God Level Summoner

Chapter 25 – Care

Chapter 25 – Care

The final match of the regular season between Time and Wind Colour ended with an unexpected score.

The team standings were fixed and the Miracle League would routinely give them a week off for the players to adjust their state and rest.

The Time team had lost the game but Captain Tan s.h.i.tian"s face was very relaxed. He smiled and said to the players, "Hurry up and pack up your things. Let"s go eat at noon, I will treat you."

Due to the influence of Captain Tan, the other Time members didn"t show frustrated expressions after losing the game. Instead, they excitedly said, "The league will start the holiday tomorrow. Captain Tan, do you want to go sing karaoke after eating?"

Tan s.h.i.tian asked, "You want to go to KTV?"

"Of course." Some members laughed. "Captain Tan, sing and wash our ears."

Tan s.h.i.tian smiled in agreement. "Okay, I"ll book a room and we will sing songs all night."

Everyone cheered except for Cheng Wei, who bowed his head with a sullen expression. "You go sing K, I won"t go since I can"t sing."

Cheng Wei could only sing out of tune. This wasn"t a secret in the Miracle League.

It happened at the party for the end of the third season. Cheng Wei had won the newcomer award and was encouraged to sing. He picked up the microphone and sang "Grandma"s Penghu Bay" that everyone was familiar with. All the captains made a "…" expression.

Time"s old captain Xu Luo privately commented on Cheng Wei"s singing. "The lyrics are familiar but the tune is Xiao Wei"s own adaptation."

Cheng Wei"s signing was so out of tune that it didn"t even have the fundamental tune.

On the other hand, Tan s.h.i.tian"s singing was unique in the league. The low and gentle tone was very good to hear and he was also good at playing guitar. His impromptu guitar playing was at the level of a professional and every time there was a big party, he would be pushed on stage to wash out their ears.

In the past, Cheng Wei would be very active in playing with everyone whenever the Time team went to KTV. He was a lively and cheerful person who loved excitement. He didn"t mind other people"s jokes whenever he sang.

Today he didn"t want to go and it clearly wasn"t because he couldn"t sing. He was just in a bad mood.

Tan s.h.i.tian saw him hanging his head and couldn"t help gently pulling Cheng Wei"s wrist. "Xiao Wei, it is normal to win and lose in a game. Don"t take it to heart."

"…" Cheng Wei was silent, his mood a bit complicated.

Cheng Wei knew very well that Time"s loss in today"s battle was completely because of him. Unexpectedly, Tan s.h.i.tian didn"t blame him and actually comforted him… Cheng Wei would feel better off if he was scolded.

Cheng Wei"s mind was still confused by what Ling Xuefeng said.

Captain Ling had said, "Some people don"t need your help when they fall down." Was this telling him not to meddle with Cat G.o.d? Should he just stand by and watch as Cat G.o.d suffered so many twists and turns? In addition, Tan s.h.i.tian didn"t agree to let Cat G.o.d come to the Time team. Why were these people so indifferent when Cat G.o.d was in trouble?

Cheng Wei didn"t understand. He only felt that his head hurt badly, like sharp needles were piercing his brain.

Last night, he had been so busy thinking that he couldn"t sleep. When he woke up this morning, he felt like he was walking on cotton and it was difficult to concentrate when he was in the game. He really didn"t want to go to the team gathering.

Cheng Wei looked back at Tan s.h.i.tian"s worried eyes and shook off his hand. "I"m not feeling well. I will return to the team first."

After that, regardless of his team member"s doubtful eyes, he carried his keyboard bag and turned to leave.

Tan s.h.i.tian looked at his leaving figure and couldn"t help frowning slightly.

Lu Xiao asked with confusion, "What happened with Vice-Captain today? Isn"t it just losing one game?"

Time had lost before. In the past, whenever he lost, Cheng Wei would feel fl.u.s.tered but never depressed. Instead, he would form a fist and vow, "Next time I will kill them! I will definitely win next time!"

Today he was completely smashed like an eggplant and had a depressed appearance. Wasn"t this completely unlike Cheng Wei"s character?

The players looked at the captain with great suspicion. Tan s.h.i.tian, who knew the inside story, smiled and said, "Don"t gossip. The vice-captain didn"t sleep well last night. He had a cold and was uncomfortable. The matter of singing K will be pushed to the day after tomorrow. Today, I will invite everyone to eat first."

A party didn"t mean much without their lively vice-captain so the members immediately agreed with Tan s.h.i.tian"s suggestion.


Tan s.h.i.tian took the players to a restaurant near the stadium for lunch. After eating, he specifically packed a dish that Cheng Wei loved to eat and brought it back.

As he returned to the club, he almost crashed into a man while entering. It was Liang Haibin, captain of the Huaxia Club"s Wulin Branch.

“Captain Liang." Tan s.h.i.tian stopped him. "Can I ask you a question?"

As the captains of the Wulin and Miracle branches of the Huaxia Club, Tan s.h.i.tian and Liang Haibin were equal. Their training rooms were separated but they would often meet in the dining room when having lunch and would occasionally exchange tactical ideas. Thus, they were very familiar with each other.

The older Liang Haibin looked at him with confusion. "Xiao Tan, what"s the matter?"

“How much do you know about Li Cangyu?" Tan s.h.i.tian asked.

