God Level Summoner

Chapter 68 – Sixth Member

Chapter 68 – Sixth Member

Once the new teammate joined, everyone immediately sent a row of applause.

Li Cangyu decisively transferred all the equipment for a killer to Frost Descends and taught him how to match them together the best. The teenager rea.s.sembled his equipment according to the captain"s instructions and then they played the instance.

Ling Xuefeng saw that Li Cangyu"s team of six was complete. The newly added person was the a.s.sa.s.sin who tried to kill him before. He thought about it and realized that Li Cangyu should"ve discovered a new teammate. Ling Xuefeng felt happy for him and sent a private chat: [Have you found a new person?]

Li Cangyu didn"t hide it from him and replied: [He is a fast reaction genius killer but is unstable and needs to be trained.]

[Have you figured out his details?]

[I"m slowly getting to know him. I"m afraid that he will be scared off if I tell him about the professional team. Thus, I will wait a while.]

[Yes, good luck.] Ling Xuefeng came to the game to see Li Cangyu. After knowing that he was doing well, Ling Xuefengs heart relaxed.

[The matches are becoming close together these days. You go back and prepare. You don"t need to worry about anything on my side.] Li Cangyu added: [Don"t delay your business.]

[Okay.] Ling Xuefeng replied simply before logging off.

As Li Cangyu said, the second round of the Miracle League"s sixth season was reaching its hottest period. Ling Xuefeng obviously wasn"t logging onto the game as much as before before he was busy making preparations. Today Li Cangyu saw him online and spoke a few words before thoughtfully driving Ling Xuefeng away.

Ling Xuefeng went offline and went to his bedroom to take a nap. He restored his spirits and convened a full meeting in the afternoon.

The current team standings had changed a bit. First was Wind Colour, second was Time, third was Ghost Spirits, Flying Feathers temporarily fell to fourth, then it was Pure Cleansing, Red Fox and Cheetah. The gap in points was quite close and one game could cause a change in rankings.

The top four were eligible to enter the playoffs for the trophy. The second round of the regular season was coming to an end and the score for each match was crucial. Therefore, all professional players in the teams had recently stepped up their training to gain a spot in the playoffs.


Li Cangyu finished the small instances with Frost Descends and put all their equipment together.

The advantage of Frost Descends was that his reactions weer extremely fast. His eyes were keen as he caught the opportunities to attack. The disadvantage was that he wasn"t systematically trained and the consistency of his moves was relatively poor. He often made mistakes in his moves or showed a gap.

Li Cangyu desired to train this person. However, the youth was particularly stubborn. If he told the youth to go to the left, he would move to the right. Li Cangyu had to use a radical method to teach him. He had A"Shu and Xiao Gu cooperate to kill Frost Descends.

A few days later, Frost Descends finally learnt to be good and followed behind Li Cangyu silently.

At 7 o"clock that evening, Li Cangyu logged into the game after eating and was surprised to find that Frost Descends was actually online.

The confused Li Cangyu asked: [Why are you up so early?]

It should be seven in the morning domestically. Xiao Gu and Old Zhang weren"t online yet. In addition, today was the weekend so many young people should still be in bed at this time.

The other side replied: [I am abroad and it is currently evening.]

No wonder his online time was strange. Li Cangyu previously thought this person was a night owl and hadn"t expected it to be a person abroad.

Li Cangyu asked curiously: [Which country?]

[The United States.]

[Which city? Where do you live?]

The youth spoke in a depressed manner: [Why are you checking my account?]

Li Cangyu said with a smile: [I am currently in New York. If you are close then we can meet.]

The teenager was surprised. [You are in America as well? I"m in Boston.]

Li Cangyu said: [That isn"t far. Tell me your number and I will come find you one day.]

The teenager hesitated for a moment. After a few days of knowing each other, he found that this Love to Eat Braised Fish wasn"t bad. He knew that Frost Descends didn"t like instances and would explain the whole process several times. He also gave equipment and took care of Frost Descends when he was embarra.s.sed.

