God Level Summoner

Chapter 54 – Chief Commander

Chapter 54 – Chief Commander

Cheng Wei and Li Cangyu chatted for a long time. It was only after Cheng Wei"s mouth became dry that he willingly ran to the side to pour water.

Li Cangyu spoke on the voice channel, "President, shall we continue to discuss tomorrow"s legion defense?"

There were tens of thousands of people partic.i.p.ating in Sunday"s legion defense. If there wasn"t a good commander, the activities would become a mess. Li Cangyu didn"t take the heavy responsibility of the commander for the limelight. He was just in it for the rewards. If the Bright Legion won, the commander"s guild would be rewarded handsomely and he would be able to rise to level 65 in one go.

He didn"t have much time to waste in the online game. The most important thing was to quickly increase the fame of his guild.

“Cat G.o.d, are you willing to command?" Time Machine asked.

"Yes, but I"m not familiar with the other guilds. You have to help persuade the president."

“No problem, leave this matter to me!” Time Machine said.

At this moment, Li Cangyu received another private message.

[Great G.o.d, what camp will you choose for tomorrow"s legion defense? Why don"t you take us with you?] It was from Flying Feathers Liangshan.

Flying Feathers Ares sitting next to the president was shocked. "Boss, isn"t this a bit shameless? We previously used side accounts to a.s.sa.s.sinate him!"

Flying Feathers Liangshan spoke in a serious manner. "Why does that matter when playing a game?"

Everyone, “…”

Flying Feathers Liangshan continued, "Cat G.o.d definitely doesn"t care about us. The a.s.sa.s.sination is over and tomorrow is another day."

Everyone, “…”

As the president of Flying Feathers expected, Li Cangyu knew that Flying Feathers used side accounts but he wasn"t the type of person to hold grudges. He didn"t want to suppress or retaliate against them. After all, it was normal to kill in the online game. It wasn"t necessary to worry about these things. Today they might have a vendetta against each other while tomorrow they might be teammates happily playing together against a boss.

Li Cangyu saw Flying Feathers Liangshan words and bluntly replied: [I am allied with Time and will enter the Bright Legion. President, do you want to join us?]

[Of course! Great G.o.d, please take care of me!] Flying Feathers Liangshan sent a row of handshake emojis. [We will enter the Bright Legion and absolutely obey your commands!]

"…" The president truly had no shame!

Flying Feathers Liangshan said, "We will go to the Bright Legion with Cat G.o.d. Why should we be hostile to Cat G.o.d?"

The people of Flying Feathers said, "President has a really high vision!"

Flying Feathers decided to join the Bright Legion while Popular Land Under Heaven pulled the Cheetah Guild, with the other side promising to enter the Dark Legion. In this way, the Bright Legion had Time, Flying Feathers, Red Fox and Terminator, plus the Food Squad. Meanwhile, the Dark Legion had Wind Colour, Ghost Spirits, Pure Cleansing and Cheetah. There would also be many small guilds who would join and the strengths of both sides were relatively balanced.

Whoever lost or won would depend on the skills of the commander.


Beijing time, 7 o"clock on Sunday.

The number of people logged into Miracle had reached the highest peak since the opening of the new district, Moonlight Forest. The operators had already prepared a large server capable of accommodating hundreds of thousands of people.

The legion defense started at 8 o"clock and signups opened at 7 o"clock.

In order for the legion defense to be more balanced, there was a rule in Miracle that the number of people in one camp couldn"t be much higher than the other camp. At 7:10, the registrations would close. In the following time, those who hadn"t decided would be randomly a.s.signed to a camp.

Since the Food Squad entered the Bright Legion"s camp, the number of people in the Bright Legion occupied a certain advantage early on. But at 7:10, the gap in the number of people became smaller and smaller. A large number of randoms joined, resulting in both sides gradually becoming balanced.

Li Cangyu greeted his teammates in advance. Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong, Zhang Jueming and Gu Siming were all added to Li Cangyu"s fixed team while Time Machine had already organized the dozens or so guilds in this camp and was waiting in the voice channel.

Once Cat G.o.d entered the voice channel, Time Machine immediately opened his mouth and said, "Let me introduce you. The chief commander for this event is the president of the Food Squad, Love to Eat Braised Fish. Do you want to say a few words?"

Li Cangyu spoke simply. "I would like to say this first. Don"t act without permission. Follow the orders of the chief commander."

The crowd liked his decisiveness. There were many guilds and players. If they didn"t listen to the commands, it would be a confusing mess.

Li Cangyu continued, "All guilds, send me a list of numbers of cla.s.ses. Then I will decide the formation."


At the same time, the Dark Legion camp.

Popular Land Under Heaven also organized all the large and small guilds who joined the Dark Legion. He opened a discussion group channel in the game, gave the Popular Land Under Heaven account to Ling Xuefeng and then logged into a side account

Ling Xuefeng used the president"s account to type: [In today"s event, the commander for the Bright Legion is very powerful. If you don"t want a full collapse, you should listen to my arrangements.]

Vice-Captain Zhang Shaohui who was operating a side account, "…"

Was this really the tone of speech of Wind Colour"s president? Why did he think it was a bit strange?

Ling Xuefeng continued to type calmly: [First, count the number of teams in the major guilds. Same Boat Under Wind and Rain is responsible for organizing the scattered randoms to form a unified number. Once the start of the event, all team leaders will listen to my commands and don"t act without permission. Type a 1 if you understand.]

A large row of 111 instantly filled the discussion group, proving that everyone was listening.

Ling Xuefeng sent an image to the group, which was an instance map of the legion defense. This map was in the official database and was exactly the same as the event map. They could see many different colour markers on the map. The people who had done the legion defense before knew what these marks meant.

After a few minutes, Ling Xuefeng asked: [Are the teams compiled?]

Same Boat Under Wind and Rain replied: [Yes, there are a total of 175 teams. I will send you the list.]

He often played the legion defense in the old district so Same Boat Under Wind and Rain was already familiar with this. Before Captain Ling came, he had already discussed the groups in the Dark Legion with the president.

Ling Xuefeng appreciated the vice president"s actions and immediately started to make arrangements. [As soon as the event time arrives, groups 1-50 will walk in the 1 o"clock direction. The Pure Cleansing group will take the lead and all of you will win the demon mine using the fastest speed. Groups 51-100 will take the 3 o"clock position. The Cheetah Guild will take the lead and win the beast mind. Groups 101-150 will walk to the 5 o"clock direction. The Wind Colour Guild will take the lead and win the blood kin mine.]

There were a total of six racial mines on the event map. At the beginning of the defense war, none of the six mines had any owners. Whoever killed the mine guards first could get ownership of the mines and collect the ores there.

Collecting ores gave money and the money earned would go into the reserve funds. They could buy items that added a certain attribute from the battlefield store or construct offensive chariots or defensive castles.

In large scale compet.i.tive games, the concept of "economy" was very important. It was the so-called "economic base determines the structure." The legion defense was about both sides competing for resources to try and gain economic benefits. The greater the economic gap between both sides, the greater the gap between the defense and attack statuses of the players and the easier it was for the balance to collapse.

At 8:30, the Bright G.o.ddess and Dark G.o.ddess would refresh at the defense castles. If the economy was too low and the castle defenses insufficient, the G.o.ddess would easily be killed by the other party.

This was the most interesting part of the legion defense. It wasn"t about thousands of people fighting and killing each other. In order to command the defense battle, it was necessary to comprehensively consider the terrain of the battlefield, the configuration of players on both sides, the timing to attack the mine, the timing to defend, etc.

Such a complex campaign meant commanding it was even more difficult than the Professional League.

However, today"s command in the Dark Legion came was clearly excellent. The soldiers were well organized to take three mines.

Zhang Shaohui saw this and couldn"t help whispering, "Why do I feel like this is a bit similar to Captain Ling?"

"It is Ling Xuefeng." A familiar voice was suddenly heard beside him.

Zhang Shaohui turned and saw Lou Wushuang come to sit next to him. Lou Wushuang said lightly, "Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu are fighting each other on opposite sides. This will be interesting."

“Brother, what are you doing here?" Zhang Shaohui was a bit surprised.

“I was bored so I thought I would go see what Old Cat is doing." Lou Wushuang replied while logging into an account that the president gave him.

The Bright Legion, commander Li Cangyu.

The Dark Legion, Ling Xuefeng personally commanded them.

