God Level Summoner

Chapter 306 – China VS Italy (Real Illusion Flow)

Chapter 306 – China VS Italy (Real Illusion Flow)

The six people of the Chinese team returned to the city and opened the equipment library to update their equipment. Chu Yan got two heads and didn"t hesitate to choose from the psychic equipment library. He chose a ring that reduced cooldown and a necklace to increase the release distance of an array.

The role of the ring was self-evident. It reduced the cooldown time of all psychic skills. This was in line with the illusion flow, especially when two psychics cooperated. The shorter cooldown would allow many large-scale formations to seamlessly connect.

Zhu Qingyue"s economy wasn"t as high as his master. He only bought one ring but it was enough to form a perfect match with his teacher.

After updating the equipment, the six Chinese players went to the refresh point of the ice dragon.

The ice dragon"s refresh point was consistent with the map coordinates of other economic warfare maps. The six Chinese players rushed to the ice dragon"s refresh point and the six Italian players also arrived.

Both sides started the first wave of combat.

The white magicians, black magicians and psychics of the Chinese team were all ranged cla.s.ses with weak defense. The Italian team also had a six member ranged lineup. The difference was that the Italian had two archers with a bigger attack range. They took advantage of this and the two Italian archers used the big move, Death Arrow Rain!

The arrows fell down like a rainstorm and instantly covered the Chinese team. If these two big moves. .h.i.t, the six players of the Chinese team were like to fall to half-blood in an instant!

At this moment, Zhu Qingyue made a big move.

—Psychic Array, Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion!

This big move allowed the players of the Chinese team to teleport away.

Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion was one of the most commonly used arrays for a psychic. It could transfer teammates to a designated position. The teleportation at the key moment made the six Chinese players disappear from their spot. The big moves from the Italian archers were completely wasted. After the arrow rain pa.s.sed, the Italian players saw the Chinese team appear right in front of the ice dragon cave.

Zhu Qingyue pre-judged the skills of the archers in advance and casted the big illusion array. This made the audience warmly applaud him.

Many domestic viewers watching the live broadcast said: [The little crybaby is really powerful!]

Since being forced to take over as captain of Pure Cleansing, the crybaby gradually became stronger and stronger. He no longer had a look of grievance when he faced the media reporters. Today, he was standing in the World Compet.i.tion and could calmly handle the two archers of the Italian team. His growth was obvious to everyone!

The opening teleportation directly got rid of the two big moves of the Italian archers. This made the captain Alberto feel reluctant and he also used Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion to teleport the six Italian players.

The audience saw a flash in front of them and the six Italian players had caught up.

Six people instantly disappeared and reappeared in another place. This type of place was strange and exciting, which was why it was called the illusion flow.

The illusion flow was first popular in Europe and Italy was the leader in it. As more and more players chose a psychic, the tactic was popularized all over the world with the Pure Cleansing team as a representative.

The Italian team"s illusion flow was really strong and aggressive. They used the illusions of two psychics to directly kill the Spanish and Australian team in the group stage!

This time they were against the Chinese team and their play was still fierce. Alberto used Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion to send his teammates to the left side of the Chinese team and followed with the black magician"s group control skill, Dark Fear.

At this moment, Chu Yan also opened the big psychic move. Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion!

The red, yellow, blue and green light appeared at their feet and the six Chinese players disappeared again, reappearing in the left side of the ice dragon"s cave.

Kou Hongyi couldn"t help spitting out, "The two sides are playing a teleportation battle!"

This sentence described the situation very well.

Within half a minute, the Italian captain Alberto had completed one teleportation while the Chinese team relied on the cooperation between Zhu Qingyue and Chu Yan for two successive teleportations.

However, it could be found that the Italian team"s teleportation was for attack while the Chinese team was mainly defensive.

Sure enough, after the captain Alberto used teleportation, the other psychic Fabio also opened the psychic array to chase the Chinese team. Both sides appeared to the left of the ice dragon cave and the Italian black magician once again opened Dark Fear!