Love to Eat Braised Fish would come to PK him every day, killing him using various methods. However, the teenager found that the other person showed mercy and was actually teaching him PK skills.

Love to Eat Braised Fish often said: [Hurry and learn how to PK people. I am still waiting for you to kill me.]

The teenager thought this was a bit strange. How could a master teach the enemy how to kill himself? Was it the holy G.o.ddess disease again?

Li Cangyu saw the other person hadn"t replied for a long time and typed: [My father and sister are living in New York. I take time every year to visit them but I have never been to Boston. If it isn"t convenient for you to come out then forget it.]

…Well, there shouldn"t be too many scammers in the game right? Besides, it wasn"t to lie to his face. Would this person dare to rob or kill someone in the United States?

In any case, they were both Chinese and should get to know each other. The teenager thought about it before giving his approximate area and contact number. [If you have the opportunity, come to Boston and I will show you around.]


The teenager had no idea that Li Cangyu was a man of action. As soon as he gave the number, he got a call from the other person.

“h.e.l.lo, I am Love to Eat Braised Fish. I am free tomorrow evening and want to go to Boston with the milk dad. Can you come out and meet me?" Li Cangyu said with a smile, his voice as gentle as possible.

"…" The boy was scared and silent for a moment before saying, "Then come over. I will invite you to a meal."

Was it okay to meet an online friend? This person was the president of the Food Squad, not a liar.

With this in mind, the teenager set a meeting place and sent a text message to Li Cangyu.

The next day, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan took a bus to Boston. They played the game for too long and went out to relax. It wasn"t convenient for Xie Shurong to leave due to his team so Li Cangyu didn"t call him.

Li Cangyu didn"t directly want to talk to Frost Descends about the team in this meeting. He wanted to first see what the person called Frost Descends was. If he had a job in the United States, it wasn"t good to force the other person to give up his career and go to another country to play in the league.

The result was that when Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan came to the agreed location, they unexpectedly saw a very special teenager.

The teenager looked young but he had a slender and tall figure. The key point… he had a pair of black eyes but his hair was gold. His face was also significantly different from ordinary Orientals, with a tall nose, very white skin and rosy lips.

This hair didn"t seem dyed? Was he a beautiful mixed-race kid?

Li Cangyu didn"t laugh as he asked, "Frost Descends? h.e.l.lo, I am Love to Eat Braised Fish. My real name is Li Cangyu."

The teenager came up to him and said lightly, "h.e.l.lo, my name is Xiao Han."

He looked very cold on the surface but based on his style in the game, Li Cangyu judged that this young boy was in his period of rebellion and had a stubborn temper, causing him to kill people in the game to find a sense of existence.

After being killed, he stubbornly chased Li Cangyu for a full three days. This was enough perseverance!

Bai Xuan felt that this mixed-race child was very interesting. He remembered that the child was killed until he only had underwear left yet he still wasn"t willing to accept his loss. Bai Xuan endured the urge to pat the golden head and smiled. "h.e.l.lo, I am the milk dad. My real name is Bai Xuan."

Xiao He looked at him and found that he was gentler compared to the game. He was filled with goodwill and said, "Sit down and order first."


The food was soon brought out and the three people talked while eating.

In any case, Li Cangyu didn"t know this boy as well as he did Zhang Jueming. Therefore, Li Cangyu didn"t mention the team"s affairs when they met just in case this rebellious youth became disgusted.

The three people casually talked about the game. Li Cangyu expressed some views on a killer, as well as some PK tips and sneak attack skills. Xiao Han"s eyes were wide and he listened very seriously, his expression like a small dog wagging his tail.

The clear black eyes, beautiful blond hair, cute face of the mixed-raced child and the pretend cold expression… this rebellious youth was very interesting! If he joined the team, he would be the small madman"s Gu Siming"s companion.

Li Cangyu quite liked this guy as they talked about things in the online game. He jokingly said, "I deliberately blocked you during the a.s.sa.s.sination mission. Xiao Xiao, do you want to kill me?