On Sunday evening, tens of thousands of players came online. The server was opened to the maximum capacity and numerous undercovers lurked in both camps. Tan s.h.i.tian"s story caused several big G.o.ds to log into side accounts.

Tonight"s Moonlight Forest was truly a gathering of stars and G.o.ds.

This was definitely the most spectacular world war in the six years since Miracle opened!

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Chapter 55 – Legion Defense (Mine Battle)

Beijing time, 8 p.m. on Sunday, the Moonlight Forest district.

[The legion defense war is about to begin. Both camps, please be prepared!] [Defending the G.o.ddess is your greatest mission!]

The server announced these messages on time. Miracle"s liveliest legion defense was finally opened. All players who signed up for the event were sent to the legion defense instance.

The battle map was a circular map similar to a clock. There was a bottomless abyss that stretched vertically from the 12 o"clock position to the 6 o"clock position, isolating the players from both camps, the Bright Legion on the left and the Dark Legion on the right.

On the Bright Legion side, from top to bottom there was the elf mine, the terran mine and angel mine respectively. On the Dark Legion side, from top to bottom there was the demon mine, beast mine and blood kin mine.

The six racial mines had a lot of guard NPCs with a level equal to an elite boss of a large instance, requiring at least one team to kill one. After killing the guards and occupying the mine, the players could more the ores back to their base camp to earn money.

At 8:30, the G.o.ddesses of both caps would refresh and three bridges would appear over the abyss separating the two camps.  At this time, both sides could reach the other territory through the bridges, stealing resources and even killing the enemy"s G.o.ddess.

In other words, there was no way for both sides to meet each other at the beginning due to the abyss. At 8:30, the maps would be connected.  This setting gave everyone a bit of buffer time. During the half an hour from 8:00 to 8:30, the players could mine and build up their economy.

It showed how important seizing resources and improving the economy was, not killing.


Ling Xuefeng"s idea was very obvious. Once the defense war started, he immediately divided the 150 groups into three paths and would win the three mines at the fastest speed. This was in order to obtain resources and gain an economic advantage.

The remaining 20 groups were mostly a.s.sa.s.sins from Ghost Spirits. Ling Xuefeng had a special arrangement for these groups. [Ghost Spirits has eight teams. You will divide into three groups and first attack the upper, middle and bottom resurrection points. Then wait for the bridges to refresh.]

[As soon as the bridges appear, you will immediately enter the Bright Legion territory and a.s.sa.s.sinate the people at the mines. Just hit and run, don"t get into a prolonged battle!]

[Groups 173, 174 and 175 will scatter across the map to look at the enemy"s situation. I need to grasp the actions of the other party.]

Ling Xuefeng calmly issued instructions one by one in the discussion group.

The leaders took the instructions back to their people and the soldiers quickly reached the designated locations.

Mining, grabbing the resurrection points, investigating… it might be an attack and defense war involving tens of thousands of people but Ling Xuefeng didn"t appear disordered as he guided the teams.

There were a large number of guard bosses in the racial mines. 30 people worked together to kill one boss. Everyone consciously dispersed, pulling the guards one by one to kill. It took less than three minutes for the three major mines to be occupied.

[The Dark Legion has occupied the demon mine!]

[The Dark Legion has occupied the beast mine!]

[The Dark Legion has occupied the blood kin mine!]

[The Bright Legion has occupied the elf mine!]

[The Bright Legion has occupied the terran mine!]

[The Bright Legion has occupied the angel mine!]

Six announcements continuously appeared on the centre of the screen.

Li Cangyu couldn"t help frowning slightly when he saw this.

The other side"s commanded obviously used the method of winning the three mines at the fastest speed. It wasn"t uncommon to see such at start in the legion defense war but Li Cangyu couldn"t help having a strange feeling. According to the undercovers, this time the Wind Colour Guild had won the right to command the Dark Legion. Was the opposite commander the president of the Wind Colour Guild?

In any case, Li Cangyu was confident that the Bright Legion could win.

He issued an order on the command channel. "The three mines have been successfully won. Everyone collect the ores at the fastest speed. Our legion"s economy must exceed 100,000 before 8:30!"


Mining was the only way to increase a camp"s economy.

The Dark Legion collected ores at the fastest speed and the collect ores would be converted to gold coins at a certain rate.

In the centre of the screen, the economies of both sides were growing rapidly due to the occupation of the mines and the collection of ores. At 20:25, the total economic value of both sides had reached 100,000!

There were still five minutes left until the G.o.ddesses refreshed. The early preparations were completed and the war was imminent!

Ling Xuefeng looked at the time and immediately typed in the command channel: [The three mining groups have been divided. The team leaders with a multiple of five in their number will immediately go to the camp NPCs to buy chariots. The other teams will go to the nearest bridge!]

Some people were surprised. [We aren"t building up the castle?]

It was well-known that the ultimate goal of the legion defense was to protect the G.o.ddess from being killed. Defensive castles would be built in the place where the G.o.ddesses refreshed. Otherwise, they would be easily attacked by the other side"s forces and the camp"s G.o.ddess would be threatened.

Ling Xuefeng didn"t choose to build a defensive castle first and wanted to buy attacking chariots, making many people unable to understand.

[The other side doesn"t have the strength to directly kill our G.o.ddess.] Ling Xuefeng typed calmly. [The chariots are used as a cover. Our real goal is to seize the mining resources of the Bright Legion.]

The commander unexpectedly came out with a sneak attack, making many people marvel. Wasn"t this courage too big? Driving the chariot to the other side and leaving their G.o.ddess naked… was it okay? Not even one castle?

Of course, Ling Xuefeng"s thoughts were also true. The Dark G.o.ddess was a big boss and the thousands of people on the opposite side couldn"t kill her immediately.

He was sure that Li Cangyu wouldn"t rush with 100 groups to kill the Dark G.o.ddess. That"s why he could take the risk to use money to build the chariot and directly attack the other side.

As long as the other side"s mines were successfully taken, their economy would grow rapidly, making it actually quite cost-effective.


It took 3,000 gold to buy a primary chariot and 90,000 to buy 30 chariots. Almost all of the 100,000 gold in the Dark Legion was soon consumed. Ling Xuefeng didn"t feel sad as he typed in the command channel: [Investigation Group, quickly report the other side"s situation.]

The Ghost Spirits Guild"s a.s.sa.s.sins in charge of stealth investigation immediately replied with a few messages.

[The opposite side"s elf mine has 20 groups.]

[There are only 10 groups left in the terran mine. The others are retreating.]

[The people in the angel mine are also retreating. It should be to build the castle.]

Ling Xuefeng nodded and quickly typed on the keyboard: [Everyone a.s.semble. The soldiers will divided between the three bridges. Use chariots to directly seize the other side"s mines!]

He divided the 150 teams into three groups: upper, middle and lower. The positions of the three groups were adjacent to the three bridges connecting the two camps. At his command, everyone could drive the chariots directly to the nearest mine and hit the opposite camp.

The people of the Bright Legion had returned to the city to build the castle under Li Cangyu"s command. Unexpectedly, the Dark Legion used 30 chariots to make a sudden attack!

[Commander, the opposite army has attacked the elf mine! They have 10 chariots!]

[There are also chariots in the middle of the terran mine!]

[The guards at the angel mine are about to be killed!]

[They came to steal the mines! d.a.m.n, they are taking three roads!]

The large-scale attack of the Dark Legion was too unexpected. The destructive power of the chariots were extremely strong. The Bright Legion side saw the enemy"s chariots arriving without any preparation. Everyone was beaten and the three mines were actually lost!

[The Dark Legion has occupied the elf mine!]

[The Dark Legion has occupied the angel mine!]

[The Dark Legion has occupied the terran mine!]

Three messages appeared in the middle of the screen and all six mines on the small map showed black signs, indicating they had been occupied by the Dark Legion.

Li Cangyu looked at the black on the map and couldn"t help feeling startled.

The conventional strategy for the legion defense was to take three mines on their side and develop steadily, earning money and building castles where the G.o.ddess was, raising the castle defenses to a stable level. Then they would buy attack vehicles such as chariots and artillery.

At the beginning of the game, leaving the G.o.ddess alone and coming for a surprise attack. Spending a lot of money to buy chariots and directly entering enemy territory to seize resources… this style of command wasn"t Popular Land Under Heaven.

This commander was very ambitious and bold!

The Miracle League had one aggressive player who used fierce attacks as the best defense.

