God Level Summoner

Chapter 89 – Waking Up

Chapter 89 – Waking Up

Perhaps it was due to the tenseness from being in the hospital all day, but Li Cangyu fell asleep in Ling Xuefeng"s arms.

In his sleep, he returned to his youth when he was very spirited. In the simple training room of the FTD team, he would study Miracle tactics with his few good friends. Every day, he was full of confidence and enthusiasm. They often lost the games but he was able to fight side by side with his good brothers, making every day happy…

Later, he dreamt of his father"s words before his father went abroad. “I will give you three years to go crazy. If you don"t achieve anything in three years, go to New York with me and immediately find a job!”

Li Cangyu had smiled and hugged his father. "I know, I will get you the championship trophy in three years."

From his father"s point of view, he really was crazy. He didn"t go to an excellent medical school and decided to be an e-sports player. His father couldn"t understand it at all, but he was also reluctant to go against his son directly. Therefore, he gave his son three years.

However, the three-year time limit pa.s.sed, and Li Cangyu continued to act crazy for another three years. He failed to fulfil his promise to his father. As a son, he let his father"s heart break and this was his biggest failure.

There were many scenes of the past. The FTD team being established and disbanded, the Canglan team being established…

He had walked through the storm for so many years. If he didn"t have a firm heart then perhaps he would"ve given up a long time ago.


Li Cangyu still frowned after falling asleep. Ling Xuefeng inwardly sighed as he adjusted his posture. He took off his coat to cover Li Cangyu and then placed Li Cangyu"s head on his shoulder.

Li Cangyu probably felt that there was a pillow and naturally leaned over.

Ling Xuefeng reached out and gently hugged his shoulder, taking Li Cangyu into his arms to help him sleep more comfortably.

Li Cangyu didn"t sleep well. After a few hours, he was suddenly awakened by a dream of the car accident.

He looked up and found that the sky was just becoming bright. It was dawn, and the hospital was so quiet that he could even hear a clear heartbeat. He looked back and found that he had been using Ling Xuefeng"s shoulder as a body. He had actually been using this person as his human pillow…

The embarra.s.sed Li Cangyu sat up and asked, "How did I fall asleep?"

Ling Xuefeng looked at him gently and lowered his voice. "You must be too tired. Do you want to sleep a bit longer?"

“No.” Li Cangyu looked up and rubbed his sore neck. He saw that the ICU doors hadn"t opened yet, so he had to sit back down, looking wearily at his watch.

It was 6 in the morning and the doctors weren"t at work yet. He didn"t know what happened to his father in the ICU. He was distressed, but he could only wait here for the doctor to inform him of the situation as if he was waiting for a judge"s verdict.

Ling Xuefeng stood up and said, "The sky is almost bright. I will go and buy some breakfast."

"No, I"m not hungry."

“How can you not eat? Did you even eat dinner last night?"


Li Cangyu"s silence showed that Ling Xuefeng had guessed correctly. His father was still being treated at dinnertime yesterday so how could he be in the mood to eat?

"You have to eat something." Ling Xuefeng gently pressed a hand to Li Cangyu"s shoulder and said, "Wait here, I"ll go buy it for you."


Ling Xuefeng came back after buying breakfast and saw Li Cangyu tiredly leaning on the wall in a daze. Ling Xuefeng sat down beside him, put hot milk and bread into his hand and said softly, "Eat something and fill your stomach."

"Yes." Li Cangyu ate the breakfast. The warm milk warmed his stomach, making his body slightly warmer. At this time, he discovered that he was wearing Ling Xuefeng"s coat and returned it to him. "Thank you."

Ling Xuefeng took the clothing and looked back at Li Cangyu.

Every time they looked at each other, Li Cangyu"s eyes were clear, bright and filled with confidence. But this time, his eyes were bloodshot and his voice very hoa.r.s.e. His state was terrible.

This must be the most upsetting moment for Li Cangyu in recent years.

Ling Xuefeng didn"t dare ask for the specific details of the car accident. He only hoped that Li Cangyu"s father would be fine or else Li Cangyu"s faith would suffer a devastating impact.

The long night gradually pa.s.sed and the sky outside the window became brighter. The hour hand finally pointed to 8 o"clock and the door of the ICU opened. The attending doctor came out and asked, "Who is Li Jianan"s family?"

