God Level Summoner

Chapter 313 – China VS France (Eiffel Tower)

Chapter 313 – China VS France (Eiffel Tower)

The list of players for both sides appeared on the big screen and it was customary to play according to the map chosen.

Before choosing the map, Li Cangyu guessed that Notre Dame de Paris was a labyrinth while the Eiffel Tower was an air battle. He banned the maze because he didn"t want the French team to take advantage of their familiarity with the terrain. In addition, the Chinese team had never been afraid of air combat maps. In particular, Li Cangyu quite liked air combat since he had the wind spirit and could use the opportunity to blow people down.

The Eiffel Tower map was thrilling. The Eiffel Tower had been transformed to make many iron plates at different levels of the tower for players to stand on. The width of these plates could accommodate two people at the same time.

This high-alt.i.tude combat map was similar to the Chinese team"s Mount Huangshan Plank Road. The difference was that Mount Huangshan Plank Road was a death map. Players who fell down would be directly killed. The Eiffel Tower wasn"t a death map. If they fell from the tower, they would lose a certain amount of blood but could climb up the stairs again.

After learning the characteristics of the map, Li Cangyu calmly got up and walked through the soundproof gla.s.s door with his old partner Bai Xuan.

Bai Xuan spoke while walking, "This map isn"t very good for us to play. The other side has two archers with difficult long-ranged shooting. If I can"t add blood…"

Li Cangyu patted his shoulder. "Don"t be humble. I believe in you."

Bai Xuan smiled and quickly followed.

It really was difficult to add blood in an air combat map but Bai Xuan"s treatment level was world-cla.s.s and his reaction ability was enough to cope with various emergencies. Besides, the two of them had been working together for many years and Bai Xuan believed that Li Cangyu would protect him.

They sat down in front of a computer and Bai Xuan couldn"t help being excited.

He remembered that when he first sat in front of a computer and played games with Li Cangyu, both of them had been younger than 18 and were full of expectations for the future. Seven years pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye and many things happened. Now they were no longer year but they joined hands and stood together in the World Compet.i.tion.

Today they would personally prove how strong the Old Cat and White Fox missing from the world rankings were!

Bai Xuan gently rubbed his hands and placed his long white fingers on the keyboard in preparation for the game.


On the French side, Captain Stein and his old partner Ono were also having a short exchange before the game.

There was a confident smile on Stein"s face but his eyes were sharp. He stared at the computer in front of him and spoke at a very fast speed. "The Chinese captain"s reputation isn"t as big as Ling Xuefeng but his strength is the same. In particular, be careful of his wind spirit!"

"I know." Ono looked over at the captain. "By the way, he came out in the opening. Is he going against you?"

“Obviously." Stein didn"t know why Li Cangyu was against him but he simply shrugged. "Don"t be afraid of him! If we start out well then the morale of the next pair will be boosted. We have to win this game!"

Ono shook his fist. "Understood!"

The map loaded finished and both players refreshed on the Eiffel Tower map.

The Eiffel Tower was divided into three platforms. The bottom was supported by four giant sloping columns. There were four curved columns between the first and second platforms. Then there were stairs on top of these columns and contestants could climb up the stairs. Further up, the columns would become almost vertical spirits with a third platform that barely supported four people.

France"s Stein and Ono had refreshed on the third platform at the top while Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan refreshed on the first floor. The French players were obviously lucky. As long as they occupied the heights on this air combat map, they could suppress the opponents by shooting from top to bottom.

Stein saw the current terrain and was in a good mood. He didn"t hesitate to say in the first channel, "Open your big moves!"

Ono instantly pressed the R key which contained the shortcut for his big move.

—Death Arrow Rain!

The two archers opened the big move simultaneously and the silver-white arrows shot down from the heights, like a heavy rain.

However, Li Cangyu wasn"t hit by this wave of arrows. He seemed to have expected it and the moment he saw his refresh position, he decisively summoned the guardian.

