God Level Summoner

Chapter 384 – Intern Boyfriend (3): Jealous Xiao Shu

Chapter 384 – Intern Boyfriend (3): Jealous Xiao Shu

Bai Xuan took Xie Shurong to a famous restaurant nearby and ordered a few local specialities. A plate of west lake vinegar fish was brought out and the greedy Xie Shurong soon cleared the plate. He smiled and said, "It"s delicious but I still like your cooking."

"Why?" Bai Xuan asked in a puzzled manner.

"Because I like you." Xie Shurong answered like it was natural but Bai Xuan quickly became uncomfortable and removed his gaze.

As a result, he turned his head and saw a familiar man coming to this side. The man was obviously stunned before smiling and walking over to Bai Xuan. He gracefully reached out and spoke, "Xiao Bai? It"s been a long time."

Bai Xuan politely shook hands with him. “Brother, what a coincidence.”

Xie Shurong heard Bai Xuan"s words and couldn"t help looking up at the "senior." The man looked quite handsome. He was dressed in a well-cut grey suit and the briefcase in his hand and the shoes on his feet were from big international brands. However, they were relatively low-key styles. Their price wasn"t obvious by looking.

A low-key, calm and elite man, it was the type that Bai Xuan liked!

Xie Shurong"s ears p.r.i.c.ked in a vigilant manner.

After the greeting, the man asked, "Is it convenient to sit down for a while?"

Bai Xuan pointed to the seat next to him and smiled. "Sit down and eat together. This meal is my treat." The waiter came at the right timing and Bai Xuan softly requested, "h.e.l.lo, can I add a few more dishes here? Please give the menu."

This brother kept staring at Bai Xuan and after the waiter left, he said, "Your temper hasn"t changed. You are as gentle as before."

Bai Xuan touched his nose in an embarra.s.sed manner and didn"t know how to answer.

He knew this senior cla.s.smate from university. His dormitory was upstairs and both of them were students of the Foreign Languages Department. They also graduated from the same high school and their relationship was closer than other students.

During their school days, this cla.s.smate was considered to be famous. There was a time when foreign experts came to the school and he did a simultaneous interpretation. He was praised and entered a foreign company directly after graduation.

Bai Xuan had little contact with his former alumni after becoming an e-sports player. He only occasionally heard news about his schoolmate. Bai Xuan didn"t think much of their encounter today and took the initiative to use his brother to sit down and have a meal together.

The man was curious about Bai Xuan"s recent situation. "I heard that you went to the World Compet.i.tion and took the championship?"

Bai Xuan replied modestly, "It is because the players of the national team are excellent."

The man smiled. "You must be good to be selected for the national team. I don"t know e-sports but there are many people in the alumni group who have been boasting about you in the past few days. Many girls want to find you to get your signature."

“Is that right? So exaggerated…" Bai Xuan was too embarra.s.sed and changed the topic. "Do you want to order two more dishes?"

“No, you know I don"t eat much."

The two people chatted naturally to each other while next to them, Xie Shurong was becoming more annoyed. The west lake vinegar fish that he just ate had a sour taste in his stomach. The elite man in front of him wasn"t pleasing to the eye. The thick wax on his hair was particularly ugly and was inferior to Xie Shurong"s short hair. The man"s clothes were old-fashioned and there was no fresh energy.

Xie Shurong didn"t want to see the two old schoolmates catching up and had to lower his head. He directed his indignation at the food and quickly swept up the plates in front of him.

The man finally seemed to notice that someone else was sitting at the table and asked, "This is?"

Bai Xuan introduced them. "This is Ah Shu. He is my… teammate."

Xie Shurong obviously wasn"t very happy to hear this introduction. He glanced at Bai Xuan grievously and seemed to be wondering "why didn"t you say I am your boyfriend?" Bai Xuan guiltily looked away and bowed his head to eat.

At the end of the meal, Bai Xuan wanted to get up and pay for the bill. The man graciously held his arm and smiled. "I will pay. How can I let my school brother pay the bill?"

Bai Xuan refuted, "Previously, you always paid when inviting me to a meal in school. Let me pay this time."

"It"s fine. This should be my treat." He turned and paid with his card. Bai Xuan had to helplessly get up and leave with Xie Shurong.


Dinner ended and this brother drove away. Bai Xuan sent Xie Shurong back to the hotel and wanted to separate at the entrance when Xie Shurong suddenly said, "I have something to ask you. Go to my room and sit down."

