God Level Summoner

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Canglan lost three matches in a row and finally won 2:1 at home. This rekindled the hopes of the Canglan fans. However, many people were still worried. After all, the Cheetah team was the weakest overall team in the league. Winning against them wasn"t something to be too happy about.

In the post-match interview, Captain Jiang Xu of the Cheetah team calmly answered the reporters" questions. He was very clear about the strength of the Cheetah team but also dreamt of making it to the playoffs. He had been working hard while aiming for this goal.

Jiang Xu had always been low-key in the league. Many reporters didn"t pay much attention to the Cheetah Team but Chen Anran was a 16 year old vice-captain who won the Most Promising Rookie Award last year. This attracted people"s attention and the reporters prepared many questions The result was that Vice-Captain Chen didn"t appear in the post-match interview.

A reporter expressed doubts and Jiang Xu explained, "Xiao Chen is very shy and not talkative. If you want to interview him then you can send an email and list the questions."

In other words, Chen Anran still had the habit of responding as a student. If the reporters wanted to interview him, the must send him the questions and he would seriously answer them. If he was interviewed in person, he would blush shyly and hide behind his teammates, not answering one question.

This was the only vice-captain in the history of the Miracle League who would answer written questions! The 16 year old Chen Anran hadn"t grown up yet. Perhaps after he grew up, the performance of the Cheetah team would really improve.


The interview with the Cheetah team was soon over. Once it was the Canglan team"s turn, the applause was more enthusiastic than before. After all, this was Changsha, the home of the Canglan team. Many reporters were familiar with the Dragon Song Club and had to give the team a bit of face.

Zhang Jueming, Zhuo Hang and Li Cangyu attended the post-match interview. A reporter saw the three people and immediately asked, "Cat G.o.d, you finally won once after a three game losing streak. However, you didn"t play from start to finish. Is this arrangement to give more opportunities to Old Zhang?"

"Yes." Li Cangyu honestly admitted it. "I know many reporters and friends questioned my arrangements but I have absolute confidence in Zhang Jueming. I always believed that he could take the Canglan team to victory."

The reporter continued asking, "I want to ask Old Zhang. Cat G.o.d gave you such a difficult task. What were you truly thinking? Was it stressful when you were questioned by the netizens?"

Zhang Jueming scratched the back of his head and smiled. "In fact, I didn"t think too much. Old Cat believed in me so I should go out and live up to his trust. As for the stress… there was some. I saw that many people yelled at me on the Internet. Most of the responsibility lay with me for the losses in the last few games. I want to tell everyone that I am sorry."

Li Cangyu patted his shoulder to show encouragement. Zhang Jueming coughed twice and continued, "In fact, I am very happy to personally command two games to victory today. This shows that my command level is still good, hahaha!"

The reporters, "…"

Uncle, did you learn to boast from Xie Shurong? Or was this boasting the style of the Canglan team?

However, the reporters watched the appearance of the oldest player in the Miracle League and couldn"t help clapping. They even felt that such a straightforward uncle was cute.

It wasn"t easy for Zhang Jueming to come all this way. If it hadn"t been for Li Cangyu then he probably would"ve continued the leveling studio, toiling to make a bit of money for a living. Mustering the courage to return to the MIracle League showed that his heart hadn"t given up on his young dream.

The facts proved that Zhang Jueming wasn"t just an invisible auxiliary who was dragging down the Canglan team with his age. His hand speed might not be high and his white magic wasn"t brilliant but he had many clever tactical ideas. He could be timid and careful in a game, then unexpectedly attack the opponent.

At this moment, the reporters" applause was sincere. 70% of it was affirmation while 30% of it was admiration. They respected that the 25 year old could stand on the e-sports field and admired him for withstanding the pressure of public opinion to finally prove himself.

Zhang Jueming would definitely become the most trusted deputy commander for Li Cangyu, leading the Canglan team to victory together.


After interviewing Zhang Jueming, the reporters also noticed Zhuo Hang who played particularly well today.

Among the four teenagers, Zhuo Hang had been relatively mediocre in previous matches. Today, he made decisive shots at critical moments so that the reporters couldn"t help looking at him.

The impetuous problem had disappeared completed. Today Zhuo Hang played the second and third game very calmly. He would hide like a coward behind a tree when it was the right time. When it was time to unleash violence, he would break out with his traps. Retreating and going forward wasn"t easy for a newcomer who just debuted to do.

In addition, Zhuo Hang was handsome and his image was good. The reporters started to pay more attention to him from this moment on.

“Zhuo Hang, do you think you did well today?" A reporter stood up and asked.

Zhuo Hang looked over at Li Cangyu. "This is for my captain to judge. It isn"t good if I say it myself."