Li Cangyu immediately stood up. "I am."

His voice was as calm as possible but his fingers were clenched tightly into fists.

Ling Xuefeng gently touched his hand and then went up to the doctor. "How is it? Did he wake up?"

The doctor nodded. “Fortunately, he woke up. The cerebral hemorrhage has stopped and he just needs to recover slowly. Go through the formal procedures and transfer your father to the general ward.”

The doctor thought that Ling Xuefeng was also the patient"s son. LIng Xuefeng didn"t bother explaining as he gently hugged Li Cangyu"s shoulder and spoke softly in his ear, "You go see your father first. I will handle the formal things."

Li Cangyu nodded and put on the sterile clothing that the doctor gave him to enter the ICU.

His father was lying in the hospital bed with open eyes. Li Cangyu walked quickly to his bed and sat down. He whispered, "Dad."

Li Jianan was silent for a moment before saying, "When the car next to me hit… I thought I was really going to die…"

"Nonsense." Li Cangyu interrupted him, holding his hand tightly. "With your stubbornness, you will surely live to be 100 years old."

His voice sounded very hoa.r.s.e. He had evidently been waiting outside all night and the dark circles were as serious as a panda.

Li Jianan saw his son"s tired look and his mouth twitched slightly. He patted his son"s hand and said, "If I live to 100 years old, you also have to live to over 70. We still have to quarrel as two old men or else it will be boring. I will always get mad at you sooner or later."

"…" Li Cangyu was teased by his father and said, "You are sick right now. Don"t get too angry. It is easy to get high blood pressure and a heart disease when you are angry. You are a doctor so you should know this better than I do."

Li Jianan rolled his eyes and asked, "Where is your sister?"

Li Cangyu said, "I called her yesterday but she didn"t pick up. I sent her a text message…"

Just then, a woman in a white coat suddenly appeared through the door. It was Li Cangyu"s sister, Li Yueran.

She was working in the hospital and couldn"t leave her job. Last night, she happened to have an emergency patient and after the treatment, she was so tired that she went to sleep. She muted her phone and didn"t hear Li Cangyu"s calls.

As soon as she saw the text message in the morning, Li Yueran rushed over. She came to the bed with an anxious face and asked, "Dad, are you okay?"

Li Cangyu didn"t have time to speak when Li Jianan replied, "It is nothing. There was a traumatic brain hemorrhage caused by a car accident. I just looked at the CT film and the bleeding isn"t in the brainstem and there are no nerves nearby. It can be absorbed slowly after a period of time. The reason I was unconscious last night was due to hypovolemic shock and the doctors have already given me blood."

"…" The brother and sister looked at each other.

Li Cangyu had a headache as he asked, “Dad, can you stop a.n.a.lysing your own condition? Do you think this is a case seminar?”

Li Jianan said gravely, “I am very clear about my condition. It isn"t serious, so you don"t have to worry too much.” He patted his daughter"s hand and then whispered, “Don"t tell your mother or I"ll be scolded to death by her.”

The brother and sister, "…"

Li Jianan looked very serious but he was actually a typical hen-pecked husband.

His mother had always been in charge of the Li family. Li Cangyu clearly remembered a scene he saw when he was a child. His father once provoked his mother and made her angry. The couple were bickering when his mother suddenly took out the tools she used for acupuncture and didn"t say anything. His dad immediately bowed his head and admitted he was wrong.

When Li Cangyu went to play the game, his father strongly opposed it but his mother was more open-minded as she said calmly, “I"m not obliged to raise you after you are 18 years old. You can make your own decisions in life. However, later don"t run in front of me crying and say that you regret it. Then I will look down on you.”

In fact, Li Cangyu"s personality was a perfect fusion of his parent"s genes.

The brother and sister looked at each other before Li Yueran smiled and said, "I know, I won"t tell Mother. Mother is still in China and can"t control you from so far away."

Li Jianan felt relieved and looked at his daughter. "You are busy so you can go. I don"t need you here to take care of me."

Li Yueran didn"t know if she should laugh or cry. "Come on Dad. I have already taken the day off so let me stay here to accompany you."