Xiao Han"s ears turned red as he coughed and said softly. "No."

In fact, at the time, he really wanted to kill Li Cangyu 100 times. He joined the fixed team in order to "get revenge in 10 years."

But after joining the fixed team, he found that the captain was very good to him. All equipment for a killer was given to him and he was also taught how to match equipment and use skills in PK. This milk dad was also very good to him, often sending him food and medicine.

After all, Xiao Han was young and simple and he could get so much equipment every day. He suddenly felt that it wasn"t bad to join the fixed team and gradually threw away the "revenge in 10 teams."

In this time, he found out that there was an age difference. At first, he thought it was a generation gap. Now that they talked, he found that the two people were knowledgeable and proficient in the Miracle game. The boy was immediately convinced and filled with worship for these two people.

He completely forgot that when he was forced to join the fixed team not long ago, he kept being abused by these two people!

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Chapter 69 – Regular Season"s Results

Bai Xuan and Li Cangyu didn"t mention their true ident.i.ties when meeting with Xiao Han and the team wasn"t talked about at all. They just chatted like ordinary friends chatting.

Based on this simple conversation, Li Cangyu found that the mixed-race teenager was pretending to be cold but he was actually very sensitive. He knew a lot about guilds in the new district and also paid attention to the American Miracle League. His favourite player was actually… Tree.

Bai Xuan heard this ID and almost spat out his tea.

Tree was the ID for the foreign member of the ICE team, Xie Shurong.

Xiao Han liked Xie Shurong, which was very understandable. After all, he had Chinese blood so he probably felt empathy when seeing the player with yellow skin and dark eyes. Bai Xuan couldn"t help thinking that if A"Shu knew that Xiao Han was his fan, his tail would definitely rise into the sky.

Li Cangyu looked at the teenager and said, " The first World Carnival will be held on the 2nd of next month in New York. Are you going to watch it?"

Xiao Han replied, "Of course, I have already bought a ticket."

Li Cangyu had wanted to help him buy a ticket. He didn"t expect for Xiao Han to have bought on in advance. Li Cangyu thought about it before saying, "Then when you come to New York, you can stay at my place. Don"t waste money on a hotel. We"ll go see the Carnival together."

Xiao Han was very happy. His pocket money was very limited. If he saved money on accommodation, then he could buy more things. Xiao Han thought up to here and quickly agreed. "Okay!"

Before leaving, the two people gave the teenager a gift. It was a blood kin a.s.sa.s.sin model they bought when pa.s.sing by a store. The price was expensive but it could be disa.s.sembled and cleaned, the quality was clearly very good.

The young boy was obviously very excited when he received this gift. He held the a.s.sa.s.sin model and scratched his head with embarra.s.sment. "That… I didn"t prepare a present for you. I"ll bring it when I come to New York."

Bai Xuan smiled and rubbed the golden head, saying softly, "Don"t worry about it. You are young and spending your parent"s money. There is no need to buy us any presents. Come find us when you go to New York next month. I"ll make delicious food for you."

Xiao Han nodded energetically. "Yes!"


On the way back to New York, Bai Xuan thought carefully before saying seriously, "This child is really worth training but he should"ve lived in the United States for a long time. His name is Xiao Han so maybe his father is Chinese and his mother is American. If we want to take him back to play in the league, perhaps his family won"t agree."

Li Cangyu also had this concern, which was why he didn"t mention the game. He looked at Bai Xuan and said, "Don"t worry and slowly watch. If necessary, I will come forward to coax him."

This stubborn teenager had to be coaxed slowly or it was likely to backfire.

Li Cangyu was very patient because he knew that if Xiao Han was trained using the professional system, learning about the details of his position movement skills, combined with his keen insight and quick responses meant he could definitely become a real "a.s.sa.s.sin."

It was worth showing a bit of patience for a good teammate.


Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan returned to New York that night. Xie Shurong actively ran over for a meal and asked them about the result of the trip.

