God Level Summoner

Chapter 367 – Brothers" Feelings (1)

Extra 2 Chapter 367 – Brothers" Feelings (1)

After the World Compet.i.tion, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui returned to Shenzhen. Since the Ghost Spirits team was on holiday, the club only had one security guard left. Thus, the two directly returned home with their luggage.

Both of Zhang Shaohui"s parents died at a very young age and he was taken in by a distant cousin. He stayed in this home for more than 10 years and although his blood relationship with his cousin was very distant, he always treated has as his aunt in his heart.

When the two people arrived home, Zhang Wen was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Zhang Shaohui smelt the delicious fragrance and curiously asked, "A good smell. Auntie, what are you making that is so delicious?"

Mother Lou smiled. "I am making your favourite braised pork ribs to five to the two of you."

Lou Wushuang"s personality was cold and he rarely communicated with his parents. On the other hand, Zhang Shaohui was enthusiastic and honest, especially with his elders. After a long time, Zhang Shaohui was like this family"s own son.

Lou Wushuang entered the house and saw a man sitting on the sofa of the living room while reading a newspaper. He went over and greeted the man. "Father."

Instead of going to a university, Lou Wushuang ran to the e-sports world with his cousin. Lou Wushuang"s father was so angry he almost got a heart attack but Lou Wushuang was stubborn and didn"t listen to his parents" advice. His father had been worried and had little contact with his son in recent years. The relationship between father and son was very rigid.

It wasn"t until the Ghost Spirits won the championship under Lou Wushuang"s leadership that his father"s thoughts gradually changed.

This time, the Lou Zhang brothers represented the national team in the World Compet.i.tion. Father Lou might not understand the game but he watched several live broadcasts with his wife. Every time he saw the brothers playing, he couldn"t help feeling excited.

Perhaps the older generation"s thoughts were too old. He didn"t understand the e-sports that young people played but since it received the approval of the state, it showed it wasn"t a bad business. His son had strong opinions from a young age and he should accept it.

Thinking of this, the man"s expression softened a lot and he glanced at his son. "Put away your luggage first and get ready to eat."

"Yes." Lou Wushuang placed his luggage in the bedroom, washed and returned to the table. Zhang Shaohui was already helping Mother Lou set up a table full of delicacies.

The family sat down to eat. Lou Wushuang"s face was as cold as always as he ate. It was Zhang Shaohui who excitedly told the two elders many things about the World Compet.i.tion, laughing as Mother Lou praised him.

After dinner, Zhang Shaohui went to the kitchen to help cut a plate of fruit. Lou Wushuang headed to the living room and said, "Father, I have something to discuss with you."

The son usually didn"t speak a lot but once he spoke seriously, it showed there was something important to discuss.

Father Lou took it seriously and asked, "What is it?"

Lou Wushuang told him, "I and Ah Hui have grown up and it isn"t convenient to live at home. I want to buy a house and move out."

Zhang Shaohui heard this and immediately came over while scratching his head. "Brother, or I will move away…"

"Don"t interrupt." Lou Wushuang scolded him and watched his father as he continued. "Our family"s home is too small. There are only two rooms and Ah Hui and I have been sharing a room. Two children can squeeze into a bed to sleep but now we are so big. The two of us can"t sleep in one bed, right?"

Mother Lou agreed. "You are right, I also think this house is too much. They are both over 20 years old and it will be difficult to live with elders when they get married." She cut the apples as she spoke. "Let"s say that Ah Hui wants to find a girlfriend. Who will be willing to speak to him if they know he lives with his cousin"s family?"

Zhang Shaohui exclaimed, "It is still early. Brother should find one first…"

Lou Wushuang stared coldly at him and Zhang Shaohui immediately shut up. He sensed that his cousin seemed a bit angry but didn"t know the reason. He had to sit next to his cousin and stay silent.