“Cat G.o.d?” Liang Haibin thought about it seriously. "The Canglan team isn"t a first-cla.s.s team on the Wulin Side. They always lost in the first round of playoffs. However, Cat G.o.d"s personal ability is very strong and he has a high percentage of wins in the arena. I heard yesterday that Canglan was disbanding. Manager Li wanted to invite Cat G.o.d to join our team. The strange thing is that the Wulin League said that Cat G.o.d"s information has already been secretly transferred."

“The information was secretly transferred?" Tan s.h.i.tian was a bit surprised. "Do you know which team he went to?"

“The other side asked for secrecy so I don"t know." Liang Haibin paused before saying, "My guess is that the biggest possibility is the Dragon Warriors team. This is very like Liu Chuan"s style. He is part of the E-sports League so transferring a player"s data is very convenient for him. Not to mention he has always appreciated Cat G.o.d and Cat G.o.d"s play style is consistent with the lineup of the Dragon Warriors team."

“It makes sense." Tan s.h.i.tian felt thoughtful. "Then Cat G.o.d will continue to play in the Wulin League?"

“Maybe." Liang Haibin couldn"t help feeling curious. "Why are you suddenly asking about this person?"

“In fact, the reason is Xiao Wei." Tan s.h.i.tian said with a smile. "He has some relationship with Cat G.o.d."

"Oh." Liang Haibin nodded. "Speaking of Xiao Wei, I just saw him coming back alone and he didn"t look good. What"s going on?"

“He probably isn"t feeling well so I"ll go check on him. Captain Liang, you must be busy." Tan s.h.i.tian said goodbye to Liang Haibin and headed towards the dorms.


Li Hui, the manager of the Huaxia Club, loved e-sports. After earning a lot of money in Wulin, he set up the MIracle team and recruited many talented players.  His business philosophy was very mature, allowing the Time team to win the championship in the first season. Over the past very years, the Time team was among the top teams in the league and the results were very stable.

The Huaxia Club was the first comprehensive club in China to develop across two games, Wulin and Miracle.

Manager Li was serious but he was very good to players. The salaries were high and the bonuses were also very generous. The accommodations, food and training room conditions of the team were first cla.s.s. The club"s dorms were all in a small apartment-style with two rooms and there was a person responsible for cleaning.

Tan s.h.i.tian was only six months older than Cheng Wei. From his debut, he had lived in the same dormitory as Cheng Wei.

He took out the key and opened the door to the dorm room. There was no one in the living room while the door to Cheng Wei"s bedroom was tightly closed.

In the past, Cheng Wei would excitedly stay in the living room to watch video replays, look through Weibo and play mobile games. Today was the first time he went directly to his bedroom.

Tan s.h.i.tian opened the door to the bedroom and saw that Cheng Wei was already sleeping.

He had his quilt wrapped tightly around him with only his head showing.

Tan s.h.i.tian smiled and walked over to sit by the bed. He gently touched Cheng Wei"s head. "Are you pretending? Or are you really uncomfortable?"

Cheng Wei moved his head and spoke in a hoa.r.s.e voice. "Leave me alone, let me sleep for a while."

“Your voice has become like this. Are you crying?" Tan s.h.i.tian smiled and turned over Cheng Wei, only to find that his face was unusually pale and his brow tightly wrinkled. He looked very uncomfortable.

Tan s.h.i.tian stretched out a hand and was shocked by the head from the forehead!

"You are burning up!" Tan s.h.i.tian immediately got up to find fever medicine. He poured a cup of warm water and pulled Cheng Wei up against his chest. He fed Cheng Wei the medicine and placed an ice towel on Cheng Wei"s forehead.

Cheng Wei was in a daze and could only feel that someone was taking care of him. The feeling of coldness on his forehead made him feel comfortable and he couldn"t help leaning his head against Cheng Wei"s chest.

Tan s.h.i.tian"s heart softened and he brought out a clean tower, helping Cheng Wei wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Cheng Wei was a player who debuted in the third season but Tan s.h.i.tian always felt that he wasn"t grown up or mature.

Despite being the vice-captain of Time, he didn"t have too much control over the team"s affairs. He still had a child"s heart and didn"t think too much when speaking. Every day, Cheng Wei would happily train and plain. He often had a bright smile on his face and when he became angry, his cheeks bulged out and the speed of his talking increased. Once it was over, he would smile and address Tan s.h.i.tian in a familiar manner.

—He was a very simple person.

Compared with other vice-captains of the Miracle League, Cheng Wei was simply a small, white rabbit.

The vice-captain loved to play and the captain had to take on all the responsibilities.

Due to this, Tan s.h.i.tian grew quickly after taking over as captain last season.

Captain Xu had told him when handing over the captaincy, "Xiao Wei debuted earlier than you but he is always heartless and won"t manage the team. Your responsibility will be heavy in the future. If you don"t understand something, talk with your predecessors in the league. You are the youngest captain in the Miracle League. Don"t be arrogant. Keep a modest att.i.tude and you will gain a foothold in the league."

Tan s.h.i.tian followed his master"s teachings. Once he was captain, he always smiled and showed an active team atmosphere. He was gentle and cordial, never putting on airs with his teammates. He was also very respectful to the senior players. Regardless of winning or losing the match, his mood was always very calm.

