God Level Summoner

Chapter 98 – New Teammate (2)

Chapter 98 – New Teammate (2)

Li Cangyu heard Old Zhang"s description and became excited. In the beginning, he had Old Zhang go to the cross-server arena with Xiao Gu while he trained Xiao Han and looked for teammates. As a result, there was no progress on Xiao Han"s side but Old Zhang sent good news about a teammate first.

A black magician was exactly the teammate they needed the most. According to Old Zhang, this person shouldn"t be the side account of a professional player. Maybe he was still developing.

"Give me a random account and I will join you." Li Cangyu said to Zhang Jueming.

“Okay, I sent the account pa.s.sword on Q." Zhang Jueming picked a summoner from his dozens of accounts and sent it to Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu logged and consciously joined the team.

Zhang Jueming explained on the team channel. [This is my friend. He will play the arena with us tonight.]

Don"t Like to Talk said one word. [Oh.]

Li Cangyu sent a handshake emoji. [h.e.l.lo.]

Don"t Like to Talk: [Okay.]

Li Cangyu: [How many years have you been playing a black magician?]

Don"t Like to Talk: [Three years.]

Li Cangyu: [Do you really dislike talking?]

Don"t Like to Talk: [Yes.]

Li Cangyu, "…"

This guy was interesting. He took such a direct ID!

[Your team has joined the cross-server arena"s qualifying list. Matching your opponents, please wait.]

[Matching successful. Reading the arena map, please be prepared.]

On the screen, the 10-second countdown popped up. After a while, the four people appeared on the arena map along with two other random teammates a.s.signed by the system.

The random map for the qualifiers was just a mountain map. There were three paths that could be taken to steal the crystal.

In order to observe the strength of Don"t Like to Talk, Li Cangyu deliberately walked with him down the same road but he acted as a soy sauce.

The result…

This black magician was quite strong. He actually killed two people from the opposite side and took a double kill in one breath!

Strangely, he didn"t say a word despite Li Cangyu obviously acting as a soy sauce. He just silently fought, as if his teammate didn"t exist.

This game was won without a doubt. Don"t Like to Talk relied on the violence of the black magician to kill the opposite six people.

For the next three rounds, Li Cangyu continued to act as a soy sauce, never helping when they were surrounded. The black magician still didn"t speak as he ignored Li Cangyu and continued to fight by himself.

Even after being surrounded and killed by three enemies, he didn"t say a word and climbed up again in silence.

An average person would definitely curse on the team channel. How could they be calm when they met such a pig teammate? This person"s psychological quality was quite strong.

Zhang Jueming had been taking a separate path with Xiao Gu but he still paid attention to this side. He asked in the voice channel, "Cat G.o.d, what do you think of this person?"

Li Cangyu thought about it. “He is very familiar with a black magician"s skills and his ability to grasp opportunities is powerful. His mentality is also understated. I think he really can be developed.”

Zhang Cheming nodded. "I think so as well. This person doesn"t like to talk so we can"t ask him anything."

Li Cangyu said, "We aren"t in a hurry. Let"s do it again."


Li Cangyu spent one evening acting as a soy sauce to carefully observe this black magician. He saw that this person"s eyes were quite sharp. It could be seen from the way he operated that his hand speed wasn"t high. However, his play was very stable and the skills linkage excellent. No skills would be wasted.

The smartest thing about him was that even in disadvantageous situations of 1v2 or 1v3, he was very good at using the terrain to kite the opponents. He played a remote cla.s.s very well, grasping the way to maintain a distance from the opponent while still being able to use vital skills.

The black magician was the most aggressive cla.s.s in the ranged magic cla.s.ses but this person"s black magician didn"t give a suffocating sense of oppression. Rather, it was a bit slow.

He slowly kited his opponents, like boiling a frog. He used the slow black magic style to grind away at the opponent. An average person might feel suffocated by this. However, Li Cangyu felt that if a person"s hand speed was limited then they couldn"t play the explosive oppression style. This method of slowly grinding the opponent was also very good.

Don"t Like to Talk and Li Cangyu played until approximately 12 o"clock before Don"t Like to Talk sent a message to the team channel: [Goodbye.]

Li Cangyu quickly typed: [Are you logging off?]


[Will you come back tomorrow?]

[I will.]

Li Cangyu smiled and said: [Then let"s go together tomorrow. Master, take us with you.]


