God Level Summoner

Chapter 101 – Team Formation

Chapter 101 – Team Formation

Li Cangyu said that he would test Zhuo Hang for one week but he already thought of this person as a teammate.

This week with Zhuo Hang in the arena was to learn more about this boy. Zhuo Hang liked to boast about himself from time to time but the fact that he could muster up the courage to recommend himself proved this boy was very confident.

On the field, confidence was better than inferiority.

The facts proved that Zhuo Hang truly was talented and he smoothly pa.s.sed the test.

A week later, Li Cangyu summoned several teammates into the game and said happily in the voice room, "I"m here to share good news with everyone. Our new team members have finally all been found. If time permits, we will go to the Dragon Warriors Club on December 1st and officially start training!"

Gu Siming excitedly filled the team channel with flowers. "Great! I"ve been dreaming about this day!"

Xiao Han said, "The team formation is very fast."

Zhuo Hang sent a row of kisses. "Cat G.o.d is awesome!"

Li Xiaojiang was excited but he didn"t know how to express it. He just quietly watched everyone.

Bai Xuan asked doubtfully, "Training is so soon? Didn"t you plan to return to China after the Spring Festival?"

"I didn"t expect the change in compet.i.tion methods in the seventh season to be so big." Li Cangyu explained. "The other day, Ling Xuefeng sent me the data from the league meeting. The next compet.i.tion has changed a lot. We are a new team so we needed to train the members, but we also need to study the new compet.i.tion method. Thus, the training time has to be pushed forward."

Xie Shurong said, "I understand. I also read the new rules. It is a lot more complicated than the old rules. I have been officially released from the ICE Club and can return home at any time.

Zhang Jueming asked curiously, "What are the new compet.i.tion rules?"

Li Cangyu said, "The changes are very big and I can"t say them clearly. Let"s wait until I go back and then we will study it carefully."

Zhang Jueming was very simple. "Then I will wait in Changsha for your return!"

Xiao Han stated, "I can go to China at any time."

Zhuo Hang added, "I"m flying over on December 1st!"

Li Xiaojiang whispered, "I, I…"

Zhang Jueming asked, "Does this mean we have four young people on the team?"

Bai Xuan smiled and said, "Yes, there are more young players, making the team more energetic. This is great."

Li Xiaojiang"s voice was too small and was drowned out. "I, I…"

Li Cangyu heard the weak voice and couldn"t help smiling., "Xiaojiang, what do you want to say?"

Everyone calmed down as Li Xiaojiang stuttered with a red face. "I, I wanted to say that I can also, also gather in December."

Everyone, “…”

Young man, it was too hard to hear you say something!


The eight people formed a new team.

On November 30th, Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Xiao Han departed from New York and boarded a flight home.

Liu Chuan knew that Cat G.o.d was coming back and gave face by personally picking him up at the airport. After picking up the four people at the airport, he wanted to hold a welcoming party but Li Cangyu stopped him. "Wait, there are two people arriving tomorrow."

Liu Chuan patted Li Cangyu"s shoulder and cried out, "You worked hard. I didn"t think that you could actually form a team in less than half a year!"

Li Cangyu stated, "Perhaps I have better luck recently?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “I"ll go back and prepare the contracts. Then I will arrange the dorms. Do you think a double room, triple room or quadruple room will be more convenient?"

Li Cangyu thought about it before replying, "We are eight people so two rooms of four should be suitable."

"No problem!" Liu Chuan readily agreed.

On the morning of December 1st, Li Xiaojiang and his cousin Li Hai took the high speed train from Wuhan to Changsha. At the same time Zhuo Hang checked in at Nanjing Airport.

In the afternoon, Li Hai arrived at the headquarters of the Dragon Warriors Club with his younger cousin Li Xiaojiang.

Li Hai saw the new office building, formal training room and meeting rooms of the Dragon Warriors Club and couldn"t help patting his younger cousin"s shoulder. His voice shook with excitement. "Xiaojiang, you should follow Cat G.o.d well. Then once you have good results, endorse Brother"s online store. The keyboards and computer business will be even more on fire!"

Li Xiaojiang nodded seriously. "Yes."

The two of them went to the hall of the club and saw a tall man waiting for them. This man was very handsome while his eyebrows were sharp. He saw the two of them and took the initiative to come forward. Holding out a hand, he smiled and said, "h.e.l.lo, I am Old Cat Li Cangyu."

He was a great G.o.d but there was no arrogance at all. He laughed honestly and gave people a very reliable first impression.