He was modest and humorous since his debut and his elf archer had a very distinct style. His leadership progressed rapidly and he often wrote fun jokes on Weibo. Tan s.h.i.tian, who had the nickname of Storytelling G.o.d, quickly won the hearts and minds of the fans of the Time team and was also acknowledged by other captains in the league.

However, Tan s.h.i.tian was very clear that Cheng Wei"s heart didn"t agree.

Not only did he debuted later than Cheng Wei, his style of leadership was very different compared to Cheng Wei"s idols, Captain Xu and Cat G.o.d. It was understandable that Cheng Wei didn"t acknowledge him as captain.

Tan s.h.i.tian couldn"t help sighing when he thought of this. "Xiao Wei, I know that you don"t agree with me as captain. Compared to Captain Xu and your idol Cat G.o.d, I am very poor… but I have been working hard to raise a good Time team. I"m not a narrow-minded person and I won"t ruin Master"s hard-laid foundation… trust me, okay?"

Cheng Wei couldn"t hear what Tan s.h.i.tian was saying due to his fever. His consciousness was blurred but he seemed to capture the key points in Tan s.h.i.tian"s words. He couldn"t help crying out, "Master…"

Tan s.h.i.tian was startled. He knew that the master Cheng Wei was referring to wasn"t the old captain of Time but the master of his heart, Li Cangyu.

Cheng Wei rarely mentioned Cat G.o.d but after living in the dorms with him for two years, Tan s.h.i.tian gradually found some clues and became aware of the relationship between Cheng Wei and Li Cangyu.

Tan s.h.i.tian rubbed Cheng Wei"s head and said softly, "Cat G.o.d is likely to turn to the Dragon Warriors Club. If this is the case, he will certainly have a better development so don"t worry about him.

Tan s.h.i.tian picked up the towel that had become hot and went to the bathroom. He washed it with cold water and once again placed it on Cheng Wei"s forehead.

Cheng Wei was cared for very comfortably and finally slept.

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Chapter 26 – Truth

This was an away match for the WInd Colour team and all the members had flown to Beijing, the base of the Time team.

It was hard to get points in an away game so winning the game 6:3 was quite beautiful. Ling Xuefeng was in a good mood so he took everyone to a nearby restaurant and ordered sumptuous dishes. He boldly used the team funds to buy the meal.

At Wind Colour team parties, Ling Xuefeng didn"t like to speak but Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen was very active. The main players Guo Xuan and Xu Feifan were also lively. Everyone chatted together and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

However, today"s situation was somewhat wrong. It was because Qin Mo was pale from beginning to end, like a sky about to collapse.

The full blood Qin Mo had been completely suppressed by Tan s.h.i.tian and killed. It was estimated that the shock the rookie who just debuted experienced was too big and his emotions hadn"t adjusted.

A few old players were afraid of his sadness and took the initiative to give him some dishes, which he accepted with an embarra.s.sed expression.

Ling Xuefeng still hadn"t given an evaluation on Qin Mo"s performance. He knew that his disciple"s self-esteem was very high. At this time, Qin Mo would be psychologically damaged no matter what his master said. Therefore, it was best to let Qin Mo think about it himself.


After dinner, everyone headed back to the hotel by car. The game time was in the morning and Wind Colour"s leader had booked an afternoon flight back to Shanghai. Ling Xuefeng asked everyone to take a nap first before meeting in the hall at two in the afternoon.

Everyone went back to their room to rest. Qin Mo was staying with Xu Feifan, a blood kin summoner. This was Ling Xuefeng"s arrangement since he thought two players of the same cla.s.s could exchange experience.

Normally Qin Mo would take the initiative to consult with his predecessor when he encountered problems. Today, he headed straight to the bathroom as soon as he entered the room.

Xu Feifan had been planning to go to sleep when he received a text message from Captain Ling. [Qin Mo seems to be worrying about something. Speak to him and see if you can figure out what caused him to play abnormally.]

[I understand.] Xu Feifan accepted the task and started to frown.

Qin Mo took a shower and came out a while later. The young boy was only 16 this year and his body hadn"t yet developed. The skinny boy was pale and looked very depressed. This guy"s heart was too proud and he thought he was great just because he was Ling Xuefeng"s apprentice. Xu Feifan had long thought Qin Mo would fall, he just didn"t expect it to be in such a ruthless manner.

He was abused in the ring in front of so many people. A young player could easily receive psychological shadows and even lost confidence. Compet.i.tive games were always cruel. If a person didn"t get up after being beaten, there would be countless players stepping on their back.

Xu Feifan was aware of the seriousness of the problem and pondered for a moment. He looked back and found that after taking the shadow, Qin Mo was already going to sleep.

"…" Xu Feifan was torn for a moment before going to Qin Mo"s bedside and whispering, "Xiao Qin, are you sleeping?"

"No." The little boy"s stuffy voice came from the quilt.

Xu Feifan coughed two times to clear his throat before saying, "I am a player who debuted in the third season. You should know that before me, the best blood kin summoner in the league was Yuan Shaozhe, the former Vice-Captain of Wind Colour. After Vice-Captain Yuan retired, I started to play with Captain Ling."

“I"ve heard about it." Qin Mo replied softly.