Bai Xuan had to go upstairs with him. As a result, Xie Shurong kissed Bai Xuan against the door the moment they entered.

The kiss was so hot it almost melted a person. Bai Xuan was breathless as he pushed Xie Shurong away and wondered, "What"s wrong with you?"

Xie Shurong looked wronged. "I"m not happy and want to kiss you."

Bai Xuan was puzzled. "Why aren"t you happy? Didn"t you like the food at the restaurant?"

"Why can"t you see that I"m jealous!"

Bai Xuan was stunned. He looked at this angry appearance and couldn"t help looking.

Xie Shurong turned away. "I"m jealous. Find a way to comfort me or I won"t get up."

Then he lay on the bed like a child, rolling around in his quilt and looking up at Bai Xuan with a wronged expression.

Bai Xuan was simply stunned. How could such a big person be so naive?

Xie Shurong continued to call out, "I want milk dad"s hug and kiss, or I will lose blood and die."

"…" Bai Xuan rolled his eyes. "Then keep losing blood and died."

He turned to walk away. Xie Shurong suddenly jumped out of bed and hugged Bai Xuan from behind, using his hands and feet to press Bai Xuan onto the bed.

The petulant child who was acting spoiled suddenly showed such agility and decisiveness.

Bai Xuan stared up at the young man pressing on his body and couldn"t help thinking about it. Did Xie Shurong"s body have two souls? One was a childish rascal like a puppy while the other was decisively sharp like a fierce wolf.

Bai Xuan couldn"t break away and had to helplessly say, "You are thinking too much. I have an ordinary relationship with that brother."

Xie Shurong asked sharply, "Then why did he often invite you to eat?"

Bai Xuan was stunned. This sentence in the conversation had been completely remembered by Xie Shurong.

He stretched out a hand to pinch this person"s face and smiled. "He asked me to eat a few times because I know him and his girlfriend. I indirectly pulled the strings for him."

Xie Shurong heard these words and his heart finally returned to normal. He bent over and rubbed his head against Bai Xuan"s white neck. "After you saw him, you no longer looked at me. He is the type you like and I"m… worried you won"t want me."

Bai Xuan"s neck was very itchy but his heart softened. He patted Xie Shurong"s head and said, "How can I not want you? The boyfriend who just got promoted, how can I dismiss you?"

Xie Shurong continued to rub against Bai Xuan"s neck. "Is there a bonus after the promotion? Will it be higher than the internship period?"

"What bonus?"

Xie Shurong gently pecked Bai Xuan"s lips. "For example, accompanying you to eat will be rewarded with a hug. Making you happy will be rewarded with a kiss. It would be nice if you could reward yourself."

Bai Xuan was amused and hit him. "Get off."

Instead, Xie Shurong reached out and hugged him, "I don"t want to get off. If I leave you alone, you will be taken away."

Then his hands and feet wrapped around Bai Xuan like a large koala.

Bai Xuan struggled but he wasn"t Xie Shurong"s opponent in physical strength. The moment he freed his left foot, his right foot was trapped again. He kicked his right feet and Xie Shurong"s used his feet to hold Bai Xuan.

The two people played in bed for a long time. The tired and panting Bai Xuan finally found a chance and turned around, pressing back Xie Shurong. He was laughing and about to announce his victory when he unexpectedly found something hard against himself.

Bai Xuan realized what it was and his face reddened and he shot off the bed like he got an electric shock.

Xie Shurong gently pulled his hand and touched it to the part of his body reacting "If you leave, what about my little brother?"

Bai Xuan was going to collapse. Could this person not speak so directly?

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Extra 4 Chapter 385 – Intern Boyfriend (4)

Bai Xuan had never seen such a shameless person before. Xie Shurong"s shamelessness refreshed his understanding of the word "cheeky". Xie Shurong lay on bed and looked up at Bai Xuan in a wronged manner, like Bai Xuan was bullying him. Despite knowing this person was faking it and really wanting to leave, Bai Xuan couldn"t bear it.

He took a deep breath to calm his emotions. Finally, Bai Xuan coughed and tidied up his clothing. "That… perhaps take a cold shower? Or you can resolve it yourself? I have guests at home and need to be there."

"I can"t." Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan with pitiful eyes. "I have been using a cold shower for almost a year and my right hand isn"t good these days. I"m your boyfriend and you should help my resolve my physical problem."