Bai Xuan described, "His real name is Xiao Han. He is a blond, black-eyed mixed-race child who is very handsome. His favourite player happens to be the terran swordsman of the ICE team, Tree G.o.d."

Xie Shurong heard this and happily came over. "Tree G.o.d? Is that me? He is my fan?"

Bai Xuan smiled. "I am teasing you yet you are taking it so seriously."

"…" Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan with a wronged expression.

Bai Xuan couldn"t help thinking that if Xiao Han saw A"Shu"s current appearance, wouldn"t he become disillusioned with his idol in an instant?

Once dinner was over, the six members of the fixed team went online together. It was currently 8 o"clock on Sunday night in the United States but domestically, it was 8 o"clock on the morning of September 25th, a Monday.

September 25th was a very important day for many e-sports fans in China. It was because today was the last game of the second round of the sixth reason. It would officially open at 9 a.m. and draw the regular season to a complete end.

The last game is Time VS Terminator.

Terminator was the weakest team among the eight teams in the first division. This team used black and white magicians as their tactical core. They had a very good pair of black magician and white magician. However, compared to the double black magicians of Wind Colour or the double white magicians of Red Fox, the tacit understanding of the combination was obviously inferior.

Black magic was biased towards killing while white magic was control. In principle, black and white magic"s common point was that they were both very powerful. However,  the level of the two players in Terminator weren"t high enough. In particular, their white magician was worse than Cheng Wei and the game against Time was very pa.s.sive.

Last time, Cheng Wei"s insomnia and fever resulted in Time"s loss to Wind Colour. Many Time fans scolded him online for a long time but he fortunately recovered in the second round. In addition, he found Cat G.o.d and was encouraged by Cat G.o.d, so he was recently full of vitality.

In the arena stage, Cheng Wei and Tan s.h.i.tian came forward and easily took three points.

In the team battle, Cheng Wei"s play was also remarkable. His quick responses and fast hand speed controlled the opposite white magician from beginning to end, facilitating Tan s.h.i.tian"s output in the rear. Time"s kiting tactics dispersed Terminator"s front row, winning them four points in one breath.

Terminator finally scored two points but it was too late. The game ended with 7:2.


In the explanation room, Yu Bing faced the camera and calmly summed it up. "The Terminator team played well today but Cheng Wei"s performance was even more. Terminator"s white magician was controlled the whole game and the core tactics couldn"t be played. A big loss in the team battle was expected. As for the arena… Captain Tan is more stable as the guard and there aren"t too many teams who can take three points from him. It isn"t wrong that Terminator lost."

Her partner Kou Hongyi nodded. "The second round of the regular season has come to an end. I think many viewers are concerned about the final rankings of the eight teams. In the end, which teams have entered the playoffs? Let"s take a look at the final version of the rankings that officials have just released."

The broadcast changed to the rankings team. First was Wind Colour, second was Time, third was Flying Feathers, fourth was Ghost Spirits, fifth was Pure Cleansing, sixth was Red Fox, seventh was Cheetah and eighth was Terminator.

"We can see that the four teams of Wind Colour, Time, Flying Feathers and Ghost Spirits have successfully entered the playoffs. According to the knockout rules of the playoffs, Wind Colour will face Ghost Spirits in the semi-finals and Time and Flying Feathers will face each other. This season"s champion, I hope everyone will continue to play attention to the playoffs that will begin in late October." Kou Hongyi quickly explained.

The current team rankings basically reflected the strength of the domestic top eight teams..

Under the leadership of Ling Xuefeng, the Wind Colour became the hardest bone to bite on in the first division. Time and Flying Feathers were also old teams. The Lou Zhang combination performed well for Ghost Spirits this season. Pure Cleansing and Red Fox had the strength to compete for the playoffs. Cheetah"s trap flow was powerful but relied too much on chance. Terminator was weaker compared to these teams and ended up last.

The screen switched from the team rankings to another leaderboard.

Yu Bing explained, "Everyone, you are currently seeing the online voting results of the World Carnival. At midnight tonight, the online voting will be completely closed. There are still many netizens saving their votes so be sure to use all of them today. Don"t waste them."

