God Level Summoner

Chapter 274 – j.a.panese Team"s Challenge

Chapter 274 – j.a.panese Team"s Challenge

At 3 o"clock in the afternoon, the team members gathered in the conference room on time. The sharp-eyed Cheng Wei found that two people were missing and instantly asked, "Where are Ah Shu and Vice-Captain Bai?"

Li Cangyu explained, "Bai Xuan is sick and taking time off. I won"t arrange any tasks for them in the next match."

Cheng Wei was surprised and worried. "Vice-Captain Bai is sick? Is it serious?"

"According to Ah Shu, it shouldn"t be serious. He always had stomach problems and hasn"t accustomed to the food for the past few days." Li Cangyu paused and glanced in Liu Xiang"s direction. "Captain Liu, Bai Xuan might not be able to recover in these two days. You will be the healer for the next economic battle and there will be no healer for death racing."

Liu Xiang nodded easily. "No problem."

Li Cangyu followed up with introducing the Spanish team on the big screen. This PPT was undoubtedly made by Ling Xuefeng. Yan Ruiwen had long been used to this and no longer reacted.

They were just going to a.n.a.lyze the lineup of the other side when there was a knock on the door. The nearest Cheng Wei ran to open the door and saw a beautiful long-haired girl.

The surprised Cheng Wei asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Tan s.h.i.tian pulled his collar from behind. "Fool, can she understand you when you are speaking in Chinese?"

Cheng Wei"s spirit returned and he shook his head. "However, I can"t speak English. How do I say "who are you looking for" in English?"

Then he heard the other side say in non-fluent Chinese. "I can understand Chinese. h.e.l.lo, Captain Tan, I am the vice-captain of the j.a.panese team, Fujita Rika."

Everyone, “…”

The group of people had expressions of "c.r.a.p!"

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other and guessed the reason for the "uninvited guest." Li Cangyu stared at Ling Xuefeng and Ling Xuefeng walked towards the door. He asked coldly, "Miss Fujita, are you looking for us for a game?"

Sure enough, Fujita Rika smiled politely at Ling Xuefeng. She smiled and said, "We want to play a friendly match with the Chinese team in death racing mode. The map used will be the Mechanical City submitted by the Chinese team."

Ling Xuefeng frowned, "Is this what your captain wants?"

Fujita Rika told him, "It is the intentions of all our team members. We have seen the replay of the Chinese team and the Australian team"s match. We are very interested in the Mechanical City map so we want to play a friendly match game with the Chinese team. We aren"t in the same group and don"t have to worry about exposing the tactics of both sides in a friendly game."

These words weren"t wrong. The j.a.panese team was a.s.signed to Group A and the Chinese team to Group B. It was impossible for them to meet unless it was the finals. Playing a friendly game against each other would certainly have no effect.

Ling Xuefeng looked back at Li Cangyu, who nodded and stood up. "It is a friendly game? No problem."

Fujita Rika glanced at the captain of the Chinese team and said, "Thank you, Cat G.o.d."

Everyone, “…”

She knew that Li Cangyu was called Cat G.o.d in China?

The Chinese team members glanced at each other. Once Fujita Rika left, Cheng Wei spoke in an admiring manner, "She is beautiful and her voice is very soft. Are all j.a.panese girls so gentle?"

Tan s.h.i.tian wondered, "Do you like this type?"

Cheng Wei looked into his deep eyes and immediately said guiltily, "Cough, how can I like j.a.panese girls? Liu Xiang of our team is much prettier than her."

Zhang Shaohui agreed. "I also think Sister Liu Xiang is better than this Fujita! Our Chinese team"s sisters are beautiful! The j.a.panese girls have a thick layer of makeup."

Lou Wushuang stared coldly at him and Zhang Shaohui shrank back. "Brother, did I say something wrong?"

Liu Xiang, "…"

These two league idiots, could they stop dragging her out as cannon fodder? She truly was someone who as unjustly implicated!

Liu Xiang saw this and was helplessly forced to stand up and calm down the battle. "Everyone"s focus is on the wrong thing. Shouldn"t we discuss Fujita Rika? I remember that she is a very famous female swordsman of the j.a.panese team. Her ranking is similar to Captain Su?"

Su Guangmo nodded. "Fujita Rika looks very gentle but her style of play is fierce. I used to talk to her in the swordsman section of the Miracle forum. I also played against her in the j.a.panese server and won half the time. This was last year."

Yu Pingsheng glanced curiously at his brother. "You know her?"

Su Guangmo told him, "Don"t think too much." Then he explained to everyone, "This girl is particularly belligerent and took the initiative to challenge me. In addition, she knows the Chinese team very well. She is very clear about Cat G.o.d"s deeds in Miracle. As far as I know, many players on the j.a.panese team are aggressive and the captain is the same."