He knew that the former vice-captain, Yuan Shaozhe was three years older than Ling Xuefeng and retired earlier.  He had never seen that person but he heard that Xu Feifan, the current main blood kin summoner, had inherited his style of play.

“From the beginning, the core of our Wind Colour team is the control of the double summoners. You should already know that your master is one of the best in the world. However, Captain Ling isn"t young and he will retire someday." Xu Feifan paused and his voice became gentler. "He accepted you as a disciple, had me teach you the blood kin summoner"s gameplay and also makes you watch videos about blood kin summoners. Do you know the reason for this?"

Qin Mo was startled while a strong bitterness filled his heart.

Yes, he knew.

Captain Ling was doing this for the future of Wind Colour, so he could train successors for the Wind Colour team.

As Captain Ling"s apprentice, Qin Mo received more opportunities than his peers since he debuted. Captain Ling wasn"t stingy about letting him play in less important games and even when meeting a strong team like Time, his master put pressure on him by placing him in the key "guard" position…

Then what did Qin Mo do?

He was in a daze during the game…

He was full of blood when facing Tan s.h.i.tian but he was sent off without causing Tan s.h.i.tian"s blood to drop at all.

He completely betrayed his master"s trust and felt sorry for his master"s efforts in teaching in.

Qin Mo"s pain twisted when he thought this and he wrapped himself tighter in his quilt, his eyes becoming red. It was like a faucet was opened as tears that he could no longer control flowed out.

Xu Feifan saw the little boy wrapped in the quilt and knew he must be crying. After all, Qin Mo was only 16 years old and still hadn"t grown up. It was impossible to ask him to be calm after being abused by an experienced player.

The fact that he was crying about today"s situation was a good thing.

Xu Feifan sighed and patted Qin Mo over the quilt. "Xiao Qin, Captain Ling is actually very good to you. He rarely expresses concern but everything he has done is to make you as strong as possible. You lost today"s arena match but it doesn"t matter. He sent you to gain experience from Tan s.h.i.tian, not to win. Do you understand?"

Qin Mo was stunned and emerged from the quilt to look at Xu Feifan.

Not to win? It was to gain experience?

Xu Feifan"s words were like cold water, immediately waking Qin Mo up.

Yes, he was a rookie player and would find it hard to win against Tan s.h.i.tian, the captain of the Time team. Master should"ve guessed this result and sent him to fact Tan s.h.i.tian to gain experience from an expert.

In fact, taking the game seriously and playing at his own level would be enough. However, he only wanted to win and his brain was messy. The result was that he was abused and completely wasted this rare opportunity.

It could be said that Wind Colour lost three points for nothing…

Xu Feifan say the boy"s repentant expression and couldn"t help patting Qin Mo"s shoulder. "Captain Ling doesn"t care about the score. He is more concerned about why you were playing abnormally. Xiao Qin, look back and think about it. I feel… you should take the initiative to give your master an explanation."

Qin Mo thought for a long time before nodding hard. "Thank you Brother Xu. I will talk to Master."

"Then have a good sleep. Once we return to Shanghai in the afternoon, you can go find the captain." Xu Feifan had pondered on his lines, opened the big brother"s warm education mode and finally succeeded in persuading Qin Mo. He fell asleep in a happy mood.

Qin Mo"s head was in chaos and he didn"t sleep. He was thinking about how to explain the matter with Love to Eat Braised Fish.


At four in the afternoon, the Wind Colour collectively returned to Shanghai.

The Wind Colour Club was one of the earliest clubs established in the Miracle League and its popularity was very high. In its home city of Shanghai, there were numerous loyal fans.

In order to avoid the e-sports reporters waiting like rabbits at the airport, everyone walked down to the parking lot under the leadership of Ling Xuefeng and were sent back in a car that picked them up.

Upon arriving at the club, Ling Xuefeng said to the players, "Starting tomorrow, it is a holiday in the league. Those who want to go out to relax or go home to visit their loved ones should tell Vice-Captain Yan. Just remember to return before the 17th."

It was a rare holiday and Ling Xuefeng didn"t want to make everyone train. At present, Wind Colour was ranked first in the team standings. As long as there wasn"t a drop in the second round of the regular season, this year"s playoffs definitely wouldn"t be a problem.

"Okay!" It was clear that everyone was happy about the captain"s decision.

Ling Xuefeng made arrangements for the team"s holiday and then returned to his dorm. He put away his luggage and turned on the computer in the living room.

He was watching a video replay of the match between Wind Colour and Time when a knock was heard and Qin spoke in a weak voice.

Ling Xuefeng got up and opened the door. He saw Qin Mo whisper with a bowed head, "Master…"

"Yes." Ling Xuefeng looked at him lightly. "Did you find me to say something?"

Qin Mo nodded and organized his words. "I"m sorry Master. My mind was very messy today and I didn"t play well."

“Don"t apologize. Tell me why you didn"t play well." Ling Xuefeng ordered.

“Uh… it is like this. Yesterday, the president of the Wind Colour Guild told me that their six member team was killed by a three member team in the game. I was curious and went online to look. The result was I met a very strong elf summoner. I didn"t beat him and was even taught by him…"

Qin Mo"s heart felt very wronged when he thought about this and his voice couldn"t help choking up. "He said I lost because I was too careless and that I shouldn"t summon too many pets. It would just put me at a disadvantage. I.. I thought he had a point. I was thinking about it last night and my spirit wasn"t good in the morning. My mind was dazed and I didn"t know what to do in the game."