"The top six players will represent China at the first World Carnival. I hope you can take this online voting seriously." Kou Hongyi said. "This live broadcast is coming to an end. Goodbye until the playoffs."

Yu Bing corrected, "It should be goodbye until the World Carnival."

Kou Hongyi quickly slapped himself and laughed, "It was so excited that I almost forgot. For the Carnival project, I will also be commentating with Sister Bing. It is from 10 a.m. New York time on October 2nd, which is 10 p.m. Beijing time. That is when the opening ceremony of the first Miracle World Carnival will be held. Everyone who likes Miracle must stay in front of your computer and pay attention to the wonderful performance of our six players!"

Yu Bing nodded with a calm expression. "See you at 10 o"clock on October 2nd."


The live screen moved towards the two team"s soundproof rooms.

The Time players who won the game were naturally very happy. Meanwhile, the players for Terminator looked a bit depressed. They were at the bottom of the regular season. According to the Miracle League"s promotion system, they would have to face the champion of the second division next spring. If the champion of the second division beat them, the opponent would take away one of the eight spots in the first division and Terminator would be downgraded to the second division.

Captain Liao Zhendong frowned slightly. He thought of Old Cat who appeared in the Q group some time ago and felt uneasy.

If Cat G.o.d came back with a new team, he would definitely return by advancing through the second division. Then the Terminator team would be the biggest obstacle for Cat G.o.d to advance.

Next spring"s promotion race, whose dream would end?

Liao Zhendong"s heart sank but he couldn"t fall down as captain. He shook hands with Time, took a deep breath and hugged his teammates. He encouraged everyone by saying, "We will refuel next season."

Li Cangyu saw this scene and couldn"t help feeling sad.

He was often the losing party and would take the initiative to stand up and comfort his teammates after losing a game.

At that time, he was still young. He could get up after every failure and continue to move forward, plucking up the courage to lead the team. Now he was no longer qualified to fail. He had only one chance and he had to grasp it.

"Thus, Captain Liao, I will definitely defeat you in next year"s promotion match."

Li Cangyu took a deep breath to stabilize his mood, turned off the live broadcast and spoke in the team channel, "Today we won"t play any instances. All of you, look through the forum to watch the videos. We will take a few days off to watch the Carnival."

Xiao Gu"s voice was somewhat depressed, "Are you going to watch it live? I can"t go to the scene with Uncle!"

Zhang Jueming spoke bluntly, "Never mind, I will accompany you to watch the videos."

Li Cangyu smiled. "I forgot to tell you the good news. My application to the boss has been approved and the two of you can come to New York. Let"s watch the Carnival together."

Xiao Gu excitedly cried out, "Ah really? I haven"t been to America yet. I can really go?"

Zhang Jueming was also excited. "You are truly loyal Cat G.o.d!"

Li Cangyu laughed. "The boss has a lot of money and I allocated some of the team funds. This time, your fares to go back and forth will be deducted from the team funds."

Xiao Gu sent a row of kisses. "Cat G.o.d is awesome! I"ve decided to be your fanboy starting from today!"

Zhang Cheming smiled. "You have defected so soon? Weren"t you a Captain Ling fan?"

Gu Siming replied seriously, "I am Captain Ling"s black fan while I am Cat G.o.d"s brainless fan. There is no conflict.

It meant that he would dare blacken Captain Ling but not Cat G.o.d, truly smart!

Zhang Jueming gave Xiao Gu a thumbs up and said, "I will ask the boss to book us tickets for the day."

Xiao Han had been silently listening to everyone on the voice channel. He couldn"t understand anything and finally couldn"t help asking, "Cat G.o.d? What club? What are you doing?"

Xiao Gu replied positively, "We are professional players in the Dragon Warriors Club! Isn"t it amazing?"

Xiao Han, "…"

Bai Xuan smiled and said, "Xiao Han, we aren"t intentionally deceiving you. We don"t know if you have the intention to go to China to play in the professional league so we didn"t say anything the last time we met. In fact, Love to Eat Braised Fish is our team"s captain and we are professional players."