Was there any need to say who was controlling Popular Land Under Heaven"s account?

The corners of Li Cangyu"s mouth couldn"t help rising slightly.

-Ling Xuefeng, you really want to play with me? It seems that it is time for me to become serious!

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Chapter 56 – Legion Defense (Resurrection Counterattack)

Ling Xuefeng suddenly drove the chariots to the enemy camp and even grabbed three mines. He also sent more than 20 groups of a.s.sa.s.sins to kill the mining people, delaying the economic development speed of the Bright Legion. In just 10 minutes, the gap between the two side"s total economy became 110,000 to 150,000. The Bright Legion had fallen behind by 40,000!

Now that three mines were taken away, this gap would only increase.

Many people in the Bright Legion started to question the level of command, the public channels filled with swearing.

[What is the commander doing? Isn"t he going to make a comeback by stealing the mines from the opposite side?]

[Give us a command to kill and steal their mines!]

[Who is in command today? Can"t we get a reliable one?]

Cheng Wei was controlling a side account and became furious at those who dared to scold Cat G.o.d. He couldn"t help typing in the camp channel: [Everyone who is scolding the commander, shut up! you can you up,no can no BB!] (TL: author wrote this in English so I"m literally just copying it.)

"…" Tan s.h.i.tian saw his angry appearance and couldn"t help laughing. "What are you so anxious about? This is a battle between Captain Ling and Cat G.o.d, we are just watching the fun. Captain Ling unexpectedly got the first hand but Cat G.o.d will certainly come up with a way to deal with it."

He just said this when there was a cold light behind him. A knife stabbed straight towards his chest in a calm and fierce attack!

Tan s.h.i.tian"s side account was. .h.i.t by the knife and directly had his blood reduced by one-third.

"…" Tan s.h.i.tian immediately used the elf race"s movement skill to jump back. He had just hidden when someone else aimed another blade straight at his chest!

The elf side account was stabbed and his blood plummeted to 15%!

Cheng Wei and Tan s.h.i.tian often argued but they had been teammates for 1.5 years. Once he saw that Tan s.h.i.tian was being beaten, Cheng Wei reflexively used the white magician"s big move, G.o.d"s Faith. A white light fell from the sky, enveloping Tan s.h.i.tian and removing the stealth from the two a.s.sa.s.sins!

Their IDs were Wisp and Ghost Mirror. They were obviously from the Ghost Spirits Guild. The situation became very chaotic once they were revealed. The two killers realized they were exposed and were forced to use Combat Stealth, taking advantage of the chaos to hide their traces.

Come with no shadow, leave without a trace, the decisive and aggressive a.s.sa.s.sination techniques really made people feel creepy.

Cheng Wei tried to chase them but couldn"t find their shadows. He angrily typed on the keyboard: [You run faster than rabbits. Let"s see when you don"t have the ability to run anymore!]

Tan s.h.i.tian said with a laugh, "Don"t you think these two killers are similar to two people?"

Cheng Wei"s understanding was poor and he said in a confused manner, "The two killers must be like two people. How can they be three people?"

"…" Tan s.h.i.tian stretched out a hand and rubbed Cheng Wei"s head hard. "Why are you so stupid? I mean that these two killers are very similar to the Lou Zhang combination of the Ghost Spirits team."

Cheng Wei was attracted by the latter half of the sentence and ignored Tan s.h.i.tian calling him stupid. His eyes widened with surprise as he asked, "Do you mean Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui? Those cousins are here as well?"

Tan s.h.i.tian nodded. "Yes, it is probably to see Cat G.o.d."

Cheng Wei couldn"t help feeling angry again at the mention of this topic. "Lou Wushuang found out that Cat G.o.d is back due to your post on Weibo! It is all your fault. Why are you so idle? What was with that story? Comparing me to a kitten? Where do I look like a cat?"

Tan s.h.i.tian looked at Cheng Wei"s hair standing up and thought, "Isn"t this like a kitten?" He looked even more like one when his hair stood up!

Tan s.h.i.tian listened to his machine-gun like scolding and suppressed the urge to laugh as he said, "Okay, it is all my fault. I have deleted the story and the Lou Zhang combination just wanted to see the liveliness. They hold no malice towards Cat G.o.d so you don"t have to worry too much."

This sentence was true. The Lou Zhang combination debuted with Cheng Wei in the third season. In the same year, they played against Cat G.o.d. It was estimated that they entered the online game tonight because of curiosity.

Cheng Wei thought about this and his mood improved.

“No, if Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui team up, Cat G.o.d will be in danger! I have to protect him." He quickly ran to the side of Love to Eat Braised Fish and raised his hand, prepared to act as a bodyguard.

The Miracle League"s number one brainless fan was really dedicated, controlling a side account to act as Cat G.o.d"s bodyguard.

Tan s.h.i.tian helplessly looked at him and had to follow Cheng Wei to protect Cat G.o.d.


The Ghost Spirits" dormitory.

Zhang Shaohui followed his cousin to hide behind a tree and looked at the white magician. He wondered, "Is that Cheng Wei?"

His cousin"s IQ was actually working for once. Lou Wushuang felt very relieved as he nodded. "They are Tan s.h.i.tian and Cheng Wei."

Zhang Shaohui couldn"t help laughing. "It seems that many people are interested in this event. Brother, shall we go and a.s.sa.s.sinate Cat G.o.d?"

He took a few steps forward, wanting to stab Cat G.o.d when Cheng Wei used the wide-range G.o.d"s Faith. Zhang Shaohui immediately ran while spitting out, "Cheng Wei is simply Cat G.o.d"s brainless fan. He has incredibly tight protection!"

Lou Wushuang spoke with a cold face, "Can"t you just hide and watch the excitement?"

"Ah, I will listen to you." Zhang Shaohui smiled and scratched his head. He settled down and hid behind a tree with his cousin, eyes watching the excitement.

The Dark Legion had six mines and the economy instantly reversed. Many people in the camp channel gave a thumbs up. [The commander is sharp!]

[The commander is too big!]

Ling Xuefeng ignored the camp channel and typed in the discussion group: [Leaders of the three large groups, report the war damage.]

The Dark Legion"s upper, middle and lower roads were led by the Pure Cleansing, Cheetah and Wind Colour group respectively. It was impossible for Ling Xuefeng to take care of each group so he entrusted it to the management of these guilds. As the team leaders, they commanded the three roads separately.

After all, the three president vice-commanders weren"t rookies and they were able to quickly understand Ling Xuefeng"s meaning.

Same Boat Under Wind and Rain immediately sent a message: [The third group has three chariots damaged and there are seven left. The personnel casualties are 12 groups.]

Pure Cleansing"s president reported next. [The second group has five chariots left and 10 groups of casualties.]

Cheetah"s president Ultimate Hunter typed: [The first group is similar to the second group.]

The surprise attack had stolen three mines but the losses to their side were also heavy. The good thing was that these losses were within acceptable limits.

The satisfied Ling Xuefeng typed: [Everyone will push the chariots and ores back under the protection of the paladins.]

Since 90,000 gold was used before, there wasn"t enough money to repair the castle. They had to make money as soon as possible.

Ling Xuefeng"s ideas were good but the opposite commander Li Cangyu wasn"t a person to be bullied. His order had just been given when a large number of messages appeared on the camp channel: [Not good! The opposite side went straight to our stronghold!]

[They are pulling the Dark G.o.ddess! d.a.m.n, the main T is As the Name Suggests of the Food Squad.]

[The Dark G.o.ddess has lost 5% health!]

[There are at least 100 groups! It is extremely crowded!]

Ling Xuefeng saw the information on the camp channel and inwardly felt surprised.

Cat"s counterattack speed simply wasn"t ordinary!


The Bright Legion"s counterattack was truly swift and depended entirely on the determination of the chief commander Li Cangyu.

Ling Xuefeng had just stolen the three mines of the Bright Legion. A general commander might be confused by this sudden attack but Li Cangyu was very calm.

He reacted as soon as he found out that the opposite commander was Ling Xuefeng.

-If you dare to sneak attack my mines, I will a.s.sa.s.sinate your camp"s G.o.ddess!

Not repairing the Dark G.o.ddess" castle? It was a convenient way to let them enter unimpeded!

The Dark Legion"s chariots did cause the Bright Legion to suffer heavy casualties. However, the legion defense had one characteristic. Players who died could freely choose a resurrection point that had been occupied by their side.