Zhang Jueming silently wiped his sweat. Cat G.o.d pretending to be a small novice was really first-cla.s.s acting. He actually said, “Master, take us with you.” If the other person knew who Cat G.o.d was, wouldn"t he be terrified?


The next night, Don"t Like to Talk received a team invitation as soon as he logged in. He joined the team and saw that yesterday"s summoner, psychic and healer were present. Also, there was a white magician and swordsman in the team.

In fact, Zhang Jueming"s healer side account was being controlled by Bai Xuan this time, while Zhang Jueming changed to a white magician account. The swordsman was naturally Xie Shurong. Cat G.o.d sent a summoning order and all his teammates arrived.

As for Xiao Han, he was still seriously defending the challenge arena.

Li Cangyu typed on the team channel: [We are a casual group and are just missing one person. Do you mind playing the qualifiers with us?]

Don"t Like to Talk didn"t have a regular teammate and typed: [Okay.]

Li Cangyu asked: [Do you want to join the voice channel?]

Don"t Like to Talk: [I don"t have a mic.]

This person"s nature was obviously a bit introverted. Li Cangyu didn"t force him and simply joined the qualifiers list.

When teaming up, the system presumed the members were good friends so the matched opponents would be relatively strong. This stage was too simple for Li Cangyu and professional players. Still, everyone wanted to see the black magician"s strength so they collectively pretended to be novices.

The black magician didn"t hate on this "small novice" teammates. He used obstacles to slowly hit the opponent and sometimes took advantage of the terrain to grind at the opponent.

The more Li Cangyu looked, the more he liked this person. This guy was like a snail that could kill people slowly.

The mastery of his skills was particularly precise. Every skill was released at the right timing and he didn"t waste a single drop of blue. He was a prudent type player.

In the voice room, Bai Xuan couldn"t help commenting, "It is rare for a black magician to play like this."

Xie Shurong agreed. “It is rare. The strongest black magicians in the country are in the Wind Colour team. Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan have reduced the cooldown of their skills as much as possible to play quickly. This matches the violent output style of Wind Colour"s summoners.”

In Miracle, skill points could be added at will and the degree of freedom was quite high. As Xie Shurong said, both Yan and Guo of Wind Colour had skills that "reduced cooldown." They could quickly cast spells and match with Ling Xuefeng to suppress the opponents. The black magician in front of them was obviously different. The "add magic damage" skills were slow to cast but as long as they hit, the damage would be high.

Zhang Jueming mused, "A cla.s.s doesn"t have a fixed gameplay. Since I can use a white magician as an auxiliary, is there any problem with the black magician"s slow style?"

Li Cangyu laughed. "That is the truth. There are advantages to the fast and slow style. The main thing is to look at the team"s lineup. Pure Cleansing"s double auxiliary lineup is especially slow but it also gives many strong teams a headache. When necessary, slow down the rhythm to seize an opportunity and counterattack."

The captain clearly liked this slow and introverted person, but Bai Xuan still had some concerns. "The origin of this person is unclear. It is hard to say if he can become a professional player or not."

Li Cangyu said, "Let me ask him."

Then he sent a message to the other person. "h.e.l.lo, I am Old Cat. I am forming a professional team to partic.i.p.ate in the seventh season"s professional league. I am looking for a black magician teammate. Are you interested in playing in the professional league?"

The other person was somewhat flattered and asked after a long time: [Cat G.o.d?]

Li Cangyu replied: [Have you heard of me?]

[Yes, the behind the scenes strategist.]

Li Cangyu understood that his role as the behind the scenes strategist had been circulated on the Internet during the Carnival. The news that Cat G.o.d is coming back was widely forwarded by Miracle fans. It was no secret if people were paying attention to the World Carnival. It wasn"t strange that people knew him.

[That"s right, I"m Old Cat.] Li Cangyu quickly typed: [I will ask you seriously. Are you interested in playing in the Professional League?]


[Yes, it is you.]

Don"t Like to Talk was silent for a long time before saying: [Is it okay?]

Li Cangyu replied with a smile: [Of course. What other reason would I have for bringing my teammates to play the bronze qualifiers with you? One of my teammates met you and found that you are special and talented. We collectively came to check. The people present are professional players in my team and they all appreciate you.]

Don"t Like to Talk: […]

Li Cangyu said: [Why don"t you come to the voice channel and I"ll say it directly?]