Just then, the doctor came over to inform them about the change to the general ward. The brother and sister pushed their father"s bed to the designated ward. As soon as they entered the room, they saw a handsome man leaning over to make the bed. He heard the movements at the door and looked up. He met Li Cangyu"s eye s and walked over, saying, “The formalities are completed.”

Li Cangyu made the introductions. "This is my father and my sister." Then he turned to his father and said, "This is Ling Xuefeng, my best friend. He stayed with me last night and waited until now."

Li Jianan nodded at the young man in front of him and said, "I troubled you."

Ling Xuefeng replied, "Uncle doesn"t have to be so polite. I"m glad that you are okay."

Li Yueran laughed. She carefully looked at Ling Xuefeng and found that this man was really handsome and gracious. It was rare for her brother to have such a reliable friend and she couldn"t help saying, "I heard my brother mention you before. You are… the captain of Wind Colour right?"

"Yes." Ling Xuefeng nodded.

“I muted my phone and didn"t receive any calls yesterday. I bothered you this time, making you wait outside all night. Then…” Li Yueran looked back at her younger brother. “Go back with your friend and sleep. I will stay here and take care of things. I work in this hospital so you can rest a.s.sured about Dad.”

“I want to stay here." Li Cangyu declared.

Li Jianan glanced at him. "Why do you have to accompany me. Go to sleep. Do you know what your face looks like?"

"…" Li Cangyu had no choice but to smile and say, "Then I will go back and eat. I will see you at noon."


Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng walked through the hospital corridors together.

The golden morning sunlight shone through the windows in the corridor onto Ling Xuefeng"s handsome face.  This always indifferent man suddenly seemed a lot milder when his whole face was bathed in the sun.

Li Cangyu looked at him and didn"t know what to say. Thank you was too common but he really wanted to thank Ling Xuefeng for coming to the hospital and spending this longest and hardest night with him.

After a moment of silence, Li Cangyu finally asked, "By the way, when are you flying home?"

"On a flight this evening."

Li Cangyu was startled and said, “Then go back to the hotel and sleep. You didn"t get much sleep last night, so you have to rest.”

Ling Xuefeng stopped and stared at Li Cangyu. "You also have to go back and get a good rest. Your father is out of danger so don"t worry too much.

Li Cangyu nodded. "Yes."

Last night was an alarm bell. Li Cangyu was thankful to G.o.d that his father woke up and decided that he had to spend more time with his father.

The two people got a car at the entrance of the hospital. Ling Xuefeng asked the driver to take Li Cangyu back first before returning to the hotel.


His teammates had just woken up when Li Cangyu returned to his residence.

Yesterday afternoon, Li Cangyu suddenly left after receiving a call. Bai Xuan didn"t know what was going on until the end of the Carnival when Bai Xuan called. It was only then that he knew Li Cangyu"s father was in the emergency room.

Bai Xuan wanted to go to the hospital but he later received a call from Ling Xuefeng. He knew that Ling Xuefeng would rush over and decided not to go. He felt that if this man was by Cat G.o.d"s side, his presence wasn"t necessary. He would cook food at home and wait for Li Cangyu to come back.

Bai Xuan saw Li Cangyu"s tired face and asked worriedly, "Is your father okay?"

“He"s fine. He woke up this morning and has been transferred to the general ward." Li Cangyu explained.

Xiao Gu, Uncle Zhang and Xiao Han heard this and were relieved.

Li Cangyu smiled slightly and said, "I might not be able to take care of you for the next few days. Let Bai Xuan take you around and then go back. I will return in December and join you at that time."

Gu Siming immediately exclaimed, “Captain, you go to accompany your father. We have nothing we want to visit. I will take the day to tidy my luggage and fly back tomorrow morning.”

Xiao Han said, "Master, my ticket is for this afternoon…"

Li Cangyu patted his apprentice"s head and said, "When you go back, find a chance to talk to your father about the game. You can show him the Carnival videos. If he doesn"t agree, tell me and I will personally take a trip to your house to explain it to him."

Xiao Han nodded earnestly. “Yes, Master.”

Bai Xuan saw the bloodshot eyes and couldn"t help saying, “Don"t worry about this. First, go to sleep.”

"Yes." Li Cangyu took two steps when he thought of something and turned back. "By the way, the doctor said that my father can eat light and easily digestible things. Can you help cook him some porridge and I will take it to him in the afternoon."