Li Hai immediately shook his hand. "h.e.l.lo Cat G.o.d! How are you doing?"

Li Xiaojiang also excitedly said, "Cat G.o.d, Cat G.o.d is well!"

Li Cangyu heard this familiar stuttering and couldn"t help looking at the boy. Li Xiaojiang was thin and small. He seemed nervous as his cheeks were red and his black eyes were especially bright.

Li Cangyu quite liked this slow guy and couldn"t help touching his head gently. He asked, "Are you Xiaojiang?"

Li Xiaojiang immediately nodded. "Yes."

Then a sunny voice was heard from next to him. "I am looking for Cat G.o.d. Is Cat G.o.d here?"

Li Cangyu saw this teenager"s bright smile and tentatively asked, "Are you Zhuo Hang?"

The teenager immediately came over and took the initiative to hug Li Cangyu. "Are you Cat G.o.d? The actual Cat G.o.d! Hahaha. I am Zhuo Hang, that great elf hunter."

"…" Li Cangyu reluctantly pushed him away by 10 centimeters. Bai Xuan wasn"t wrong when he said that this child was unrestrained. He hugged Li Cangyu when they met, like he wasn"t afraid to die at all. Li Cangyu almost fell over.

After stabilizing his feet, Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good elf hunter, are you here alone? Your parents didn"t bring you here?"

Zhuo Hang immediately replied, "I have grown up and I"m an adult. I don"t need to be brought here by my parents!"

Li Xiaojiang who was brought here by his brother. "…"

Zhuo Hang turned his head and saw the little guy standing next to him. He couldn"t help asking, "Who are you?"

Li Xiaojiang stuttered out, "I, I am Li, Li Xiaojiang."

Zhuo Hang exclaimed, "Ah, the black magician?"

Li Xiaojiang nodded. "Yes."

Zhuo Hang looked at him curiously. Li Xiaojiang wasn"t good at communicating with people. His face turned red and he was embarra.s.sed to speak.

Li Cangyu looked at the two of them and said, "The two of you have reported to me first."


He headed to the meeting room with Li Xiaojiang and Zhuo Hang. Xiao Han, Xie Shurong and the other people were already chatting. Liu Chuan was also present. Li Cangyu walked up to Liu Chuan with the two teenagers and introduced them. "This is the boss of the Dragon Warriors Club."

"h.e.l.lo Boss!"

"h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo Boss."

Liu Chuan looked carefully at the two teenagers in front of him. One was very small and stuttered. He was obviously very afraid. The other was tall and looked handsome despite his age. His personality was sunny and his actions generous. He was obviously a very bright person.

Combined with the small madman Gu Siming and the mixed-race Xiao Han, the four youngsters of this new team had different personalities. It wasn"t easy for Li Cangyu to collect so many youngsters!

Liu Chuan smiled and shook hands with both of them. "Welcome to the Dragon Warriors Club."

After saying that, he turned back to Li Cangyu."You found many youngsters this time?"

"I a.s.sembled a mahjong table." Li Cangyu looked at the four little boys in front of him and couldn"t help smiling. "The four of them are 17 or 18 years old. They are in the best state so they can lead the team even after I retire."

"It"s true. Young players do have greater development potential." Liu Chuan paused and said, "Let me first show the contract to everyone. If there are no problems then we will sign them today."

He dialed a number inside the building. Soon afterwards, a middle-aged man came over with a pile of contracts in his hand.

Liu Chuan introduced him. "This is Mr. Qi, the legal adviser of the Dragon Warriors Club. The previous contracts were handled by my Zewen but Zewen is busy leading the team. Thus, I specifically invited a lawyer."

Little boys, "…"

This club actually had a special lawyer!

Mr. Qi gave the contracts to everyone and said, "Take a look at the contract first. If you have any questions, you can always ask me."

The new players sat down and seriously examined their contract.

After a while, Zhuo Hang looked up and asked, "Do new people have to sign for three years?"

"Yes." Lawyer Qi explained, "It isn"t easy for a team to train a player. If the contract is only for one or two years, many people will jump to another team after becoming G.o.ds. Then the efforts of the previous team would be wasted. Three years is enough for a contestant to mature. Then if they want to renew their contract, they can also get a pay raise."

Zhuo Hang nodded. "I understand."

Zhuo Hang carefully examined the contract before decisively signing his name.

Li Xiaojiang and Xiao Han didn"t really understand the contract issues. They saw Zhuo Hang sign and followed him by signing.