The domestic audience members were nervous. Now the Chinese team"s two psychics were on cooldown. What would happen when the group control skill hit?

The scene that occurred next surprised everyone.

Yang Muzi suddenly opened the white magician"s group control skill, Holy Seal!

On the big screen, the Italian black magician"s Dark Fear and the Chinese white magician"s Holy Seal collided. One was black and the other white. The two cl.u.s.ters of light met in the air and the result was that the whole Chinese team was affected by Dark Fear while the Italian players were controlled by the seal!

The control skills of the black and white magician were released at almost the same time, causing the 12 people to be fully controlled. This image was very strange.

The control effect lasted only three seconds.

It depended on who could grab the first move once these three seconds were over.

Chu Yan pressed a finger against the keyboard, counting down the time in his heart. At the same time, he gave his apprentice Zhu Qingyue a "1" prompt on the team channel.

The three seconds ended and the master and apprentice immediately joined forces.

—Six-Pointed Star Array! Chain Illusion!

—Maze! Poison Array!

The green six-pointed star, purple array, white array and black poison quickly appeared on the map at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. The audience saw that skills burst one after another and four colours were opened.

Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue"s equipment finally showed its effect. The cooldown was reduced and their casting time was also greatly reduced. The two people cooperated and read four large arrays in three seconds!

This was the indispensable core of the psychic illusion flow method, a seamless connection.

The Six-Pointed Star Array confined everyone to the range of the six-pointed star. They couldn"t leave before the array was released. Chain Illusion made illusions appear in front of the opponents and they couldn"t see where they were. Maze would greatly reduce the opponent"s movement speed and defense while Poison Array placed the opponents in a "poisoned state." Their blood and blue would fall every second.

The four big arrays were released and the entire Italian team became blind!

In particular, the Chain Illusion skill.

This skill created an illusion in front of the opponents" eyes and the illusions were closely related to the map scene. For example, today"s map was Bamboo Sea and the Italian players saw cute pandas hugging their thighs while wanting bamboo…

The Italian captain Alberto was going to collapse!

He clearly knew that he was attacked by an illusion but in front of this weird scene, he really wanted to fly to China and strangle the Chinese map designers!

The audience saw this scene while the Chinese players worked together to attack Italy.

Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue cooperated with the auxiliary chain array, which greatly reduced the defense of the Italian team players. This was the best time to release their skills.

At this time, the cooldown for Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan"s big moves were over. The two men tacitly used Shadow Winding and h.e.l.l Flames!

Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi also weren"t idle. They followed up with the white magician skills, G.o.d"s Belief and Tidal Surge!

Black and white magic could restrain each other but once they cooperated, their group attack skills were very powerful. The four big moves. .h.i.t and the six people of the Italian team fell to residual blood.

Alberto had an ugly expression and ordered, "Withdraw!"

It wasn"t until this moment that he discovered he was fooled.

In fact, the Chinese team"s psychic starting with the teleportation wasn"t because they were afraid of the Italian team. It was because their big moves had been on cooldown.  Zhu Qingyue sending the team away was actually waiting for these skills. Once the cooldown for everyone"s skills were over, Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue started to fight back.

The Chinese team"s counterattack was terrible. The auxiliary chain of arrays plus the four group attacks disabled the Italian team. It was likely they would be wiped out if they stayed here.

Alberto"s decision to withdraw was very calm.

The six Italian players were very strong. Once their captain gave instructions, they immediately pulled back. Alberto was clever enough to leave a Six-Pointed Star Array in the field to hinder the Chinese team"s pursuit.

However, the Chinese team didn"t chase them at all.

Chu Yan was very decisive and ordered, "Ignore them and kill the ice dragon!"

Many viewers wondered why they didn"t chase after victory.

Yu Bing explained, "This is related to the commander"s personal style. If it was changed to Captain Ling, he would likely choose to chase the opponent and destroy them. On the other hand, Chu Yan is a relatively warm and moderate person. His style is to win in a stable manner. The Italian team has successfully retreated so there is no need to rush to grab their heads."

Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. "Sister Bing is right. They should take down the ice dragon first! The initial economic gap is so big that I don"t believe the Italian team can catch up!"

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Chapter 307 – China VS Italy (Role of a Psychic)

The Chinese team won the ice dragon"s economic bonus. Everyone returned to the birth point and updated their equipment. The psychic"s weapon was a type of crystal ball that changed between the four colours of red, yellow, blue and green. Chu Yan sold his necklace and ring to obtain the psychic"s characteristic weapon, Illusion Crystal Ball!

The characteristics of this weapon were very clear. In addition to increasing the effect of the cooldown reduction, the array duration would be extended by 0.5 seconds.

0.5 seconds sounded very short but it was definitely enough time to change the situation for profession players.

In addition, the duration of all arrays would be extended!

The Illusion Crystal Ball was Chu Yan"s favourite weapon. Once he obtained this weapon, the expression on his face became much more relaxed.

The others didn"t have enough money to buy weapons but the ice dragon"s economic bonus meant that everyone bought their favourite jewellery and their attack power increased significantly.

The Chinese team had killed the ice dragon very quickly so the fire dragon still hadn"t refreshed. The second wave of mobs had just appeared in the wild area.

Chu Yan looked at the time when the fire dragon would refresh and ordered, "Everyone will go on the road!"

This command surprised his teammates but everyone cooperated with him to go on the road.

In the middle road, they saw two familiar figures. The captain of the Italian team, Alberto and the archer Zucker were on the road to increase their money. The two people had just picked up a bamboo and fed it to a giant panda when they saw the six people of the Chinese team.

"Retreat! Quickly retreated!" Alberto"s expression changed and he immediately retrated.

However, Chu Yan was prepared when coming to the road. He used a precise Six-Pointed Star Array to set them in place, followed by Chain Illusion.

Alberto once again saw the image of a panda holding his thigh to eat bamboo and wanted to climb into the game, cut all the surrounding bamboo and hand it to the pandas. Please, could they sleep quietly and not bother him?

The result of the six against two battle couldn"t be doubted.

Once the Chinese team succeeded in controlling the two opponents, the other outputs broke out and quickly cleared the blood of the Italian team"s Alberto and Zucker.

—Three kills!

—Four kills!

Everyone still tacitly gave the heads to Chu Yan.

A normal captain might rely on this advantage to directly kill the fire dragon and then push to the crystal.

On the other hand, Chu Yan was a cautious and calm commander. Killing the fire dragon at this time actually carried a lot of risks. The key was that everyone"s group attacks were on cooldown. They might be defeated if they were ambushed by Italy.

In order to be stable, they should go back to the city to replenish their resources and wait for the skills to be available again.

Chu Yan thought this and gave an order in the voice channel, "Jump into the trap to return to the city."

The Chinese team jumped into the trap one after another.

Kou Hongyi, "…The traps originally have this effect!"

Yu Bing praised it. "The designers" thinking is indeed extraordinary. The traps could deal with enemies while also allowing you to quickly return to the city.  It is much faster than other methods to return to the city."

They collectively returned to the city. Chu Yan didn"t change his equipment but instead bought many lights to control their vision.

By the time the Chinese team came to the fire dragon again, the Italian team had also arrived.

Italy didn"t dare let go of this dragon.

The Chinese team already had the advantage in equipment. If they won the fire dragon and received its attack and defense buff then it would be absolutely impossible for Italy to reverse the situation.

Killing the fire dragon was a must for Alberto. He arrived at the cave and immediately said, "Be prepared to attack!"

He had just spoken when Chu Yan used Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion!

There were two uses for Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion. The most commonly used one was to teleport all teammates within range to a specified location. The second usage wasn"t as common but could be quite effective. It teleported all enemies within range to a specified location.

Of course, a skill that moved the enemy away had a relatively close range of 10 metres.

The captain of the Italian team had obviously wanted to win this wave of team battle and his position happened to be relatively close to the Chinese team. Chu Yan"s trick hit and the result was that he directly fell into a trap.