"I have been saving up and there is enough to buy a house. I want to buy a two bedroom place and will first move out with Ah Hui for a while. Then we will think about the future." Lou Wushuang"s expression was very serious and there was no way to refute his reasons.

Mother Lou expressed support. "This is good. Buying two sets at a time won"t cost as much money. You can first buy a place to move out. In any case, the two of you are young and can slowly earn money before changing to a bigger house."

Zhang Shaohui glanced at Lou Wushuang and asked tentatively, "I also have some savings. Brother… should we buy it together?"

Lou Wushuang wasn"t angry this time and nodded. "Okay."

Three people in the family agreed and Father Lou had nothing to object to. He could only say, "It isn"t a trivial matter to buy a house. Take a few real estate agents to take a look and compare before making a decision."

"Rest a.s.sured, I"ll consider it carefully." Lou Wushuang turned to Zhang Shaohui. "Tomorrow, go and look at houses with me. It is best to buy a place during this holiday."

"Yes, I know!" Zhang Shaohui nodded and promised.


After taking a shower, the parents went to sleep first and Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui took successively took a bath. Zhang Shaohui found that it was really inconvenient for everyone to live together, especially when it came to bathing at night. It felt uncomfortable lining up with elders for the shower. At least in the Ghost Spirits team, he shared a double dormitory with Lou Wushuang.

They had lived together in this bedroom for more than 10 years. It didn"t feel crowded when they were young, only warm. Now the two 20 year old men really would be uncomfortable when crammed into one bed.

Zhang Shaohui saw his brother sitting on the edge of the bed and suggested, "Brother, I will take the floor tonight."

"It is just a few days, Squeezing in is nothing." Lou Wushuang pointed to the spot next to him. "Come over, I have something to say to you."

Zhang Shaohui immediately walked over and sat down. "Brother, tell me."

"The reason I want to move out isn"t to abandon you. Don"t misunderstand." Lou Wushuang pushed up his gla.s.ses and stared seriously. "We are grown up and it is inconvenient to live with my parents. If it is our own home, we can casually wear shorts in the summer. However, if there are elders then we must be scrupulous in all aspects, whether it is playing games or watching TV. I am also worried about arguing with them. Do you understand what I mean?"

“Of course I understand!" Zhang Shaohui smiled. "I know that you wouldn"t abandon me. You have been treating me as a younger brother since childhood. How could you do that?" He wrapped an arm around Lou Wushuang"s shoulder to express brotherly affection.

Lou Wushuang turned a blind eye to it while thinking, "Who will treat you as a brother? The blood relationship between us is distant enough to be my great-grandfather"s generation!"

The blood relationship was so distant yet Lou Wushuang"s parents took in Zhang Shaohui to raise. In fact, it was because Lou Wushuang"s personality was too cold and he never played with other children. His mother was worried her son would experience problems and took in Zhang Shaohui to give him a companion.

Zhang Shaohui came home and Lou Wushuang"s personality really improved a lot. At the very least, he would smile. Whenever the two children played together, Zhang Shaohui would toss the toys while Lou Wushuang watched from the side but it was better than Lou Wushuang being alone.

After growing up together, Zhang Shaohui was like a small heater. He filled Lou Wushuang"s childhood and teenage years with sunshine and happiness, making him long inseparable from this brother.

It was just that this strong emotion that almost burned him had always been well hidden in his heart.


That night, Zhang Shaohui stubbornly slept on the ground. he felt that his height of 1.8 metres and his strength would definitely squeeze his brother, making Lou Wushuang"s sleep uncomfortable.

Lou Wushuang felt helpless as he saw Zhang Shaohui lying on the floor while covered in a blanket. Lou Wushuang really wanted to bring him up but knew this type of thing couldn"t be forced. Otherwise, it would be counterproductive.

The next morning, they finished eating and Lou Wushuang brought Zhang Shaohui to a real estate agency to express his ideas and requirements.