Uncle Zhang"s contract had been signed last time and Xiao Gu was a member of the training camp, meaning he didn"t need to re-sign. The other three teenagers were treated as newcomers but the Dragon Warriors Club was very good to the players. The conditions for them were excellent compared to other teams.

Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan"s contracts were naturally different from the teenagers. A"Shu was one of the Three Musketeers and famous while Vice-Captain Bai Xuan was Li Cangyu"s old partner. The two people were qualified so their conditions were naturally much higher. Liu Chuan gave them the contract for star players.

Everyone happily signed their contracts and Lawyer Qi gave them their own copies. Then Li Cangyu"s new team was officially formed.

Liu Chuan turned back and asked, "Cat G.o.d, is the name of the team still Canglan like we discussed at our first meeting?"

The first time Liu Chuan had run to Hangzhou to confirm the cooperative relationship with Li Cangyu he mentioned the name of the team. Li Cangyu couldn"t think of anything good and decided to use Canglan.

The cold and vastness of the swelling water, this was the name that Bai Xuan thought of when they transferred to Wulin and it was quite artistic.

Unfortunately, Li Cangyu"s team didn"t win any trophies after transferring to Wulin. This had always been Li Cangyu"s biggest regret.

Now that he had a brand new team in Miracle, he wanted to achieve the dream that hadn"t been realized for many years.

If one day, the Canglan team could really stand on stage at the awards ceremony, wouldn"t the old friends that struggled with him for so many years also feel relieved?

Li Canglan thought of this and a hint of determination filled his eyes. He smiled and said, "The name of the new team is Canglan."

New players using the old team name, just like an old bottle is filled with new wine.

The team was changed and filled with vigorous and strong teammates. The things that remained unchanged were the persistent dream and the firm heart.

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Chapter 102 – Dragon Warriors Big Party

In order to celebrate the official formation of the Miracle team, Liu Chuan gathered all the members of the Wulin team and the new people in the club"s training camp. Everyone went to the restaurant near the club where a large private room with three tables was booked. It was a meal to welcome Cat G.o.d.

Liu Chuan had heard about Li Cangyu"s love of eating fish. He deliberately ordered the famous boiled fish and chopped pepper fish head from the restaurant. Li Cangyu looked at the menu and was really satisfied.

The food hadn"t arrived yet when Wu Zewen, captain of the Wulin team, and Li Xiang, the vice-captain, came over to the table to say h.e.l.lo.

Wu Zewen wore silver-rimmed gla.s.ses and his expression was very calm. He was the person who helped Liu Chuan at the beginning of the club"s creation. Once Liu Chuan retired to be the boss, he became captain. In a few years, Wu Zewen took the Dragon Warriors Club to repeated success. His ability to organize information and to a.n.a.lyze maps was extremely strong. He was a rare talented player.

Vice-Captain Li Xiang was enthusiastic and hearty. He was Liu Chuan"s apprentice in Wulin and used to be a stupid novice. He became one of the best players in the league under Liu Chuan"s personal training. Then he took over as vice-captain and matured a lot.

Wu Zewen wasn"t good with alcohol so he was responsible for pouring the wine. Li Xiang raised a gla.s.s to Li Cangyu and declared, "Cat G.o.d, I didn"t expect that you would one day join Dragon Warriors. I would like to represent the full Dragon Warriors team by raising a cup to you. First of all, welcome to the Dragon Warriors Club! If you encounter any problems in the future, tell us. We are family so don"t hesitate!"

He said it with great pride.

Li Cangyu smiled at him and touched their gla.s.ses together before drinking. "Please take care of me in the future."

"Cat G.o.d is too polite!" Li Xiang followed up by going to Bai Xuan. "Milk G.o.d, long time no see. Come have a drink!"

Bai Xuan stood up with a smile. "I can"t drink. I have been taking Chinese medicine lately so I will just have tea."

Li Xiang wondered, "Do you have stomach problems?"

"Yes." Bai Xuan replied helplessly. "It is an old problem."

Li Xiang immediately made a fuss. "You have to take care of that. Pay attention to your diet and sleep. I used to have stomach problems caused by irregular working hours and drinking iced drinks. Later, I took stomach medicine and now I"m completely fine."

As he was speaking, the door was suddenly pushed open and a cold voice was heard. "Everyone is here? Sorry, I went to the airport to pick up Si Lan and there was a traffic jam."

Li Xiang immediately turned around and greeted the person. "Yeye came!"

The group turned to look and saw two men come in one after the other.