Don"t Like to Talk: [Okay.]

A moment later, a person entered the voice room and a weak voice entered everyone"s ears. "H-How are you?"

Li Cangyu spoke cheerfully, "h.e.l.lo, I am Old Cat. What are you called?"

The person whispered, "My, my surname is Li, I"m called Li Xiaojiang."

This voice wasn"t too old. He was probably a teenager?

Li Cangyu couldn"t help laughing. “How old are you?”

"18, 18 years old."

"Then can I call you Xiao Li?"

"Okay, okay."

Bai Xuan found that every time this person spoke, he would repeat the first word. Bai Xuan took off his headset and whispered, "Does this little guy have a stutter?"

Li Cangyu also took off his headset and nodded. "It is possible."

It was possible that due to his speech, he didn"t like to talk and became more introverted.

The voice of this young boy was feeble and had a sharp contrast with the unrestrained Uncle Zhang and lively Xiao Gu. This made Bai Xuan think of a pitiful stray cat in the corner.

Cat G.o.d really had an aura that attracted young people. This time, it was this introverted young man. Bai Xuan couldn"t help smiling. "If two more youngsters join the team, we can put together a table of four for mahjong."

Li Cangyu gave him a look. "Let"s check this Xiao Li first."

Bai Xuan said, "This person is easier to deal with than Xiao Han. Xiao Han was rebellious and we have to kill him until he had his underwear left before he would agree. This Xiao Li sounds very good. Perhaps he will follow you after you say a few words."

“I hope so.” Li Cangyu put on his headset again and said, "Xiao Li, I appreciate your talents in the game. Your dragging style is slow and sluggish, but this is a strong match with my teammates. I would sincerely like to invite you to join my team. Are you willing?"

Li Xiaojiang was silent for a moment before carefully saying, "But, but I haven"t played compet.i.tively…"

His stuttering became more apparent when he was nervous.  Li Cangyu said softly, "You can follow me to play the game. Give yourself a chance. How about it?"

Li Xiaojiang whispered, “I, I will drag you down…"

Li Cangyu stated, "Don"t be afraid. I"ll be there to cover you."

Li Xiaojiang seemed touched as he blushed. "Then, then let me think about it."

Gu Siming heard the stuttering youth and couldn"t help whispering to Uncle Zhang, "He plays the game slowly and talks slowly. He is a slow person."

Zhang Jueming laughed. "It is enough for our team to have you as a little madman. Cat G.o.d would have a headache if there are a few more madmen. I think this Xiao Li is very good. It doesn"t matter if he is slow. This makes him more stable on the field."

In fact, Li Cangyu had the same thoughts. Gu Siming was too hot-blooded and really was a small madman. Xiao Han was arrogant and rebellious, although he played well. This Xiao Li was slow but he was far more stable than Xiao Han and Gu Siming. It would be great if he joined!

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Chapter 99 – Challenger

Li Xiaojiang never thought that he could become an e-sports player. He had been playing Miracle for three years. The dark magician was his favourite cla.s.s but his hand speed couldn"t keep up. Thus, he could only use the "slow" style. Of course, this was also related to his nature. Since he was a child, he wasn"t good at communicating with people. When he talked, his tongue couldn"t help knotting. After being laughed at several times, he was even less likely to speak.

He was like a snail shrinking into his sh.e.l.l. He slowly crawled forward, regardless of what the people around him thought.

He met Cat G.o.d in the game through an accident and was invited by Cat G.o.d to join the team. Li Xiaojiang was so excited that his fingers were shaking, but he wasn"t likely to express it. He ran to his boss" office and could only clench his fist as he said, "I, I want to play, play the game. Next, next month, I won"t come to work."

The boss, who was surfing the Internet, glanced at him and asked, "What game?"

"The Miracle Professional League."

The boss was called Li Hai and he was Li Xiaojiang"s cousin.

Li Xiaojiang had been slow since he was a child. He looked dull and his grades weren"t good. After graduating from high school, he didn"t get into a good university. His person"s cultural level wasn"t high and they didn"t have any good ideas for their son"s future. Therefore, they sent him to a provincial city to spend a few years with his cousin.

His cousin opened an online store in the provincial city, specializing in a.s.sembling computers, keyboards, mouses, audio and other peripherals. There was a physical store in the city and the business was very good. The annual income reached millions of yuan.