Bai Xuan smiled gently and Li Cangyu"s heart gradually calmed down at the sight.

He had been emotional after the disbandment of Canglan, but fortunately, he still had Bai Xuan and also these newly recognised teammates. He wasn"t alone in his efforts.

Li Cangyu returned to his room and lay on the bed, soon falling asleep because he was too tired.

The strange thing was that he suddenly dreamt of Ling Xuefeng.

In the hospital in the middle of the night, under the dazzling lights, he and Ling Xuefeng were tightly snuggled together. He had fallen asleep on Ling Xuefeng"s shoulder and looked so warm and natural.

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Chapter 90 – Heartbeat

Li Cangyu woke up and found that he was actually smiling. He recalled some fragments of his dream doubtfully. Suddenly, he felt that this image was a bit strange. It was reasonable to say that it was very embarra.s.sing for two men to sleep together right? Then why did he rely on Ling Xuefeng"s shoulders without any hesitation?

It was an unconscious action after falling asleep but what about before?

He was in a sober state but he hugged Ling Xuefeng tightly for a long time…

It must"ve been because his brain was too confused.

Li Cangyu frowned and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. He entered the kitchen where Bai Xuan had already cooked porridge and also fried two light dishes. Li Cangyu placed them in a heat preservation container and went to the hospital.

To his surprise, when he came to the hospital ward, he saw Ling Xuefeng through the window.

Ling Xuefeng had brought flowers and fruits to visit the injured. He was sitting in a chair beside the bed and chatting with Li Cangyu"s father. Li Cangyu slightly pushed the door opened and p.r.i.c.ked his ears to listen.

“The accident didn"t hurt any internal organs. I pa.s.sed out mainly from excessive loss of blood.” Li Jianan explained seriously, “The doctor checked and the intracranial hemorrhage will be absorbed slowly. I can be discharged in a few days.”

“You are fine." Ling Xuefeng said.

“How long have you known my son?" Li Jianan asked curiously. "He rarely mentions the professional league in front of me. His sister said that he used to mention you… did you come to New York once three years ago?"

“Yes, three years ago he wanted to lead his team to another game. I came to New York to find him, so his sister probably heard of me.”

"Oh." Li Jianan nodded and was silent for a moment before asking, "My son… how is he doing in your league?"

He had always opposed Li Cangyu playing e-sports but after all, this was his son. Li Jianan still wanted to know Li Cangyu"s situation.

“He"s outstanding.” Ling Xuefeng spoke earnestly. “Many of us acknowledge him as the best player.”

“Is that right? But I heard that he hadn"t won any prizes.”

“The strength of a contestant can"t be judged by trophies alone. There are many factors involved in why he hasn"t won a trophy but he will definitely get one in the future.” Ling Xuefeng took a trophy out of his bag and said, “Uncle, look at this.”

Li Jianan took the golden trophy and scrutinised it. “What is this?”

"It is the trophy for the victors of the World Carnival"s 3v3 event which I won yesterday."

“Li Cangyu wasn"t involved in winning it right?" Li Jianan said politely.

"Well, he didn"t attend the Carnival but he actually has the biggest credit in winning this trophy." Ling Xuefeng looked at the elder on the bed and patiently explained. "We met the US team in the group stage and won using the tactics that Li Cangyu personally formulated. Without him, we would"ve definitely lost that game. We wouldn"t have qualified in the group stage, let alone win the championship."

“Is that right?" Li Jianan couldn"t believe it.

"Yes, as I said, your son is the best player in our Miracle League." Ling Xuefeng smiled and then said, "This trophy is half mine and half his. I want to give you this trophy to keep safe. Can you accept it?"

Li Jianan was stunned or a moment and said, "Is this okay? The World Carnival trophy, you want to leave such a precious thing with me?"

“I will leave it here to rea.s.sure you. Next year, Li Cangyu will bring you more trophies., At that time, you can put all the trophies together in a collection and see how powerful your son is."

Li Jianan was amused, his serious face showing a rare smile. He held the trophy and observed it carefully. "I know that this stinky boy isn"t bad. Otherwise, he wouldn"t insist on not giving up for six years."

Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment before suddenly stating, “In fact, my father was very opposed when I entered the e-sports circle. The elders are doing it for our good but we also have our own ideas. We want to work hard to achieve things…”

Ling Xuefeng looked sincerely at Li Jianan while saying this words. "Uncle, it hasn"t been easy for Li Cangyu over the years. Please don"t blame him. He feels very guilty towards you. If you can give him a bit more support, he will certainly be more motivated."

Li Jianan listened to the young person in front of him say these words and couldn"t help feeling a bit sad. He was very clear on what his son"s personality was like. In the past few years, the father and son had bickered in a Cold War. This was because both individuals were equally stubborn.

But wasn"t it really difficult for his son?

In the past six years, he never won a trophy but insisted on continuing. It seemed that he really enjoyed playing the game…

Li Jianan thought this and sighed. "I know, I have long lost my objections. He has grown up and I can"t control him. It is up to him to feel regret or not."

Ling Xuefeng smiled. "He won"t regret it and he will definitely prove himself."

Li Jianan nodded and picked up the precious World Carnival trophy. He couldn"t help asking, “Are you sure you want to leave this trophy with me?”

"Yes, think of it as a gift for Uncle." Li Xuefeng insisted. "Your son has the biggest credit for this trophy. It should"ve been given to him."

Li Jianan smiled and carefully put away the trophy. "Then I will accept it first and wait for him to bring me one himself next year."


Outside the door, Li Cangyu looked at the scene and couldn"t help his eyes burning.

He didn"t know why Ling Xuefeng suddenly gave the Carnival trophy to his father but he knew that Ling Xuefeng"s approach made his father very happy. He hadn"t seen his father smile like this for a long time. It was a proud smile as if his son really was powerful.

Ling Xuefeng praised Li Cangyu in front of his father and said that he was the "best player" to let his father relax his mind.

His father seemed to believe this and his mood was great.

Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and adjusting his expression. He pushed open the door and cried out, "Dad, I came to see you… hey, why are you here?"

Ling Xuefeng hadn"t discovered him eavesdropping outside the door and casually stood up. "I came to see Uncle. The doctor just came and said that Uncle"s situation is improving. You don"t have to worry too much."

“That"s good.” Li Cangyu put the food on the table. "Dad, are you hungry? Eat something."

"Yes." Li Jianan"s relaxed smile had long since disappeared. Li Cangyu saw this serious face and couldn"t help doubting, "Is Ling Xuefeng his son?"

Li Jianan was in a good mood and had an excellent appet.i.te. He ate all the porridge and looked up. "Li Cangyu, you should learn more from Xuefeng in the future. He speaks so politely. How can a kid like you be friends with such a person?"

Li Cangyu, "…"

It seemed that Ling Xuefeng used a few words and a trophy to buy his father.

He looked back and saw Ling Xuefeng"s smile that contained a rare tenderness. Li Cangyu"s heart jumped as he remembered last night"s dream and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

At this moment, Li Yueran pushed open the door. She saw the two of them and smiled. "Are you also here? Go back first. I just had a chat with the doctor and there are no problems. We should let Dad sleep in the afternoon."

Ling Xuefeng consciously stood up. "Uncle, have a good rest. We will go first."

Li Cangyu also stood up. "Dad, I"ll come back with dinner for you in the evening."

Li Jianan nodded. "Go ahead."


The two men walked out of the ward and down the hospital corridor to the inpatient area.

The inpatient area was much larger than the outpatient clinic, with a fresh green lawn and flower beds. The air was crisp and the environment was excellent. Some patients were in a wheelchair and a few children were playing on the lawn, looking relaxed and comfortable.

The two of them stopped in front of a flower bed. Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before turning back. "I heard what you just said to my dad. What is the best player, behind the scenes strategist, my share of the trophy… I didn"t think you would be kind enough to brag about me."

Ling Xuefeng looked at him thoughtfully. “I wasn"t bragging. It is the truth.”

This man"s expression was serious so regardless of whether it was a truth or a lie, Li Cangyu got the strange feeling of wanting to believe him.

Li Cangyu smiled and asked, "Is it appropriate for you to give such a precious trophy to my father?"

Ling Xuefeng replied calmly, "It doesn"t matter. I can get another one next year."