At the beginning, Ling Xuefeng sent people to investigate the entire map. Li Cangyu naturally wasn"t idle. Once the bridges were connected, he sent 10 groups secretly into the Dark Legion"s camp and forcibly took that resurrection point.

As Ling Xuefeng drove the chariot to the Bright Legion"s camp, Li Cangyu took the opposite side"s resurrection point!

[Everyone who dies, immediately choose the resurrection point of the Dark Legion to resurrect!] Li Cangyu ordered after the three mines were attacked. [Anyone who isn"t dead, jump into the abyss to kill yourself. Then resurrect on the opposite site and a.s.semble at the point I marked!]

Jumping into the abyss took only three seconds and waiting to resurrect took 10 seconds.

This way of gathering was much faster than groups of people walking slowly down the roads.

In just half a minute, while the Dark Legion were slowly driving the ore across the bridge and returning home, hundreds of groups from the Bright Legion had already gone from the lower resurrection point to the G.o.ddess" lair!

The small madman Gu Siming pulled the Dark G.o.ddess according to Cat G.o.d"s instructions.

The G.o.ddess was really beautiful and the dark wings behind her were gorgeous. It was a pity that she didn"t have the protection of the castles after appearing and the Bright Legion reached her un.o.bstructed.

There were no doubts about Xiao Gu"s boss techniques. Once he stabilized the boss, Li Cangyu immediately ordered everyone to open fire and the G.o.ddess" blood quickly fell to 95%.

Li Cangyu attacked the boss while watching the timer.

After all, this was the Dark Legion"s base. It would be disadvantageous to fight against a large group here and Li Cangyu estimated that the opposite side"s forces were about to arrive. He looked at the boss" blood volume that had fallen to 80% and didn"t hesitate to order: [Don"t avoid the boss" big move and collectively die. Once you die, choose the resurrection point in the centre of our castle!]

The Dark G.o.ddess" blood soon fell to 80% and a red light flashed from her black wings. Her huge wings then unfolded and countless black feathers descended from the sky in a 360 degree range. They danced and stabbed the surrounding players like swords.

The black feathers swept over them, the effect of the big move looking truly gorgeous.

Ling Xuefeng saw this scene when he came over with a large force. Hundreds of Li Cangyu"s groups died under the G.o.ddess" big move, their bodies covering the ground.

Then after 10 seconds, the bodies magically disappeared…

They chose to resurrect back at the camp according to the commander"s order.

Hundreds of enemy groups suddenly attacked, decreasing the Dark G.o.ddess" health by 20% and then collectively disappeared!

This type of sneak attack was more shocking than taking three mines!

You know, it was very difficult to decrease the camp boss" blood, especially after the defense castles were built. If they wanted to see the camp boss, they had to first destroy the castle, kill the castle guards and face the other forces after seeing the boss…

In the many years since Miracle opened, the camp boss had been killed no more than three times.

Today, Li Cangyu took advantage of Ling Xuefeng"s stealing the ores to quickly suicide and resurrect at the stolen resurrection point. They quickly sneaked into the Dark G.o.ddess" lair and took 20% of the camp boss" health!

It was inevitable that the Dark Legion"s troops would rush back to kill them. Yet the hundreds of groups were killed directly by the boss" big moves, without a single person left behind…

This approach was really decisive and simply astounding!

Ling Xuefeng looked at the disappearing corpses and a glimmer of appreciation filled his eyes.

This was Li Cangyu"s command style. He wasn"t willing to eat a single bit of loss.

This counterattack was really fierce. The Dark Legion might have an advantage in economy but 20% of the boss" blood had been destroyed. In the later period of the war, it was necessary to be careful. If a mistake was made, Li Cangyu would directly go and kill the boss.


The guilds" management were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

In the past, the legion defense involved occupying the three mines in the early stages then use the money to build up the castle. Once the castle was repaired, make money and buy chariots and cannons…

Sometimes it would take two hours and the face of the camp"s boss couldn"t even be seen.

However, today, the speed of the two commanders was so quick that the people involved couldn"t recover.

This started less than 40 minutes ago and the Bright Legion already had three mines stolen while the Dark Legion"s boss was attacked!

There were many people in both camps who gave thumbs up and praised the commanders on both sides.

The league"s number one brainless fan Cheng Wei was also excited and crazily filled the camp channel: [The commander is mighty and domineering! Commander, good power! Great! Commander, fighting!]

Tan s.h.i.tian, "…"


In the office of the Wind Colour team, Popular Land Under Heaven looked at his captain with a perturbed glance.

Any commander would be irritable at having 20% of their G.o.ddess" blood stolen but Ling Xuefeng"s expression was very calm. His eyes were full of appreciation and it was like he was happy…

In fact, winning or losing wasn"t important. Captain Ling personally became the commander in order to fight against Cat G.o.d.

Popular Land Under Heaven suddenly felt  that… he understood something very important.

Once Li Cangyu successfully counterattacked, he sent a message on the world channel: [Opposite commander, how about the middle group?]

Ling Xuefeng said: [I"ll go back to repair the castle. Let"s talk at 9 o"clock.]

Li Cangyu: [The activity is over at 11 o"clock. Hurry and make money.]

Ling Xuefeng: [I have more money than you.]

Li Cangyu: [My boss is still full of blood.]

Ling Xuefeng: [You"re good. [Thumbs up]]

Li Cangyu: [You"re not bad either. [Thumbs up.]]

Everyone, "…"

Hey hey! Is it okay for the two great commanders to praise each other? Look at all the people watching!

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Chapter 57 – Legion Defense (Guarding the Castle)

Li Cangyu spoke on the world channel so Ling Xuefeng knew his ident.i.ty was discovered. However, Ling Xuefeng hadn"t intended to hide it so he didn"t mind.

It was currently 8:40. Ling Xuefeng ordered everyone to gather ores.

After the mines were occupied, there were 10 minutes of protection time. Once the 10 minutes pa.s.sed, Li Cangyu would definitely take back the elf, angel and terran mines. Ling Xuefeng wouldn"t bother taking them again since this advantage was enough.

The Dark Legion collectively mined and their economy grew at a rapid rate. The economic difference between the two sides soon became 60,000. Li Cangyu wasn"t in a hurry. Once the time came, he commanded his troops to successfully take back their own mines.

The early battle over the mines temporarily concluded. The Dark Legion was dominant when it came to the economy but the Bright Legion had stolen 20% of the camp boss" blood. It could be said that both sides gained something and there was no victory or defeat.

In the following time, Li Cangyu decided to stabilize the economy first.

Everyone on the Bright Legion side worked together to collect ores and their total economy reached 150,000 and the castle successfully built. The Dark Legion"s economy had reached 210,000 but they consumed 90,000 gold buying the chariots. In fact, only 130,000 funds were available and the construction progress of their castle was only 70%. It hadn"t yet been completed.

This was a good opportunity!

Li Cangyu gave an order in the command channel: [30% groups will sneakily head to the Dark Camp side and quickly take the middle resurrection point!]

The groups lurking in the darkness quickly killed the guards at the resurrection point.

Someone in the Dark Legion reported: [The opposite side has taken the middle resurrection point!]

Ling Xuefeng thought, "Is he planning a suicide raid again?"

The battle for resurrection points was just as important as the battle over the mines in the legion defense war. The mines determined economic strength while the more resurrection points that were taken, the more positions the camp"s players could choose when resurrecting, increasing their tactical arrangements.

The resurrection point at the bottom of the Dark Legion"s camp was taken away. Now the resurrection point in the middle was attacked… Li Cangyu"s intention was obvious. It was another sneak attack while the Dark Legion"s castle wasn"t built.

Ling Xuefeng quickly decided. [Every large group of 30 people, wait at the resurrection points. As soon as they arrive, attack and kill them!]

30 groups waited in ambush at the three resurrection points of the Dark Camp. Everyone prepared their group attack skills, waiting for the other side to arrive and catch them off guard!

Li Cangyu asked Flying Feathers Liangshan: [What are the undercovers saying?]

The president of Flying Feathers excitedly replied to Cat G.o.d: [They went to the three resurrection points for an ambush. There are nearly 3,000 people!]

Li Cangyu was satisfied. [Very good!]

Flying Feathers Liangshang had truly seen a lot of spy movies. His undercover work was quite brilliant and he had a spy in the Dark Legion"s command channel. This type of large-scale attack and defense war, how was it possible without undercovers?

