God Level Summoner

Chapter 286 – Lou Zhang Combination

Chapter 286 – Lou Zhang Combination

Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng weren"t able to kill the couple from Spain but they were cruel to the two players. In particular, the last joint attack forced Isabel down to 30% blood. This state of residual blood made perfect conditions for their teammates who would play next.

They came down from the players" seats and Su Guangmo nodded to Lou Wushuang, saying simply, "I will give it to you."

Yu Pingsheng learnt from his brother and nodded at Lou Zhang.

Lou Wushuang pushed the gla.s.ses up his nose and said, "Don"t worry."

Then he took his brother Zhang Shaohui through the gla.s.s soundproof door towards the players" seats.

The key confrontation in the guard stage finally began!

The Spanish team"s paladin Isabel had only 30% of her blood left and her blue was around 60%.  On the other hand, the archer Flores had consumed too many skills killing the Su Yu combination. He might have 70% blood but he only had 40% blue.

Kou Hongyi was excited. "The Lou Zhang combination has appeared! They are the strongest killer brothers in China! In a full blood and blue state against the residual blood players of Spain, there is almost no suspense."

Yu Bing spoke quietly, "The paladin doesn"t have much blood left but she has many life saving skills that she hasn"t used. It won"t be easy to kill Isabel. My guess is that Lou Zhang should set fire to kill the archer first."

Sure enough, the moment that Lou Zhang refreshed on the map, they entered stealth and quietly lurked. Their target was the archer Flores.

The use of the stealth skill on such a cliff and air map would indeed make the opponents afraid. The viewers found that both Isabel and Flores were adjusting their perspective to observe the situation around them.

Flores seemed to realize something and he suddenly turned to fire an arrow. It might be the lowest blue consumption attack skill but it hit the hiding Zhang Shaohui and succeeded in revealing him. This was the Spanish team"s ace. His prejudgment ability was quite accurate!

Flores wanted to use a cold arrow to slow down the opponent. As a result, someone flash behind him and Lou Wushuang"s dagger pierced the archer"s back. Pain Blade!

Flores instantly became dizzy.

"…" n.o.body could blame him for his miscalculation. Who would think another a.s.sa.s.sin was hiding behind him!

The domestic audience was familiar with this scene. The Lou Zhang brothers often adopted a double insurance practice. Even if the younger brother was. .h.i.t, the other brother could still control the opponent.

Lou Wushuang controlled Flores and both a.s.sa.s.sins released a violent set of combos—Back Stab, Fatal Blow, Blood Blade!

For a time, two silver coloured daggers quickly stabbed Flores. Blood fell from the broken archer onto the plank road like an avalanche. Flores" blood directly fell to 30%.

At this critical moment, Isabel opened the paladin"s big moves—Steel Battle Soul, Indestructible!

A golden light spread from her feet and formed a wide array. Any allies inside the array would be invincible and all damage would be rebounded for three seconds!

The paladin used these skills and Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui immediately stopped.

Flores flew to the top of the plank road with Flying Feather Steps and used Quenching Arrow. This had a certain chance of triggering the freezing effect and Zhang Shaohui was frozen in place!

Flores quickly fired many arrows at Zhang Shaohui and he was beaten to half blood.

Lou Wushuang naturally didn"t sit idly by while his brother was beaten. He decisively chased the archer. The paladin"s move might bounce back all attacks but there was always a time limit for a big move.

The moment the effect of Steel Battle Soul was over, the dagger in Lou Wushuang"s hand stabbed Flores!

Death Strangulation!

This single target skill caused Flores" blood to drop to 10% and his health gauge started to flash red.

Isabel was in a hurry as she picked up her shield and rushed over to protect her teammates. As a result, the unfrozen Zhang Shaohui moved and used Pain Blade to set her in place!

Lou Wushuang was relieved by his younger brother"s sensitive response and he decisively used Fatal Blow!

Blood flashed and the archer died.