Li Cangyu added, "There is no need to feel any pressure. Once you come to New York, everyone will gather together., Xiao Gu is a similar age so you should become friends."

Gu Siming immediately agreed. "My paladin will cover you, Underwear a.s.sa.s.sin!:

"…" What was this nickname?

Xiao Han stared at the screen. After a long time, he said, "Okay, I will come to see you on the 1st."

He was calm on the surface but Xiao Han was actually feeling curious. They were professional players. He had actually been abused by a big G.o.d!

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Chapter 70 – Crazy Voting

Li Cangyu was loyal while Liu Chuan was very bold. The last time they met in Changsha, they helped Xiao Gu and Old Zhang buy tickets to go to New York. The procedures for leaving the country and the tickets were all handled by Liu Chuan.

The Dragon Warriors Club had deep pockets and this wasn"t a high cost. Liu Chuan felt that it was good to let players leave the country. In particular, Xiao Gu hadn"t gone anywhere since joining the Dragon Warriors training camp. They should let him open his eyes and know the truth of a mountain beyond a mountain, so that he could find his own position and have a joyful debut.

Zhang Jueming and Gu Siming asked the boss about the departure time and then anxiously rushed to pack their bags.


On the evening of September 25th, Miracle"s official website in China was almost paralyzed by fans.

It was the last moments of the Carnival coting. The netizens cast their votes and the ranking changed almost every minute. Just clicking their mouse on the refresh b.u.t.ton would show different rankings, making it particularly exciting.

Ling Xuefeng"s fans were very organized and disciplined. At around 11 o"clock in the evening, they started to insanely vote, sending Captain Ling to a first place position that couldn"t be surpa.s.sed. Su Guangmo and Tan s.h.i.tian"s fans followed, the trio forming the first echelon of the voting.

The compet.i.tion from the fourth to the twelfth place was extremely fierce. There were too many excellent players in the Miracle League, each with their individual personality and their diehard fans. The fans hoped that the players they liked could be selected. People even registered various side accounts at the beginning and were waiting for the final voting period.

The current rankings from fourth place onward was: Red Fox"s captain Liu Xiang, Time"s vice-captain Cheng Wei, Pure Cleansing"s vice-captain Chu Yan, Cheetah"s captain Jiang Xu, Ghost Spirits" captain Lou Wushuang, Red Fox"s vice-captain Yang Muzi, Wind Colour"s vice-captain Yan Ruiwen, Ghost Spirits" vice-captain Zhang Shaohui, Flying Feathers" vice-captain Yu Pingsheng and Pure Cleansing"s captain Zhu Qingyue.

These people only had a difference of a few hundred votes between first and last and there were still many fans waiting to vote at the least minute. The final result was unpredictable.

There was only one hour left!

At this moment, Zhang Shaohui suddenly wrote a message on Weibo. [Thank you to all the people who voted for me. Friends who have extra votes, please don"t vote for me again. Use all of them on my brother Lou Wushuang. I hope that he can represent the country and become a killer at the World Carnival. Thank you!]

The fans left many messages. [I understand Vice-Captain Zhang!] [It would hurt his brother so he would rather give up his spot to help his brother., Captain Lou will certainly be very pleased to have such a brother!] [Listen to the vice-captain. Use all votes on Brother Lou!] [Everyone vote quickly. We must secure one place for Ghost Spirits!]

Once Lou Wushuang got out from the shower, he opened to the voting interface on the official website and saw that he had actually jumped to fifth place!

What was going on?

He had a cold personality since he was a child and didn"t have many diehard fans in the league. It was incomparable to Tan s.h.i.tian. His votes had already fallen to seventh place and he hadn"t held onto hope. How could he suddenly reach fifth place in the poll?

Lou Wushuang opened Weibo and finally understood.

It turned out that Zhang Shaohui voluntarily gave up an opportunity to be selected and helped him gain votes on Weibo.