The man that Li Xiang called "Yeye" was very cold. He wore tight black pants and a slim jacket that showed off his slender figure. His short hair fell over his face and there seemed to be an innate pride on his face. Add the shiny shoes on his feet and the whole person gave off a delicate feeling.

The other man had a languid demeanor. His hands were in his pockets as he yawned while walking casually. He had slightly longer chestnut hair and had a strange temperament similar to an "artist."

Once the two men arrived, all members of the Dragon Warriors Wulin team stood up very respectfully.

Xiao Han, Li Xiaojiang and the others didn"t know who these men were but they had to stand up with blank expressions.

"Yeye, Si Lan, you came?" Li Cangyu walked up to them with a smile and shook their hands.

“Liu Chuan told us to come back because something big happened. I guessed it was the formation of the Miracle branch." Qin Ye looked over at Bai Xuan and the new faces on the table and asked, "Cat G.o.d, is this the team that you built?"

Li Cangyu nodded. "Yes, today is the first day the full team is gathered."

Qin Ye gave a rare smile as he said, "Your progress is quite fast. You found teammates in only half a year."

Liu Chuan laughed as he walked over. "Our club has taken a new step and our power has grown. How can two old veterans not give face by not coming to the celebration. Right, Si Lan?"

The yawning man turned around and narrowed his eyes. "Yes, Boss Liu is right about everything."

Liu Chuan smiled and turned to the new people on the Miracle side. "This is Qin Ye, he is the Dragon Warriors Club"s ace coach. This is Lan Weiran, abbreviated to Si Lan. He is the first vice-captain of the Dragon Warriors team."

The newcomers were very surprised.

They didn"t expect that Liu Chuan would invite such veterans to welcome the new team.

Coach Qin Ye was famous in the e-sports circle. It was said that he was very strict with the players, especially newcomers. If they weren"t obedient, they would be scolded by him. When Xiao Gu saw Qin Ye, he tried to hide under the table. He had obviously been scolded by Qin Ye.

Lan Weiran was the vice-captain of the Dragon Warriors team and the legendary strategist. After retiring, he disappeared for many years. Even many newcomers in the Dragon Warriors Club had never seen him. Liu Chuan inviting him today showed that the reformation of the Canglan team was very important.

The scene became very lively once two great G.o.ds arrived.

Liu Chuan, Qin Ye and Si Lan took the initiative to sit at Li Cangyu"s table. Liu Chuan gave a brief explanation of the situation of the new team. Si Lan looked at these teenagers and his eyes narrowed. "The four youngsters are very good but Cat G.o.d will need to work hard. The newcomers need time to grow slowly."

Li Cangyu agreed, "Fortunately, before the start of the first division, there is the second division that will be a transitional event. It will train them well."

"That"s how our team was like in the past. At first, the new people were in a precarious state and they gradually matured." Qin Ye"s eyes swept over the four team and he asked calmly, "You seem to be confident in your team this time?"

Li Cangyu nodded firmly. "Yes, I"m sure I will win the prize."

Lan Weiran spoke emotionally, "In fact, we have the same experience. In the past, I never won any trophies and only joined the Dragon Warriors team to prove myself. I believe that your luck will be as good as mine and you will become the champion."

Li Cangyu smiled. "I think so as well."

Liu Chuan suddenly interjected, "Cat G.o.d could tie with me in that year. He is obviously very powerful and will take the championship."

Qin Ye looked at him. "Are you praising Cat G.o.d or yourself?"

Liu Chuan laughed. "We are equally powerful! There is a magnetic field of empathy between masters. Cat G.o.d and I are masters standing at the top of the professional leagues and can happily cooperate, isn"t that right?"

Li Cangyu, "…"

Everyone, “…”

The boss started to boast and everyone immediately ducked their heads.

Zhuo Hang felt that he was too lacking compared to Boss Liu"s boasting power! He needed to continue learning.


The atmosphere of this meal was very joyful, especially Li Cangyu, Qin Ye and Si Lan. These players haven"t seen each other for a long time and couldn"t stop once they started chatting about the past.

Xiao Han and Xiao Li weren"t familiar with several seniors but thanks to Xiao Gu"s explanations, they learned about some past events. Liu Chuan, Qin Ye and Lan Weiran were the beginning of the Dragon Warriors Club"s establishment. The three pillars used to the heroes of the professional league. They were retired ow but they had the same style. The invincible appearance of them on the field could still be seen.

Everyone felt excited when they heard Cat G.o.d chatting with these G.o.ds, as if the championship trophy was waving to everyone.