"…" Li Cangyu was speechless. This person"s confidence was terrible. If the other countries heard this, they would want to cough up blood.

Li Cangyu walked next to Ling Xuefeng and couldn"t help feeling moved when he thought of the words spoken to his father. He looked over and said, “Ling Xuefeng, you are so good to me. If you are a woman then I would want to marry you. You see, you personally came to see my father and also brought such a valuable meeting gift. You can marry into my Li family; my father seems to like you very much.”

It was a casual joke but Ling Xuefeng took it seriously. "Okay, when should I go get the certificate?"

Li Cangyu froze.

Wait, get the certificate?

"I"m joking. Ling Xuefeng, can you stop being so serious? Don"t you have any humour cells?"

Li Cangyu looked up. There was no expression on this man"s face but in the deep eyes, tender emotions were almost overflowing. Li Cangyu saw his image in the dark eyes and couldn"t help his heartbeat accelerating. He stood stiffly in place for a long time.

He suddenly had the illusion that Ling Xuefeng would kiss him…

He even felt that this image should be finished off with a kiss.

His eyes involuntarily moved to Ling Xuefeng"s lips. The league"s most popular abstinent G.o.d, his lips looked quite s.e.xy. What would it feel like to kiss them? His mouth must be very soft and perhaps his breath would be cold?

Li Cangyu"s mind was a mess and his heartbeat was so fast that it felt like his heart would pop out of his chest.

Ling Xuefeng stared at Li Cangyu who was in a daze and couldn"t help smiling. He removed his gaze and took the initiative to help Li Cangyu. "I know you are joking but you shouldn"t often make this type of joke."

Li Cangyu coughed with embarra.s.sment and touched his nose before changing the topic. "What time is your flight? I will send you away."

"It is 5 o"clock."

"It is almost time to go to the airport. Let"s go back to your hotel and pack your bags."


Li Cangyu accompanied Ling Xuefeng to the airport.

Before sending him through security, Li Cangyu took the initiative to hug Ling Xuefeng and said, "Have a good trip."

"Yes." Ling Xuefeng hugged back. The moment he bowed his head, his lips accidentally moved across Li Cangyu"s earlobe, causing his heart to jolt.

This was clearly a familiar embrace but the atmosphere today seemed a bit different.

Li Cangyu heard the "thump, thump" of his heartbeat while hugging this friend he had known for many years. He suddenly had the impulse not to let go.

“Cat G.o.d, Cat G.o.d! Cat G.o.d came to send us off!” A voice ruined the beautiful scene. It was Cheng Wei, who just finished the check-in process.

Tan s.h.i.tian helplessly wanted to stop him. Couldn"t he see that Captain Ling and Cat G.o.d were saying goodbye? Why did he have to insert himself in?

Li Cangyu"s reason was restored with this sentence and he immediately released Ling Xuefeng. He suddenly felt slightly guilty.

Cheng Wei rushed over and hugged Li Cangyu. "Cat G.o.d, I"m returning to China now. Goodbye!"

Li Cangyu mumbled, "…Yes, goodbye."

Cheng Wei was a man and also a friend. However, he didn"t give the same throbbing feeling that happened when Li Cangyu held Ling Xuefeng.

Moreover, Xiao Cheng was so noisy that Li Cangyu couldn"t wait to send him away quickly.

But Ling Xuefeng… Li Cangyu was reluctant to send him away. The moment they hugged, he could smell the familiar scent. LI Cangyu suddenly wanted to hold him all the time. This feeling was very comfortable.

It was like a person who had been wandering for a long time finally finding a safe haven.

Ling Xuefeng obviously looked very cold but this person could give him a warm and peaceful feeling.

Then… did he like Ling Xuefeng?

It was frightening!

If Ling Xuefeng knew Li Cangyu"s thoughts at this moment, wouldn"t he directly use demon move to grasp him directly?

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[Volume 3 – Return to Miracle]

Chapter 91 – Witty Idea

Li Cangyu had never liked anyone. In the past few years, he put all his energy into leading his team and his mind was filled with various tactics. There was no time to think about feelings. However, in the critical moment when his father was in a serious condition, Ling Xuefeng accompanied him and made him feel, "Having this person around is also very good."

In particular, the person had a unique understanding of him and the same goals.

It was a pity that Ling Xuefeng was a man.

