God Level Summoner

Chapter 222 – Finals (8)

Chapter 222 – Finals (8)

In the soundproof room, the Wind Colour members had complicated expressions. Since the s.p.a.ce-Time Tunnel was added to the professional league"s map library, the Wind Colour team had never lost on this map…

However, the captain and Cat G.o.d were fighting each other and Wind Colour"s home advantage was being attacked.

Everyone"s mood became a bit better after they gathered to listen to the captain"s arrangement.

Ling Xuefeng had no expression on his cold face. He only said calmly, "The last game is over. Regardless of winning or losing, there is no need to worry over the result. Adjust your states as quickly as possible for the fourth game. Don"t drop the chain on the field!"

The captain"s language was so severe that everyone immediately adjusted their mindsets.

The Wind Colour members had experienced many games and wouldn"t collapse from losing just one game. Ling Xuefeng saw that everyone was looking at him and continued, "The possibility of Canglan choosing the arena at home is extremely great. This game is match point and Li Cangyu won"t play around. He has a greater grasp of the arena than the team battles."

They had previously been guessing wrong but this time Ling Xuefeng instinctively knew that Canglan would choose the arena.

Judging from the third game, the 17 year old teenagers of Canglan had become excellent professional players. Li Cangyu was sure to have confidence in Canglan"s arena.

The risk in the arena was much smaller than the team battles. If someone made a mistake, the later combinations could move back the disadvantage. This was different from the team battle, where a person"s mistake was likely to disrupt the team"s lineup. Once there was an economy gap, it wasn"t easy to reverse the situation.


Ling Xuefeng always guessed Li Cangyu"s arrangements incorrectly but this time he was right.

On the screen, the map and mode Li Cangyu selected for the fourth game was displayed—the arena, Thorn Valley!

The players who would appear first were Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han.

The Wind Colour members had the expressions "The captain finally guessed correctly" and Ling Xuefeng"s lips slowly curved.

Yu Bing calmly a.n.a.lyzed, "There is nothing questionable about Cat G.o.d"s choice of the arena. This is match point and the stability of the arena is much higher than the team battle. This Thorn Valley map is more favourable to Canglan!"

The difficulty of the Thorn Valley map was seven stars. It wasn"t a thrilling death map or status map but it had one of the most complex terrains among all maps in the professional league.

Like its name, the map was full of thorns. Those who walked into the thorns would "bleed" and lose blood for 10 seconds. In addition, there were many swamps which would slow down movement speed and skill release speed. Invisible players could fall into the swamp and those casting skills could be interrupted. It was a map with many natural traps.

Jiang Xu, the hunter captain spoke from the VIP stands. "This map is great for hunters!"

Cheng Wei agreed. "Yes, it seems that Cat G.o.d is very attentive to Zhuo Hang. As long as the hunter"s traps are well placed, the Wind Colour team won"t be able to move!"

Tan s.h.i.tian smiled and touched his chin. "That might not necessarily be the case."

Cheng Wei looked over at him. "It isn"t?"

There was an inscrutable expression on Tan s.h.i.tian"s face."It depends on who Zhuo Hang"s opponent is."

Cheng Wei was stunned and he suddenly thought of the last game when Li Cangyu appeared early to face the double black magicians. The second team didn"t have the advantage of selecting a map but they could send people in targeted manner! Ling Xuefeng knew that Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han were playing in the first stage. Would he send Qin Mo or the black magicians to play against Zhuo Hang?

Cheng Wei thought this and suddenly became cold. "Surely Ling Xuefeng wouldn"t go out personally?"

The result was that the list submitted on the big screen hit Cheng Wei in the face—Undead Demon and Out of the Ordinary!

Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan, the ace double summoners combination of Wind Colour actually appeared in the first stage of the arena!

The Wind Colour fans were also very surprised. SInce the start of the seventh season, Captain Ling hadn"t played many arena games but every time he did, he came out in the crucial guarding stage. It was unprecedented for him to appear in the first stage.

Li Cangyu was very helpless when he saw this but there was no other way. He took advantage of being the away team to target the lineup last game and Ling Xuefeng could also use this method!

The two commanders returned to the rest seats and Li Cangyu immediately whispered to Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han, "Don"t feel pressure. Play to your own level was much as possible and consume their blood and skills."

Both of them were very serious. "Understood!"

To be honest, it wasn"t that easy if Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han wanted to win against the ultimate boss.

However, the arena game had a special feature. Since Boss Ling was coming out in advance, it meant that next combination from Wind Colour wouldn"t be too fierce. As long as the gap wasn"t too big, their Boss Cat would later appear and they could still move back the situation!