Zhu Qingyue had the same heart and used the same move. He used the black magician closest to himself and used Time and s.p.a.ce Illusion to move the black magician into a trap!

Those who fell into the trap would be automatically sent back to the recovery point…

Alberto didn"t die but it was worse than death!

Chu Yan"s move was equivalent to forcibly separating him from the battle. Originally the Chinese team and Italian team were in a 6v6 battle but now it became 6v4.

The Italian team"s combat hadn"t even begun and two people were forcibly sent away. How could they keep playing?

The other psychic of Italy wanted to cough up blood.

He wanted to copy the Chinese team"s move and send someone away when Cheng Wei decisively used Holy Seal to collectively set them in place.

The Italian players wanted to cry…

Four against six, they had half lost before even starting!


Alberto and the black magician were sent back to the refresh point and it was too late even if they returned at their fastest speed.

It took 10 seconds to get to the fire dragon from the birth point. This was enough time for the Chinese team to resolve the battle.

Yan Ruiwen, Guo Xuan, Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi were the strongest black and white magicians in the Chinese Miracle League. How could they miss such a great opportunity?

Death Mantra and Shadow Winding were instantly stacked up to five layers.

The white magician"s group attack skill Tidal Surge struck.

The explosive power of the two black magicians was very high and combined with the group attack of the two white magicians. There were also the negative effects of "lower defense" and "illusions" that the psychics created. The four people of Italy fell to residual blood in 10 seconds.

Their blood flashed red and Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue completed the harvest.

The cooldown reduction effect of Chu Yan"s weapon reached the limit and his skill release was extremely fast.

Once Alberto arrived, he saw the scene of the crystal ball in one of the Chinese team"s psychics flashing with various colours. Arrays appeared on the ground one after another, to the point where the ground was constantly shining with colour!

This was the stage of the psychic.

In the World Compet.i.tion, the stage of the psychic belonged to Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue.

As a psychic, Alberto hadn"t paid much attention to Chu Yan before. In last year"s World Carnival, Chu Yan was able to win the 3v3 team championship trophy because his team was composed of Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo. The two great G.o.ds were the light of the team.

This was what Alberto always thought.

Chu Yan was just an old auxiliary player who didn"t have many achievements. His team"s performance wasn"t good and he was too far away from the top psychics in the world.

However, today he was thoroughly impressed by Chu Yan!

This stable and steady pushing was like a s...o...b..ll effect that made the Chinese team"s advantage bigger and bigger.

In the early stages, he arranged for his teammates to come support him on the road. He took two heads and relied on the economic advantage to buy more equipment. The ice dragon opened the gap and he went to the road to kill the Italian team"s core players before returning to the city. Then he killed the fire dragon and used the traps to forcibly send his opponents away…

There were too many wonderful command points in this game.

Alberto was very depressed but he was convinced.

Chu Yan was an excellent and steady captain. He might be different and seem mild compared to Ling Xuefeng"s violent crushing and Su Guangmo"s frontal struggle but he hid needles in his gentleness, not allowing the opponents any chance to counterattack!

The previous victory in the 3v3 World Carnival project was because Chu Yan had the strong personal ability to keep up with Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo"s rhythm, eventually defeating the US team!


By the time Alberto"s spirit returned, the Chinese team had killed the four players of Italy and joined forces to kill the dragon.

The Chinese players" current equipment was enough to endure the damage of the fire dragon and their output was also enough. Moreover, Chu Yan sent Cheng Wei to defend the perimetre. Once an Italian player got close, he would immediately open an array to let everyone counterattack.

It was impossible for Alberto to steal the dragon.

The Chinese team successfully killed the fire dragon and the outcome of this game had no suspense.

The moment the central crystal was broken, Chu Yan finally smiled. "We won!"

Zhu Qingyue stood up and hugged the master next to him.

His eyes were wet again but they were no longer the tears of grievances when he was young and ignorant. They were tears of excitement from winning!

Chu Yan proved today that the illusion flow didn"t only belong to the European team and the role of the psychic wasn"t just an aid!

An excellent psychic was enough to create victory in a game!

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