Li Cangyu received the response from the undercovers and immediately changed his strategy. [The three large groups head over the middle bridge and immediately pressure them!]

In fact, his capturing of the resurrection point was to divert eyes.

It was because he knew Ling Xuefeng. He knew that as soon as he took the resurrection point, LIng Xuefeng would think he was planning a sneak attack from the resurrection points. Therefore, Li Cangyu didn"t take the usual path and instead pushed straight from the bridge.

Ling Xuefeng was throwing away people to protect the resurrection points.

The Bright Legion"s big army moved over the middle bridge at the fastest speed, killing along the way!

[This is bad! There are many people in the middle!]

[Hundreds of groups are pa.s.sing over!]

Ling Xuefeng frowned slightly as he saw the messages on the camp channel.

Was this luring the tiger from its domain in the mountains?

[Everyone, go back and protect the Dark G.o.ddess!] Ling Xuefeng ordered on the command channel.

At this time, their castle wasn"t completely finished. If Li Cangyu led the army to kill the camp boss, the Dark G.o.ddess would once again lose health and their situation would become disadvantageous.

The surprising thing was that Li Cangyu didn"t lead the team to the base of the Dark G.o.ddess. The large army of the Bright Legion quickly divided into three groups and headed straight to the mines!

[The Bright Legion has occupied the demon mine!]

[The Bright Legion has occupied the beast mine!]

[The Bright Legion has occupied the blood kin mine!]

Once the three messages appeared on the centre of the screen, everyone in the Dark Legion was speechless.

Popular Land Under Heaven wanted to cry out: "Cat G.o.d, you are playing with us!"

Ling Xuefeng was also speechless. He couldn"t help sending a message on the world channel: [Threaten the east and strike in the west (a diversion)?]

Li Cangyu: [Yes. You didn"t think about it?]

Ling Xuefeng: […]

This trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain then making a sound in the east while striking in the west was really brilliant!

He deliberately took the resurrection points in order to let Ling Xuefeng mobilize thousands of people to ambush there. The result was that Li Cangyu didn"t go by the resurrection point but took the roads to kill. Ling Xuefeng thought Li Cangyu wanted to attack the G.o.ddess and sent troops back to defend. The result was that the three mines instead of the G.o.ddess were attacked.

He was really a smart cat!

Ling Xuefeng had experienced so many compet.i.tions but he was actually outsmarted by Li Cangyu!


Li Cangyu unexpectedly led his army to win the opposite side"s three mines. In addition to their three, they gained six mines in one go and quickly caught up with the original gap of 60,000 gold.

This time, it was a real hit. The Bright Legion"s camp channel was full of flowers and applause.

They didn"t expect that after the disadvantageous beginning, Li Cangyu would not only get rid of a large amount of blood from the boss but also use a plan to take the three opposite mines!

[Our commander is so handsome!]

[Commander, marry me!]

[Love to Eat Braised Fish, are you lacking any leg items? I"ll make one for you!]

Cheng Wei saw the camp channel and couldn"t help exclaiming excitedly, "Cat G.o.d is so handsome!"

Tan s.h.i.tian said, "Don"t you think I"m handsome too?"

Cheng Wei looked back and saw Tan s.h.i.tian"s deliberate gentle smile. He said, "I don"t think so."

Tan s.h.i.tian suddenly felt like an arrow had pierced his chest.


In the Dark Legion, Ling Xuefeng was still very calm despite the other side taking his three mines. He opened the statistics list to check the battle situation between the two sides.

The Bright Legion had built their defensive castle but they had yet to buy chariots. Meanwhile, the money was building up but the Dark Legion still had 17 chariots.

As long as these chariots existed, they would be a great threat to the Bright Legion.

At present, there were still tens of thousands of gold in the Dark Legion"s funds. Ling Xuefeng calculated it carefully and decisively typed: [Stop the castle at the first level. Then raise the chariots to the highest level and buy two heavy firepower cannons.]

His intentions were clear. Since they had the advantage of the chariot, they would expand that advantage and go on the offensive.

The head of the chariots immediately upgraded the chariots to the highest level according to the instructions. At this time, the castle on the Bright Legion"s side rose to level two.

The defense of a level two castle was very high. It wasn"t easy to break through but Li Cangyu knew that Ling Xuefeng had never been a timid person. As long as he made up his mind, he would definitely go forward.

Li Cangyu guessed that he would use the chariots to attack and could only quickly increase the level of the castle.

Sure enough, Ling Xuefeng was very decisive. As soon as the chariot rose to the highest level, he immediately had the troops cross the bridge.

There weren"t many obstacles on the way. It was clear that Li Cangyu had transferred everyone back to the castle for defense. Ling Xuefeng looked at the small map and typed: [Pure Cleansing, Wind Colour and Cheetah, send groups to quickly take the three resurrection points of the Bright Legion.]

If the resurrection points were taken, they could only return to their base after death. It would be difficult to return to the frontline as support in time. Ling Xuefeng emerged in full force, ready to set fire to the Bright Legion"s camp.

At this moment, the clock was pointing to 9 o"clock. It was the time the two commanders previously promised.

Li Cangyu typed on the world channel: [You are really punctual! Did you deliberately bring your troops over at precisely 9 o"clock?]

Ling Xuefeng: [Of course, when have I ever lied to you?]

Everyone, "…"

Why did they sense a feeling of love between the two commanders?


Ling Xuefeng"s commands weren"t fl.u.s.tered and his expression was extremely calm. Once all three resurrection points were successfully won, he summoned people to gather in the middle road and led them to the castle containing the Bright G.o.ddess, decisively killing along the way.

[Paladins, berserkers and swordsmen, rush to the front to open the way for the chariots. Magicians and psychics be ready!] Then Ling Xuefeng sent a private chat to the president of Ghost Spirits. [I will give you a mission. Take the 30 groups of a.s.sa.s.sins and detour around both sides. Go to the ladders at the back of the castle and cut at the rear of the opposing army. Quickly take care of the archers of the Time Guild.]

Ghost Spirits" president was stunned when he saw this private chat and immediately understood. He realized the existence of undercovers in the command chat and gave instructions in a private chat.

Based on Vice-Captain Zhang"s words, the person who talked privately with him was Ling Xuefeng. Devil May Cry was very excited. He was proud of being able to talk to the ace of the Miracle League.

After feeling excited, Devil May Cry gave orders to several leaders and privately chatted with Zhang Shaohui and Lou Wushuang"s side accounts.

Lou Wushuang saw his message and couldn"t help saying, "Sending 30 groups of killers to the rear… Hitting the Bright Legion from the front and back, this wave of strong attack might gain us the victory."

Zhang Shaohui exclaimed, "It seems that Captain Ling is very serious today! Playing such a strong attack and defense, how much does he hate Cat G.o.d?"

Lou Wushuang, "…"

Sure enough, the silly IQ went online for a while and now it was offline again. This obviously wasn"t the strong smell of gunpowder.

Zhang Shaohui saw that his cousin"s face was a big ugly and couldn"t help asking, "Brother, what"s wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?"

As he spoke, he reached out and gently placed a hand on the other person"s forehead. There was a thin layer on his fingers from tapping the keyboard so long. He gently touched his cousin"s forehead and once he touched it, there was a faint numbness like being struck by an electric current.

Lou Wushuang stiffened and avoided his hands, his cheeks turning red. He had been pale since childhood and the blush was particularly obvious.

Zhang Shaohui asked nervously, "Brother, do you have a fever? Why is your face so red?"

Lou Wushuang, "…"

Who would save his stupid brother"s IQ?

The helpless Lou Wushuang coldly slapped his hand and said, "I am okay. Quickly keep up!"

"Ah." Zhang Shaohui had a habit of listening to his brother"s words from a young age so he immediately followed. The two killers quietly moved around to the rear of the Bright Legion along with the other Ghost Spirits members.

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Chapter 58 – Legion Defense (Killing the G.o.ddess)

Ling Xuefeng naturally had more than 50% confidence if he dared to attack.

The Bright Legion led by Li Cangyu mostly consisted of archers, white magicians and swordsmen while the Dark Legion were mostly black magicians, a.s.sa.s.sins and psychics.

An a.s.sa.s.sin"s sneak attack was the strongest of all cla.s.ses. Ling Xuefeng led the big army from the front while sending 30 groups of a.s.sa.s.sins to sneak around the back.