"I"d like it to be quiet. It is better if the community isn"t in the downtown area. The environment should be better. The size of the house doesn"t need to be too large. Two rooms sufficient for two people to live are enough." Lou Wushuang spoke in a calm manner.

The sister a.s.sisting them asked seriously, "A place for two people to live, Mr. Lou, are you preparing a wedding house?"

Lou Wushuang replied lightly, "Yes."

Zhang Shaohui scratched his head. His cousin was buying a house in advance for marriage? Then Zhang Shaohui would borrow it a while and once his brother got a girlfriend, he would move out. Zhang Shaohui thought this and felt relieved.

The agent seemed to be saying something to him. Lou Wushuang was forced to turn around and asked, "Do you like an elevator or a staircase?"

Zhang Shaohui"s senses returned and he was startled. "Eh?" What about him? Wasn"t Lou Woushang preparing a wedding house?

Lou Wushuang"s face was cold. "Would you like an elevator or staircase? Or do you want to buy a villa?"

Zhang Shaohui laughed. "This… Brother, you decide." Then he went to Lou Wushuang and whispered, "Isn"t a villa expensive? I don"t think it is necessary to buy a big wedding house. A small house is warm and good enough."

"I think so too." Lou Wushuang nodded. "Then buy a place in a high-rise building. A good community with property management is better and the facilities should be perfect. I don"t want to pay money every month for the loan. A lump sum… how about your money?"

Zhang Shaohui immediately pulled out his bank card and handed it to Lou Wushuang. "No problem, here"s all my money for you!"

Lou Wushuang accepted the card and a hint of a smile appeared on his cold face.

There was a saying that accounts shouldn"t be settled between brothers. However, once Lou Wushuang asked for money, Zhang Shaohui didn"t hesitate to take out all his savings. This wasn"t something that ordinary people could do.

Did it mean the feelings between them had already surpa.s.sed ordinary brotherhood?

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Chapter 368 – Brothers" Feelings (2)

Lou Wushuang didn"t buy a house on a whim. He had long checked a lot of information and found a well-respected real estate agency. The agent"s work was very efficient and several houses that met his requirements were chosen in less than three days. Lou Wushuang took his brother to see a few properties and wasn"t very satisfied. The agent said they would continue to check and the two brothers returned home.

A long day of running around resulted in nothing. On the way back, Lou Wushuang was very cold. Zhang Shaohui knew he was in a bad mood and took the initiative to comfort him. "Brother, don"t worry. There is still a lot of time left on the holiday and I will accompany you to see and choose a good one."

He just finished speaking when the phone rang. Zhang Shaohui picked it up and heard a gentle female voice. "Is this Zhang Shaohui? I"m Liu Ying, the monitor of Cla.s.s 37. Do you remember?"

Zhang Shaohui smiled. "Cla.s.s monitor, of course I remember!"

In high school, Lou Wushuang"s performance was excellent and he was a.s.signed to a key cla.s.s of the school. Zhang Shaohui naturally couldn"t be in the same cla.s.s with his brother and Cla.s.s 37 was an ordinary cla.s.s. Zhang Shaohui"s grades weren"t very good but he got along with his cla.s.s. He was on Cla.s.s 37"s sports committee. He was tall, handsome, friendly and played basketball. He often helped girls carry things to the dormitory and was naturally very popular with girls.

It was just that Zhang Shaohui was unable of the love of the girls. Every day, he would go to the school gates to go home with Lou Wushuang. Lou Wushuang was cold and the sharp eyes behind the lens frightened people. Many girls wanted to express their affection to Zhang Shaohui but didn"t dare approach him because of the natural moving ice cube around him.

Lou Wushuang actually knew the thoughts of these girls. There were at least four girls in Cla.s.s 37 who liked Zhang Shaohui. Once he heard Zhang Shaohui called "cla.s.s monitor" on the phone, his face immediately cooled down.

"Cla.s.s reunion?" Zhang Shaohui was a bit surprised, "How many of them will be at this party? Ah Niu and the others are going? Well… I am also idle these days. Send me the time and place and I will come."