After dinner ended, Wu Zewen took the initiative to pay for it with his team"s funds. Liu Chuan took Li Cangyu back to the team dormitory and arranged two quadruple rooms for them. The two apartments were on the same floor and facing each other, making later discussions convenient.

Once this was settled, Liu Chuan patted Li Cangyu"s shoulder and sighed. "The newcomers might be strong but you have to bring so many newcomers with you to the compet.i.tion. It will be very hard on you as the captain…"

He had also been a team leader and knew how difficult it was to raise newcomers. Thus, he was very impressed with Li Cangyu"s decision to find so many newcomers.

Li Cangyu declared confidently, "It doesn"t matter. I believe they won"t let me down. These four talents aren"t bad. I will slowly train them."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I am 100% rea.s.sured with you leading them. The four newcomers have just joined the team and might not be used to the daily life. You and Vice-Captain Bai should think about this."

Li Cangyu nodded. "Yes, I"ll talk to Xiao Bai."


Liu Chuan left and Li Cangyu started arranging the accommodations.

He let Bai Xuan, Li Xiaojiang, Xie Shurong and Zhuo Hang live in one room while he lived with Uncle Zhang, Xiao Gu and Xiao Han.

The Dragon Warriors had excellent accommodations and there were many double apartments. However, Li Cangyu felt that the team was just established and everyone wasn"t familiar with each other. If the two roommates sharing the double room weren"t suitable to be roommates, it was easy to have problems. A quadruple room was also more convenient to communicate with each other.

Li Cangyu lived with Xiao Han in order to personally raise his apprentice. Uncle Zhu had been helping familiarize Xiao Gu with other cla.s.ses and could guide Gu Siming.

Li Xiaojiang had an introverted personality and wasn"t good at talking so Bai Xuan"s gentle coaxing would help integrate him into the team more quickly. As for Zhuo Hang being paired with Xie Shurong, Li Cangyu thought that A"Shu was the best at playing fast. Zhuo Hang had a very high hand speed so he could learn to maximize his strengths from A"Shu.

It was a simple dormitory arrangement but Li Cangyu considered it so carefully. An old player was paired with a new player. The one on one tutoring would allow the youngsters to adapt to the team"s rhythm as quickly as possible.

Zhuo Hang naturally had no opinions on the arrangement of the dormitory. The unrestrained teenager soon became familiar with Xie Shurong and called Brother Tree very kind.

It was Li Xiaojiang who was uneasy about living with so many strangers.

He was silently unpacking when Bai Xuan suddenly knocked on the door of his bedroom. "Xiao Jiang, Cat G.o.d is decisive. He seems serious when it comes to business but he is actually very easy to get along with. Don"t feel any psychological pressure. If you aren"t used to eating the food or if you have any problems during training, you can secretly tell me."

Li Xiaojiang was moved and nodded. "Yes, I know. Thank you Vice-Captain."

Bai Xuan gently touched the teenager"s head. Among the four teenagers, he was most worried about Li Xiaojiang, who was thin and small. He stammered and clearly lacked confidence. It wasn"t easy to raise this child"s confidence but Bai Xuan believed that he could let Xiao Jiang gradually let down his guard.


Once all the team members settled in their dorms, Li Cangyu returned to his bedroom and stood by the window. He sent a text message to Ling Xuefeng: [The team is good. I have already arrived at the club and will officially start training tomorrow.]

Ling Xuefeng quickly replied: [Congratulations. It is a new beginning. You have to refuel.]

Li Cangyu saw Ling Xuefeng"s brief words of encouragement and was moved.

At the age of 17, he refused Ling Xuefeng"s invitation to serve as the vice-captain of Wind Colour and set up his own team. The first FTD team was established during a period of hot-blood and his teammates were all excited. Li Cangyu had been full of enthusiasm and expectations for the future. Unfortunately, he only met a basin of cold water for three years.

FTD disbanded and he led the team to transfer games. At that time, he wasn"t as simple and became more mature and stable. Once the Canglan team transferred to Wulin, they faced many accusations and doubts. Every time they lost a game, there would be a large number of netizens ridiculing them. However, he was able to withstand these criticisms because it was his own choice.

It was the path he chose so he should finish it.

Today, the new Canglan team was completely formed according to his own ideas. Half the members might be youngsters who had no experience with the professional league but they were talented. Li Cangyu had full confidence that he could go further with this team and realize the dream of standing on the stage.

He looked out the window at the bustling night scenery and couldn"t help smiling confidently.

As Ling Xuefeng said, it was a new beginning and he had to refuel.

