomfortable which was why I wanted to explain."

Even so, he saw Cheng Wei"s happy appearance and Tan s.h.i.tian knew this heartless guy didn"t think so much. He smiled and patted Cheng Wei"s hand before calling Zhuo Hang, "Xiao Zhuo, let"s go."

"Yes!" Zhuo Hang followed Tan s.h.i.tian while smiling at Cheng Wei in a friendly manner, seemingly saying, "Rest a.s.sured, I won"t rob your partner. We are only a temporary combination."

Cheng Wei saw Zhuo Hang"s eyes and his cheeks inexplicable became hot. He had to remove his gaze and ran to Li Cangyu. "Cat G.o.d, do you think they can win?"

Li Cangyu replied calmly, "Not necessarily but at least they won"t be targeted too badly. Noah probably thought I would send the Tan Cheng combination in the beginning so he sent an archer and black magician."

Noah"s fixed partner was actually a white magician but now he paired up with the archer Thomas. He broke up the main partnerships of the US team to target the Tan Cheng combination.

Black and white magician restrained each other and Noah"s black magician would have a great advantage against the white magician. It wasn"t necessarily the same against a hunter. Zhuo Hang was very good at using the terrain to place traps and as a newcomer, Tan s.h.i.tian often guided him. He could be considered a part of Zhuo Hang"s growth and their tacit understanding wasn"t bad.


The contestants of both sides sat in their seats and the map countdown ended. Tan Zhuo refreshed in the upper left corner of the map while the US players appeared in the lower right corner. The four of them quickly moved towards the middle of the map.

There was an open s.p.a.ce in the middle of Moonlight Forest which was surrounded by eight towering trees. The branches and leaves of the trees intertwined, forming an octagonal chain.

Attacking the opponent while detouring between the big trees would test a player"s reaction speed and skills.

Hunters were the most flexible cla.s.s in Miracle. They could use traps to attack the opponent in close proximity while controlling long-distance opponents with traps. Their closer and far range attacks meant a hunter can act alone in the wild. However, the elves generally had weak defenses and in a group battle with more than two people, they could be easily killed if they didn"t have strong teammates.

The combination of Zhuo Hang and Tan s.h.i.tian was absolutely first-cla.s.s in terms of flexibility. Both of them were elves and could use Flying Feather Steps to move fast. Less than half a minute after the game started, they arrived in the middle region.

Zhuo Hang hid behind a tree and laid traps around him while Tan s.h.i.tian stood in front.

Within a few seconds, the two US players also arrived.

Thomas saw Tan s.h.i.tian and unceremoniously used Seize Life Shot. Tan s.h.i.tian used Flying Feather Steps to evade and Thomas hurriedly chased him. Another Rapid Shot struck Tan s.h.i.tian"s back but this time Tan s.h.i.tian didn"t hide. His blood suddenly dropped to 80%.

Compared to Thomas" straightforward nature,  the US captain Noah was very calm. He saw that the hunter wasn"t there and didn"t hurry to start. Instead, he moved around the trees and looked for Zhuo Hang.

As a result, he just moved around the tree and stepped into Zhuo Hang"s trap.

Zhuo Hang was very clever. He guessed that the other party was coming to him and arranged a bunch of traps in advance. The moment Noah moved, Zhuo Hang used the big move Trap Blast!

There were several consecutive loud bangs and Zhuo Hang"s chain traps exploded. The scene was particularly spectacular.

The smoke in the air dissipated and Noah lost 60% blood in one breath!

Yu Bing praised, "The technique in Zhuo Hang"s trap layout is becoming more skilled. This wave of explosions is really beautiful."

Kou Hongyi laughed. "Noah literally stepped into a minefield!"

Noah was a bit surprised. He didn"t expect the young player of the Chinese team to use the terrain trap layout method so cleverly. He accidentally fell into it once but this didn"t mean he would fall for it a second time.

After receiving the wave of trap damage, Noah"s expression was still calm as he used Dark Fear.

Zhuo Hang wanted to open the distance using Flying Feather Steps but Noah"s reaction was very fast and he was controlled by the group control skill. Then Noah followed up with five layers of Death Curse and Shadow Winding.

The negative states were enough to make Zhuo Hang lose a lot of blood and the amount of damage wasn"t lower than the big trap outbreak. Noah, the captain of the US team, experienced many major compet.i.tions and could handle all types of situations without panicking.

At the end of the fear time, Zhuo Hang used Flying Feather Steps to bypa.s.s the big tree in front of him. In his vision, he could see a fierce battle between Thomas and Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang immediately used the Silence Trap.

He had the terrible attacker Noah behind him but he still took the time to cooperate with Tan s.h.i.tian.

This practice warmed Li Cangyu"s heart. An excellent professional player didn"t only care about themselves. They watched the paths around them and protected themselves while helping their teammates.

The free Xiao Zhuo helped Tan s.h.i.tian while being chased by a world-cla.s.s master. This proved that the young boy under the age of 18 had enough courage and confidence to stand with Tan s.h.i.tian and Su Guangmo, whom he always admired, in the deciding game of the World Compet.i.tion!