The public pet had few chances to appear but he caused the opponent to vomit blood every time he was called. The big moves of Stein and Ono were blocked by the guardian, which was equivalent to wasting them!

The guardian abolished two big moves. It might consume more blue but it was quite cost-effective.

Li Cangyu calmly escaped the arrow rain and used Flying Feather Steps to quickly move up. Bai Xuan followed him.

Stein couldn"t watch them climb up. He narrowed his eyes at the screen and pulled the longbow in his hand. It was the archer"s control move, Quenching Arrow!

This skill was actually more threatening than the Death Arrow Rain just now.

Death Arrow Rain might cause great damage but Li Cangyu brought a daddy with him and his blood could be restored. Quenching Arrow triggered the freezing effect. Once frozen, Bai Xuan couldn"t add blood to Li Cangyu and he would be easily killed by the other side.

The hearts of the audience members were in their throats but sank back down to their stomachs the next moment. It was because Li Cangyu moved sideways while climbing up and escaped Stein"s control in a thrilling manner!

This aerial displacement technique convinced many viewers!

Even Stein was a bit surprised. He had seen many good players but suddenly jumping to the side to hide from a skill without falling off was a G.o.d"s operation that ordinary people couldn"t do.

Stein became more excited at the thought. It was rare for him to encounter masters. Today would be a good compet.i.tion. Quenching Arrow failed and he followed up with the combination of Precise Aim, Shock Shot and Seize Life Shot!

He was ranked in the top three of the world"s bard rankings. Last year, he came first with his strength. His biggest feature was his extremely fast attack speed. Three arrows were continuously shot and Li Cangyu"s blood fell to half blood in an instant!

However, Bai Xuan didn"t stay still. Hiding behind Li Cangyu and adding blood to his old partner was something he had long been used to. He saw Li Cangyu"s blood loss and quickly used a small healing skill to fill up the other person"s blood first. Then he unleashed his hand speed and added five layers of Healing Language on Cat G.o.d.

Li Cangyu saw his blood was full and continued to climb up the stairs.

Stein"s arrows hadn"t stopped and he cooperated with Ono. The joint firepower of the two archers was enough to turn any average person into a hedgehog. The thing that gave people a headache was that Li Cangyu took Bai Xuan with him. In particular, Bai Xuan was cleverly hiding behind Li Cangyu and the arrows that Stein shot couldn"t hit Bai Xuan. It was naturally impossible to interrupt his casting.

Regardless of how much Stein and Ono attacked Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan would always refill it. This type of consumption battle made Stein feel terrible. It was because he realized that Li Cangyu hadn"t used any big moves yet!

Li Cangyu"s positioning was very flexible. He avoided the key control skills and quickly climbed to the third platform with Flying Feather Steps!

Kou Hongyi saw this scene and couldn"t help exclaiming excitedly, "Oh my G.o.d! Cat G.o.d actually climbed up!"

Yu Bing added, "He is fearless despite being suppressed by the opponent"s firepower!"

"Yes, his movements are too fast. It took less than half a minute to climb from the first platform to the third platform."

"He hasn"t used any pets and has kept all his skills. This is the moment when Cat G.o.d will act!"

The air staircase was quite thrilling in the audience"s eyes. One careless mistake could cause a player to fall off and undo all their work. Still, it was clear that Li Cangyu wouldn"t make such a low-level mistake. He quickly climbed to the third platform and stood side by side with Stein and Ono.

Archers had the advantage of being able to attack from a long distance. This advantage was gone once the summoner appeared at close range.

Li Cangyu reached the third floor and no longer hide his pets. He decisively summoned the water spirit and used a group attack to freeze them in place. Then he summoned the thunder spirit and Thunder"s Wrath was used. Finally, the fire elf was summoned to use the group attack.

—Frost Heart, Thunder"s Wrath and Raging Prairie Fire!

The three gorgeous moves from the elf pets dazzled the eyes of the domestic audience.

The full agility summoner attacked extremely quickly and after three consecutive moves, Stein and Ono fell to 50% blood.