Isabel wanted to cough up blood. The Su Yu combination in the last stage was enough to surprise her and now the killer brothers in the guard stage were too strong. How could the Chinese team"s partners have such tacit understanding?

Lou Zhang cooperated to kill Flores and they took no more than three minutes!

Lou Wushuang"s fierce style caused her to feel admiration.


The Spanish team"s arena players died in succession and only the paladin Isabel was left facing the Lou Zhang brothers alone. The result was easy to predict.

The thick-skinned paladin couldn"t last long under the siege of the Lou Zhang brothers. News of Isabel"s death soon appeared on the big screen and the Chinese team won five points for the arena!

“Brother, we won!" Zhang Shaohui excitedly stood up and hugged his brother. "We were the guard two times in a row. It is really cool to see the "Winner" pop up on the screen every time."

Lou Wushuang quietly adjusted his gla.s.ses and said, "This is due to Cat G.o.d and Captain Su. They played too smoothly. We were only responsible for cleaning things up."

Zhang Shaohui instantly nodded in an earnest manner. "Yes, that"s for sure! By the time we appeared on the scene, both Spanish players were brutally beaten. I didn"t mean to take Cat G.o.d"s credit…" Zhang Shaohui grabbed his hair and thought about it before coming up with a more appropriate description. "I just think that it is great to fight with you and win the game!"

Lou Wushuang heard this and was slightly startled. "Is it different from partnering with other people?"

Zhang Shaohui replied without hesitation, "Of course, you are my brother!"

Lou Wushuang, "…"

He didn"t want to talk to this person and turned away.

Zhang Shaohui followed while looking doubtfully at Lou Wushuang"s back. It was strange. They obviously won the game so why did his brother seem to be in a bad mood.

Zhang Shaohui scratched his head and decided not to provoke the other person. He went to Li Cangyu and smiled. "Cat G.o.d, we have successfully won this game. As long as we win another game, the group stage should have no suspense right?"

Li Cangyu nodded. "Yes. Still, I would prefer that we qualify as first in the group."

His words were very calm, as if he was saying, "Today we will eat rice."

The captain said this and the blood of the people around him was instantly mobilized. Jiang Xu, the commander of the next battle, came over and said, "Captain, rest a.s.sured. We will do our best."

Li Cangyu patted Jiang Xu"s shoulder in an encouraging manner. "I will watch you."

The author has something to say:

Isabel: How can the Chinese team"s partners be more tacit than us?  We are engaged!

Flores: Yes, it is weird.

Kou Hongyi: Hehe.

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Chapter 287 – Las Ventas Bullring

The loss in the first game didn"t make the Spanish captain, Rodriguez lose confidence. He already knew that the Chinese team had many strong partners and Spain only sent the ace combination of Isabel and Flores in the arena. More masters from the Spanish team would appear in the next team battle and the next two maps were those submitted by Spain. Their familiarity with the map was definitely much higher than the Chinese team.

Rodriguez gathered the players and spoke in a low voice, "This game is very important to us! We have lost to Italy and if we lose to the Chinese team, the group stage will be completely hopeless. Therefore, everyone must do their best to win the economic war."

The players partic.i.p.ating in the economic war put their hands together and encouraged each other.

Before the start of the game, the 3D image of the map was shown on the big screen as usual. Las Ventas Bullring was the most famous bullring in Spain. It was located in the capital city, Madrid. It was said that only bullfighters who won here were real bullfighters and only bulls who died here could regain their freedom.

The Las Ventas Bullring had a special significance for Spaniards. In reality, it was a circular building but an economic warfare map must be symmetrical. The Spanish designers had to transform it.

The MIracle bullring became a square and was transformed into the typical "田" structure. The areas were divided into southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest. The centre of the map contained the crystal that was most important for the economic warfare.

The structure of the economic warfare map was stipulated by the league. There weren"t many changes to the terrain but the mobs on this map were very Spanish. They were all wild bulls.