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Chapter 357 – China VS USA (Elf Combination)

Zhuo Hang"s sudden Silence Trap caught Thomas off guard.

Thomas" style of play had always been radical and hot-blooded. He had just chased Tan s.h.i.tian around three big trees and constantly fired the bow in his hand. The US team evaluated him as a mobile fortress.

Fast-moving combat was Thomas" best way of playing. In the process of detouring and moving, he could shoot with more than 70% accuracy.

Tan s.h.i.tian had been beaten to half-blood while Thomas had 80% blood left, showing their two different styles. Tan s.h.i.tian didn"t like blind shooting and he was better at seizing opportunities to kill.

Zhuo Hang"s trap control gave him this opportunity.

Tan s.h.i.tian decisively used Precise Shot, Rapid Shot and Seize Life Shot!

Three skills were successively fired and each arrow accurately hit Thomas" chest. Shooting the same spot triggered the shock effect and made Thomas" blood fall down to 35% in one breath!

This crisp return terrified Thomas!

Thomas was currently in the top three of the world"s archer rankings and had a large number of archer fans who embraced his signature crazy style.

His style was undoubtedly b.l.o.o.d.y and gorgeous but the young person in front of him was obviously much calmer than him.

Perhaps in the eyes of the audience, Thomas had been chasing and suppressing Tan s.h.i.tian. However, Tan s.h.i.tian was very good at grasping opportunities and his arrows were almost never wasted.

Thomas was. .h.i.t by this storm of attacks and the blood gap was chased back. Once the Silence Trap ended, he made a big move towards Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang—Death Arrow Rain!

Just then, Noah rushed over and h.e.l.l Flames also hit.

Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang were hit by both moves and fell to a 35% residual blood state.

At this time, Thomas had 35% blood left while Noah had 60% remaining and his amount of blue was sufficient. His overall state was better than the other three.

Tan s.h.i.tian ordered, "Detour and kite them!"

Zhuo Hang stared at the screen and nodded seriously. "Understood!"

A demon race had higher defense than the elf, which was why Noah had more blood at this time. However, the elves had the fastest movement speed and it was really hard for a demon to catch up with them.

Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang didn"t have much blood left. If the other side broke out, it was likely that both of them would die. Thus, Tan s.h.i.tian wanted to take advantage of the elf"s movement speed to open the distance with the US team and deal with them.

The release of Zhuo Hang"s traps was the key. If the traps were wasted and didn"t control people, the elf Thomas could catch up with them.

Nevertheless, Tan s.h.i.tian believed that the teenager next to him could do it!

Tan s.h.i.tian used Flying Feather Steps to quickly move around a big tree wile Zhuo Hang turned and went around another tree. They didn"t move in the same direction but split their actions.

—Quenching Arrow!

A blow arrow was fired from behind a tree. Noah"s foot was. .h.i.t by the arrow and his movement speed immediately slowed down.

At almost the same time, Thomas stepped in Tan s.h.i.tian"s direction. Then he heard a bang in his ears. He had stepped on the hunter"s Stop Trap.

Tan s.h.i.tian and Zhuo Hang tacitly split to control different people before spreading out in Moonlight Forest.

Flying Feather Steps allowed both players to act like the wind. Tan s.h.i.tian moved behind Thomas and fired Shock Shot at his back!

Thomas"s blood hit directly fell to 15%!

He turned his camera around to try and kill Tan s.h.i.tian. As a result, Tan s.h.i.tian dodged and hit behind a tree, meaning Thomas couldn"t see his figure.

Thomas quickly moved sideways, only to find that a trap had been placed by Zhuo Hang to his side.

This time it was a Death Trap.

There was a loud bang and black smoke rose from the feet. Thomas accidentally stepped into the hunter"s Death Trap and directly fell to the ground!

"f.u.c.k!" Thomas was cranky and dropped the keyboard.

He didn"t expect the little fellow of the Chinese team to predict his position!

In fact, this was an understanding that Zhuo Hang developed after following Tan s.h.i.tian for many years. He knew that Tan s.h.i.tian liked to hide behind trees and knew that Thomas would definitely move sideways because he couldn"t see Tan s.h.i.tian. Thus, Zhuo Hang placed a Death Trap to the left and right of Thomas. No matter how Thomas moved, he was bound to step on it unless he gave up on chasing Tan s.h.i.tian.

Still, how could the hot-blooded Thomas give up on pursuing the residual blood opponent? There was no way!


Cheng Wei clapped excitedly when he saw Thomas fall to the ground. "Xiao Zhuo is awesome and can prejudge the opponent"s position!"

Li Cangyu looked back at him. "Did you call him Xiao Zhuo?"

Cheng Wei explained, "He is Tan s.h.i.tian"s nephew so he is my nephew. Why can"t I call him Xiao Zhuo?"

Li Cangyu was even more puzzled. "Why is Tan s.h.i.tian"s nephew your nephew?"