This stupid brother might have a low IQ but this simple support made Lou Wushuang feel particularly warm.

He walked to the living room and found Zhang Shaohui looking through Weibo. Lou Wushuang sat next to him and reached out for a gently hug. He placed his face on Zhang Shaohui"s chest and whispered, "Thank you A"Hui."

Zhang Shaohui laughed. "Brother, we are more affectionate than true brothers. Thank you!"

"What brother? Your grandfather"s grandfather and my grandfather"s grandfather were brothers!

Lou Wushuang scolded his fool in his heart but didn"t say it. He just quietly felt the distinct muscles as well as the regular heartbeat.

His manly brother was always so reliable in key moments, causing Lou Wushuang to sink down.

Lou Wushuang helplessly sighed deep in his heart before pushing up his gla.s.ses and saying, "If I am selected as a Carnival representative, I will ask the manager to let you come with me."

Zhang Shaohui"s eyes brightened. "Really? Great, if Brother goes and asks the manager then he will definitely listen to you!"

There was a hint of softness in Lou Wushuang"s eyes as he watched Zhang Shaohui"s excited appearance.


At the same time, Pure Cleansing"s captain Zhu Qingyue also posted a message on Weibo.

[Dear fans and black fans, if you still have tickets then please use all of them to vote for vice-captain Chu Yan. Thank you. If Chu Yan is selected then I will cry for you. [Cry][Cry][Cry][Cry]]

Fans, "…"

Black fans, "…"

The crybaby youth acted unscrupulous in order to gain votes and blackened himself.

The result was that Pure Cleansing"s vice-captain Chu Yan received a lot of sympathy votes from pa.s.sersby. There were also many messages under Zhu Qingyue"s post. [Crybaby, you still haven"t weaned off your mother?]

[Xiao Zhu, don"t cry, I"ll go vote.]

[Xiao Zhu, don"t cry. I"ll give you a pack of paper towers. What brand do you want?]

The witty Zhu Qingyue blackened himself to pull sympathy votes for Chu Yan.

The little guy who cried after losing a game, who was abused and smeared in the last few years, becoming the most controversial player in the Miracle League. However, he was strong and could treat his own dark past as a joke, telling everyone that this young man had really grown up.

Chu Yan felt very thankful as he looked at Xiao Zhu. "You blackened yourself without hesitation."

Zhu Qingyue made an embarra.s.sed expression but his eyes were particularly firm. "The Pure Cleansing team should gain one spot. Master, you have to prove to Miracle fans around that world that our country"s supports are also very powerful."

Chu Yan smiled and agreed. "I will."

In fact, Xiao Zhu was the apprentice personally raised by Chu Yan. Many players in the league knew that Chu Yan was quite courageous for daring to put his crybaby apprentice who just debuted as the captain.

Li Cangyu transferred with his team and Chu Yan abdicated to the position of vice-captain. These two decisions had been voted by many netizens as the "boldest decision."

Now when the Pure Cleansing team dealt with reporters, Xiao Zhu was able to face them and show his ability to withstand setbacks. Chu Yan was actually in charge of the training and tactical arrangements within the team. All fans of Pure Cleansing knew that Vice-Captain Chu was actually the team"s real commander and pillar.


Once the ace players started to canva.s.s for votes, the Carnival"s voting poll changed.

As one of the few female players in the Miracle League, Liu Xiang attracted many pa.s.sersby votes and was ranked fourth.

Cheng Wei relied on his popularity to be fifth but the fans of the Ghost Spirits and Pure Cleansing teams united and released the tickets. Lou Wushuang and Chu Yan were promoted to the top six and Cheng Wei was squeezed to seventh place.

The Time team already had Tan s.h.i.tian. In order to compete with Captain Ling and Captain Su, the Time fans used most of their votes on Captain Tan. Now it was too late to pull up Cheng Wei as the remaining votes definitely weren"t as much as the Ghost Spirits and Pure Cleansing fans. Once the voting was about to end, Cheng Wei stared at the gradually stabilizing rankings and couldn"t help feeling sad.