So many years past and his third team was settled. The long-lost Miracle League, the old friends and old opponents, Old Cat Li Cangyu was finally coming home!

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Chapter 103 – Cat G.o.d"s Cla.s.sroom (1)

The next morning, Li Cangyu got up and found that Uncle Zhang and Xiao Gu had already washed up and were waiting for him in the living room. Xiao Han"s bedroom door was closed, probably because he still hadn"t recovered from the time difference.

Li Cangyu opened the bedroom door to take a look and found Xiao Han lying sideways on the bed. His blond hair covered his white forehead and his lips were slightly pouted, making him look like a little angel.

He was reluctant to wake Xiao Han up but the training time was approaching. Li Cangyu had to walk over and gently touch Li Cangyu"s hair. "Xiao Han, get up."

Xiao Han sat up in a daze, rubbing his eyes and asking with confusion, "Master… what time is it?"

"It is almost 8 o"clock. Get up and have breakfast."

"Oh." Xiao Han quickly got dressed, washed his face and brushed his teeth. Then he followed behind his master.

The four people headed to the dining room of the Dragon Warriors Club. The rectangular tables were neatly arranged with many players burying their heads to eat breakfast. They couldn"t help thinking about the student canteens.

The club had a special chef responsible for cooking for the team members. It was a buffet style and they didn"t need to pay. Any member of the Dragon Warriors Club could take a plate and pick any food.

Li Cangyu walked to the breakfast window and saw the vice-captain Li Xiang holding a plate. He took many things in portions of two. Not far away, the coach Qin Ye was sitting and waiting. Li Xiang was obviously taking a portion of food for him.

Li Xiang was very hospitable and walked over to say h.e.l.lo to Li Cangyu. "Cat G.o.d, you came!"

Li Cangyu smiled. "Good morning Vice-Captain Li."

“Hey, I"m not used to you calling me that." Li Xiang took the plates and walked forward, taking the initiative to introduce this place. "The dining place of the Dragon Warriors is excellent. The bread on that side is delicious. It was just made so Cat G.o.d can taste it."

"Yes." Li Cangyu walked with him to take a piece of bread, fried eggs and milk. Then he praised, "There is a lot of variety!"

"Breakfast is served daily with bread, milk, soy milk, etc. There will be even more dishes for lunch and dinner." Li Xiang continued, "If you aren"t used to eating at the canteen, you can go out on weekends to buy food. There is a shopping centre opposite here and there is a fine food area on the seventh floor. There are the grilled fish and pickled fish that you love."

Li Xiang was like a guide NPC in the game for novices. He was too dedicated.

Li Cangyu"s eyes lit up at the mention of fish. "I will try the fine foods city another day!"

Then Bai Xuan and the others also arrived. Li Cangyu beckoned and let everyone find a table to sit down on.

Xie Shurong saw Li Xiang taking a plate to serve Qin Ye and laughed. Then he asked, "Vice-Captain Bai, what do you like to eat? I will go and help you get it." He decided to curry favour with Vice-Captain Bai so that he might not have to wash the dishes later.

Bai Xuan looked at the plentiful breakfast dishes and said, "Take a bit of each one to see which is delicious."

“Okay!" Xie Shurong quickly ran to grab the breakfast.

The young teenagers entered a team canteen for the first time and looked at the window displaying all types of delicious foods with bright eyes. In particular, Li Xiaojiang had seen "inclusive of room and board" when signing the contract yesterday. He thought he would have to eat fast food or boxed lunches. He didn"t expect the club to have a special canteen.

Everyone was a newcomer and they didn"t dare mess around. Fortunately, Xiao Gu was familiar with this place and led everyone forward. "Go up and get the food. There is no need to pay for it so don"t hesitate." He was like a little master.

The four young teenagers lined up for breakfast. Xiao Gu took the lead, Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang were in the middle and the shy Li Xiaojiang hung his head at the end. This scene made Li Cangyu"s mood instantly improve.

He saw these four little guys and suddenly had the sense of being a "parent."


Not long afterwards, Liu Chuan, Lan Weiran and Wu Zewen walked in together.

Lan Weiran had his hands in his pocket and inspected the canteen like a leader. Once he finished turning around, he touched his chin and commented, "This canteen is good. The Dragon Warriors Club is becoming better and better."

Liu Chuan stated proudly, "Of course! Look at who the boss is!"