On the way home, Li Cangyu considered this issue. After so many years, this was the first time he got the symptoms of a rapid heartbeat and hot cheeks when looking at a person. He could rely on Ling Xuefeng to sleep all night and didn"t want to let go when hugging him. This definitely was his favourite person. Could he still explain it with "brotherhood"?

He never had such feelings towards other brothers.

If Ling Xuefeng was a woman, he wouldn"t hesitate to catch Ling Xuefeng and marry him.

But Ling Xuefeng was a man… this wouldn"t be easy.

Ling Xuefeng usually looked serious and cold. If he didn"t have such thoughts towards Li Cangyu, confessing would only cause trouble and also destroy the six-year deep friendship between the two people.

Besides, Li Cangyu wasn"t born liking men. He just enjoyed being with Ling Xuefeng and he liked the warmth that Ling Xuefeng gave him.

He knew that two men being together would face a lot of resistance.  He had to carefully consider if he wanted to drag Ling Xuefeng into these waters.

Li Cangyu thought about it and finally calmed down completely.


By the time he arrived home, Xiao Han had already taken the bus back to Boston. Xiao Gu and Uncle Zhang had finished packing their bags.

Bai Xuan made a table full of food for them and Xie Shurong immediately ran to eat when he heard. The five people gathered around the table after dinner. Xie Shurong sat next to Bai Xuan and flattered him. "Vice-Captain Bai"s cooking is getting better and better." Bai Xuan pointed to the kitchen. "Go and wash the dishes first."

Xie Shurong, "…"

Xiao Gu laughed until he got a stomachache. Once A"Shu left, he asked curiously, "Vice-Captain Bai, do you like to bully A"Shu?"

Bai Xuan said with a smile, "Who told him to chase me before."

The most annoying thing for a remote cla.s.s was a swordsman. Once the swordsman got close, skills couldn"t be cast. However, Bai Xuan wasn"t deliberately bullying A"Shu. He just thought that A"Shu"s expression when wanting to please him was fascinating!

Fortunately, there was a dishwasher at the house. Xie Shurong soon finished the dishes and ran to Bai Xuan to ask for credit. "I washed the dishes."

Bai Xuan inserted a toothpick into a cut apple and handed it to him. "I will reward you."

Xie Shurong didn"t use his hands and directly opened his mouth, saying, "Thank you!"

Bai Xuan was amused. This guy was tall and handsome but his character was a big child. He was less steady compared to his brother Su Guangmo but he was more lovely.

Bai Xuan handed him an orange. Xie Shurong was rewarded and ate it happily. He turned and sat down next to Bai Xuan. Then he said with a smile, “At this Carnival, Jack"s 3v3 team didn"t enter the top eight. He complained about the Chinese and South Korean teams after returning and said that Asian tactics are too complicated.”

Zhang Jueming laughed. "He means that Asian people are smarter right?"

Xie Shurong said, "You can think of it that way!"

Gu Siming declared proudly, "Of course, just look at who was the strategist behind that game!"

Bai Xuan smiled and said, "It seems that our Cat G.o.d"s tactics are too high level, making the US team completely stunned.

Everyone boasted and praised their captain. Once they finished, they found that Cat G.o.d did not react at all.

They looked back doubtfully and found that while everyone was chatting, Li Cangyu kept touching his chin and looking down like he was thinking about something significant.

Bai Xuan coughed and asked, "What"s wrong?"

The man whose head was full of Ling Xuefeng finally came back and smiled. "Oh, it"s nothing."

In fact, he has just been thinking about how long it had been since he met Ling Xuefeng and how could he like Ling Xuefeng. Initially, he only thought of Ling Xuefeng was a friend, opponent and confidant. After sleeping against Ling Xuefeng yesterday, a string in his heart was touched and created a strong desire to monopolise this person.

He didn"t want to see any woman hugging Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng"s hug could only be his!

"You are the best player in my heart."

Ling Xuefeng had said these words yesterday when comforting Li Cangyu.

Li Cangyu thought the same way. If Li Cangyu had to select the best player in the Miracle Professional League, he wouldn"t hesitate to vote for Ling Xuefeng.