Bai Xuan was amused by him. "Xie Shurong, can you not be so shameless?"

Xie Shurong got up and hugged Bai Xuan"s waist. "I was prompted and a formal worker has the right to make reasonable demands of the boss. We are already a couple and further intimacy is a reasonable request…"

Bai Xuan smiled. "The boss refuses."

Xie Shurong placed his head on the other person"s shoulder. "I like you, want to kiss you and hug you. Let me try it once okay? I put up with it for almost a year. You should show compa.s.sion."

Bai Xuan rubbed his head. "You were only promoted yesterday yet you"re asking for a raise today. Don"t you think the progress is too fast?"

Xie Shurong stopped his actions with a deep look in his black eyes. "Does that mean you can promise in a few days?"

Bai Xuan coughed. "That type of thing… it is better to go with the flow."

Xie Shurong was silent for a moment before suddenly smiling and whispering in Bai Xuan"s ear, "Are you nervous? Is this your first time? You haven"t done anything with anyone before?"

Bai Xuan reddened and he slapped this person"s hand. "I"m going home first. I have guests at home tonight."

"Don"t use that excuse to lie to me." Xie Shurong"s voice was wronged again. "You know I can"t bear it."

"I"m not lying to you. My uncle said that he would come see me tonight. I haven"t seen him for several years and it isn"t appropriate for me to be late." Bai Xuan was forced to kiss this person on the forehead.

"Okay, then go!" Xie Shurong showed a bright smile after being kissed, his wronged expression swept away.

Bai Xuan really felt that this person was the best movie emperor in the Miracle circle. These rich facial expressions could be freely switched between!


After leaving the hotel, the cool night wind blew against Bai Xuan"s face and heat gradually subsided. Bai Xuan felt a bit guilty about leaving Ah Shu like that but on one hand, his family actually had guests tonight. His parents knew he was going to dinner with Xie Shurong and their thoughts wouldn"t be good if he didn"t return.

On the other hand, Bai Xuan had just decided that he wanted to continue falling in love with Xie Shurong. It hadn"t been one day and he wasn"t mentally prepared for further intimacy.

As Xie Shurong said, this was indeed Bai Xuan"s first time. He might"ve been certain of his s.e.xual orientation in advance but he didn"t mess around with people. In addition, he had been playing the game with Li Cangyu for many years and had no time to find a boyfriend.

In this regard, Bai Xuan was relatively conservative. From his point of view, two people should love each other before engaging in physical contact, rather than a casual overnight indulgence. He liked cleanliness and didn"t want to go to bed casually. He wanted his first time to be with a lover who could keep up with him…

Was Xie Shurong that person? Bai Xuan didn"t have much confidence right now. Perhaps t was because Ah Shu was young and didn"t have much experience. It was ridiculous to talk to such a young person about "long-term" topics. Ah Shu could still play for a few years and perhaps he would become tired of Bai Xuan after a few years. After all, he didn"t like men before.

Bai Xuan thought this and couldn"t help feeling a bit panicked. Xie Shurong had provoked him first but unconsciously, he had already put this person in his heart and even considered the possibility of keeping Xie Shurong…

Bai Xuan helplessly smiled and headed back home.


That night, Xie Shurong resolved matters with cold water and sent a text message to Bai Xuan: [Reporting to Boss, my physical needs have been solved with cold water.] This was followed by a big smile.

At that time, Bai Xuan was eating fruit with his uncle and cousin at the dinner table. Such a message suddenly popped on the screen and he nearly choked on his water. His face reddened and he immediately placed the phone back in his pocket.

His cousin Bai Ning didn"t discover this and continued to speak excitedly, "Brother, I like Ah Shu in your team the most! His swordsman is really handsome. Can you ask him to give me a signature?"

His uncle said he was coming today to see Bai Xuan but in fact, he was taking his daughter to chat with Bai Xuan. Bai Ning"s academic performance was relatively ordinary but she was particularly interested in e-sports. Her family had been opposed but then Bai Xuan won at the World Compet.i.tion. Everyone"s att.i.tude towards e-sports changed and his uncle even wanted to let Bai Xuan train his daughter. Maybe the Bai family could have a female player!

Bai Xuan was an only child and his relationship with his cousin had always been good. However, today his mood wasn"t right and he casually replied, "I will ask him for a signature another day. If you really want to play, you should do some basic training first before going to your favourite team for an interview."