Lan Weiran picked up a plate and consciously looked for Li Cangyu. They sat at a table and Qin Ye followed him. Then Qin Ye took the initiative to talk with Bai Xuan. "Vice-Captain Bai, if you have stomach problems then it is better to have a cup of hot milk in the morning. I used to have stomach problems and milk with bread is easier for digestion."

"Yes." Bai Xuan nodded with a smile before yelling into the distance. "A"Shu, bring me back a gla.s.s of milk."

Xie Shurong replied, "Okay!"

The four long tables connected together sat more than a dozen people. Li Cangyu couldn"t help thinking of the cla.s.s committee sitting in a row in the dining hall.

Li Cangyu looked at Lan Weiran bending his head to drink milk and couldn"t help wondering, "Si Lan, where did you live last night? I didn"t see you come back here after dinner."

Lan Weiran replied, "I"m staying in the opposite hotel. This time, I mainly came back to see the situation of the club and the new team. I will be returning to Shanghai tomorrow."

Qin Ye asked, "You can"t stay for a few more days?"

Lan Weiran spoke around a mouthful of bread. "I have something else to do."

Qin Ye made an expression like he understood. "Are you going to travel again?"

Lan Weiran nodded. "Yes."

Liu Chuan sat opposite Li Cangyu and smiled. "Cat G.o.d, the new players can keep eating in the dining hall. It is convenient and clean. The canteen chef is a local and is good at Hunan cuisine. Are you used to eating Hunan food?"

Li Cangyu replied, "I don"t mind eating anything but Bai Xuan has stomach problems. Xiao Han is also from abroad and isn"t accustomed to spicy food."

Liu Chuan said, "That isn"t a problem. I will tell the chef to do more light meals."

At this time, the Gu Siming quartet came back with food. Gu Siming saw Liu Chuan sitting here and asked with surprise, "How did Boss come to the canteen?"

Boss Liu didn"t usually spend a lot of time in the team, let alone eat in the dining hall.

"I came to see how you are eating." Liu Chuan"s gaze swept over Li Xiaojiang, who was sitting silently in the corner. He couldn"t help saying, "Xiao Li, you are too thin. You should eat more delicious food and build up fat within a year."

Li Xiaojiang was flattered about being called out and stuttered, "I, I know. I will eat, eat more."

Liu Chuan smiled and touched the head of the young boy.

Wu Zewen came over with a plate and sat next to Liu Chuan. He looked at Li Cangyu and said, "Cat G.o.d, I sorted out the information of the second division teams and the map library"s data in the past few days. I will give it to you in the afternoon."

Li Cangyu smiled. "Thank you Captain Wu."

Liu Chuan interjected. "You are welcome. My Zewen is an expert. He used to be a school tyrant and likes to organize information."

Wu Zewen glanced at him. "You love to boast too much. Don"t keep exaggerating things about me, okay?"

Liu Chuan laughed. "I can"t help it. Who told you to be born so good?"

Wu Zewen, "…"

Qin Ye frowned. "I lost my appet.i.te sitting next to Liu Chuan.

Lan Weiran also said, "It is too early in the morning for such a cheap mouth. Zewen, quickly put an egg in his mouth."

"Yes." Wu Zewen took the initiative to shove a peeled egg into Liu Chuan"s mouth. The hated Boss Liu had to eat the egg with an innocent face.

Li Cangyu looked at the scene and couldn"t help laughing.

Liu Chuan was often scorned by Qin Ye and Lan Weiran and they bickered from time to time. However, the friendship between these people hadn"t changed for many years.

He hated the intrigue between players so Li Cangyu hoped that the new team would be infected by the relaxed and warm atmosphere of the Dragon Warriors Club, with everyone being friends.


After breakfast, everyone headed to the training room together.

Li Cangyu walked with Wu Zewen and asked in a concerned manner, "The playoffs for Wulin have already started, right?"

Unlike Miracle which had one season a year, Wulin was divided into the spring and autumn seasons. March to July was the spring season while the autumn season was from September to December. December was when the most intense playoffs stage for autumn occurred.

Wu Zewen nodded. "Yes, the players are busy training these days."

Liu Chuan added, "Cat G.o.d, I discussed it with Zewen last night. I think it is better to temporarily separate the training rooms of the two teams. It is more convenient for teammates to discuss problems without being afraid of influencing the other team. There is only one meeting room with a projector. The team who wants to use it will discuss it with the other side in advance so you don"t clash."

With so many newcomers, Li Cangyu definitely needed separation. If the old and new teams were put together, it was easy to affect the other side. There was no need to worry about this if they were separated. Liu Chuan was obviously being thoughtful.

