God Level Summoner

Chapter 220 – Finals (6)

Chapter 220 – Finals (6)

This result not only was unacceptable to the Wind Colour fans but the Canglan fans were also a bit surprised. At first, everyone thought that Canglan would lost this round. After all, He Qun was an experienced veteran player and Qin Mo wasn"t weak. This game was also the s.p.a.ce-Time Tunnel map that was Wind Colour"s ace…

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han were so strong, using traps and guerilla attacks to send away the two people of Wind Colour.

Li Cangyu was actually quite surprised. He thought that this round would be a tie or one of Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han would die. As a result, both of them survived. They might be residual blood but at least they were alive. The meaning of sending away the opponent was different.

In Wind Colour"s soundproof room, Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen frowned with some worry. He had a type of unpredictable foreboding feeling. Wind Colour played the first game smoothly only to robbed of the fire dragon. This was Wind Colour"s home and the s.p.a.ce-Time Tunnel where Wind Colour had the unbeaten myth, yet the start was like this…

Was Li Cangyu really Captain Ling"s nemesis?

His partner Guo Xuan couldn"t help saying, "They must"ve trained specifically in this map."

Yan Ruiwen continued, "I didn"t expect the cooperation between Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han to be so good."

Captain Ling Xuefeng"s expression was very calm. He heard this and finally opened his mouth, "It"s fine. The two of you are next and you are both black magicians, which is superior to the Shu Bai combination."

Yan Ruiwen smiled confidently. "That"s true."

Bai Xuan"s healing level couldn"t be doubted. Bai Xuan had the t.i.tle of "undying c.o.c.kroach" and was the person with the highest survival ability in the Miracle League. However, the combination of two black magicians was bad for him because the two black magicians could complete the "black magic overlapping" style. In other words, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan could alternate stacking negative states. As long as the spells stacked, they could cause great damage using the least amount of blue consumption.

In order to maintain blood volume, Bai Xuan must continue to fill up his teammate"s blood. In the long run, he would face the situation of running out of blue.

There must be a stable conversion ration between the amount of blue, the amount of damage and the amount of blood. Once this stability was broken, the players would become weaker in the later stages. The combination of two black magicians meant that one could act as the output and the other as the control. It was also handy in a consumption battle. The strength of the Yan Guo combination was a match for the Tan Cheng and Su Yu combinations.

It was normal for Yan Ruiwen to feel confident for the second stage.

After a short rest, Ling Xuefeng submitted the second pair for Wind Colour—Undying Grat.i.tude and Blade Dancer!

Vice-Captain Yan and Guo Xuan"s presence won enthusiastic applause from fans.

At this time, Zhuo Hang only had 15%. Xiao Han had the characteristic of the blood kin race and his blood volume was slightly higher at 20%. This amount of blood wasn"t enough to have an effect on the Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan combination.

Moreover, Xiao Han"s stealth skill was on cooldown and Zhuo Hang"s big moves were also used. They didn"t have many skills available.

Yan Ruiwen didn"t want to talk to the opponents. He simply took Guo Xuan to a fork. They didn"t waste control skills but quickly put Death Mantra on Zhuo Hang"s body.

Death Mantra was a basic black magic skill. It allowed the opponent to continue to lose blood for a certain period of time. The blue amount of this skill was relatively low but five layers must be stacked to achieve maximum effect. It was much easier to stack when two teammates were working together.

The Yan Guo combination had been old partners for many years. They released the skills with perfect timing and Zhuo Hang had five layers of Death Mantra stacked on him.

Zhuo Hang was in a residual blood state but he didn"t feel fear. Instead, he bravely rushed forward and placed two Stop Traps at Yan Ruiwen"s foot.

The damage from the traps weren"t high. It was like a tickle to Yan Ruiwen…

Vice-Captain Yan killed Zhuo Hang with a small black magic skill.

The audience gave a thumbs up to Zhuo Hang"s last minute dedication. The thing that surprised everyone was that after Zhuo Hang died, Xiao Han bravely rushed forward, the dagger in his hand shining coldly. He wasn"t polite to Yan Ruiwen and used a series of moves.

Yan Ruiwen was trapped in place and hit by the a.s.sa.s.sin. Fortunately, Guo Xuan quickly took Xiao Han"s head and there wasn"t too big a loss. Otherwise, the vice-captain of Wind Colour had no face!