Li Cangyu took the microphone and answered honestly, "Xiao Zhuo did very well today."

“I think so too." Zhuo Hang smiled with a trace of pride. "During this week, I experienced the captain"s devil training. The effect of the training isn"t bad and I feel like my awareness has improved."

The reporters, "…"

This guy really didn"t blush when praising himself.

Zhuo Hang stopped smiling and said seriously, "I was the most arrogant person when I first came to the Canglan team. After this period of training and compet.i.tion, I found that I am far worse than my other teammates."

"Here, I want to thank my roommate Li Xiaojiang. He taught me how to treat every game calmly and seriously."

“Of course, I also have to thank my captain, Cat G.o.d. Cat G.o.d is like a parent to the Canglan team members and patiently help all the newcomers. The four of us dragged down the team but Cat G.o.d fortunately didn"t get angry at us. He set up a special training plan for our shortcomings and let us slowly grow. Cat G.o.d, thank you for taking us. We will work hard."

Li Cangyu heard this and couldn"t help smiling. This young guy was worthy of being related to Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian. He was an excellent speaker and had good answers to the reporters" questions. He also made a serious expression for serious questions.

Among the four teenagers, Li Cangyu had been most dissatisfied with the proud and conceited Zhuo Hang. However, apart from the occasional narcissism, Zhuo Hang had completely changed his concept and was actually a talent worthy of training. The other three weren"t comparable to him when it came to the reporters.

Gu Siming"s mouth often ran along the wrong track, Xiao Han"s half-baked Chinese wasn"t reliable and Li Xiaojiang"s stuttering wasn"t good. Only Zhuo Hang could handle the reporters" questions. It seemed that Zhuo Hang was a good candidate for the next generation Canglan team.

Li Cangyu was thinking about this when he heard a reporter ask, "Cat G.o.d, I have a question I would like you to answer."

“Please say it.” Li Cangyu pulled back his thoughts and politely looked at the reporter who asked the question. She was a girl with long black hair who was around 20 years old. Her facial features could be called beautiful and she wore a light blue knee-length dress without any extra ornaments. She gave off a simple and refreshing feeling.

She saw Li Cangyu looking at her and asked, "In the first round of the regular season, the Canglan team has already faced six teams. There is only the Wind Colour team left. Next, Canglan will go to Shanghai to challenge the Wind Colour team. Cat G.o.d, do you have confidence in this match?"

This question brought the topic to Wind Colour.

Li Cangyu felt that this female reporter was familiar but couldn"t remember where he had seen her. The other person was waiting for a reply so he put it aside and directly replied, "I must say that I have confidence. No captain would say that they have no confidence in the next match."

The woman then asked, "However, the strength of Wind Colour is first-cla.s.s in the Miracle League and their performance this season has been excellent. They are currently ranked first on the team standings and it is much higher than the second place."

She paused before continuing unceremoniously. "Besides, Wind Colour is an old powerhouse. The players are stable and the only instability, Qin Mo, has grown into a very good player after the tempering last season. In the face of this Wind Colour, can you still win?"

Li Cangyu smiled. "Of course. The result of a match is always unpredictable. I admit that the strength of the Wind Colour team is very strong but strong teams also lose." The female reporter changed topics. "Then what do you think about the captain Ling Xuefeng?"

Li Cangyu found that this woman"s questions were sharp and much harder to answer. However, Li Cangyu had long expected a reporter to ask this question and didn"t hesitate. "Ling Xuefeng is an outstanding captain. I admire but also appreciate him. He is a master in the Miracle League and can lead Wind Colour to gain a foothold in the Miracle League. This itself attests to his high strength."

"As for his personal level, Ling Xuefeng is undoubtedly in the top echelons of the current Miracle League. His ranking is also very high in the world. I believe that everyone won"t question that he is the strongest demon summoner. However, I"m not afraid of him because I am the strongest elf summoner."

The reporters, "…"

Since becoming captain of the Canglan team, Li Cangyu"s impression had always been very calm. He was sincere and honest when answering questions, making him popular with reporters.

Today he actually learnt to boast?

This imposing remark had an element of boasting and left the reporters in shock and speechless.

"I am the strongest elf summoner"

Cat G.o.d declared it directly and simple, with confidence and calmness. The reporters had no way to refute his words.

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Chapter 178

At this time, Ling Xuefeng was smiling as he watched the TV.

Li Cangyu"s compliments during the interview meant that Ling Xuefeng was in a very good mood. He also appreciated Li Cangyu"s straightforward words at the end.

His favourite thing was Li Cangyu"s confident and calm expression.

Li Cangyu"s remark definitely wasn"t boastful because in the current Miracle League… there was only one elf summoner.