The freezing effect lifted and Stein used Barrage Shot.

This was a very flexible skill for an archer. The arrow would fly like a bullet. If it was straight line, it would damage all enemies in the way. If it was a curve shot, it would be a fan-shaped group attack.

Stein"s operation was really exquisite. He quickly moved the mouse and the arrow in his hand shot one after another. The arrows swept out like a fan and Li Cangyu"s water, thunder and fire spirits were killed!

Kou Hongyi was a bit nervous. "All of Cat G.o.d"s pets have been killed! Stein seems to have experience against summoners."

Yu Bing agreed. "Yes. If you can control a summoner"s pets then a summoner without any pets will be extremely weak." She paused before adding, "However, not all of Cat G.o.d"s pets were destroyed. He still has…"

Yu Bing"s words hadn"t finished when she saw Li Cangyu summoning his last elf pet.

The wind spirit.

Stein"s back was cold and he wanted to kill the wind spirit but it was too late!

Bai Xuan"s reaction speed was very fast. At this moment, he suddenly used Holy Light Surge!

This skill restored a lot of blood to a given teammate while having the effect of letting their teammate"s next skill be released instantly.

Li Cangyu"s reactions were extremely fast. In the cast where his water, fire and thunder spirits were dead, he didn"t hesitate to call the wind spirit. Once Bai Xuan"s skill was in place, he used the wind spirit"s big move, Wind and Clouds Destruction!

The skill that originally required some casting time became instant due to the effect of the healing skill. As a result, a gust of wind blew at the top of the Eiffel Tower and Stein and Ono were blown towards the ground.

The summoner standing high on the tower poked out his head and looked down. Stein suddenly wanted to swear, "What are you looking at? You must be very happy that I fell badly, right?"

Li Cangyu was naturally very happy.

In particular, he wanted to laugh when he saw the graceful and arrogant Captain Stein fall off the tower in such a manner.

"I"m sorry, my hands are itching to abuse people. I couldn"t help calling the wind spirit to blow you down. Are you going to climb up slowly again?"

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Chapter 314 – China VS France (Killing G.o.ds in the Arena)

France"s captain, Stein had only one choice at this time: slowly climb up.

Stein and Ono had refreshed at the top of Eiffel Tower in the beginning. He had looked down at Li Cangyu and felt very proud. He wanted to kill the summoner climbing up in seconds.

The result was that he didn"t kill the opponent in seconds but was blown down by the wind spirit"s wind!

He had long know that the elf summoner"s wind spirit wasn"t easy to deal with and was always on the defense. He just didn"t expect the healer to use Holy Light Surge on Li Cangyu at the crucial moment, allowing him to instantly release Wind and Clouds Destruction…

The tacit understanding between Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan made Stein feel fear and he decided to change his strategy. Stein thought about it before telling his teammate, "We will work together to suppress the healer. Drain his blue as soon as possible!"

Ono nodded to show his understanding.

As elves, Stein and Ono also had the common racial skill Flying Feather Steps. The two of them used Flying Feather Steps to climb up the tower. One was to the left and the other to the right, their speed as fast as a phantom. It could be seen that they had trained on this map for a long time as they were very familiar with the positions and angle of the stairs.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them climbed to the first platform. The distance between the first and third platform was within the archer"s attack range but the summoner"s pets couldn"t reach them.

Stein took advantage of this distance and fired Barrage Shot above him.

He was worthy of being the world"s first ranked bard. This Barrage Shot was quite subtle and the fan-shaped arrows made Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan lose 30% blood at the same time!

Bai Xuan used a group healing skill to restore the blood but Stein didn"t stop. He aimed at Bai Xuan and used Seize Life Shot!

The archer"s single target attack skill was released and Bai Xuan"s blood dropped again.

Ono cooperated with the captain to lower the blood of the healer Bai Xuan. For a time, all of their skillful moves greeted Bai Xuan and the overwhelming arrows shot towards the top so quickly that Bai Xuan didn"t have time to breathe.