Li Cangyu thought for a moment and stated, "It seems that the j.a.panese team isn"t just looking for a friendly match?" He looked at Ling Xuefeng while talking.

Ling Xuefeng spoke in a direct manner, "Can the j.a.panese players have a "friendly" match with the Chinese players? The Chinese, j.a.panese and Korean countries in Asia were fiercely compet.i.tive in various areas. The j.a.panese e-sports circle can"t beat China and South Korea. They are obviously eyeing the Chinese team, unlike the Korean side who sent some newcomers as a test. If I haven"t guessed wrongly, j.a.pan should send out all the great G.o.ds to destroy our prestige in the name of a friendly match."

Ling Xuefeng"s a.n.a.lysis was reasonable and everyone nodded in agreement.

South Korea and China were both e-sports players. They have played many times in previous e-sports projects and both sides have won and lost against each other. A few days ago, the South Korean team offered to play a friendly match. Their att.i.tude was modest and cautious. It was indeed a "friendly" exchange.

However, the j.a.panese side was different. Their e-sports strength was worse than China and South Korea and they had been holding back for a long time. In this World Compet.i.tion, j.a.pan was divided into Group A while China and South Korea were divided into Groups B and C. They weren"t destined to meet in the group stage so they intended to play a private match.

It was easy to make a fuss in a friendly match. If the j.a.panese team won, they could say that the j.a.panese team overpowered the Chinese team. If they lost, they could say that they didn"t use all their strength. The j.a.panese team"s tricks could be guessed.

Since the other side came to the door to provoke them, the Chinese team couldn"t shrink back. Li Cangyu thought for a moment before saying, "Since they want to destroy the Chinese team"s prestige, we won"t give them face…"

He kept thinking before making a decision. "Is it the death racing mode? I will go with Captain Ling, Captain Su, Captain Tan and Captain Lou."

Everyone, “…”

Cat G.o.d, did you have to be so serious? Directly sending five captains? Wasn"t he afraid of scaring the j.a.panese team?

Li Cangyu smiled, "I am just using the j.a.panese team as practice before facing Spain. I just named a few people. Is there a problem?"

Ling Xuefeng"s face was blank. "No problem."

Su Guangmo, Tan s.h.i.tian and Lou Wushuang naturally had no opinions. Their hands were itching to punish those who came to provoke them.

The five people sat down in front of their respective computers and quickly logged into the Internet of Miracle Village.

Cheng Wei was very excited. "Such a luxurious lineup might not necessarily appear even in the finals!"

This sentence was correct. There would be several rounds of games in the finals that must be led by different tactical commanders. Su Guangmo, Tan s.h.i.tian and Lou Wushuang were unlikely to appear in the same team.

Sending five tactical commanders to directly confront the j.a.panese team was really rare!

It seemed that Cat G.o.d was really serious this time!

The group of people couldn"t help lighting a row of candles for the j.a.panese team in their hearts.

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Chapter 275 – Ace Lineup

Li Cangyu"s understanding of the j.a.panese team wasn"t as deep as that of Su Guangmo. There was still a bit of time before the official start of the friendly game and he let Su Guangmo give a brief introduction of the j.a.panese team players.

Among the j.a.panese team"s players, the vice-captain Fujita Rika was the most popular. In addition to her good looks and figure, she was best known for her aggressiveness. She looked very well-behaved but she had a strong personality that was particularly compet.i.tive. She often visited the World Swordsman Forum and challenged swordsmen from many different countries.

Su Guangmo received her invitation and had a "try it out" att.i.tude as he went to the j.a.panese server with a side account to PK against her. The two of them won one game each and Su Guangmo"s deepest impression of her was that she was a very aggressive swordsman.

She hardly wasted any seconds. As long as she had a skill, she would continue to constantly attack the opponent. She used offense as a defense and her play was quite fierce.

At the time, Su Guangmo felt that this girl"s style was a bit like Brother Yu and stopped after a draw. It was due to Fujita Rika"s challenge that Su Guangmo"s account in the j.a.panese server wasn"t deleted.

He played for a period of time in the j.a.panese server and met some professional j.a.panese players while qualifying for the arena, including the captain of the j.a.panese team Sato Takashi.

Sato Takashi was a black magician whose attack power was stronger than Fujita Rika. He was just relatively low-key and wasn"t as well known as Fujita Rika. However, Sato Takashi occupied an important seat in the world"s black magician rankings while the Chinese team"s Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan combination weren"t ranked.

Li Cangyu"s knowledge was similar to that described by Su Guangmo. After hearing this, he asked, "Apart from Fujita Rika and Sato Takashi, do you know the other outstanding layers of the j.a.panese team?"