Zhang Shaohui hung up the phone and explained to his brother, "It was my high school"s cla.s.s monitor to organize a reunion."

Lou Wushuang asked lightly, "Do you want to go?"

"Well, I haven"t seen them for two years after graduation. The party is in Shenzhen and quite a few people are going." Zhang Shaohui"s tone was a bit excited. "Do you remember Ah Nui and the others? A few of my best friends in high school are going so I should join in the fun."

HIs phone screen lit up. It was a text message with the time and address of the cla.s.s reunion. Zhang Shaohui replied that he received it and then there was a message stating that the cla.s.s monitor had added him to the cla.s.s group on WeChat.

The cla.s.s group of Cla.s.s 37 had 40 people as members. There was actually so many.

"Wow, the whole cla.s.s is here!" Zhang Shaohui exclaimed while typing. "Brother, do you remember my cla.s.s monitor? She was the school flower of that year."

"Yes." Lou Wushuang replied lightly but the image of the girl who secretly followed Zhang Shaohui with a red face appeared in his mind and he couldn"t help feeling annoyed.

At the cla.s.s reunion, would all the girls who secretly loved Zhang Shaohui in the past confess to him?

Should he hurry and start? Otherwise, what if his stupid younger brother was taken away by someone else?

Lou Wushuang frowned as he considered the timing. Zhang Shaohui was excitedly chatting with his old cla.s.smates in the WeChat group and didn"t realize his brother"s strangeness.


At noon the next day, Lou Wushuang received news from the agent that a house owner was going abroad and wanted to get out as soon as possible. The house type fit Lou Wushuang"s requirements and he should take a look.

Lou Wushuang drove with his brother to check and sure enough, there were no disappointments.

The house size was small but the layout was reasonable. It faced the north and south and had plenty of natural light. The living room and dining room were very s.p.a.cious. There were two bedrooms. One was the master bedroom with a double bed and the other was a child"s room. The bathroom was large in size and even had a large bathtub.

It could be seen that the furniture had just been moved in and was very new. The label on the bathtub wasn"t torn and it had obviously never been used.

The agent introduced it. "Mr. Lou, this house was newly renovated for a young couple. They originally planned to move in after getting married this month. However, due to changes in the man"s business, the couple decided to go abroad together to develop. They don"t have many relatives in China and it is useless to keep the house. It is too much trouble to rent so they entrusted it to our company to sell as soon as possible."

"Yes." Lou Wushuang nodded and carefully examined the furnishings of the house.

According to the agent, the couple had to go abroad just after decorating the wedding house. It was a wedding house so the decorating style was warm and sweet, just in line with his heart.

He originally wanted to buy an empty place to decorate himself but the design to construction would take at least three months. After ordinary furniture, he would have to wait another month. Then after all the furniture was set up, he had to ventilate it. He would only be able to move in by approximately the Spring Festival of net year. Now this renovated wedding house in front of him was cheap and ready-made.

Lou Wushuang thought about it and asked, "What is the owner"s offer?"

The agent reported a price and explained after seeing that Lou Wushuang"s expression didn"t change. "It is a new house with fine decorations so the price is slightly more expensive. After all, the owners selected the furniture and the materials are a relatively good brand. The environmental protection and quality can be a.s.sured. The house has been installed and if you buy it, you can move in directly."

Lou Wushuang nodded and praised, "The house is really good."

He wasn"t good at communicating with people since he was a child, not to mention bargaining. Zhang Shaohui was worried his brother would agree immediately and stepped forward. "This house is good but the price is too expensive. If you talk to the owner about a 10% discount, we will consider it."

The agent was a bit embarra.s.sed. "10% is a bit…"

Zhang Shaohui mentioned, "They just need money for going abroad. Not to mention that such an expensive house won"t necessarily be sold. If the price is right, we can pay it off in one lump sum. This will also save them some trouble, right?"