This time, he privately gave instructions to the Ghost Spirits president to avoid the undercover. Therefore, the news that the undercover returned to Li Cangyu was: [The Dark Legion is directly attacking from the front.]

This might be the base of the Bright Legion but the other side had many chariots and cannons so Li Cangyu didn"t dare underestimate them. He stood on the castle and looked down. The dense crowd of people was like beasts pouring in from the middle while the chariot flags and black markings were shocking.

[Groups 1~50 will intercept them at the castle gates! The rest of the groups will scatter to hold the walls.] Li Cangyu quickly typed out.

The group leaders took their groups to the designated location.

Ling Xuefeng said: [Ready the chariots and artillery. Scatter in a fan shape and attack!]

Once the people of the Dark Legion arrived at the gate of the castle, the 17 chariots immediately fanned out. There was a loud noise and the cannons fired, directly smashing a large hole in the castle.

The castle"s defense value at the top right of the screen dropped from 100% to 95%.

Countless cannons fired in succession, causing the castle to become smoky.

At the gate, the 50 groups that Li Cangyu sent as guards rushed out like beasts. The two sides launched a fierce battle, with countless deaths and injuries!

Ling Xuefeng said: [Those who die will choose the nearest resurrection point. After resurrecting, don"t go to the front but head around to the rear of the castle!]

Many people didn"t understand why the resurrected had to go to the back until they arrived and saw the bodies of countless guards. What was going on?

They looked up and saw the killers climbing to the top of the castle.

Everyone reacted by excitedly following the killers" path.

[There are people at the back!]

The first a.s.sa.s.sinated player typed on the camp channel but it was too late.

The Ghost Spirits were the best situations. They were like fish in water when the situation was chaotic.

In a flash, the Ghost Spirits Guild"s 30 groups (900 killers) suddenly attacked from behind. Their sharp blades cut into the soft bellies of the fragile elf archers and white magicians, killing them!

They fell down one after another and the castle was suddenly filled with corpses.

Previously, the archers and white magicians relied on the advantage of their ranged attacks to interfere with the speed of the Dark Legion. Now almost half of the remotes had died, relieving the pressure on the front lines. Ling Xuefeng immediately typed: [Full push!]

The onslaught from the front and back caught the Bright Legion unprepared.

The chariots and artillery brought by the other party finally emptied the castle"s defense value.

Once the castle"s defense value was emptied, players in the enemy camp were free to enter and exit the castle. However, Li Cangyu wasn"t someone who would just be beaten. The moment the remotes were a.s.sa.s.sinated, he mobilized the large Flying Feathers troops to ambush at the entrance of the castle.

As soon as the Dark Legion entered, gorgeous swordsmanship flashed in front of their eyes.

Light and Shadow Rotation!

What would happen if hundreds of swordsmen opened a group attack at the same time? It was shown today.

The silver swords waved and illuminated the sky with a bright light!

Xie Shurong waved the sword in his hand and entered the middle of the Dark Legion came. He smashed through to seize their king, Ling Xuefeng.

The small madman Gu Siming followed closely, the two men rushing into the opposite camp.

Ling Xuefeng was the commander so he couldn"t die so easily. There was also a small follower around him, Qin Mo.

Qin Mo had quietly been playing the role of "follower". Like Cheng Wei"s personal protection of Cat G.o.d, Qin Mo personally protected his master. After seeing Blossoming Tree, Qin Mo cast a curse Death Imprisonment to set Xie Shurong in place.

The fixed Xie Shurong suffered the group attacks of the black magicians and was instantly killed by black magic.

Gu Siming was also dragged down by him and killed together.

Li Cangyu sent them to disturb the opposite side"s formation. He didn"t think they could actually kill Ling Xuefeng.

The dead Xie Shurong privately chatted with Bai Xuan and joked: [Milk Dad, why don"t you care about me? Pull me up!]

Bai Xuan: [You ran too far out of my reach!]

"…" Xie Shurong want to resurrect at the rear when Li Cangyu sent him a private message: [You and Xiao Gu go to the resurrection point on the Dark Legion side and look at the situation there.]

[Okay!] The two men received the order and immediately headed to the territory of the Dark Legion.


Thousands of people were fighting at the gate of the castle.

The 900 killers had quickly cleared the remote cla.s.ses of the other side so the Dark Legion gradually occupied the advantage. They moved straight forward and arrived at the Bright G.o.ddess!

The Bright G.o.ddess wore a snowy white dress and huge wings hung gently down towards the ground, soft white feathers covered it. Her blonde hair grew down to her ankles and there was a white crown on her head, looking as holy as an angel.

Many people excitedly typed on the camp channel: [Oh, I have never seen the Bright G.o.ddess in the old district! Every time, I couldn"t even break the castle!]

[h.e.l.lo G.o.ddess! The G.o.ddess is so beautiful!]

The area channel was filled with players doing strange actions towards the NPC. LIng Xuefeng also issued an order on the command channel: [The 2nd and 3rd healer groups will focus on the blood of the main T. The main T will pull her and then everyone else will steadily attack!]

Before attacking the Bright Legion, Ling Xuefeng let the leaders of the three large groups to re-adjust the team configuration, specifically selecting a paladin group and two healer groups to play the boss. The camp boss was extremely strong and it was easily to kill the paladins. The two healer groups were specifically to ensure the safety of the paladins. The other melee separated to take care of their teammates.

Once the main T stabilized the boss" aggro, the black magicians quickly placed hundreds of negative states on the boss. The psychics also stacked negative defense, attack and movement speed debuffs onto the boss.

The blood of the Bright G.o.ddess quickly fell to 95% but the large army of the Bright Legion didn"t move.

Ling Xuefeng couldn"t help feeling some doubts. Why didn"t the other side return to defend? If people came back at this time, the Dark Legion wouldn"t have it so easy.

He was just thinking this when a message came on the camp channel: [Once they died, they all resurrected at the Dark Legion"s lower resurrection point.]

[Are they planning to steal the boss?]

[Give us the command to go back and defend!]

Many people in the Dark Legion camp were fl.u.s.tered.

Yes, Li Cangyu wasn"t someone who would just be beaten. He couldn"t fight for the Bright G.o.ddess so he sent all his troops to kill the Dark G.o.ddess!

The early sneak attack gave him a 20% blood volume advantage. Therefore, LI Cangyu was confident that he could kill the Dark G.o.ddess before Ling Xuefeng killed the Bright G.o.ddess.

Offense was the best defense.

-Ling Xuefeng, don"t think you are the only one who could do this!

After Li Cangyu sent A"Shu and Xiao Gu to investigate, he decisively left his old base. He sent everyone to attack the opposite Dark Legion"s castle and take away their boss. Since the opposite commander was Ling Xuefeng, Li Cangyu didn"t want to mess with him. A quick offense was the best otherwise this war would never finish.

The Dark Legion side was panicked. Previously, their G.o.ddess lost 20% of her blood. Should they defend or keep fighting here?

Ling Xuefeng quickly made a decision. [Keep fighting the boss! Unleash all attacks!]

Cat wanted to play a time difference with him but Ling Xuefeng didn"t think he would lose.

The Dark G.o.ddess might"ve already lost 20% blood but it would take time for the Bright Legion to reach the gate from the resurrection point and then break through the level one defense castle. As long as Ling Xuefeng could catch up with the gap in blood during that time, the winner and loser was still uncertain!

[President, bring the a.s.sa.s.sins back to the base. Don"t do anything apart from killing their main T!] Ling Xuefeng gave an order to the president of the Ghost Spirits Guild.

[I understand Captain Ling!] Devil May Cry was embarra.s.sed when he carelessly spoke. Then he gave instructions to the killers in his guild. [Return back to the base! Kill their main T!]

a.s.sa.s.sins were easy to use in this chaos. The return of the a.s.sa.s.sins caused great trouble to Li Cangyu.

However, Li Cangyu also left behind something. On the side of the Light Legion camp, he left 15 swordsmen groups and 15 berserker groups. They specifically killed the remotes on the other side. Most people should know that the remotes were the main output force against a boss, causing the Dark Legion to be troubled by their interference.

Fortunately, the number of people Li Cangyu left behind was limited and Ling Xuefeng was able to fight back to kill these groups.

Of course, the cheeky Flying Feathers resurrected after being killed and kept interfering with the outputs in the back rows.

Ling Xuefeng impatiently said: [Don"t pay attention to them! Concentrate on the boss!]