He wasn"t in the top six, he couldn"t go to New York to see Cat G.o.d…

Cheng Wei lowered his head in a depressed manner. Should he buy a ticket to go to New York?

Then Tan s.h.i.tian pushed open the door and entered. Once he saw the kitten"s sickly appearance, Tan s.h.i.tian walked to his side and asked in a worried manner, "What is it?"

Cheng Wei whispered, "The result of the poll is confirmed. Zhu Qingyue and Zhang Shaohui gave up their votes and I didn"t make the top six…"

This pathetic look was like a beloved fish being stolen from the kitten.

Tan s.h.i.tian sat down next to him and rubbed his head. "Don"t be sad. The fans of Ghost Spirits and Pure Cleansing used their voting tickets. There are so many teams in the league, if two members of Time are selected then the fans of other teams won"t be convinced. I was asked by the manager to discuss some things and I made a request. If you weren"t selected, I want to take you to New York. The manager agreed."

The frustrated Cheng Wei was instantly full of blood and resurrected. He raised his head and cried out, "Really?:

Tan s.h.i.tian smiled and nodded. "Of course, you are my family so you should accompany me."

Cheng Wei was dazzled by the fact that he could go to New York to see Cat G.o.d and didn"t react to Tan s.h.i.tian"s words.

Family member accompanying him, since when was he Tan s.h.i.tian"s family?


The official website of the Miracle Professional League released the final result of the Carnival voting that evening.

Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo, Tan s.h.i.tian, Liu Xiang, Lou Wushuang and Chu Yan.

Some people weren"t satisfied with this lineup but more than 80% of the netizens found it acceptable.

Ling, Su and Tang were the captains of three high-profile teams. It was natural they would be selected for the Carnival. Liu Xiang was the best healer in the league and her popularity was very stable. Lou Wushuang was the representative of the domestic a.s.sa.s.sin while Chu Yan was the best auxiliary. Such a lineup appearing in a group battle would definitely be a luxury configuration.

Once the poll results came out, Ling Xuefeng sent a message on Q to Li Cangyu. [Cat, I was selected.]

Li Cangyu gave a thumbs up and praised him. [Good. When are you coming to New York? Are you coming alone or with everyone?]

[The league will be making a group booking and Chairman Nan will lead all of us. We should be in New York on the afternoon of the 30th.]

[Are there any activities scheduled for the afternoon of the 30th?]

[No, it will be a night off.]

[Then tell everyone that I will invite them out to eat.]


Ling Xuefeng immediately relayed Li Cangyu"s words to the Miracle Gossip Group.

[@Flying Cotton @Grey Wolf @Shadow Killer @Chu Gongzi. Everyone who is going to the Carnival, Cat said that after we arrive in New York on the 30th, he will invite everyone to eat.]

Many people in the group were blown up by these words.

Cat? Who was Cat?

Cheng Wei was stunned for a long time. Cat should by Cat G.o.d so he couldn"t help saying: [How can you call Cat G.o.d Cat? I called him Cat and he didn"t respond to me for half a day!]

Su Guangmo followed up: [Captain Ling, you calling the sharp Cat G.o.d by just Cat is too disgusting.]

[You don"t understand. Cat obviously sounds more amiable.] Tan s.h.i.tian followed up.

[How can you talk to your predecessors like that every day?] Chu Yan also popped out.

[Chu Chu, is your family"s Xiao Zhu crying?  Do you need more paper towers?] Zhang Shaohui also joined in on the fun.

Chu Yan immediately replied: [Hui Hui, don"t make trouble. Your brother is watching you.]

Li Cangyu, "…"

He was going to be broken by this group! Li Cangyu suddenly hesitated at inviting these G.o.ds to eat.

Meanwhile, the culprit Ling Xuefeng was calmly thinking, "What"s wrong with me calling him Cat? All of you don"t know the relationship between us., I have been calling him this since I was 18 years old. It is my own exclusive nickname, okay?"

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