The agent and Zhang Shaohui started to bargain. Lou Wushuang didn"t like to argue with people and turned to the bedroom.

The house was located on the 26th floor. He stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows and the view was very wide. He could imagine standing here at night and overlooking the bustling city of lights.

Lou Wushuang really liked this place. He turned to the agent and said, "I will consider this house. Take to the owners about my brother"s advice on the price. If appropriate, we can do the transfer formalities in the next few days."

It was rare to encounter such a simple buyer. The agent nodded and promised to go back to talk to the owners.

That evening, the agent sent a message stating that the owners agreed to sell at the discounted price. It was very difficult to find a buyer who would pay a one-time lump sum for such an expensive house. It was clear that the owners were urgent to go abroad and wanted to get this done. Both sides. .h.i.t it off. Lou Wushuang had always been vigorous in his work. In a few days, the real estate contract was signed and he was ready to move in.

Most of his daily necessities with Zhang Shaohui were in the dormitory of the Ghost Spirits team. Their room at home mainly contained childhood toys, textbooks from the student era and many things that weren"t needed at a new home. Lou Wushuang simply packed up a few clothes, stuffed a photo alb.u.m locked in his drawer into the box and moved into his new home with Zhang Shaohui.


It happened to be night when they moved in. Zhang Shaohui saw the bustling night scene from the windows and cried out excitedly, "Brother, you are really visionary. This house is a bargain buy."

Lou Wushuang replied, "It is our luck."

"Of course, your luck has always been good!" Zhang Shaohui turned around and asked, "Are you hungry? Let me go and cook."


Zhang Shaohui went to the open kitchen to make dinner and Lou Wushuang took a shower in the bathroom.

Once he came back, he found that Zhang Shaohui had cooked rice, garlic and cabbage, braised eggplant, fried bamboo shoots and seaweed egg soup. It was very simple home cooking. Zhang Shaohui"s cooking wasn"t the best but for Lou Wushuang, these dishes were very appetizing.

He was able to have dinner with Zhang Shaohui in their own home. The image he imagined for many years and repeated in his dreams had finally come true, making him uncontrollably excited.

However, in front of Zhang Shaohui"s calm gaze, he had to suppress the strong desire in his heart and calmly bow his head to eat.

They finished eating and Zhang Shaohui started to unpack. Lou Wushuang owned the place and the master bedroom was naturally given to him. Zhang Shaohui was a guest and ran to the child"s room.

He was just a bit worried…

The original owners of the house clearly planned to have a child as soon as possible after marriage. The child"s room was very cute. The wallpaper was covered with robot cats and the curtains filled with ABC letters. The bed in the room was also a light blue child"s bed. The tall Zhang Shaohui couldn"t sleep in this child"s bed at all. His knees would directly hang out and look particularly funny.

Lou Wushuang looked at him lying on the child"s bed and couldn"t help smiling. "You aren"t a child, why are you running to the child"s room Just sleep in the master bedroom."

Zhang Shaohui was embarra.s.sed. Isn"t there only one bed in the master bedroom?"

Wasn"t one bed good? They could sleep together. Lou Wushuang thought this in his heart but the surface was calm. "First squeeze in with me. The double bed is very large and we will have no trouble speaking. Wait a few days for me to demolish the child"s room and then I will buy you a big bed."

His brother"s words made sense. Zhang Shaohui nodded and promised. "Okay!"

That night, Zhang Shaohui didn"t sleep on the floor and slept with Lou Wushuang in the double bed.

There was only one quilt on the bed but the large size meant they wouldn"t be crowded when sleeping. Zhang Shaohui was heartless and soon fell asleep. Lou Wushuang lay in bed and couldn"t sleep at all after feeling the familiar atmosphere of the man beside him.

After a while, he noticed that Zhang Shaohui was sleeping and Lou Wushuang was bold enough to take the initiative. The sleeping Zhang Shaohui became aware of a cold body close to him and took the initiative to reach out and bring his brother into his arms.