The territory of the Dark Legion.

The level one castle was breached by the large army led by Li Cangyu. The Bright Legion went all the way to the Dark G.o.ddess and started to attack the G.o.ddess at full speed.

[The opposite side is starting to hit the boss!] The president of Ghost Spirits reported.

[How much blood does the boss have left?]

[It is 75%.]

Ling Xuefeng nodded and looked at the Bright G.o.ddess" blood volume of 78%.

The blood volume gap of 3% wasn"t too much. He had to speed up the output.

Ling Xuefeng thought about it and said: [Pure Cleansing Guild, send three groups of psychics back to interfere with them.]

The psychics had a spell called Illusion. This could create hallucinations for a short period of time, which was why many teams in the Miracle League used psychics to a.s.sist.

The three groups of psychics returned near the boss and opened magic arrays. The effect was unexpectedly good, directly messing up the healer groups of the Bright Legion!

Fortunately, Bai Xuan was specifically staring at the blood of the main T, Xiao Gu. He flexibly avoided the illusions and saved Xiao Gu from sudden death. Li Cangyu immediately ordered: [Rear archers, kill the psychics!]

A large number of arrows fell and the psychics were killed in seconds.

Of course, the psychics of Pure Cleansing played the role of stalker. After being killed, they resurrected and returned as they kept using illusions to interfere with the other.


The two sides continued to fight for half an hour in such a state of mutual interference and full attack. The blood volume of the Bright G.o.ddess and Dark G.o.ddess was gradually suppressed.

[The Bright G.o.ddess has 40% blood left. Shouldn"t we return to the camp to defend?]

[The Dark G.o.ddess is almost dead! We should just continue!]

[Don"t tease. My G.o.ddess still has a move left and all of you will have to fall down!]


The players on both sides started a war of words but the commanders were very calm.

At this point, all defense was abandoned. It was better to focus on the output and simply kill the G.o.ddess.


It was 10 o"clock in the evening and the G.o.ddess of both camps only had 8% health left. The blood gauge started to flash red.

Many players were so excited that their fingers were shaking as they madly tapped at the keyboard to throw skills at the boss. In particular, many players who came from other district had never played such a fierce legion defense war.

Once he saw that the blood of the camp boss was reduced to 5%, Ling Xuefeng immediately typed: [The melee should retreat. Remote cla.s.ses, be prepared to jump!]

At the same time, Li Cangyu also typed on the camp channel: [All melee head to the roof. The remotes at the far end will jump immediately!]

Guardian Angel!

Devil"s Curse!

The G.o.ddesses of both camps opened a super-big move.

The pure white wings of the Bright G.o.ddess moved like a tornado and all players touched by the white feathers were instantly killed. The Dark G.o.ddess also wasn"t polite. The black wings were transformed into countless swords and swept in 360 degrees, striking down all nearby people.

Fortunately, most of the witty old players obeyed the commands and evaded it in advance, successfully surviving the big move.

Corpses filled both bases as the commanders simultaneously gave a command: [Those who died, quickly resurrect. All remaining people, quickly unleash your full attacks!]

After successfully surviving the camp boss" ultimate move, players on both sides unleashed their top hand speed and decreased the boss" blood volume at a terrifying speed!

The world channel:

[Congratulations to the Bright Legion for successfully killing the Dark G.o.ddess!]

[Congratulations to the Dark Legion for successfully killing the Bright G.o.ddess!]

The system channel:

[Congratulations Popular Land Under Heaven for completing the achievement of killing the Bright G.o.ddess!]

[Congratulations Love to Eat Braised Fish for completing the achievement of killing the Dark G.o.ddess!]


You could imagine the tens of thousands of "Congratulations xx for completing the xx achievement" and how spectacular this scene was.

The system channel"s achievement information was so much that many people"s computers even crashed!

Those who didn"t crash watched this spectacular scene. The Dark G.o.ddess fell and the huge black wings turned into black smoke while the Bright G.o.ddess fell and her white wings turned into bright light.

Many people who played Miracle for the full six years had never seen this picture.

In the new district of Moonlight Forest, two mysterious commanders led both sides to kill the camp bosses!

A number of people couldn"t recover as they stared at the fallen camp boss in front of them.

In the six years since Miracle opened, the G.o.ddesses had rarely been killed. There were two or three incidents where a G.o.ddess was killed due to the gap between both camps. The situation where both sides killed the camp boss together was really a once in a lifetime scene. It was definitely the first case in this world"s servers!

Once the G.o.ddesses were killed, all the people involved in the event received a fearful amount of experience and gold coins. Some even rose six levels instantly!

The players saw the experience they received and finally recovered, frantically filling the screen of the world channel.

[Commanders on both sides, did you consider killing them together?]

[Yes! Did the two of you talk about it? Your brain waves are synchronized!]

[Be together! If you aren"t together and no one else can see!]

[A world record was set in the new district. The camp G.o.ddesses died together.The two commanders should have a once in a century wedding!]

[Commanders" wedding +1!]

[Commanders" wedding +10086!]

Li Cangyu quietly ignored the people joking on the screen.

At the last minute, the Bright Legion camp took the lead in killing the Dark G.o.ddess with a difference of five seconds. Therefore, the Bright Legion received more rewards than the Dark Legion, making Li Cangyu very satisfied with this result. Today he gained six levels in one breath and also got a lot of gold coins and materials. The reward for the two hour legion defense was comparable to doing instances for one week.

After seeing everyone"s jokes, Ling Xuefeng seriously wrote on the world channel: [Thank you, we will be together.]

Everyone, “…”

This reply was soon wiped out by the messages of countless people and Li Cangyu didn"t see it.

However, the sharp-eyed Cheng Wei was confused. "Isn"t Ling Xuefeng always serious? Why did he respond to everyone"s joke on the world channel?"

Was this really a joke?

Tan s.h.i.tian remembered the "big cat and kitten are a father and son" message that Captain Ling wrote when forwarding his story and suddenly felt that he understood something.

Did Captain Ling mean that the big cat was booked by him?

Then he really had this type of feeling towards Cat G.o.d?

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Chapter 59 – Pickled Fish

The legion defense lasted for two hours and the result was the collapse of the boss on both sides. This made all the players who partic.i.p.ated in the legion defense very excited. The players in the Moonlight Forest district even lit fireworks, causing fireworks to appear in the night sky. The decorated black sky was extraordinarily beautiful. There were many people who took photos next to the body of the camp"s boss and the online game suddenly became very lively.

The official reporter stationed in the new district quickly sent a screenshot of the situation to the forum, giving it the t.i.tle: [The Bright G.o.ddess and Dark G.o.ddess have fallen. The Moonlight Forest new district is going against the heavens!]

The reported excitedly talked about this grand occasion and the forum post quickly became popular.

Then in the gossip section of Miracle"s forum, there was this post: [The two wonderful directors of the Moonlight Forest"s legion defense war on August 18th. The G.o.ddesses of both camps fell together and the two commanders openly showed love on the world channel. These photos are proof!]

The following were screenshots.

[How about the middle group?] [I"ll go back to repair the castle. Let"s talk at 9 o"clock.]

[Did you deliberately bring your troops over at precisely 9 o"clock?] [Of course, when have I ever lied to you?]

The last photo killed all the single dogs. It was Ling Xuefeng responding to everyone"s joke with: [Thank you, we will be together.]

Everyone, “…”

n.o.body would believe it without the screenshots. Why did it look like the two commanders really weren"t joking?

The case became confusing and many gossipers investigated these two people to see if they had a prior relationship.

It was said that Love to Eat Braised Fish wiped out Wind Colour"s elite teams two times. Later, they ignored Love to Eat Braised Fish. It looked like a hostile relationship so why did they speak so ambiguously?

The crowd immediately wrote a love hate story between Love to Eat Braised Fish and Popular Land Under Heaven.

Popular Land Under Heaven saw these posts and wanted to cry towards Captain Ling. "You controlled my account and did so many things. How can I live in the future?"

He looked at the captain and saw that Ling Xuefeng had no expression from beginning to end.

His expression didn"t even change when he wrote "we will be together", as if it really was an irrelevant joke.

Ling Xuefeng had never been good at joking so what happened today?

Popular Land Under Heaven hesitated for a moment before sending a text message to Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen. [Vice-Captain Yan, what is the relationship between our captain and Cat G.o.d? Why do I think the relationship between the two of them isn"t that simple?]