However, many spectators were fooled by him and couldn"t notice this point. Only the female reporter at the scene recovered quickly and threw a sharp question at Li Cangyu. "Cat G.o.d, you said that you are the most powerful elf summoner. Is this domestically or globally? If it is domestic, there is only one elf summoner among the eight teams in the first division."

The audience, "…"

Everyone"s spirits returned. This reporter was right. There was only one elf summoner domestically so he was naturally the strongest. No one could compare to him!

If it was globally then it wouldn"t be the same…

Everyone was looking forward to Li Cangyu"s answer and he didn"t hesitate to give it to them. "Of course, it is the world. What is the point domestically when no one else in the country plays an elf summoner?"

Everyone was shocked. The Canglan team often boasted that they were handsome or played well but Li Cangyu was on a different level. He directly boasted that he was the best elf summoner in the world!

His boasting was so big that wasn"t he afraid of it ending in failure?

Many Li Cangyu fans wrote on his Weibo: [Cat G.o.d, act more leisurely and don"t boast so big!] [I didn"t expect you to be such a Cat G.o.d!] [Ah Shu, Xiao Zhuo and Old Zhang"s casual boasts can"t compare to you!] [Cat G.o.d, you have completed the upgrade of your boasting skill This boast, I give it full marks!]

Li Cangyu was sitting at the venue and naturally didn"t know what Weibo was going crazy. His expression was very calm, as if he was saying what he had to eat today.

The female reporter was silent for a moment before asking politely, “Cat G.o.d, do you really feel that you are the world"s strongest elf summoner? The United States, j.a.pan, Korean, Germany… many countries have very strong elf summoners. In addition, in the current world summoner rankings, the top four are the blood kin summoner Jack Josh, the demon summoner Ling Xuefeng, the angel summoner Kim Jongho and the elf summoner Mitch.e.l.l. Your name can"t be seen at all."

Li Cangyu smiled and declared with confidence, "That"s because it has been three years since I"ve left Miracle, the people in charge of the statistics have long forgotten me. I"m sure that by the end of this year"s season, everyone will see my name on the rankings."

Everyone, “…”

The female reporter, who was always known for her sharp questions, was dumbfounded and could only sit down helplessly.


Ling Xuefeng really admired the bold Li Cangyu. He could be so calm in the face of the reporter"s sharp questions. Not only did he answer confidently, he boasted that he would enter the world rankings.

What if it didn"t happen?

However, Li Cangyu"s personality was always straightforward. The fact that he dared to say this today showed his goal—the peak of the world"s summoners.


The video of the post-match interview was released and Weibo instantly split into two sides. One side supported Li Cangyu and felt that this confident player was really manly and attractive. The other side thought unfavorably and felt that Li Cangyu shouldn"t be arrogant. He should be humble since modesty was a virtue.

The netizens were arguing but Li Cangyu"s number of Weibo fans rose significantly. In just a few days, he caught up with the great G.o.ds of the Miracle League. He had left Miracle for three years and his popularity after coming back was inferior to rising stars like Tan s.h.i.tian and Liu Xiang. Now the number of people who liked him rose greatly.

Li Cangyu also received extensive attention from netizens in the Miracle League. Many people ridiculed him saying: [Daring to call himself the world"s best elf summoner but he can"t even leave the country!] [Maybe he can"t even get into the national team yet he is bragging here…]

[The Canglan team"s boasting is really bad. It turns out to be due to the captain!]

The Canglan team looked at these comments and felt helpless.

Bai Xuan had been with Li Cangyu for many years and his mood was particularly complicated. "Why can"t you be a bit more humble? Why do you have to say this and be miserably scolded?"

Li Cangyu was calm. "It doesn"t matter. I will prove with my strength that what I said is true."

Xie Shurong patted him on the shoulder. "Captain, I am sure that you will definitely become the world"s strongest elf summoner but now the demon summoner called Ling Xuefeng is in front of you. This is the key point."

Bai Xuan nodded in agreement. "Yes, do you have any idea about how to play the next match?"

Li Cangyu smiled. "Let me think about it again."


That night, Li Cangyu held his phone and lay in bed. He was just about to send a message to Ling Xuefeng but their hearts must be connected. A message from Ling Xuefeng popped up on the screen. [Has the world"s strongest elf summoner gone back to his dormitory?]

The abstinent male G.o.d actually made such a cold joke. Li Cangyu was amused and immediately replied: [I"m back, what are you doing?]

Ling Xuefeng: [I just finished my shower.]

Li Cangyu: [The next match against Canglan, is the tactical layout ready?]

Ling Xuefeng: [No.]