Cheng Wei realized he said the wrong words and he immediately blushed. "Ah, I mean… I mean… In any case, I am Tan s.h.i.tian"s partner and good friend. Zhuo Hang is his nephew and is my younger generation…"

His blush became darker. Cheng Wei decided to give up on the explanation and changed the topic. "Cough, they cooperate well, right?"

Li Cangyu saw his red ears and didn"t ask anything else. He continued to focus on the game screen and spoke to Ling Xuefeng, "Xiao Zhuo played smartly."

Ling Xuefeng nodded. "Yes, but Noah is in good shape right now. It won"t be easy to deal with him."

As soon as he spoke, he saw the slowed Noah suddenly move behind a tree and appear as a shadow behind Zhuo Hang. He apparently judged Zhuo Hang"s hiding position according to the situation on the field and shifted direction to find him.

—Death Curse, Shadow Wrath!

The curse skill enhanced black magic damage and then he used the big move to attack Zhuo Hang.

Zhuo Hang didn"t have much blood left and this. .h.i.t caused his blood gauge to flash red!

Noah directly placed Shadow Winding on him and turned to leave.

This confident approach made the American audience cheer loudly. The captain"s calculation of the damage was quite accurate. He knew the negative blood loss effect was enough to kill Zhuo Hang and turned away before Zhuo Hang"s death prompt appeared.

Sure enough, three seconds later, Zhuo Hang only had a bit of blood left and the blood loss caused it to fall to 0.

One player on both sides was killed, leaving only Tan s.h.i.tian and Noah.

Tan s.h.i.tian had 35% blood left at this time while Noah had 60%!

There might be some gap in blood but Tan s.h.i.tian"s key skill, Quenching Arrow had come back. He decisively fired the bow and Quenching Arrow shot to Noah.

Quenching Arrow had a 90% chance of triggering the deceleration effect but only a crit would trigger the frozen effect. The precondition was to hit a key the moment the critical hit was dealt.

The arrow struck the black magician"s chest and successfully triggered, freezing the other side.

Tan s.h.i.tian didn"t have much blue left at this time. He didn"t hurry to attack but quickly used Flying Feather Steps to move behind a tree.

The moment the three seconds of freezing ended, he had already gone behind Noah.

—Shock Shot!

This Shock Shot didn"t produce the fan-shaped ranged shot but three sharps arrows headed in a straight line towards the centre of Noah"s back.

—Violent Provocative Shot!

Noah"s blood fell to 25% in one shot but his reaction speed was extremely fast. He adjusted his field of view to find Tan s.h.i.tian"s position and stacked five layers of Death Curse and Shadow Winding on the other person.

Tan s.h.i.tian quickly moved around a tree and Noah did the same.

Moonlight Forest was a map that tested positioning and it allowed the audience to appreciate the techniques of world-cla.s.s masters. Flying around the big tree would make ordinary online players dizzy but Tan s.h.i.tian and Noah could judge the position of the opponent and release skills while moving.

Tan s.h.i.tian fired another Seize Life Shot and Noah"s blood fell to 5%!

Noah followed with Shadow Wrath and detonated all the negative effects, causing Tan s.h.i.tian"s blood to fall to 5%!

Both of them had their blood gauge at the bottom and the hearts of the audience members were in their throats.

Tan s.h.i.tian was almost out of blue while Noah could still release several skills. It was a situation where Tan s.h.i.tian was bound to die.

Cheng Wei anxiously clenched his fists and cheered for Tan s.h.i.tian in his heart.

Just then, Tan s.h.i.tian made a clever operation. He used Flying Feather Steps and moved behind a tree, letting the tree block Noah"s vision. Noah thought Tan s.h.i.tian was going to sneak behind for an attack only for him to suddenly emerge in front of Noah and fire another arrow!

The archer"s ordinary attack wasn"t very damaging but it was enough to empty the 5% blood.

Tan s.h.i.tian had been playing a guerrilla warfare all the way only to suddenly come in front of him, shooting him in the chest. Forget Noah, even the knowledgeable players of the Chinese team might not be able to react.

The unprepared Noah fell to the ground!

Tan s.h.i.tian struggled to the end with 5% blood and 0% blue.

Cheng Wei was so excited that he jumped straight out of his seat. "Tan s.h.i.tian is so handsome! How can he be so handsome? He was able to kill the American team"s captain with a bit of blood left! Beautiful!"

Li Cangyu, "…"

The idol of the brainless fan seemed to be changing?

Li Cangyu looked at the guy jumping excitedly and couldn"t help smiling.

Tan s.h.i.tian was definitely brilliant.

Many people who played the game for a long time were stuck in their styles and had rigid thinking. Thus, it was easy for the opponent to grasp their weaknesses. However, Tan s.h.i.tian was young and flexible. He always dared to try novel tactical ideas and this was where Li Cangyu appreciated him the most.

That"s why Tan s.h.i.tian"s loss in the semi-finals against the South Korean team and in the finals didn"t affect his position in Li Cangyu"s heart.

Li Cangyu didn"t hesitate to send him out in the deciding match.

In Li Cangyu"s view, the youngest captain of the Miracle League was part of a new generation of Miracle superstars who would play a major role in the future.

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