The fourth game officially began.

The terrain of this map was relatively long and narrow. Both teams refreshed at each end of the map. There were countless th.o.r.n.y plants and swamps on the map and the actual amount of ground was very limited. This was the reason why hunters had a big advantage on the map. As long as traps were laid on the ground, the opponents would be unable to move.

Zhuo Hang"s ability to combine traps and the terrain was well mastered, not to mention that he had specifically trained in the map before the match. As soon as he reached the centre of the map, he quickly laid down a number of low level Stop Traps in the open s.p.a.ce between the bushes and the swamp.

Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan walked side by side. After reaching the middle of the map, Ling Xuefeng decisively summoned four demon infantry and split them up in four directions. Ling Xuefeng"s hand speed was vividly shown as he manipulated four skeletons in different directions with no mistakes!

The soulless skeleton infantry quickly dispersed under Ling Xuefeng"s control. There were a few loud noises as they stepped into Zhuo Hang"s traps.

Zhuo Hang"s traps were broken by Ling Xuefeng"s pets.

The fans of Wind Colour excitedly commented: [Captain Ling is handsome! [Captain Ling, I will give you a monkey!] [This is the first time I thought the demon"s skeletons were so cool!" [Who cares about traps?] [With so many younger brothers, Captain Ling can break your traps in a minute!]

Zhuo Hang actually expected this point. He knew it would be difficult to fight when he saw the list of names.

The demon summoner could summon up to four skeleton infantry to split up the actions or surround the enemy. The usage was very flexible. thanks to Ling Xuefeng"s hand speed, controlling four skeleton infantry in different directions was simply a breeze.

The four skeletons were set in place and Zhuo Hang no longer hesitated. He directly launched Trap Blast to defeat the skeletons. He knew that if the skeleton infantry didn"t die then these four pets would become Ling Xuefeng"s pathfinder, destroying all the traps that Zhuo Hang arranged!

As soon as the skeletons died, Zhuo Hang opened Flying Feather Steps and quickly moved around, putting a wave of traps to hinder the other party"s progress. Xiao Han also took the opportunity to lurk behind Ling Xuefeng and used Pain Blade!

Xiao Han didn"t expect that at this moment, Ling Xuefeng would suddenly step into the swamp with clever sidesteps!

There were exclamations of surprise from the audience. Captain Ling couldn"t make such a low-level mistake as stepping into the wrong area. This was obviously intentional. His awareness was strong enough to pre-judge Xiao Han"s move!

He guessed that Xiao Han would attack at this time and decisively jumped into the swamp to avoid Xiao Han"s initial control. Then he summoned the banshee and used a precise Charm to forcibly drag Xiao Han into the swamp!

Xiao Han, "…"

The Canglan fans, "…"

The Canglan fans had an unpredictable feeling that the little prince would be ruthlessly taught by Captain Ling.

Xiao Han was slapped in the face. He thought his move would hti and was ready for the next Backstab, Fatal Blow and Soul Stab. As a result, Captain Ling cleverly hid from him and also pulled him into the swamp!

The swamp slowed down the release of skills. This meant the a.s.sa.s.sin who relied on sneak attacks and fast crits were restricted. In addition, the position of Ling Xuefeng"s banshee was quite clever. It pulled XIao Han six metres away. If Xiao Han wanted to come and hit Ling Xuefeng then it would take twice as long as usual.

At this time, Xu Feifan cooperated with the captain to form a double-sided attack. He set the blood snake and blood spider on Xiao Han, stacking five layers of bleeding on Xiao Han!

Xiao Han fell into the swamp and Zhuo Hang had no other way to save his teammates. He made a rational decision to attack Xu Feifan!

Zhuo Hang circled Xu Feifan and placed three Stop Traps and a Death Trap in succession, causing the other"s blood to fall by 30%.

He followed up with a Silence Trap, making Xu Feifan unable to put out skills. Xu Feifan"s offensive rhythm was interrupted and he could only withdraw from Zhuo Hang"s offensive range. Xiao Han took the opportunity to climb back onto the ground but something more tragic happened. Ling Xuefeng"s banshee appeared and used Witch Demon"s Curse!

Xiao Han, who just climbed onto sh.o.r.e and Zhuo Hang, who was placing a trap, were forcibly pulled into the thorns and the two players were affected by the "bleeding" state.

The audience, "…"

Ling Xuefeng"s use of the banshee was absurd. Li Cangyu originally wanted to use the map to target Wind Colour but the result was reversed by Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng proved through practical actions why he never lost his position as king of the Miracle League. It was enough for him to teach the two newcomers.