Lou Wushuang was suddenly held in a warm body and couldn"t help narrowing his eyes comfortably.

Lou Wushuang"s body had been cold since he was small. As a child, he used to rely on Zhang Shaohui to warm up. After a long time, Zhang Shaohui was used to holding his brother to sleep and conveying warmth through his body.

Zhang Shaohui subconsciously hugged Lou Wushuang in his sleep and this made Lou Wushuang"s heartbeat speed up. He couldn"t help leaning into Zhang Shaohui"s arms and his cold face was unusually gentle.

Lou Wushuang took a deep breath to stabilize his heartbeat. Then he reached out and hugged his brother"s strong waist.

This was his man and no one was allowed to covet him.

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Chapter 369 – Brothers" Feelings (3): Drunk

Early the next morning, Zhang Shaohui was woken up by a ringtone. He found that his brother was sleeping very well in his arms and immediately pressed the phone, replying shortly. "It is inconvenient to answer the phone. Say it in WeChat."

The other side soon sent a message in WeChat. [Today"s reunion is at 5:30 in the restaurant. I will send you the address of the restaurant. Don"t forget!"

[Rest a.s.sured, Cla.s.s Monitor.] Zhang Shaohui replied only to look down and find that Lou Wushuang had opened his eyes and was staring in confusion. His brother was frosty and looked difficult to approach but only Zhang Shaohui knew that he would be confused for a while every morning after waking up. His face had many interesting expressions during this time.

"Brother, you woke up?" Zhang Shaohui noticed his brother was holding him for warmth and asked, "Are you cold? Recently, it has started to cool down. I will turn on the heater when going to sleep."

"Yes." Lou Wushuang finally woke up completely. His eyes restored their sense of reason and he let go of Zhang Shaohui"s arm. As he got out of bed, he asked, "Is the cla.s.s reunion today?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I saw it last time Liu Ying texted you." Lou Wushuang put on his gla.s.ses and changed clothes. "What time is it? I"ll drive you."

"5:30 in the evening." Zhang Shaohui smiled. "Brother, wash your face first. I"ll get you breakfast."

Lou Wushuang watched him turn towards the kitchen and clenched his fists. This younger brother had accompanied him through childhood and adolescence and would accompany him to the next life.

No matter how good these girls were, he would never let his brother go.


In the evening, Lou Wushuang drove Zhang Shaohui to the location of the cla.s.s reunion.

A girl in a pure white dress stood at the door and saw Zhang Shaohui getting down from the car. She greeted him warmly. "Is this Zhang Shaohui? I haven"t seen you for two years and you"ve grown taller!"

Zhang Shaohui smiled back. "Cla.s.s Monitor, you have also become more beautiful!"

The girl in front of him was really beautiful. She had been beautiful since high school and had a cheerful personality. She was business-like when acting as the cla.s.s monitor and teachers and students were very fond of her. Lou Wushuang also had an impression of her.

Liu Ying saw the man sitting coldly in the car and asked, "That is?"

Zhang Shaohui explained, "My brother, he sent me over."

"Oh, Lou Wushuang right? Do you want to eat together?"

Lou Wushuang replied lightly, "Okay."

Zhang Shaohui and Liu Ying were both stunned by the words.

Anybody could tell that Liu Ying"s words were only polite. Lou Wushuang was also an alumnus so Liu Ying had politely asked to eat together. Then he should say "no need." After all, this was a gathering for Cla.s.s 37 and it was very strange for Lou Wushuang from a different cla.s.s to enter.

Zhang Shaohui didn"t expect his brother to actually agree. His brother usually hated this type of noisy occasion? How was he so abnormal today?

He hadn"t figured out what was going on when Lou Wushuang found a parking spot and came to Liu Ying. "I know some students in your cla.s.s. Do you mind if I eat together?"