The Australian koala bears became remote mobs who sold meng. This was very novel for the domestic audiences. Now they saw the strong bulls on Spain"s map and couldn"t help commenting: [Next is fighting bulls?] [These bulls look terrible!] [It must be exciting to be surrounded by a bunch of crazy bulls!]

The commentators had previously seen the Spain and Italy match and Las Ventas Bullring was also used as the economic warfare map. Kou Hongyi took the initiative to explain to the audience. "You can see that Spanish bulls will continue to refresh on the wild areas of this map. These bulls are all aggressive!]

Aggressive monsters were more dangerous because they would actively attack players who entered their range. In particular, the Spanish bulls were thick-skinned wild monsters with powerful attacks. They were difficult to kill.

It would be an embarra.s.sing scene if the Chinese players with weak defense were chased by the bulls.

Yu Bing looked at the situation in the soundproof room and found that Tan s.h.i.tian, Cheng Wei and Jiang Xu were gathered to discuss something. She guessed, "It seems that this economic war will be commanded by Captain Tan?"

“It"s possible.” Kou Hongyi agreed. "Tan s.h.i.tian won the economic war against the Australian. It is reasonable for Cat G.o.d to let him continue. Moreover, the main force from Spain consists of swordsmen and berserkers. It is a wise choice to use the kite flow against melee cla.s.ses."

The two of them had just finished saying this when the next lineup appeared on the big screen.

The Chinese players partic.i.p.ating in the economic war were Tan s.h.i.tian, Cheng Wei, Jiang Xu, Zhuo Hang, Liu Xiang and Meng Jie.

Spain"s lineup was also gorgeous. Captain Rodriguez and Vice-Captain Sobrino actually appeared in the economic war. The rest of the players were also top players from Spain.

Kou Hongyi was surprised. "The captain and vice-captain appeared. It seems that Spain is bound to win the economic war?"

“The Spanish team sent a very strong lineup." Yu Bing calmly a.n.a.lyzed. "Rodriguez" swordsman, Sobrino"s paladin and Oth.e.l.lo"s berserker are called the Iron Triangle. The front row"s defense and offensive abilities are excellent. The healer Brianna is also a sensitive player."

Kou Hongyi continued, "The other two swordsmen are from the same team. Victoria and Adela are fixed partners. Their level isn"t as strong as the captain but they have been old partners for many years and their cooperation is tacit."

The audience felt dizzy at all the names quickly mentioned.

The names of foreigners were really hard to remember!

According to Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing, everyone could see that Spain had sent an ace lineup this game.

The swordsman captain, the paladin vice-captain and a berserker were known as the Iron Triangle. The remaining two swordsmen were tacit partners while the healer was also powerful. The overall strength was significantly improved compared to the arena.

Five melee plus a healer, this was obviously the violent melee style.

Meanwhile, the Chinese team had only one front row, Meng Jie of Red Fox!

The domestic audience couldn"t help worrying. [Can Meng Jiejie hold out against so many swordsmen and berserker?] [There is only one person in the front row. It is very dangerous! Once the front row is broken, the remaining Chinese players all have low defense!] [The healing pressure on Captain Liu will be quite large. Why didn"t Dad Bai come?]

There were many questions in the live broadcast room. Yu Bing seemed to guess their thoughts and explained, "Bai Xuan isn"t playing because his body isn"t very comfortable. He temporarily took this match off. However, the healing level of Red Fox"s captain Liu Xiang isn"t weak. We must have more confidence in the female players Liu Xiang and Meng Jie."

As the former captain of Red Fox, Yu Bing naturally had to speak for the female players of Red Fox.

Kou Hongyi immediately agreed. "Sister Bing is right. Captain Liu"s group healing skills are very strong. The Chinese team"s lineup consists of hunters, a white magician and an archer. Even if they can"t kite, they can rely on traps and create countless troubles for the melee cla.s.ses of Spain. I am very optimistic that the Chinese team can win this game!"