Once Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang were sent off, Ling Xuefeng had 60% of his blood left while Xu Feifan was. .h.i.t by Zhuo Hang and only had 20% blood left. Wind Colour"s advantage going into the second round was actually quite big.

Yu Bing was a bit anxious. "The Canglan team needs to send Boss Ling away as soon as possible. If the gap is widened even more, it will be difficult to recover in the third stage!"

Cheng Wei hurriedly jumped up, "Cat G.o.d, quickly kill Ling Xuefeng!"

In fact, he just blindly said this but Old Cat"s name really appeared on the screen. Cheng Wei froze.

Cat G.o.d really was playing!

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Chapter 223 – Finals (9)

At this moment, many viewers at the venue had complicated expressions.

The finals between Canglan and Wind Colour was really fiery. Ling Xuefeng took the lead in forcibly sending away the two newcomers. In the face of the boss, Li Cangyu didn"t hesitate to play directly to send Ling Xuefeng away!

—I will personally send you away.

Li Cangyu seemed to be saying this to the audience.

The second stage players for Canglan were Li Cangyu and Gu Siming. He didn"t bring Zhang Jueming because his auxiliary skills weren"t really effective on this map. On the other hand, the thick-skinned paladin could guarantee his safety.

Once Gu Siming saw Ling and Xu, he placed Light Shield on the captain. This Light Shield lasted a long time and would transfer all damage and negative states from the target onto his body.

With this Light Shield, Li Cangyu was invincible. All damage and negative states like bleeding would be supported by Gu Siming. Xiao Gu became the captain"s personal bodyguard.

Ling Xuefeng saw that Li Cangyu came and immediately summoned the skeleton infantry to block him. As a result, Li Cangyu skillfully used Flying Feather Steps to move to the left, making the skeleton infantry pounce on empty air.

Li Cangyu called the water spirit to freeze Ling Xuefeng. The other side seemed to expect this and moved to dodge the small water spirit. Then he used the banshee"s Charm to pull Li Cangyu over!

However, Li Cangyu moved to the right to cleverly avoid the banshee"s control!

The two men kept moving and four skills continuously missed. The audience felt a bit drunk. How well did they know each other to mutually avoid each other"s skills for so long?

The two skills of Captain Ling couldn"t hit Cat G.o.d and Cat G.o.d couldn"t control Captain Ling. They were really fated enemies!

Ling Xuefeng no longer hesitated and used Cover the Sky!

Li Cangyu really wanted to spit at the screen. This was his most hated skill. He could hide from Ling Xuefeng"s other skills but the range of the vision control skill was too wide. He was so annoyed every time the crows covered the screen.

Ling Xuefeng took advantage of the vision control to summon the demon G.o.d. This was the demon summoner"s fourth pet. It consumed the largest amount of blue and had the longest cooldown. Naturally, its attack power was the strongest!

Once the demon G.o.d appeared, it would become the most terrifying output.

Its body constantly emitted black mist around it, causing a wide range group damage. The affected opponent would have the negative state "Demon"s Curse". Every time the demon G.o.d used a big move, the negative effects would constantly stack. The frequency of the demon G.o.d"s attacks were also very fast at 1.5 seconds.

Li Cangyu"s black screen lasted for three seconds and two layers stacked on him at that time. In addition, Xu Feifan quickly had the blood snake and blood spider bite Gu Siming. Then he used the blood kin summoner"s big move, Blood Bat Festival!

Gu Siming"s shield was on the captain so Li Cangyu wasn"t affected. However, there were so many attacks that the thick-skinned paladin lost a large amount of blood and fell to the 30% residual blood state.

Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan"s explosive power was so terrible that the paladin was beaten like this!

The field control ended and Li Cangyu immediately used Wind and Clouds Destruction!

This was the counterattack to Ling Xuefeng"s banshee. He pulled people then Li Cangyu would use Wind and Clouds Destruction to blow people away!

The release angle of this move was extremely subtle. Li Cangyu blew Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan into the thorns and had the water spirit use the big move Frost Heart!

The water spirit"s Water Ball could slow down the opponent and had a certain probability of freezing them. Frost Heart froze all those within range. Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan were frozen in the thorns and their bodies were smashed by the bleeding state.

Li Cangyu then summoned the thunder spirit and used Thunder"s Wrath!

His hand speed reached the peak as he used the water, wind and thunder spirit"s big moves to directly take Xu Feifan"s head and disable Ling Xuefeng.