He knew this child wasn"t good at communicating with others and asked his cousin to help with miscellaneous tasks such as printing orders and counting inventory, which didn"t require talking to others.

Li Xiaojiang did things slowly but he was careful and serious. It was handy for him to do these tasks and he never made a mistake. After finishing his work during the day, he was idle at night and played games. His days were very comfortable.

Today, he suddenly said that he was going to play in the Miracle Professional League. Li Hai knew the Miracle League very well and thought it was funny. He looked at the blushing teenager and patted his shoulder. Li Hai asked, "You are going to play compet.i.tively at this level? Who"s fooling you? You shouldn"t meet liars."

"No, no." Li Xiaojiang anxiously explained. "It is Cat, Cat, Cat…"

Li Hai quickly rushed him. "There is a relationship with a cat?"

“Cat, Cat G.o.d asked me to join." He finally said the sentence in its entirety. Li Xiaojiang sighed with relief and looked at his cousin with eyes full of antic.i.p.ation.

Li Hai was startled.

Cat G.o.d?

Of course, he had heard the name of this great G.o.d. Some time ago, Cat G.o.d was the behind the scenes strategist at the World Carnival and he heated up the country. As a veteran of Miracle, he naturally heard the news of Cat G.o.d"s return.

Did his stupid cousin really meet Cat G.o.d?

Li Hai couldn"t help feeling excited and asked, "Are you sure that it is Cat G.o.d? You"re not joking?"

Li Xiaojiang nodded seriously. "Yes!"

Li Hai excitedly cried out, "Quickly quickly, take me to meet Cat G.o.d!"


Li Cangyu was chatting with everyone on the voice channel. In less than half an hour, Li Xiaojiang came back and whispered, "Cat, Cat G.o.d, I"m back."

Then the voice of an adult male was heard. "Hey, is Cat G.o.d really there?"

Li Cangyu replied, "I am Old Cat."

Li Hai was excited. "Are you Cat G.o.d?"

"Yes… how are you related to Xiao Li?"

Li Hai explained, "I am Li Xiaojiang"s cousin. Xiaojiang"s parents aren"t local and he is currently working in my store. He just told me that Cat G.o.d wanted him to join the professional league. I thought he was dreaming!"

Li Cangyu smiled. "I"m sincerely inviting Xiaojiang to join our team. There is a formal contract after joining. The address of the club is in Changsha. If you are worried, you can come to check the team in person once I return to China. Look and then make a decision."

“Yes, the store won"t be busy in a few days so I will take him there!” Li Hai paused before asking uneasily, “Cat G.o.d, my brother"s level… can he really play the game? He is a slow child from an early age and I can"t wait to be killed by him in PK.”

"I"m not mistaken. Xiaojiang is very talented." Li Cangyu explained warmly.

“Really?" Li Hai happily patted Li Xiaojiang"s head and said, "Then you have made it! Since Cat G.o.d likes you then I can rest a.s.sured. Brother will take you to report to the team next month!"

"Yes." Li Xiaojiang was also excited and spoke seriously, "Thank, thank you Cat G.o.d."

His brother happened to be an otaku with an online store. He knew e-sports and Miracle, as well as being familiar with the professional league. This made things much easier to handle. Li Cangyu didn"t need to bother him with more details as Li Hai readily agreed to let his brother play compet.i.tively.

This slow fellow didn"t hesitate too long to decide to join the team. He was clearly very pa.s.sionate about the Miracle League. This meant he could be well nurtured in the future.

Li Cangyu received a new teammate and was in a good mood.

He was one member away from his goal of an eight-person team.


That evening, Li Cangyu commissioned the vice president of the Food Squad to help him write a promotional post that was sent all over the Miracle forums.

The contents of the post were very concise. [Cat G.o.d is bringing a team back to the Miracle Professional League. He is currently looking for teammates. It is room number 7713 in the cross-server arena and the pa.s.sword is 9999. Looking for any strong masters to join!]

The post made headlines as soon as it was released.

Cheng Wei was Li Cangyu"s biggest fanboy and he naturally saw the post. He quickly forwarded the forum post to Weibo with the comment: [Where are the masters? Quickly join! Cat G.o.d"s team is absolutely trustworthy!]