Yu Bing nodded. "The game is about to begin. Please focus on the big screen."


On the screen, both teams refreshed in the lower left corner and upper right corner of the map.

At the beginning of the game, Tan Cheng walked down one road while Zhuo Hang and Meng Jie took the other road. Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang held the middle which was their home base. This type of splitting made Yu Bing feel surprised.

It was reasonable to say that based on the lineup, the two hunters should be together while Meng Jie and Liu Xiang should be together. Why was this arrangement disrupted? If they wanted to focus the resources of the wild area on a certain player, shouldn"t Tan s.h.i.tian go with a healer to earn more money in the beginning?

Yu Bing was once a female captain with a high tactical literacy. She thought for a moment before crying out in a shocked manner, "Is Tan s.h.i.tian not the commander of this game?"

Kou Hongyi still hadn"t realized the situation and turned doubtfully at these words, "Ah? Why is Sister Bing saying this?"

Yu Bing explained, "In the economic war, the number of mobs in each wild area is limited. If two people go together, the resources are generally divided equally. Usually a healer doesn"t kill the mobs. In other words, the person who the healer accompanies is generally the one the resources will be concentrated on."

This was the general rule of the economic warfare. For example, the mobs in one wild area would give 1,000 gold coins. Two outputs equalled to 500 gold coins per person.  If there was a healer, the other person would swallow up the economy of 1,000 coins and they were able to buy more advanced equipment in the early stages.

In general, the team commander would take care of the core players when splitting the team, so that the resources were concentrated on the core player.

"Looking at the current situation, Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang are together. Then the initial economic focus should be on Jiang Xu, not Tan s.h.i.tian." Yu Bing patiently explained.

Kou Hongyi suddenly realized. "In this case, the core might not be Tan s.h.i.tian"s kite flow?"

"It could be the trap stream." Yu Bing looked thoughtfully at the screen.


The first wave of mobs soon appeared on the map.

The Spanish bulls were extremely aggressive. Once they appeared on the map, they aimed their horns at the nearest player. Even the thick-skinned Meng Jie lost 10% of her blood and became dizzy.

Zhuo Hang and Meng Jie happened to meet the Spanish double swordsmen combination. After seeing that Meng Jie was fixed in place, the other party instantly rushed up. They joined hands and used Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword to force Meng Jie"s blood to 60%.

Zhuo Hang"s reaction speed was extremely fast. He placed a series of traps around Meng Jie and bought the two of them time. Meng Jie escaped the trouble and used Mountain Chop to create a deep gully in the ground, blocking the other party"s pursuit.

This small encounter only forced Meng Jie to drop some blood and they didn"t give away a head. Zhuo Hang sighed and used the traps to take care of the mad bulls. He said in the voice channel, "Senior, the bulls will make ranged cla.s.ses lose 20% blood and cause dizziness!"

He inferred the bull"s attack power according to Meng Jie"s blood loss. If a fragile player like Tan s.h.i.tian had been hit then the blood loss should be 20%.

Jiang Xu said, "I understand. Everyone be careful."

He praised Zhuo Hang in his heart. This person had followed him to learn the hunter"s gameplay and his att.i.tude was very respectful. There wasn"t the rumoured arrogance and conceit. His reaction speed in the game was also quite sharp. He was worthy of being a player trained by Li Cangyu.

In the middle, Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang encountered the Spanish berserker and healer combination.

Both sides took a healer who couldn"t kill and gave up on the idea of a conflict. They killed mobs to earn money and looked peaceful.

The other road was particularly intense because it had the Spanish captain and vice-captain!

Rodriguez and Sobrino, a swordsman and paladin, both of whom were Spain"s aces.

In particular, the captain Rodriguez had a very violent and radical style of play. The moment he saw the Tan Cheng combination, he rushed towards Cheng Wei and used Spirit Lock to set him in place. Then he followed with Breaking Bone Sword Devouring Soul Sword to force Cheng Wei"s blood to 4%!