They used to be opponents and friends… now he felt that a friend was far from enough. Li Cangyu wanted to hold him tightly and kiss him. If he really kissed Ling Xuefeng, what would the expression on Ling Xuefeng"s serious face look like?

He thought of the person who moved his heart so Li Cangyu"s eyes were very soft.

Bai Xuan and Zhang Jueming looked at each other and were confused.

Cat G.o.d, why are you wandering off again?

Several teammates soon discovered that Li Cangyu wasn"t in the right state today.

Bai Xuan thought it was because of his father"s hospitalisation and softly comforted him. “Don"t overthink it. Uncle has already left the dangerous period and your sister is taking care of him at the hospital. There will be no problems.”

Zhang Jueming also said, “People have their own natural fate and your father will definitely get better soon.” Li Cangyu guiltily touched his nose and changed the topic. “I was just thinking about the formation of the team.”

He became serious and he successfully deceived everyone.

Xiao Gu was stunned and asked, “Our team isn"t formed yet?”

“We don"t have enough people.” Li Cangyu said seriously, “If Xiao Han gives me a definite answer, our team will have six people. The number of people to sign up for the regular season is eight. Thus, we have to find two more people as soon as possible.”

Zhang Jueming bowed his head and touched his chin. "I have been playing the arena with Xiao Gu for over a month. I didn"t find any talented people. Right now, the arena is a cross-server mix and it is almost like the world of primary school students."

Bai Xuan laughed. “Yes, now many primary school students are running to play online games. It is difficult to find a master in the low-level section of the cross-server arena.”

“Don"t worry, take your time.” Li Cangyu spoke to Zhang Jueming. “Old Zhang, after returning home, continue to take Xiao Gu to the arena. Let Xiao Gu became familiar with playing against the melee and ranged cla.s.ses.”  Then he looked back at Gu Siming. “You must follow Old Zhang and study seriously. “You are the front row of our team and should be familiar with the skills of all output cla.s.ses. Think of ways to cope with emergencies. Do you understand?”

Gu Siming nodded like a chicken pecking rice. "Yes, I know."

Li Cangyu smiled and rubbed his head before continuing, “I suddenly thought of a plan to recruit teammates but I don"t know if it"s feasible or not.”

Bai Xuan asked curiously, "What is your plan?"

Li Cangyu explained, “I watched martial arts movies as a child and isn"t there a lot of beautiful women who marry after a serious compet.i.tion? The winner who succeeded in lasting to the end is generally an excellent master. Therefore, I want to set up a contest in Miracle. We don"t have a daughter so we should use high bonuses as a reward. This way, we can attract many masters.”

Xie Shurong"s eyes suddenly lit up. "Cat G.o.d, this is a great idea! Whether it is for rewards or fame, as long as an arena contest opens, many people will certainly come to test the waters. Perhaps we really can find a master with the skills to play at the professional level."

Li Cangyu added, "Yes, I want Xiao Han to lead the way., Anyone who beats Xiao Han can get 50,000 gold coins. It is only after beating the apprentice that they can face the master. Anyone who beats me can get one million gold coins."

Bai Xuan was shocked. "One million? I don"t think we have that much money in our warehouses, do we?"

"It doesn"t matter. This one million can"t be taken away by anyone." Li Cangyu smiled at everyone. "Do you think anyone can beat me? Summoners already have an advantage in a 1v1 fight. Unless someone at the level of Ling Xuefeng arrives, it is impossible to take away the one million gold."

Everyone, “…”

Really witty!

Xiao Han"s current level wasn"t stable enough and the possibility of losing to a real master was great. Therefore, Li Cangyu set the reward for beating Xiao Han relatively low to not lose a lot of money. Then he personally sat at the guard, releasing the one million huge bonus that would attract experts from every region to challenge him.

There were many races and professions in the arena. Xiao Han could play with all types of masters and this was equivalent to finding many sparring partners for Xiao Han. It was also possible to find excellent teammates, killing two birds with one stone!

Bai Xuan couldn"t help thinking that this was Cat G.o.d. Cat G.o.d was always careful and never made a loss. If he did business, he would undoubtedly become a local tyrant!

Once the plan was agreed upon, Li Cangyu smiled. "Let"s do it. I will go online later to talk to the guild managers about the specific plan. Next Monday, the arena challenge of our Food Squad will officially open."

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