Ling Xuefeng waited for him to finish before seizing the key point. "You said an elf summoner?"

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded. "He is very powerful. I have never met an elf summoner and didn"t know how to play against him."

"What is his name?"

"Love to Eat Braised Fish."

"…" Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment before leaving the room. "You should"ve told me earlier."

"Master!" Qin Mo quickly followed him. "Where are you going?"

“I am going to the guild." Ling Xuefeng said calmly.

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Chapter 27 – Mysterious Master

The Wind Colour Guild office.

The president Popular Land Under Heaven and the vice presidents were clearing the Frost Temple instance in the game. They chatted while facing the boss.

Popular Land Under Heaven said, "Wind Colour in today"s match against Time was too handsome. Our Captain Ling is too domineering."

“Yes, there was a 0:3 disadvantage and he incredibly took six points. It was super fun to watch!" Same Boat Under Wind and Rain cried out.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps was heard behind them. The two people looked back and stood up with shock.

In the game, Popular Land Under Heaven and Same Boat Under Wind and Rain were instantly killed by the boss" big move. However, they completely ignored it because the person in front of them was the difficult to see Ling Xuefeng!

Captain Ling didn"t care about the guild side of the team and left Vice-Captain Yan in charge. They weren"t psychological prepared when he suddenly came today!

The few management members couldn"t help feel guilty when they met Ling Xuefeng"s deep eyes.

Popular Land Under Heaven immediately squeezed out a smile and laughed hollowly. "How can Captain Ling come here? Haha, I will go to pour Captain Ling a cup of tea."

He was just turning to leave when Ling Xuefeng said, "No need."

“…" Popular Land Under Heaven wiped the sweat on his forehead and secretly glanced at Qin Mo. Had Qin Mo told the captain about the things that happened in the game? However, Qin Mo"s pale face was looking down and no clues could be seen. Popular Land Under Heaven scratched his head and looked back at the captain. "Captain Ling, did you come here for… an inspection?"

“I want to look at the situation in the new district." Ling Xuefeng went straight to the president"s computer. He sat down and found that Popular Land Under Heaven had been killed by the boss" big move. The map in the upper right corner showed it was the Frost Temple instance. "You reached level 40 so quickly?"

Popular Land Under Heaven immediately replied, "Yes, we are desperately levelling in the new district."

Ling Xuefeng asked, "Do you know a person called Love to Eat Braised Fish?"

"…" A chill suddenly went down Popular Land Under Heaven"s spine!

Captain Ling took the initiative to come here and also mentioned Love to Eat Braised Fish, meaning he must"ve learned about the matter with Love to Eat Braised Fish. Lying in front of Captain Ling was tantamount to digging his own grave. It was better to confess honestly!

Popular Land Under Heaven thought this and obediently replied, "I know. Love to Eat Braised Fish is a very powerful elf summoner who appeared in the new district. Our guild happened to meet his three member team while intercepting a bounty mission. The result was… our team was wiped out… twice."

It was too shameful saying this to Wind Colour"s big leader!

Popular Land Under Heaven sneaked a glance at the captain"s face and found that Ling Xuefeng looked calm, not angry. Thus, he continued to say, "Cough I wanted to report back to Captain Ling but the match was coming up and I was afraid it would impact the team"s performance. I looked for Qin Mo to check and Qin Mo logged into the game to PK against him once…"

“The result was a loss?" Ling Xuefeng"s voice didn"t contain any emotions.

"…" Popular Land Under Heaven and Qin Mo looked at each other with embarra.s.sment.

Ling Xuefeng looked at the two people. "Do you think that Qin Mo losing to a master in the online game is normal?"

“…" The two people were afraid to speak.

"Qin Mo is a professional player with a stable hand speed of more than 300. He has been training professionally for half a year with the Wind Colour team and qualified for an official debut this season. The Miracle Professional League has very high requirements for professional players. Casually losing to an online game master, won"t this make the Miracle Professional League a joke?"

Ling Xuefeng"s voice was very calm but the Wind Colour Guild"s management hung their heads with shame.

"A master elf summoner that you have never heard of. Have you ever thought that this person"s origins might not be simple?"

The group froze and looked at each other with surprise.

Captain Ling was right!

Qin Mo might be a newcomer who just debuted this season but he was still a professional player. He received formal training for half a year and was a very talented rookie. Usually, everyone would learn from Qin Mo when he was idle. Qin Mo abused the guild"s management so easily. How could he lose to a master in the online game?

There was only one possibility—Love to Eat Braised Fish"s origin wasn"t simple.

The Wind Colour Guild was so angry about being wiped out that they forgot such a key point!

Popular Land Under Heaven"s spirit only came back at this time, causing him to guiltily scratch his head. He was too embarra.s.sed to face Ling Xuefeng.

Ling Xuefeng didn"t blame him. Instead, he looked at the computer screen and asked, "Where is Love to Eat Braised Fish?"

Vice President Same Boat Under Wind and Rain immediately ran to sit next to him and typed in the Wind Colour"s Q group: [Quickly give me the coordinates of Love to Eat Braised Fish!]