Li Cangyu quickly spoke on the voice channel, "You hide behind me. I will go down and deal with them!"

He jumped using Flying Feather Steps and landed on the second platform. This action on the big screen was very handsome. It seemed like he had wings as he fell in an incomparably light manner.

The two French players finally entered the range of the summoner"s attack. Li Cangyu summoned the water spirit and greeted one person with a Water Ball!

Stein"s reaction speed was extremely fast. He saw the summoner jump down and immediately turned sideways to hide from this skill. However, Ono"s reactions didn"t keep up and he was frozen in place.

Bai Xuan finally got a chance to breathe. He filled up his blood and added five layers of Healing Language to Li Cangyu.

Stein suddenly found that this old pair of partners was really hard to deal with!

The healer"s response speed was quick and his blood-adding technique was also flexible. It was basically impossible to kill a person in one wave. In addition, the two of them protected each other. It was even harder to isolate one person to kill the other!

At the very least, Li Cangyu jumping down gave an opportunity to Stein. He quickly ordered, "You try to drag out the summoner. I will deal with the healer!"

Then he climbed up the stairs to the third platform.

Yu Bing saw this and couldn"t help frowning. "Stein wants to split up the Cat Bai combination to form a 1v1 situation. He wants to suppress the healer and then deal with Cat G.o.d?"

“Well, this is the most sensible way to handle the Cat Bai combination. It is impossible to kill Cat G.o.d with Bai Xuan adding blood. There is nothing wrong with him dealing with Bai Xuan first." Kou Hongyi looked at the big screen with some concern. "Stein is a very fast attacking player. It will be troublesome for a healer to be targeted by him in close combat!"

Sure enough, Stein arrived on the third platform and started attacking Bai Xuan without hesitation.

Precise Aim, Shock Shot, Barrage Shot and Seize Life Shot!

One after another, the archer skills cooperated with the quick ordinary attacks. For a time, his arrows formed a seamless storm as they covered the place where Bai Xuan was standing!

Bai Xuan"s blood volume plummeted. He saw that it reached 10% and directly opened the instant group healing skill, Divine Blessing!

A white glow shrouded the Eiffel Tower and Bai Xuan"s blood recovered by 40%. On the second platform, Li Cangyu"s blood was also restored by 40% due to the group skill.

Then Stein"s next round of arrows appeared again and Bai Xuan"s blood fell to 15% in the blink of an eye.

It was obvious that Stein was very good at dealing with healers.

Bai Xuan was targeted by him and many skills were interrupted. It was very difficult to add blood.

After seeing that Bai Xuan"s blood was decreasing, Li Cangyu suddenly summoned the public pet "destruction demon" that rarely appeared. The huge axe in the demon"s hand cut down horizontally and a precise "block" was made. Stein"s big move was stopped and Bai Xuan took the initiative to jump down the tower!

This exquisite cooperation made the audience clap.

Kou Hongyi was excited. "Cat G.o.d and Vice-Captain Bai are worthy of being old partners! Just now, Vice-Captain Bai was really in danger. Fortunately, Cat G.o.d was watching the above situation and rescued his teammate at the crucial moment. Vice-Captain Bai is also witty. He will lose blood from jumping down but Stein won"t be able to hit him!"

Yu Bing finally stopped frowning. "This isn"t a death map. Vice-Captain Bai using the terrain to open the distance from Stein is a very flexible idea."

"Cat G.o.d was entangled with the French team"s Ono but he could still focus on Vice-Captain Bai"s situation. Very powerful!" Kou Hongyi praised Li Cangyu"s performance before pausing for a moment. "Vice-Captain Bai jumping down allowed them to temporarily escape from danger but Cat G.o.d will be caught by the other two."

In the game, Bai Xuan quickly filled his blood to the 80% safety line and then stacked five layers of the Healing Language buff on him. His health slowly recovered as he started climbing up.

Li Cangyu had to face the attack of two players but Bai Xuan had absolute confidence in his old partner. Cat G.o.d wasn"t so easy to kill.