Xiao Han was sent off and Yan Ruiwen sighed slightly with relief.

Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han knocked out almost 20% of his blood but his blue was still more than 90%. Guo Xuan"s state was better, he had 100% blood and 95% blue. The two black magicians could join hands to slowly consume the Shu Bai combination. Their chances of winning were still big.

The game was suspended again and it was Canglan"s turn to pick.

Li Cangyu went to the command post and submitted the players. The big screen soon showed their information—Old Cat, Juemingzi.

Yan Ruiwen almost coughed up blood!

Your sister! What about the Shu Bai combination? Cat G.o.d, you have always been the guard. Why are you suddenly appearing in advance?

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Chapter 221 – Finals (7)

Under the stage, Ling Xuefeng"s always calm face couldn"t help showing a complicated look.

Li Cangyu was truly a very cunning commander. He saw Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan"s intention to consume the Shu Bai combination and decisively changed the order of the Shu Bai combination.

It was like accepting one loss to ensure two wins. The black magician combination had the advantage against the Shu Bai combination but the summoner with an auxiliary had the advantage against the two black magicians! Using the lineup advantage to beat him?

Li Cangyu"s thoughts were very sensible but in the eyes of many viewers, they suddenly felt: [Cat G.o.d is angry!] [Captain Ling must be really psychologically strong to not be coughing up blood!] [I feel that the vice-captain is coughing up blood!] [Where is the Shu Bai combination in the middle?]

In the regular season, the Shu Bai combination showed up in the middle transition stage 95% of the time. The main reason was that Canglan would send newcomers to fight in the first stage and newcomers were likely to make mistakes. In a disadvantageous situation, the Shu Bai combination could bring it back. Then Li Cangyu would play last in a steady manner.

Today, Li Cangyu confidently placed the Shu Bai combination in the guard stage. It was because Canglan had the advantage after the first stage and he would personally appear in the second stage, further expanding the advantage.

He believed that Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan wouldn"t lose the game when they had such a big advantage.

He also took Old Zhang because Zhang Jueming was a white magician. White magic and black magic restrained each other. Old Zhang could take care of the negative states of the black magic spells.

Yu Bing greatly appreciated Cat G.o.d"s choice. "Cat G.o.d"s approach is really wise. If he sent Shu Bai in the second stage, he will play against Ling Xuefeng in the third stage. There is a chance of winning but the risk will be quite big. Now that he is playing in the second stage, he can make it very difficult for the Yan Guo combination."

Kou Hongyi laughed. "In fact, being the second team in the playoffs is also good. You might not be able to choose the map or mode but you can pick a lineup that will make the other party want to cry! Especially when it is Li Cangyu. This type of cunning tactical command is like a sharp needle against Wind Colour"s lineup. I don"t know what Captain Ling is thinking."

The direction cut the camera towards where Ling Xuefeng was sitting and everyone saw a cold and handsome face.

Kou Hongyi was speechless for a moment. "Cough, Captain Ling is still calm!"

After the break, the Canglan second stage players went to their seats. Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming entered the game and immediately rushed to the centre of the map.

Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were still standing at a fork in the road, forming a position where they could attack and defend each other.

Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming came over and Yan Ruiwen used the Dark Fear that he had prepared without hesitation. Dark Fear hit!

As the most powerful black magician in the league, Vice-Captain Yan"s prediction ability wasn"t weak. The group fear made Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming unable to release any skills.

The Yan Guo took advantage of this opportunity to start with a big explosion—Shadow Winding, h.e.l.l Flames!

Black shadows and flames rose from the feet of the two people, causing Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming"s blood to fall.

After the three seconds of fear was almost over, Guo Xuan used the follow up control and Dark Fear once against swept towards the opponent!

The strong and continuous control of the two black magicians was almost seamless, showing how high the understanding between the Yan Guo combination was.

However, Li Cangyu wasn"t in a hurry. It was impossible for Yan Guo to kill him immediately. The moment the fear ended, he used Flying Feather Steps and moved behind Guo Xuan, directly freezing him with the water spirit!

Zhang Jueming also used the Purification skill and released the black magic Death Mantra on Li Cangyu. The result was that Yan Guo"s black magic stacking was interrupted.