Su Guangmo thought for a moment. "There are several more famous people in j.a.pan. There is the elf summoner Ida Takuya, the blood kin a.s.sa.s.sin Itoh Sawa and the healer Yamaguchi Ryuzaki. There are the top candidates." Everyone looked at him with expressions of worship. Captain Su must be very powerful to say all these tongue twisters!

Cheng Wei couldn"t help saying, "It is so hard to remember the names of the j.a.panese players. I only know Yamekuchi and…"

Tan s.h.i.tian suppressed a smile and rubbed Cheng Wei"s head. "Go to the side and don"t cause chaos."

Cheng Wei smiled and walked away. Zhang Shaohui also said, "I don"t remember a single name that Captain Su said. Ito, Sato, they give me a headache."

Lou Wushuang stared at him coldly. "If you have a headache, go to the side to rest."

The two idiots were kicked to the side and everyone else continued discussing the topic.

"As Captain Su said, the j.a.panese team should send out these high-profile players." Li Cangyu thoughtfully touched his chin. "Once we gather, we will directly abuse them using the mechanisms."

The members partic.i.p.ating in the friendly match said they understood.

The others weren"t partic.i.p.ating but they excitedly sat in front of the computer to watch.


The room in the Miracle Village"s server was quickly created. The j.a.panese team sent an invitation to Li Cangyu. Once Li Cangyu entered the room, he also pulled in Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo, Tan s.h.i.tian and Lou Wushuang.

Everyone looked at the display panel. The players sent by the j.a.panese team were really the black magician Sato Takashi, the terran swordsman Fujita Rika, the elf summoner Ida Takuya, the healer Yamaguchi Ryuzaki and the blood kin a.s.sa.s.sin Itoh Sawa.

They were exactly the top five members in Su Guangmo"s ranking.

They really sent out the aces to destroy the Chinese team?

Many people sneered in their hearts.

Li Cangyu politely typed on the public channel: [Shall we start?]

Fujita Rika replied: [Start.]

They quickly pressed the ready b.u.t.ton. The owner of the room was the captain of the j.a.panese team, Sato Takashi. He selected the Mechanical City map as they arranged.

The maps submitted to the World Compet.i.tion were kept secret before the compet.i.tion. This map had already been used during the China VS Australia game this morning. Therefore, the Miracle Village updated it for all countries to try. Mount Huangshan Plank Road was still in an invisible state due to being banned by the Australian team.

The map loaded and the friendly game officially began.

The positions that players on both sides appeared in were random. The Chinese team members were still scattered but the j.a.panese team also didn"t have good luck.

Since the friendly game didn"t have the referee channel and the G.o.d"s perspective, the other players of the team only saw the refresh positions of their team members and weren"t aware of the other side.

Cheng Wei chose the best place to watch. Due to his small size, he moved a small stool over and stood on it. He placed a hand on Zhang Shaohui"s shoulder as support and stared at everyone"s screens.

Li Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng and Tan s.h.i.tian refreshed in the 1st room, 3rd room and 6th room on the upper floor. Lou Wushuang and Su Guangmo were in the east and west corridors on the lower floor.

The commander of this game was naturally the national team"s captain, Li Cangyu. He glanced at everyone"s positions and instantly ordered, "Gather in the upper 3rd room. People on the lower floor should come up as quickly as possible."

The left side contained rooms 1, 3 and 5, the right side contained rooms 2, 4, and 6 while there was a middle aisle between them.

The rooms had side doors connected to each other. Therefore, Li Cangyu in the 1st room went directly through a side door to the 3rd room and reached Ling Xuefeng. The two of them were close to each other and gathered in less than 5 seconds after refreshing on the map.

Tan s.h.i.tian was in an even number room. If he wanted to come over, he needed to go through the middle pa.s.sage.

As soon as he went out, he saw three people from the j.a.panese team coming from the 5th, 2nd and 4th rooms. The j.a.panese team also had three people on the upper level!

Tan s.h.i.tian"s memory was really good and he soon remembered the players that Su Guangmo introduced. The female swordsman with the big sword was obviously the aggressive female player Fujita Rika. The black magician was the j.a.panese team"s captain Sato Takashi and Ida Takuya was an elf summoner like Cat G.o.d.

They met 1v3 in a narrow corridor and Tan s.h.i.tian naturally couldn"t win!

Even so, he knew that Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were nearby so he wasn"t afraid.

He quickly typed a "3" on the team channel before using a big move, Death Arrow Rain!

It was the archer"s most powerful attack skill. It was instantly released, the cooldown was long and the consumption of blue was large but the far attack distance caused many professionals to get a headache. Tan s.h.i.tian took advantage of his long range and attacked the three people in the pa.s.sage.

The dense arrow rain arrow and the blood of the j.a.panese team members suddenly dropped to 75%!