Stein was startled by Bai Xuan"s direct jump but quickly reacted. He couldn"t help rejoicing as he exclaimed, "Quickly kill the summoner!"

The healer would take a while to climb up the tower. As long as the two of them joined forces to kill LI Cangyu before the healer arrived, the game would be won without any suspense.

Ono also knew this and followed the captain"s instructions to release all types of skills towards Li Cangyu!

The two French players joined up and the dense arrow rain drowned Li Cangyu.

The water spirit was killed and Li Cangyu could no longer rely on the water spirit to control the opponent. The wind spirit was summoned onto to be killed. It was apparent that Stein had taken precautions and wouldn"t be hit by the same thing twice.

In an instant, Li Cangyu"s blood fell to 30% while Bai Xuan had just climbed to the first platform.

The domestic audience was going crazy. They wanted to give Vice-Captain Bai a pair of wings so he could fly directly to Cat G.o.d to add blood.

However, Li Cangyu"s face in the soundproof room was still composed. He was in a residual blood state but he wasn"t in a hurry. Once the wind spirit was killed, he jumped to hide and successfully escaped Stein"s Seize Life Shot. Then he summoned the thunder spirit and used Thunder"s Wrath!

Previously, he had been fighting on the second platform with the French player Ono. Since he used two public pets in the early stages, the blue consumption was too big. He had tried to save skills by hitting the opponent with a summoner"s general attack.

Ono"s blood had been consumed down to 35%. Now the thunder spirit"s big move was used and Ono suddenly fell to a 10% b.l.o.o.d.y state!

His teammate"s blood started to flash red and Stein didn"t have time to hesitate. If Bai Xuan came up and added blood to Li Cangyu, their previous suppression would be in vain.

The cooldown of his big moves was already fine. Stein decisively pulled the longbow and used Death Arrow Rain. Ono had cooperated with Stein for many years and instantly understood the captain"s intention. He triggered Death Arrow Rain at the same time!

The dense silver arrows descended from the sky and Li Cangyu was in the centre of it.

Li Cangyu"s flexible movements allowed him to hide from single target skills but he couldn"t avoid such a dense group of arrows.

He would definitely die if these two big moves. .h.i.t. The domestic audience held their breaths nervously.

However, Li Cangyu didn"t fall when the two big moves ended. He stood on the tower with a calm expression while it was Ono who fell down first!

Kou Hongyi was a bit stunned and hurriedly had the director open a playback.

Then the audience figured out that just before the two big moves. .h.i.t, Bai Xuan finally arrived and cast the healer"s big move, Desperate Prayer!

His skill was faster than the opponents" Death Arrow Rain. In other words, just before Stein"s big move hit Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan used the healing skill to return Li Cangyu"s blood to more than 80% blood, allowing him to survive this wave.

Kou Hongyi couldn"t help sighing. "Vice-Captain Bai is truly someone who provides help in the hour of need!"

Li Cangyu also smiled and spoke on the voice channel. "Xiao Bai is good."

Bai Xuan replied helplessly, "Can you not call me Xiao Bai?"

They had a familiar conversation seven years ago when they first became teammates. Now they stood on the world stage as old players and reproduced the familiar dialogue. Their dream hadn"t changed and the tacit understanding was still there, but they had become stronger!

Bai Xuan released his hand speed to cast several single target healing skills, directly restoring Li Cangyu"s blood to 100%.

Stein suddenly felt despair.

After playing so long, the other party had returned to full blood. This was a great blow to his confidence!

Li Cangyu was no longer polite. He summoned the first spirit and quickly smashed the other side with the simplest Fireball, taking away the blood Stein.

Double kill!

The first stage of the arena ended with Cat G.o.d"s double kill!

Deafening applause filled the venue. Ling Xuefeng, Xie Shurong and the others watching the battle under the stage also stood up and clapped for Cat and Bai.

In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan smiled at each other, not saying anything.

—I have experienced thousands of sails but you are still there.

—My best partner, from young to now, thank you for never abandoning me.

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