Someone soon replied: [Vice President, this person isn"t online. He went offline at 11 in the morning and hasn"t logged in during the afternoon."

Same Boat Under Wind and Rain went to the undercover group. [The undercovers of other guilds, do you know the origins of Love to Eat Braised Fish?]

Someone jumped forward. [The Flying Feathers team checked but couldn"t find anything.]

[Time also checked and there was no result.] Another undercover came forward. [However, I heard that Time wanted to pull him into the guild and was rejected. The president of Time reasoned that this person is abroad and should be the opposite of our playing time. It is afternoon here so his side should be early morning. He is probably sleeping at this time."

Someone asked curiously: [Vice President, who is this person? How can three guilds be checking up on him?]

Same Boat Under Wind and Rain replied awkwardly: [I"m not checking…]

Ling Xuefeng saw this chat and didn"t react.

Perhaps this was the person he had been thinking about for three years.

Ling Xuefeng"s grip on the mouse slightly tightened before he got up from his seat. "Since he isn"t online, forget it. Send people to pay attention to his movements and as soon as he goes online, immediately notify me, no matter the time."

"I understand Captain Ling."

Ling Xuefeng walked away and Qin Mo followed after his master.

The guild management looked at each other and took a while to recover!

Who was this Love to Eat Braised Fish? He was actually being stared at by several guild members at the same time! Flying Feathers was reasonable since they experienced the same tragedy as Wind Colour and were wiped out during the bounty interception. Then why was Time interested in him? Was he really a mysterious master?

They felt like something big was going to happen…

Popular Land Under Heaven touched his chin and continued to clear the Frost Temple instance, but he always felt a bit uneasy.


[Boss, an undercover in the Wind Colour group said that the vice president suddenly asked about the origins of Love to Eat Braised Fish.]

Flying Feathers Liangshan was playing the Frost Temple instance when he received the news and immediately replied: [What did they say?]

[They reacted super slowly. It was only after two or three days that they finally understood that the origins of Love to Eat Braised Fish isn"t easy and started to investigate." The undercover reported seriously, [There is something else. I suspect that the blood kin summoner who fought Love to Eat Braised Fish yesterday might be Qin Mo."

Flying Feathers Liangshan was shocked. [You mean Captain Ling"s disciple Qin Mo? He wnt to the online game?]

[Yes, the vice president of Wind Colour said that a master came to teach Love to Eat Braised Fish a lesson. I think we all know the masters of the guilds. The only ones we don"t know are the professional G.o.ds on the team side. I joined in on the fun when they were surrounding Love to Eat Braised Fish and felt that the style of the blood kin summoner was very similar to Qin Mo.]

Flying Feathers Liangshan couldn"t help feeling shocked.

It was close!

When the first Flying Feathers team was destroyed, President Flying Feathers Liangshan made the same choice as Wind Colour and put together a team of management masters to teach Love to Eat Braised Fish a lesson.

The result was that the Wind Colour team got there first and were wiped out by Love to Eat Braised Fish. Flying Feathers Liangshan immediately chose to retreat.

If he hadn"t retreated, perhaps the unlucky people right now would be Flying Feathers.

The undercovers of Flying Feathers were much more powerful than other guilds. The key was that the president Flying Feathers Liangshan often watched spy warfare movies and had a lot of experience in this aspect. All undercovers were only connected to him and didn"t know each other. This way, absolute secrecy could be confirmed.

It was unlike Wind Colour and Time where a undercovers group was opened and news would easily spread.

Flying Feathers Liangshan felt both proud and tired at the same time.

Playing an online game like it was a spy movie… it was almost insane!

The undercover player continued to talk in the private chat. [President, I think this matter is strange. If the blood kin summoner really is Qin Mo, how can he lose to an online game master? It isn"t just Love to Eat Braised Fish. The healer and swordsman by his side are also very powerful. So many random masters gathered in one place isn"t common in online games."

The calm president had naturally realized this point, which was why he had wanted to find out the origins of Braised Fish.

It was reasonable to say that there were also masters in the online game. After all, China was huge and it was impossible for all skilled people to play in the Professional League. There were a few domestic players who couldn"t enter the league because their "parents disagreed" or their "age was unsuitable." They chose to entertain themselves in the online game. However, these random masters either joined major guilds or played solo. In addition, their IDs were famous on the national server rankings.

Love to Eat Braised Fish? Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork? Blossoming Tree?

What were these messy names? He had never heard them before. Could it be the side account of a professional player?

Flying Feathers Liangshan thought this and immediately replied: [You continue to follow up on the Wind Colour side. We won"t move. I will tell everyone to pay attention and to not provoke this Love to Eat Braised Fish.]

[I understand President.]

Flying Feathers Liangshan touched his chin and suddenly asked someone in the office, "Ares, do you know where Captain Su is?"

The Flying Feathers member sitting opposite him immediately raised his head. "Ah? Were you calling me?"

He was just playing an instance and probably hadn"t heard clearly.

Flying Feathers Liangshan continued, "I haven"t seen Captain Su for two days.  Where did he go?"

"Oh!" Flying Feathers Ares replied, "The team hasn"t played a match recently and there will also be a week off after the first round of the regular season. Captain Su put together a 10 day vacation and travelled to Inner Mongolia with the vice-captain."