The fans of Canglan were comforted. Sure enough, Cat G.o.d was reliable against Boss Ling Xuefeng!

Everyone"s mood had just improved while Ling Xuefeng was freed from the control and summoned four skeleton infantry, making them surround Gu Siming before exploding.

There was a loud noise and Xiao Gu"s blood fell to 10%…

Li Cangyu couldn"t bear it and directly summoned the first spirit to send Ling Xuefeng off!

[Old Cat has killed Undead Demon!]

The stage ended but the Canglan team paid a great price. The professional players watching the situation weren"t optimistic about the next situation.

Li Cangyu was still in a good state thanks to Xiao Gu"s protection but Xiao Gu barely had any blood left. Then Li Cangyu would have to face the situation of two against one.

In addition, the signature double black magicians hadn"t appeared yet.

The Canglan fans were distraught and hoped that Cat G.o.d could let out an explosive wave to move the situation back.


In the second stage, Wind Colour sent Qin Mo and He Qun.

This blood cow combination was a special combination that Wind Colour formed this season.

Qin Mo appeared and didn"t hesitate to release a wave of skills at Gu Siming, taking away Gu Siming"s 10% blood.

Li Cangyu really had to face a 1v2 situation…

The thing that made the audience feel admiration was that Li Cangyu still played fiercely in this disadvantageous situation. Qin Mo was suppressed by him and could barely use skills. His blood volume also plummeted!

He Qun clearly felt the pressure of healing. This was a pressure he normally only felt when facing two violent outputs. He had to keep adding blood to ensure that Qin Mo"s blood was above the safety line. Cat G.o.d"s output was terrible!

Under the protection of He Qun, it wasn"t easy for Li Cangyu to kill Qin Mo.

He could only consume as much resources as possible.

He released everything at Qin Mo in order to maximize the healer"s consumption!

The battle lasted for almost 10 minutes. Li Cangyu"s blue became empty and He Qun"s blue was almost empty. Qin Mo finally used the blood spider and blood snake to stack five layers of bleeding on Cat G.o.d. Then he used the vampire bats to send Cat G.o.d away!

[Shepherd has killed Old Cat!]

This made Qin Mo feel very excited. It felt different to kill his master"s strongest opponent.

It was because his master did a good job in the previous round. However, Qin Mo was always at the bottom of the food chain and he finally turned it around. It was a rare moment so he was sure to take a screenshot!


For the key third stage, Li Cangyu could only send the Shu Bai combination.

Wind Colour"s little prince had 80% blood left due to He Qun filling his blood. The big move Blood Bat Festival also allowed him to suck a lot of blood. The survivability of the blood kin race was stronger than other races.

He Qun was in a very poor state as Li Cangyu consumed almost all his skills.

Before going to the player"s seats, Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan and smiled. "This game will be tough. Let"s refuel."

Bai Xuan looked over at him and was about to talk while Xie Shurong put away his smile and made a firm expression. "Whether we win or lose, we will face it together. I won"t give up until the last moment."

Bai Xuan"s heart was moved. He tried to say something but forcibly resisted. He knew the probability of winning this game was very small but Ah Shu"s words calmed his mood.

Yes, they wouldn"t give up until the last moment. It was enough if they fought as hard as they could.


Yu Bing was obviously worried as she commented, "After killing Qin Mo, they will have to face the double black magicians of Wind Colour. It is too difficult to reverse the situation. This is because the advantage from the previous pairs was too big.

Kou Hongyi spoke in a serious manner. "As far as today"s match is concerned, the away team is more advantageous than the home team. Previously, Wind Colour was beaten at home and now Canglan is being beaten. It is because the commanders can target people."

Yu Bing nodded in agreement. "The playoff rules are applied here. The role of the map is weakened, the effect of the lineup is strengthened and it tests the strategic deployment of both sides.

This was normal. Otherwise, the home side would choose a familiar map to defeat the away side and the playoffs would be no fun. In the playoffs, the home side could choose a targeted map and mode while the away side targeted the people. This allowed the two sides to stand at a relatively fair starting line.

Obviously, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were captains who thoroughly studied the cla.s.s characteristics and lineup.

In the last game, Li Cangyu"s targeting broke Wind Colour"s unbeaten myth in the s.p.a.ce-Time Tunnel. In this game, Ling Xuefeng personally went forward to crack Zhuo Hang"s traps and Xiao Han"s a.s.sa.s.sination skills. The advantage he made in the early stage was too great that it was impossible for Li Cangyu to reverse the situation.

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