Someone couldn"t help commenting below: [Aren"t you the vice-captain of Time? Why are you helping Cat G.o.d to advertise?] [Cheng Wei"s heart is with Old Cat. Poor Captain Tan.] ["Pained Captain Tan team"] ["Strongly Distressed Captain Tan team" +1]

Cheng Wei was somewhat upset when he saw the comments below his Weibo. He looked for Tan s.h.i.tian to explain but didn"t expect Tan s.h.i.tian to act so generously by forwarding the same post and writing: [Cat G.o.d"s team should be full. If you are interested in playing in the professional league, you should seize this opportunity.]

Cheng Wei was moved as he knocked on the door of the bedroom. "Why did you write that on Weibo? I thought you would scold me."

Tan s.h.i.tian smiled and rubbed Cheng Wei"s head. "How can I scold you? It doesn"t matter if you help Cat G.o.d with advertising. Can"t people on different teams be friends?"

Cheng Wei agreed, "Yes! People on different teams can also be friends!"

Tan s.h.i.tian added, "It is fine as long as you don"t go easy on Cat G.o.d when you encounter him in matches."

Cheng Wei immediately formed fists and declared confidently, "It is impossible for me to go easy on him. If I met Cat G.o.d on the field, I won"t be polite and will beat him up."

Tan s.h.i.tian, "…"

He was bullied by Cat G.o.d yet he wanted to beat Cat G.o.d up? Wasn"t this too much?


To the surprise of the fans, Ling Xuefeng also forwarded it along with Tan and Cheng. Captain Ling wrote straightforward words: [Help expand.]

Ling Xuefeng"s personality was solemn and cold. His Weibo was like an official promotional platform. He rarely wrote anything about his private life and usually only forwarded news about the professional league and the Wind Colour team. However, many careful fans found that since the appearance of Cat G.o.d, Captain Ling actually forwarded news related to Cat G.o.d three times in a row.

The first one was Tan s.h.i.tian"s story about the big cat and kitten. Captain Ling explained that the big cat and the kitten had a father-son relationship. The second was the matter of the behind the scenes strategist at the World Carnival. Captain Ling forwarded Old Cat"s post. Today, Cat G.o.d"s team was recruiting and Captain Ling forwarded a post to help increase the publicity.

Fans were very puzzled. [Captain Ling seems to care about Cat G.o.d?] [Weren"t they the strongest opponents?] [The question about who is the best summoner in the league hasn"t been settled. Captain Ling must refuel to kill Old Cat!] [Kill the Cat +1]

[Kill the Cat + ID number.]

A bunch of "Kill the Cat" filled the comments.

Ling Xuefeng sat calmly in front of the computer but he was thinking, "What do you know? That cat is mine."


The news that Cat G.o.d was recruiting teammates was widely forwarded by professional players, and it clearly had an overwhelming publicity effect. Xiao Han"s challenge room was overcrowded. Many people who couldn"t enter had to queue up outside.

Some people gladly paid 1,000 gold coins to enter the challenge arena and see Cat G.o.d"s face. It was a pity that most of them couldn"t see Cat G.o.d"s face as they were sent away by Xiao Han.

The people watching the screen excitedly typed: [Lick Cat G.o.d!] [Cat G.o.d, please give me a signature!] [Love to Eat Braised Fish is actually Cat G.o.d! The members of the Food Squad are very proud!] [Cat G.o.d, come out! Don"t be shy!] [Cat G.o.d, do you want to personally beat me up? I want to fight the strategist behind the scenes!]

There were too many people who flocked to the room after hearing Cat G.o.d"s name. More than 95% of them came to join the fun and only a few had the strength to fight in the challenge arena.

Today"s challenge arena opened until 2 p.m. in New York, which was 2 a.m. in China.

Since Cat G.o.d didn"t make a public appearance, the first wave of people gradually dispersed. It was late at night and only a few dozen people were left as onlookers. Xiao Han had been playing since morning and he was tired and dizzy. He let Frost Descends sit in the middle of the arena to rest as he went to the bathroom.

Li Cangyu had thrown his apprentice into the arena to train Xiao Han"s ability to cope with challengers alone.

Li Cangyu saw his apprentice come out of the bathroom with a tired expression and softened. He waved to Xiao Han and said, "Come rest for a while. Eat some fruit."

Xiao Han immediately came over and took a peeled apple from Bai Xuan.

Li Yunyu asked, “What"s the situation like in the arena? There still isn"t a harvest?"