Flying Feathers Liangshan, "…"

Their captain loved to travel every time there was a holiday. Since he had gone to see the prairie in Inner Mongolia, Flying Feathers Liangshan would wait for him to come back before saying anything.

In any case, Love to Eat Braised Fish only had three people. How could they turn Flying Feathers upside down?

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Chapter 28 – Fateful Encounter

New York, USA.

Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong finished watching the game and Xie Shurong was preparing to go back. Then Bai Xuan said with a smile, "Just now, you two made a bet and the person who was wrong would wash the dishes. Who is it?"

Li Cangyu easily pointed to Xie Shurong. "It is A"Shu."

"…" Xie Shurong immediately made a pained expression.

Bai Xuan"s mood was quite pleasant. It felt great whenever he found an excuse to bully A"Shu.

“A"Shu, go wash the dishes." Bai Xuan smiled and pointed to the kitchen.

Xie Shurong was driver to the kitchen to wash the dishes. He looked like he was going to his execution as he wore plastic gloves and asked with a bitter expression, "Vice-Captain Bai, what do I do next?"

"Wash it cleanly."

Xie Shurong smiled and asked, "How do I wash it?"

"Wash it with water."

Xie Shurong, "…"

Washing these greasy things with water wouldn"t clean them!

Xie Shurong reacted by looking for detergent but he couldn"t find it. He asked with a smile, "Where is the detergent?"

Bai Xuan pointed to the cabinet above him. "Above."

"Oh." Xie Shurong finally found the right strategy. He poured the detergent and started to wash the dishes with difficulty.

Bai Xuan saw him seriously washing the dishes and couldn"t help inwardly laughing.

This person was also a kitchen idiot like Li Cangyu. It was estimated that Xie Shurong usually played games and researched tactics, basically never entering the kitchen. Bai Xuan would take this opportunity to bully him but also let him learn more life skills.

Bai Xuan smiled and kept watching Xie Shurong wash the dishes.

This Xie Shurong had grown up more handsome than before. Bai Xuan remembered that when Xie Shurong first debuted, he was only around 1.7 metres, a bit shorter than Bai Xuan. At that time, Xie Shurong played very fiercely, chasing around the healer like a mad wolf.

In the past three years, Xie Shurong"s height had risen by more than 10 centimeters and he had matured a lot. It was estimated that his experience of playing in the United States made him more stable than before.

Why had he left Flying Feathers?

Bai Xuan was very curious about this matter.

In the third season, the old Flying Feathers captain retired and gave the position to Su Guangmo. The Flying Feathers team had three terrain swordsmen. In the third season, they were the Miracle Alliance"s famous "Three Musketeers." It was the combination of the three high level swordsmen that sent the Flying Feathers team directly to the champion"s throne in the third season.

Flying Feathers" current captain Su Guangmo was Xie Shurong"s senior. Based on what Bai Xuan remembered, their relationship seemed very good…

As he was feeling doubts, Xie Shurong successfully washed the dishes and suddenly turned around. "I have completed the task of washing the dishes. Does Vice-Captain Bai have a reward for me?"

Bai Xuan stared at him. "I fed you good dishes and now you want a reward?"

Xie Shurong suddenly felt that Vice-Captain Bai"s stare was really good. His eyes were round and were particularly clear and beautiful… After watching for a while, Xie Shurong reluctantly took back his gaze and said, "How about if I am responsible for washing the dishes every time I finish eating?"

Bai Xuan smiled. "It is pretty much the same."

Xie Shurong said, "I will go back first. Will you continue to cook for me tomorrow?"

Bai Xuan reminded him, "Remember to bring the meal fee!"

Xie Shurong smiled. "I know, I won"t let you be busy for nothing."


The next morning, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan routinely got up at 8 o"clock. The two had breakfast together and at 8:30, they sat at the computer and logged into Miracle"s Moonlight Forest district.

Xiao Gu was actively waiting there and sent a message once his teammates were online. Only Xie Shurong wasn"t online so Li Cangyu didn"t hurry to go to the instance. He just chatted with Xiao Gu on the voice channel.

At the same time, the Wind Colour Guild.

Someone immediately sent a message to Popular Land Under Heaven"s private chat. "Love to Eat Braised Fish is online. He is at the west entrance of Frost Temple!"

Popular Land Under Heaven shook and immediately left the management office, heading towards the team"s training room. He excitedly called out, "Captain Ling! Braised Fish is online!"

Captain Ling wasn"t in the training room but other people were. Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen, Guo Xuan and Xu Feifan had plane tickets scheduled for tomorrow so they were watching videos in the team"s training room.

Yan Ruiwen"s face was confused when he heard this. "Did the dining hall make braised fish?"

Popular Land Under Heaven, "…"

Qin Mo knew the truth and immediately said, "I"ll call Master."

Yan Ruiwen and the other people still looked blank. Popular Land Under Heaven scratched his head and carefully explained to them.

"Is this a mistake? Six people were killed by three people?" Yan Ruiwen was amazed. "What is the origins of this person?"

Popular Land Under Heaven said, "It isn"t very clear. That"s why Captain Ling told us to inform him whenever Braised Fish is online.

Ling Xuefeng was soon called over by Qin Mo and he ordered with a calm expression, "Give me the account of a demon summoner in the new district."

Yan Ruiwen sat down next to him. "I will also go and see."