Sato Takashi was very calm. He saw the other team"s archer and didn"t hurry to attack. He had a.n.a.lyzed the Chinese team"s Mechanical City map. Six people should appear in the six rooms upstairs. This meant there were still Chinese players upstairs and it was likely to turn into a group battle.

This type of judgment was correct but once Tan s.h.i.tian used Death Arrow Rain, they were naturally unwilling to stay still.

At this moment, their teammates gave feedback on the team channel: [It is 2v2 downstairs.]

These words were simple but it was enough to let Sato Takashi know the current situation.

He hadn"t rushed to attack because he was afraid the other two people of the Chinese team would come up from the stairs as support. Now that both sides downstairs had met, there would be no chance for the two Chinese players to withdraw and act as reinforcements.

The j.a.panese team had a healer to add blood and it wasn"t easy for them to die in 2v2. Upstairs, they could gain an advantage if they killed the lone archer first.

Sato Takeshi thought this and immediately ordered, "Kill the archer before his support arrives!"

The aggressive Fujita Rika had long been impatient. She heard this order and didn"t hesitate to rush forward. The sword in her hand stabbed straight forward and the skill Spirit Lock was unleashed!

Tan s.h.i.tian wisely used Flying Feather Steps to subtly move one metre, avoiding the skill in a thrilling manner. At the same time, he fired the bow in his hand and Shock Shot hit Fujita Rika"s chest!

Due to the short distance, this move only caused her to lose 10% blood. However, Fujita Rika felt very defiant after being hit twice by him and she turned to chase Tan s.h.i.tian.

Breaking Bone Sword, Devouring Soul Sword!

The two big moves. .h.i.t and the fragile Tan s.h.i.tian"s blood started to plummet.

The elf summoner instantly summoned the water spirit to freeze Tan s.h.i.tian in place. At the same time, he operated the fire spirit to throw Fireball. Tan s.h.i.tian was. .h.i.t to half blood but he felt lucky. It was fortunate that the elf summoner wasn"t Cat G.o.d or he would have no life left!

[The two of you, don"t just watch!] The frozen Tan s.h.i.tian couldn"t help typing on the team channel.

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were hiding in the 3rd room at this time. They couldn"t see the situation outside but the news that Tan s.h.i.tian had been attacked had long appeared on the system channel. According to the current a.n.a.lysis of the map, Li Cangyu judged that Tan s.h.i.tian was currently facing the three people of the j.a.panese team while on the lower floor, Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang were facing the j.a.panese team"s a.s.sa.s.sin and priest.

Yet he wasn"t in a hurry and gave the j.a.panese team time to play?

Once he saw that Tan s.h.i.tian"s blood had fallen below 40% and estimated that the j.a.panese team had used most of their big moves, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng finally came out of the 3rd room.

Banshee Summoning, Witch Demon"s Curse!

Ling Xuefeng used the big group pull skill!

He called the banshee in a clever position. He had the banshee stand in the middle of the j.a.panese team and strongly pulled them to the banshee"s side.

Li Cangyu had pre-determined the location in advance and used the big move, Thunder"s Wrath!

Purple thunder fell from the sky and struck the three people.

Sato Takashi felt uncomfortable when he saw the two summoners in front of him and ordered, "Retreat!"

However, Li Cangyu didn"t give him the chance to retreat.

Ling Xuefeng released his hand speed and summoned four skeleton infantry to the east, south, west and north. They surrounded the three people of the j.a.panese team, not allowing them to run away!

Then Li Cangyu cast another big move, Frost Heart!

The water spirit"s big move froze the other side while causing a lot of damage. The result was the imprisonment effect of the skeletons had just ended when the water spirit"s ice arrived!

The blood volume of the three j.a.panese members dropped like an avalanche!

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng joined forces and impeccably linked skills. Control was followed by a group attack and then another control, not giving them any chance to breathe!

All three j.a.panese players were beaten to 20% blood.

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng used their big moves while Tan s.h.i.tian stood in the distance and happily harvested heads. the archer moved with light footsteps while shooting, his movements flexible and his arrows accurate.

—Barrage Shot!

—Seize Life Shot!

—Shock Shot!

The archer"s skill casting time was fast and their attack distance was long. The three members of the j.a.panese team couldn"t run away.

Tan s.h.i.tian fired three arrows and directly took three kills!

Behind them, the watching Chinese members cheered. Cheng Wei was very happy and shouted while clapping, "You are bursting with handsomeness!"

The three people of the j.a.panese team, "…"

The combination of the two summoners made them dazed. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were too fast and their cooperation was perfect. Their explosive power was terrible! Combined with the rapid shooting of the archers, they successfully killed three people in this wave.

Sato Takeshi couldn"t believe it. Then he recovered and frowned. "Gather at the blue resurrection point!"

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