Li Cangyu: [What modes are you going to choose?]

Ling Xuefeng asked: [What do you think?]

Li Cangyu typed: [I think you will choose arena, team battle and arena.]

Ling Xuefeng: [Why?]

Li Cangyu bluntly said: [This way I am more likely to win!]

Ling Xuefeng laughed. [You are asking me about tactics. Aren"t you afraid I will lie to you?]

Li Cangyu: [No, you will never lie. If you can"t tell me then you won"t speak. If you tell me then it must be true.]

Ling Xuefeng"s heart was warm. He didn"t expect Li Cangyu to know him so well and to trust him, Indeed, he couldn"t lie to Li Cangyu. When it came to the tactical secrets, the best way was to not tell each other.

Li Cangyu definitely knew this and was just asking as a joke.

Ling Xuefeng thought this and changed the topic: [The first round of the regular season is coming to an end. Now the Canglan team"s ranking is in danger. In the second round, you can"t be too willful and must act carefully.]

Li Canglan seriously replied: [I know. The training of the newcomers is almost complete. Canglan must take more points in the second round or it will be troublesome if we can"t get into the playoffs.]

[Yes, maintain this good mindset.]

[Wind Colour doesn"t need to be afraid. Based on the current rankings, you should steadily make it into the playoffs?]

[Not necessarily. The teams are more stabilized in the second round. It isn"t impossible for a team ranked first to fall down.]

The two people chatted for a bit. Once Li Cangyu became sleepy, he said goodbye to Ling Xuefeng and fell asleep.


The next morning, Li Cangyu called the members of the Canglan team to the training room for a meeting. This meeting was naturally to discuss the next tactical arrangements against the Wind Colour team. Everyone listened carefully.

Li Cangyu once again used a PPT to introduce the Wind Colour team. This time, the PPT obviously wasn"t made by Ling Xuefeng. It was a simple white background with black words. There were no effect at all. Still, the contents were concise and basically spelled out the current situation of the Wind Colour team.

"Wind Colour"s captain, Ling Xuefeng. I don"t need to talk much about him. He is currently the strongest demon player in the Miracle League. Everyone should"ve seen the previous matches and realize how strong he is. Today I will give you a detailed introduction of the Wind Colour lineup." Li Cangyu"s laser pointer stopped on a black magician with the ID of Ingrained.

"Yan Ruiwen, the vice-captain of the Wind Colour team. He is the strongest black magician in the league and his style of play is very calm. He relies heavily on using a large number of negative states to decrease his opponent"s blood and create opportunities for his teammates to grab a head…"

"Guo Xuan (ID: Blade Dancer) is partnered with Vice-Captain Yan and is also a very good black magician. The combination is the most cla.s.sic black magic overlap style that netizens imitate."

“The blood kin summoners Xu Feifan and Qin Mo. One of these two players usually partner up with Ling Xuefeng to form the strong field control combination of double summoners. A summoner has many pets and the control skills can work together to achieve a seamless connection. This is the basis of Wind Colour"s strong field control."

"The other players aren"t so famous but they are all old players who have followed Ling Xuefeng for many years. Their form is very stable. Among them, the front row beast berserker, Liao Zhenyu has a very strong attack. He is a typical offensive defender. The healer is He Qun and he is a rare demon sacrifice. A sacrifice has less skills to add blood but there are more status skills. He can often create protective shields for his teammates."

"The last one is called Lin Ke. He just debuted this season. Ling Xuefeng should be preparing him as a transition after Guo Xuan retires. He is a black magician reserve and hasn"t appeared many times in recent matches."

Li Cangyu introduced all the players and turned a page on the PPT. He said, "Wind Colour is a typical magic based time. The team battle lineup is generally two black magicians, two summoners, a front row protector and a healer.  Ling Xuefeng is the core of the team. As long as he controls a person, his teammates will set fire to kill that person. This is the most terrifying thing about the Wind Colour team. The output of all four attackers is the fiercest among all teams in the league."

Next, he played a few featured clips from games, most of whom included people like Tan s.h.i.tian, Su Guangmo and other great G.o.ds. The more they looked, the more surprised they became. Wind Colour sometimes crushed the other team and their method of breaking the rhythm was terrible.

Li Cangyu saw that everyone was solemn and smiled slightly. "The truth is that it is basically impossible to gain an early advantage against Wind Colour. We have to play for the worst and then prepare to overturn the table."

Li Cangyu gave everyone a preventive shot. The opponents were the champions of the sixth season and they couldn"t be careless.

It was only be preparing for the worst that they would be able to burn the boats and win the game.

Li Cangyu couldn"t help becoming excited at the thought of meeting Ling Xuefeng on the field after several years.

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