Then his phone made a nose again. Perhaps it was another text message from Xie Shurong. Bai Xuan wanted to check but he was afraid of his elders discovering something and could only endure the itchiness as he muted his phone. He never felt this way before. He only received a text message but he was feeling restless.

HIs uncle and cousin soon left. Bai Xuan helped his mother clean the table. Then he returned to his bedroom, locked the door and opened his phone. It was a text message sent by Xie Shurong and there were even several of them.

[Bai Xuan, did I scare you just now? You can rest a.s.sured that I"m not a pervert. I just like you too much and we were playing on the bed. My body naturally reacted. Don"t think too much!]

Bai Xuan"s face couldn"t help heating up when he saw this. Ah Shu was a young man with healthy physiological problems. It was normal to have a reaction when playing with the person he liked on the bed. On the contrary, it was Bai Xuan who overreacted.

[If Boss disagrees next time, I won"t rush to ask for a raise.]

Bai Xuan smiled and continued to read the next one.

[It was so hard to become a formal employee and I will perform well. I will love you with all my heart, obey all your orders and be the best boyfriend.]

[Thinking of you, Xiao Shu.]

Bai Xuan was amused by the last message. Xiao Shu? This person was 1.85 metres tall. How could he say such words?

[Okay, go to bed early.] Bai Xuan quickly sent a message followed by another one. [I miss you too.]

His cheeks became even hotter.

He had a mild personality and didn"t understand how to express intense emotions. He always felt that everything should be calm. Now his fingers trembled when he sent the text message and his heart was so fast it almost burst out of his chest. It was definitely faster than the finals of the World Compet.i.tion.

He never experienced such a fierce reaction in his life but this feeling wasn"t bad.

His whole heart was violently beating for one person. It was as if the original calm waters were filled with a fresh vitality that disturbed the lake heart.

Xie Shurong received the text message and almost jumped from his bed with excitement. He shamelessly replied: [Love you.]

Bai Xuan didn"t reply again but his intense heartbeat seemed to clearly tell him that his feelings for Xie Shurong were much deeper than he imagined.


Bai Xuan"s parents went on a trip the next day, stating they would go abroad for a week to widen their horizons.

Mother Bai was very fond of Xie Shurong but knew from her knowledge of Bai Xuan that her son wasn"t very careful about Xie Shurong while Xie Shurong was too good to Bai Xuan. Their feelings were unstable and it was time to cultivate them. Thus, she took her husband to go abroad to play, deliberately giving her son time and s.p.a.ce to get along with that handsome person.

Before going abroad, Mother Bai sent a message to Xie Shurong. [I am going to play with Uncle Bai from the 10th to the 17th. Bai Xuan is at home alone. If you have time, go to the house to find him and have him take you to good places in the surrounding cities.]

[I know! Thank you Auntie! Be safe.] It was impossible for Xie Shurong to not understand Mother Bai"s meaning. On the afternoon of the 10th, he actively carried his suitcase to Bai Xuan, stating that he came over to stay. Bai Xuan stared at the young man with a bright smile in front of him and got a headache. "Since when have you been so familiar with my mother?"

Xie Shurong explained, "Mother and I have a special fate. The day we washed dishes in the kitchen, we exchanged our WeChat.

Bai Xuan, "…"

This guy"s hands were steady, touch and accurate, quickly grasping Mother Bai. That"s why Mother Bai went abroad to give Xie Shurong a chance. She was obviously treating Xie Shurong as family.

Xie Shurong saw Bai Xuan"s frown and reached out to pull the other person into his arms. He placed his chin on Bai Xuan"s shoulder while taking a deep breath, eagerly taking in Bai Xuan"s fresh scent. He whispered, "It"s great. I can finally meet you every day. You don"t know what it"s been like the past two days, sleeping in the hotel while my brain is full of you…"

He didn"t have a ridiculous smile and was very serious. His low voice pa.s.sed into Bai Xuan"s ears like gently flowing water that penetrated a tiny gap in Bai Xuan"s heart.

Bai Xuan"s heart was beating violently when he heard these words.

He couldn"t help reaching out to gently hug the person in front of him.

This young man was childish and over pretended to be wronged. He rolled around in bed like a child who hadn"t grown up. However, sometimes the young man would speak seriously and frankly confess, the few simple words easily touching Bai Xuan.

Bai Xuan took a deep breath to steady his heart and inwardly, spoke, "Xie Shurong, perhaps I really want to fall head first into your hands.""

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