Liu Ying immediately replied, "Of course I don"t mind! Some people brought their boyfriends and girlfriends so today is lively!"

There were indeed people who brought their other half but Zhang Shaohui was the only one who brought his brother!


Lou Wushuang"s appearance surprised many people but due to the large scale of the reunion, half of Cla.s.s 37 came and there were almost 30 people if their family members were added. The cla.s.s monitor booked three tables and everyone chatted while eating. The atmosphere was fun.

A boy who had a good relationship with Zhang Shaohui in high school came over and patted him on the shoulder. "I didn"t expect you to be so good and actually represent the country in a world compet.i.tion! I followed your Weibo two days ago and the number of fans is really scary!"

Zhang Shaohui was embarra.s.sed and scratched his head. "This is my luck."

Liu Ying ran over and joked, "How about Vice-Captain Zhang give me an autograph? Your brother happens to be here today and my boyfriend is a diehard fan of the Ghost Spirits team!"

The students of Cla.s.s 37 were particularly lively in their school days. Liu Ying took the lead and a group of people followed suit. In particular, the boys toasted Zhang Shaohui one by one. Zhang Shaohui"s ability to drink was good but he couldn"t cope with so many people joining and soon became drunk.

Originally, Liu Ying"s plan was to go KTV to sing after dinner. It was rare to get together after graduation and if they didn"t play all night, she would be sorry for the students who rushed from far away. Zhang Shaohui couldn"t help giving everyone face and followed.

In the KTV room, those who loved singing grabbed the microphone while those who didn"t love to sing played the turntable game. Zhang Shaohui"s luck was particularly bad today. The turntable always stopped in front of him to punish him, letting him drink or giving him a dare.

This time it was a dare and the cla.s.smate next to him cheered. "Casually find a person to kiss!"

Zhang Shaohui was drunk and his mind was somewhat confused. He asked in a daze, "F-Find who?"

Someone suggested, "Find the one you think looks the best!"

Lou Wushuang didn"t like this excitement and sat quietly in a corner, as if completely isolated from the noisy scene. Cla.s.s 37 loved playing but they weren"t familiar with him and didn"t dare go to bother him.

At this time, Lou Wushuang suddenly got up and walked over. It happened just as Zhang Shaohui was looking for the target of his dare. A familiar figure appeared in his blurred vision and his brother"s cold breath gave his brain burned with alcohol a strange comfort. He didn"t hesitate to hold the other person and kiss him.

The noisy KTV room became quite and the cla.s.smates were dumbfounded. They were shocked by Zhang Shaohui kissing his brother and the atmosphere became awkward.

Zhang Shaohui was so drunk that once he felt the soft lips and the refreshing taste of the person in his arms, he wanted to integrate with the other side.

Thus, he hugged the other person tighter and was very involved.

There was silence as the group of people staring with wide eyes didn"t know what to do. Fortunately, there were no e-sports reporters or else Zhang Shaohui"s bold kissing of his brother would be turned into headline news.

A moment later, Lou Wushuang with bitten lips finally pushed away Zhang Shaohui. He turned to Liu Ying and said, "My brother is drunk and has lost his mind. I will take him back first."

Liu Ying quickly replied, "Yes, today he did drink too much, cough cough… you should go back first."

Lou Wushuang nodded and dragged his younger brother away.


After returning home, Lou Wushuang dragged Zhang Shaohui into the bathroom, took off his clothes and turned on the shower to wash off the strong booze from Zhang Shaohui"s body. Zhang Shaohui was smashed by the water and opened his eyes, looking at Lou Wushuang with a wronged expression.

Lou Wushuang helplessly rubbed his head and whispered, "Who told you to drink so much? Do you want to drown in wine?"

Compared to his complaining mouth, his hands were gentle as he took a tower and carefully dried the other person"s body. However, as his fingers slipped to the lower body, Lou Wushuang"s breathing suddenly became hurried…

Rest of the chapter is censored. Read the uncensored version below.

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