Yan Ruiwen quickly replied: [You know too much.]

Popular Land Under Heaven"s neck cooled and he immediately retracted his gaze from his phone. He stared at the computer in front of him, pretending to know nothing.


Li Cangyu organized the reward items and retreated from the map of the legion defense. He opened his friends list and found that Steamed Ba.s.s still wasn"t online.

Was this a temporary failure to go online? Or was it not convenient for him to go online?

Before the defense war began, Li Cangyu wanted to bring Steamed Ba.s.s in only to find that he wasn"t online. At that time, Li Cangyu hadn"t thought too much but not the defense war was over and he still wasn"t online. This made him feel doubts.

Li Cangyu touched his chin and thought of Steamed Ba.s.s" usual tone when speaking as well as the obvious concern for Li Cangyu. Then a strange thought flashed through his mind. Was Steamed Ba.s.s someone he knew? For example…someone with the surname of Ling?

He was just thinking this when a private message popped up. [Are you leveling in the game to find teammates?]

It was sent by Ling Xuefeng.

Li Cangyu suppressed his thoughts and quickly replied: [I am leveling in the game to learn about the changes. I haven"t played in two years and don"t know much about the new skills of many cla.s.ses.]

[That"s good.] Ling Xuefeng quickly replied: [After the Spring Festival, the seventh season will begin. There is still a lot of time remaining so you should have a good team by the end of the year.]

[Yes.] Li Cangyu asked: [Why did you come to command today"s legion defense?]

[I was idle on my holiday.] Ling Xuefeng said: [It is boring so I came to see you.]

[Ah.] Li Cangyu smiled and suddenly said: [Did you know that I like to eat Steamed Ba.s.s?]


It was bad. In today"s defense war, he forgot to log into the Steamed Ba.s.s account!

Did Cat find something out?

These thoughts flashed through Ling Xuefeng"s mind but he pretended to be calm. [Don"t you like to eat all types of fish?]

Li Cangyu didn"t keep asking. After all, he was just guessing without any evidence. He would wait until Steamed Ba.s.s came online and check. If he was really Ling Xuefeng, this ident.i.ty would be smashed!

Ling Xuefeng guessed that Cat had started to suspect him but the good thing was that he hadn"t left any evidence when using the Steamed Ba.s.s account. Thus, he continued to pretend like he didn"t know. Ling Xuefeng thought this before changing the topic. [Are you still in New York?]

[I"m in Changsha.]

[Changsha? Are you at the Dragon Warriors" Club?]

[Yes.] Li Cangyu said: [I had something to discuss with the manager.]

[When are you leaving?]

[I am flying out tomorrow night.]

Li Cangyu returned for only three days. This schedule was really rushed but he had a reason for wanting to return to New York as soon as possible. If he wasn"t at home, Bai Xuan couldn"t live in his sister"s house. In the past few days, Bai Xuan had gone out to travel and stayed at hotels. Moreover, A"Shu couldn"t have a good meal for several days. He had just sent Li Cangyu a private message: [Cat G.o.d, when are you coming back? I haven"t had good food for days!]

The hungry A"Shu seemed pitiful. Li Cangyu decided to hurry back and have Bai Xuan continue living at his sister"s house. In addition, Li Cangyu would bring back Chinese medicine for him.

[It looks like we won"t have a chance to meet this time?] Ling Xuefeng asked.

Li Cangyu said: [If you have time tomorrow, you can come out and meet me.]

Ling Xuefeng quickly typed: [Aren"t you in Changsha?]

Li Cangyu: [I will fly to Shanghai tomorrow, then fly from Shanghai to New York. I am just pa.s.sing by you.]

A surge of joy suddenly filled Ling Xuefeng"s heart as he replied: [I will go to the airport to pick you up. What time will you arrive?]

[I will arrive at noon at Hongqiao Airport T2 terminal.]


Li Cangyu said: [By the way, can you check if there is a delicious pickled fish store in Shanghai? Let"s have lunch there.]

Ling Xuefeng was silent for two seconds before saying: [Are you coming to see me because of the pickled fish I owe you?]

[Well, I think it isn"t convenient to bring pickled vegetables to the United States to make the fish so I"ll come to find you.] Li Cangyu replied seriously: [Otherwise, how uncomfortable would you be to keep owing me pickled fish?]

Ling Xuefeng: […]

Cat said this but Ling Xuefeng knew that he came to Shanghai for Ling Xuefeng. Otherwise, wasn"t there tasty pickled fish stores in Changsha? Running all the way to Shanghai to eat? He just said that as an excuse.

Ling Xuefeng"s mood became better when he thought this and a gentle expression appeared. He quickly typed: [I know a delicious pickled fish store. Please come and have a good time tomorrow.]


The next morning, Ling Xuefeng got up early, found a brand new suit in his closet and shaved his face.

As he went out, he happened to meet Qin Mo. The young boy looked at his master and asked, "Master is going out?"

Ling Xuefeng replied while tying his tie, "Yes, I"m going to meet a friend."

Qin Mo made a curious expression but didn"t dare ask anything else. Once Ling Xuefeng left, Qin Mo came to the guild area and talked about it with the president. Popular Land Under Heaven couldn"t help saying, "The captain might be going on a date."

Qin Mo was shocked. "A date?"

Popular Land Under Heaven asked, "Didn"t you see that he was particularly dressed us when leaving? He was wearing new leather shoes."

Qin Mo spoke seriously, "Master always dresses very well."

Popular Land Under Heaven rubbed the head of the small prince and said, "Once you grow up, you will understand. It isn"t the same when seeing your sweetheart."

Qin Mo thought suspiciously, "Did Master really go to see his sweetheart? What would his sweetheart look like?"

At this time, Ling Xuefeng was driving on the freeway towards the airport.

He could finally see the person he had missed for a long time. The always calm and serious man couldn"t help smiling excitedly.


Ling Xuefeng arrived at the airport at 11:30 and he quickly walked towards where the domestic flights would arrive.

There was still half an hour until he could see Li Cangyu. He was outwardly calm but Ling Xuefeng"s heart couldn"t help jumping.

Since Li Cangyu left with his team, in order to not disturb his development in Wulin and to also prevent him from thinking about the past, Ling Xuefeng rarely asked for a meeting. If he really wanted to talk, he would say a few words of greeting by phone, WeChat, etc.

In the past few years, contact wasn"t broken. They often sent text messages to each other during the holidays but they didn"t say too many words. They both had their own business to operate and also shouldered the responsibilities of a team. They were busy all day.

In addition, Ling Xuefeng wasn"t a person who made others feel tired. The best way to get along with Li Cangyu was this: A simple greeting during busy or critical moments was enough to make the heart warm.

In any case, they were people who knew each other best and knew what they needed most.

When they first met and the 17 year old stretched out a hand with firm eyes, Ling Xuefeng knew that Li Cangyu occupied a position that no one could replace in his heart.

He later watched Li Cangyu lead a weak team into the Miracle League but didn"t show any frustrated expression. Seeing him show more courage after falling down, climbing up with confidence, watching him change from a rookie to a ace elf summoner of the first season that could stand side by side with himself…

Ling Xuefeng"s appreciation, admiration and heartache gradually became a vine that wrapped around his heart.

Every time the name "Old Cat" was mentioned, Ling Xuefeng"s heart would involuntarily shake.

Over the years, Li Cangyu regarded Ling Xuefeng as one of his best friends but for Ling Xuefeng, emotions other than friendship gradually emerged.

For example, every time he thought of Li Cangyu, his heart beat faster and any news would involuntarily get Ling Xuefeng"s attention. In front of Li Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng"s serious and cold sh.e.l.l would be removed and he would be filled with an inexplicable gentleness.

No one knew more about Li Cangyu than Ling Xuefeng. No one else could stand beside Ling Xuefeng without any weakness like Li Cangyu.

Li Cangyu was undoubtedly strong.

However, there were many times when Ling Xuefeng hoped that Li Cangyu wouldn"t be so strong in front of himself.

He wanted Li Cangyu to rest on his shoulders when he was tired or sad. Similarly, he hoped he could lean on Li Cangyu"s shoulders when he was tired or irritated. They can safely give their backs to each other. They always showed a strong front in front of outsiders but in their hearts, there was a softness that belonged to each other.

There was a crazy idea in Ling Xuefeng"s mind. Since no one else could understand them, how good would it be if Ling Xuefeng could walk through his life with Li Cangyu?

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