Gui Xuan, Xu Feifan and Qin Mo consciously stood behind them.

“Captain Ling, Vice-Captain Yan, directly use our accounts." Popular Land Under Heaven entered the president and vice president"s account pa.s.swords and logged into the game.

"The coordinates?" Ling Xuefeng asked.

"It is the western entrance of Frost Temple."

Ling Xuefeng controlled the demon summoner and ran towards the entrance, Yan Ruiwen following behind him.


Li Cangyu and Xiao Gu chatted for a bit before Xie Shurong came online. The four people were just about to enter the Frost Temple instance when two familiar IDs walked towards them.

Popular Land Under Heaven, Same Boat Under Wind and Rain…

They were the president and vice-president of the Wind Colour Guild!

Xie Shurong saw this and couldn"t help feelings surprised. "The president of Wind Colour is so commendable. Did he come to die again?"

Bai Xuan smiled and replied, "Maybe it is a coincidence?  They might be going to play the Frost Temple instance."

After all, this was the entrance to an instance. It wasn"t strange to meet the president of Wind Colour here. Bai Xuan"s statement was very reliable.

Unfortunately, he just finished speaking when a message popped up on the screen in front of Li Cangyu.

[Player Popular Land Under Heaven, demon race, summoner cla.s.s, level 40, is requesting to learn from you.]

Bai Xuan helplessly said, "It seems that I was thinking too much of them. They really are aiming for him."

Li Yunyu smiled and sent a message to the area channel: [What happened? Coming to learn from me, did I mess with you?"

Popular Land Under Heaven stood behind Ling Xuefeng and saw the sentence pop up on the screen.

He didn"t mess with them? He killed them twice!

However, Braised Fish made sense once Popular Land Under Heaven thought about it. The team was wiped out twice… cough, they came to intercept the bounty mission on their own. Qin Mo was abused… cough, he came to their door.

Therefore, the management of the Wind Colour Guild felt really irritated. The feeling of "sending themselves to the door to be abused" was really bad.

Ling Xuefeng"s expression was still calm when he saw this sentence. He just continued to send the invitation.

[Player Popular Land Under Heaven, demon race, summoner cla.s.s, level 40, is requesting to learn from you.]

[Love to Eat Braised Fish has refused your invitation.]

Not answering? Then he could only come on strongly.

[Popular Land Under Heaven has opened slaughter mode on Love to Eat Braised Fish. Countdown in 3, 2, 1!]

The real Popular Land Under Heaven stood behind Captain Ling with a stunned expression.

Ling Xuefeng had such a decisive and simple personality. He wanted to exchange few blows with Braised Fish to determine if he was the right person. If the other person didn"t accept, he opened slaughter mode.

Li Cangyu was taken by surprise and said helplessly, "Does the Wind Colour Guild want to take it this far with me?"

Gu Siming excitedly exclaimed, "Abuse him! Cat G.o.d abuse him!"

The countdown of slaughter mode ended and a red symbol that indicated free killing appeared on the edge of Li Cangyu"s screen. The demon summoner in front of him summoned his banshee and Charm was accurately thrown at Li Cangyu!

Flying Feather Steps!

Li Cangyu acted almost immediately after the other summoner.

His years of experience and his deep understanding of the summoner cla.s.s meant that his fingers could always keep up with his thoughts.

The clever footwork displacement accurately evaded Ling Xuefeng"s strong pulling skill.

Ling Xuefeng"s fingers became faster as he summoned a skeleton infantry, trying to imprison the opponent to one place.

However, Li Cangyu had called his water spirit pet while moving and froze the skeleton infantry first.

Ling Xuefeng immediately called his black crows and used Cover the Sky to control the opponent"s vision.

In return, Li Cangyu summoned his thunder spirit and used Thunder"s Wrath to directly kill the black crows!

Ling Xuefeng had released the crows in order to force the other person to summon the thunder spirit. After seeing that the big move had been used, Ling Xuefeng didn"t hesitate to use the basic attacks of the summoner to quickly finish off Li Cangyu"s water spirit.

The frozen skeleton infantry was liberated just as the crows were killed and pounced on the distant summoner!

Li Cangyu naturally had experience against the skeleton infantry. He summoned his fire spirit and use four Fireb.a.l.l.s in a row, directly turning the demon pet into a pile of ashes.

The group of onlookers all had dull expressions of "…"

In the blink of an eye, Captain Ling and the other elf summoner changed three pets in a row—control, killing pets, movements, counter-control, group attack, killing pet, etc. The smooth operations were a gorgeous performance!

Ling Xuefeng stopped in place and took no more action.

Li Cangyu didn"t move his hands.

At this moment, the demon summoner and elf summoner confronted each other at the entrance of Frost Temple. Everything around them seemed to be quiet. The players coming and going from the instance, Wind Colour team members and guild management who were onlookers… in this duel between masters, they were the only ones present and all outside interference ceased to exist in their hearts.

After a long silence, Ling Xuefeng typed on the private chat channel with a complicated expression: [Is it really you?]

Li Cangyu sent over a handshake emoji. [Long time no see.]

They knew each other too well.

It took less than 10 seconds for them to recognize each other.

The pets exchange, the skills clash, the familiar style and the most familiar name.

—Li Cangyu.

—Ling Xuefeng.

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