“This is better." Li Cangyu asked, "Can I use the meeting room today?"

"No problem." Wu Zewen said, "I have been meeting in the training room recently so you can have the meeting room."

The group separated at the entrance of the training room. The players of Dragon Warriors started to nervously prepare for the playoffs while Li Cangyu took his team to the meeting room.

There was an oval table in the meeting room and a podium connected to the computer and projector. Li Cangyu turned on the computer and inserted a USB. He flipped through files while saying, "Find a place to sit. They will be your seats for the meetings after today."

Everyone quickly found a place to sit down. Li Cangyu opened a PPT doc.u.ment and said, "Today, I will give you a basic course. Xiao Bai, A"Shu and Old Zhang don"t need to listen. The other four must listen carefully."

Bai Xuan saw the serious man on the podium and couldn"t help smiling.

Cat G.o.d"s cla.s.s finally started again.

When Li Cangyu led the team in Wulin, every time there was an important event, Li Cangyu would stand on the podium and carefully a.n.a.lyze the lineup and formulate tactics. After half a year, Cat G.o.d once again stood on the podium as a teacher although the students had completely changed.

Looking back, Bai Xuan saw that the four teenagers had their ears p.r.i.c.ked to listen. Li Xiaojiang even took out a notebook to take notes.

Li Cangyu continued saying, "In today"s lesson, we are going to talk about the basic features of the Miracle cla.s.ses. Several of you might be knowledgeable and proficient in the cla.s.s you are playing, but you don"t know other cla.s.ses very well. As a professional player, we must know the skills of all cla.s.ses, including effects, timing of release and even the movements. You must keep all of this in mind when facing opponents on the field to know how to deal with them."

He spoke as he opened a PPT. The t.i.tle on the first page was: Miracle"s Full Cla.s.s Details.

However, the author was written as: Wind Colour team, Ling Xuefeng.

Everyone was stunned when seeing this name. Captain Ling"s name actually appeared in the Canglan team"s meeting…

Bai Xuan coughed and said, "Did you directly take the data from Wind Colour?"

Li Cangyu smiled and said, "Time is short so I borrowed the PPT from Ling Xuefeng.

Bai Xuan, “…”

Captain Ling was really generous to lend this to him!

This type of basic data was also available on the official website but Captain Ling just made it more detailed. There were no secrets like tactics and lineups included. It was harmless to lend this to Cat G.o.d.

Li Cangyu pressed the laser pointer and changed it to the next page. This page listed all the cla.s.ses and races of Miracle.

There were a total of 12 Miracle cla.s.ses. There were the four melee cla.s.ses: the paladin, berserker, swordsman and a.s.sa.s.sin. The black magician, white magician, bard and summoners were the four ranged cla.s.ses. There were the two healing cla.s.ses of the priest and sacrifice. Finally, there were the auxiliary psychic and the hunters who relied on traps to attack.

There were six races, mainly the beast species, terran, angels, demons, blood kin and elves.

Li Cangyu pointed the laser pointer at the race row and said, "We should all know the six races. The beast race has the highest defense, the terran are even overall, the elves have the fastest movement speed, the blood kin"s advantage lay in stealth and attack, the demons have strong magic and give negative statuses, while the angels also have strong magic but they have more control abilities."

"Based on the cla.s.ses chosen by the different races, the final stats must be different."

"After many years of verification, there are 20 different types of builds that can be played. I will give you a detailed a.n.a.lysis of each one."

“First of all, the paladin is the main defense for a melee cla.s.s. The most popular builds are the beast paladin and terran paladin. The former has the strongest defense but their bodies are heavy and their actions will be slow. The latter"s defense is slightly weaker and their advantage is their flexibility when it comes to actions. The most commonly used skills of the paladin are Guardian"s Power and Protection Light…"

The man"s voice was like flowing water in the meeting room.

Li Cangyu"s speech was very clear and every word was loud.

He had a good voice and was tall and handsome. Once he stood on the podium to give a lecture, he had a calm and talkative style that made people look at him.

The four young teenagers looked up and listened carefully, adoration filling their faces.

The old players like Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Zhang Jueming had clearly mastered this knowledge but they still listened with relish to Cat G.o.d"s lecture.

Liu Chuan, the owner of the meeting room, saw the scene of Cat G.o.d giving a lecture to the kittens. He couldn"t help smiling happily. He really didn"t choose wrong when he chose to sign Cat G.o.d to the Miracle branch. This confident Cat G.o.d would surely take this brand new team step by step towards the throne that belongs to him!

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