This terrible attack speed and explosiveness was really shocking!

Tan s.h.i.tian naturally couldn"t stand by while Cheng Wei was beaten. He stood in the distance and fired his longbow, accurately using Shock Shot!

The arrow hit Rodriguez" chest and forced his blood down to 70%!

Tan s.h.i.tian followed up with Seize Life Shot only to see Vice-Captain Sobrino pick up a shield and rush in front to protect the captain from this attack.

The big move hit the thick-skinned paladin and the other person only lost 15% blood.

Fortunately, Cheng Wei"s control effect ended and he used G.o.d"s Seal to trap the bull next to him. Then he turned and ran back to Tan s.h.i.tian.

The two sides had a fierce exchange of skills and couldn"t kill anyone.

Tan s.h.i.tian no longer fought with the Spanish pair. He fired a few arrows to kill the bull that Cheng Wei controlled and the prompt +100 coins appeared above his head.

Another bull rushed over from the left. Cheng Wei ran away while casting a skill and used white magic to beat it to residual blood. Then Tan s.h.i.tian fired and killed the bull again.

Yu Bing was startled and said, "I must"ve guessed wrong. The resources on the road are being concentrated on Tan s.h.i.tian while Cheng Wei is giving him a.s.sistance."

Tan Cheng"s cooperation was extremely tacit. In the blink of an eye, Tan s.h.i.tian killed the mobs in the wild area and Cheng Wei also robbed two mobs from Rodriguez" side.

Rodriguez was very angry but he had no way. After all, the opponents were two outputs and their speed of killing was definitely faster. His partner was a paladin with few output skills.

He had to swallow the small loss. However, he didn"t exact the commander of the Chinese team to constantly acc.u.mulate economic benefits!


The first wave of mobs finished and everyone returned to the city to update their equipment. On the economic panel, Tan s.h.i.tian was the largest tyrant with 1,200 gold coins, followed by Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang with 1,000 gold coins.

Tan s.h.i.tian once again brought the Elf"s tears which increased attack distance while Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang chose rings to reduce the cooldown of their skills.

Li Xiaojiang watched the game from the VIP stands and said seriously, "Zhuo, Zhuo Hang rarely chooses this ring. He mainly chooses rings that increase the duration of traps or enhance the trap damage."

Gu Siming wasn"t good at tactics and turned to ask Zhang Jueming, "Uncle, is this the trap stream style?"

Zhang Jueming nodded. "Yes, Jiang Xu and Chen Anran like to use this ring. The two of them always buy cooldown reduction equipment to seamlessly connect their traps.  They will quickly release traps to trap the opponent and then explode the traps to kill the opponents. This is the Cheetah team"s trap flow."

Chen Anran hadn"t joined the national team because he was eliminated by Zhuo Hang in the trials. Today Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu bought the same equipment, apparently to cooperate with each other using the trap flow style.

Li Xiaojiang thought carefully and asked, "But, but the Cheetah team"s trap stream requires the cooperation of four hunters to achieve a seamless connection. There are only two hunters. Won"t it be easy for the opponents to break through?"

The serious Xiaojiang raised a key point and the silently listening Liu Chuan interjected, "This isn"t just the trap steam. It is the taunting style." Li Xiaojiang looked over and saw Liu Chuan touching his chin. "The combination of traps and kiting, there are two cores at the same time. This means the opponents will have difficulty selecting the core tactic during the battle. It is impossible to determine the target to attack first. In other words, the two tactics are combined to form a double taunting and insurance." Wu Zewen glanced at him. "Do you know so much about Miracle?"

Liu Chuan replied, "The principles of e-sports compet.i.tions is similar. If I"m not guessing wrong, the commander today should be Jiang Xu. His tactical level isn"t bad. It is a pity he is buried in the Cheetah team. Should I dig him out after going back?"

Everyone, “…”

"Boss, you are too much. You want to dig the captain of another team? Aren"t you afraid of being beaten up?"

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