After taking care of his teammate"s negative state, Old Zhang helped increase the captain"s crit rate and attack speed.

Li Cangyu received the buffs and fought back without hesitation.

—Water Ball, Fireball, Thunder"s Wrath!

The wave of damage was released and Yan Ruiwen was beaten into residual blood. Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han had deliberately decreased his blood before they left the field and Li Cangyu gave priority to killing him first.

Guo Xuan"s frozen effect was over but Old Zhang used a seal to set him in place.

G.o.d Seal set the body in place. The person affected couldn"t move but could still release skills. The problem was that today"s map was the labyrinth. Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps to move around and the stuck Guo Xuan couldn"t hit him!

Guo Xuan could only cry as he watched Yan Ruiwen"s blood fall.

Yan Ruiwen was chased and killed by Cat G.o.d and almost cried. He suddenly felt that the summoner was the most shameless cla.s.s. How could there be so many little brothers? Spirits that couldn"t be killed!

The water spirit slowed down the opponent, the fire spirit attacked, the thunder spirit released a group attack and the wind elf could control people by blowing them away. Yan Ruiwen couldn"t survive once singled out by Li Cangyu.

[Old Cat has killed Undying Grat.i.tude!]

The moment he was killed, Yan Ruiwen was convinced that Cat G.o.d was the person worthy of standing at the peak with their captain. This hand speed was really terrible…

Li Cangyu chased Yan Ruiwen in front while Guo Xuan turned to chase Zhang Jueming. He might"ve forced Old Zhang"s blood to 20% before dying but Li Cangyu still had over 50% blood left.

Wind Colour"s double magician combination left the field and Canglan"s blood volume advantage had further widened.


The combination for the third stage was Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan. On the field, Li Cangyu had 50% blood left. What could the half-blood Cat G.o.d do?

Li Cangyu told everyone the answer with practical actions.

The moment he saw Ling Xuefeng, he didn"t hesitate to throw all his skills at Ling Xuefeng.

One fireball flew after another, looking as beautiful as fireworks. While controlling the fire spirit"s violent attacks, he used the water elf to control Xu Feifan and also used Flying Feather Steps to move as fast as a phantom…

Li Cangyu"s hand speed caused many viewers to feel admiration!

Ling Xuefeng lost 40% of his blood to this wave of attacks. Then Li Cangyu turned and killed the blood spider, making it fall into cooldown.

After these skills were released, his blue was empty and Ling Xuefeng used a series of movies to kill him.

Everyone who knew the rules of the compet.i.tion knew that Li Cangyu made the final and most crucial effort for Canglan.

Ling Xuefeng had only 60% blood left. In order to kill Li Cangyu, he used a lot of blue and skills. Xu Feifan"s key spider was also killed by Li Cangyu while the full-blooded Shu Bai combination were appearing next. Under the care of Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong could use his fast attacks to beat Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan.

Li Cangyu had made all the preparations and Shu Bai just needed to not drop the chain…

The Wind Colour fans silently cursed Shu Bai, hoping their IQ would fall. However, Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan had many years of experience in the compet.i.tion and it was impossible for them to ruin the great advantage their teammates worked hard to create.

The Shu Bai combination was very stable. Bai Xuan"s blood adding techniques weren"t panicked and Xie Shurong"s attacks were as fast as lightning. They kept their advantage to the end and the word "Victory" popped up on the computer screen!


On the second floor of the stands, Chairman Nan Jiangang smiled. "It seems that your self-confidence is reasonable. Canglan really did win this game."

“Of course." Liu Chuan smiled proudly. "I don"t casually sign players. The moment I started cooperating with Li Cangyu, I expected him to go to the finals…" Liu Chuan looked over at Chairman Nan. "He has been working hard all these years. Isn"t it time for him to be rewarded?"

Chairman Nan Jiangang was silent for a moment before saying emotionally, "He really is a late player. He has been losing at the time and I couldn"t bear to watch it. Fortunately, he held on until the day he could win."

The third game, Canglan was victorious.

Wind Colour"s unbeaten myth on the s.p.a.ce-Time Tunnel map was successfully broken by Li Cangyu.

Like a black horse, the Canglan team took the lead and gained the first match point in the finals!

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