Xiao Han bit the apple and replied, "Most of them came to get Master"s signature. There was no one who beat me this morning."

Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan looked at each other.

This high-intensity challenge mode was actually an excellent exercise opportunity for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han, who only knew how to kill people from behind, was now winning against hundreds of people of different races and cla.s.ses. The fact that no one beat him this morning made Li Cangyu surprised and very happy. His apprentice was gradually changing and hadn"t realized the progress he was making.

Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before saying, "Wait for me and I will go to the arena to check."

Xiao Han nodded. "Yes."


Surprisingly, the duo returned after eating fruit and found a person sitting in the ring.

The man was sitting next to Xiao Han"s a.s.sa.s.sin and the room was filled with messages that he had sent: [Is Cat G.o.d there? I came to join your team.]

[Cat G.o.d?]

[Cat G.o.d, accept me. My level isn"t bad!]

[I am young and have a first-cla.s.s awareness. I am very talented and there is a lot of room for progress!]

[I"m sure that I will become a strong teammate! [Haha][Haha].]

Li Cangyu, "…"

His boasting ability was quite good.

Was he as skilled as his mouth? Of course, Li Cangyu had to judge it himself.

Li Cangyu logged into his summoner account on the next computer. He made another arena room and had Xiao Han send the person a message: [Room 7319, the pa.s.sword is 8899. Come for a fight.]

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Chapter 100 – Unexpected Harvest

The boastful fellow had the ID Great Navigator and was an elf hunter.

Elf hunters were the most mainstream gameplay in the current Miracle League. They could use the elf"s agility to quickly move and arrange various traps to control and kill the opponents.

However, the layout of the traps was very particular and it was difficult to control. Sometimes the enemy wouldn"t step on traps and they would be wasted. Therefore, the hunter was one of the most challenging cla.s.ses to play apart from the summoner.

Li Cangyu changed to a new room and added a pa.s.sword to avoid the interference of bystanders.

He would let Xiao Han play first to test this person"s level.

Xiao Han had received half a month of high-intensity training and his current level had already caught up with those in the online game. The thing that surprised Li Cangyu was that this hunter was skilled and Xiao Han lost to him.

Xiao Han was very shocked. He looked back at his master and said, "I couldn"t react just now."

Li Cangyu gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "It doesn"t matter. You have rarely encountered skilled hunters in the arena."

Xiao Han nodded. "Yes, I"ve never met one."

It wasn"t easy to play a complex cla.s.s, so high-level hunters and novice hunters seemed like two completely different cla.s.ses.  In this half a month, Xiao Han had mainly encountered archers, magicians and swordsmen. Summoners and hunters were especially rare. Today, he met a hunter master and stepped on the traps arranged by the other person, causing him to be killed by the traps.

"Play another round." Li Cangyu ordered.

Xiao Han nodded and pressed the ready b.u.t.ton. Then he typed: [One more game.]

Great Navigator asked: [I want to fight Cat G.o.d. What about Cat G.o.d?]

Xiao Han: [He is watching.]

Great Navigator: [Oh, then come again! Cat G.o.d, watch carefully! See my incredible performance!”

Li Cangyu, "…"

This guy, wasn"t he too good at boasting about himself?

Li Cangyu sat down and watched the two of them seriously.

Xiao Han had accidentally stepped on a trap and suffered a big loss. He would naturally play more carefully in this round. However, he didn"t have experience with playing high-level hunters and accidentally stepped on a confinement trap.

Great Navigator immediately jumped to his side, placing five traps at a very fast speed and exploded them. This directly cut Xiao Han"s blood volume in half.

Xiao Han helplessly entered stealth. This time he was smart and stared at where the hunter was standing. He moved behind the other person and his knife fell, quickly reduced the blood volume gap.

[You"re quite good!] The person typed while putting down a trap and jumping away from Xiao Han. Xiao Han wanted to catch up again but it wasn"t that easy. The other party had put down a large number of hidden traps. One careless step would result in a loss of blood, making every step difficult.

Li Cangyu saw that Xiao Han was having a hard time and couldn"t help opening his mouth to give a reminder. “Whenever you encounter a hunter, use movement skills and light footwork. Don"t walk on the ground since it is easy to walk on a trap.”

"Yes!" Xiao Han used a teleport skill to chase the other side but the hunter"s movement speed was extremely fast. He moved in a dazzling manner while quickly placing traps.

The most annoying cla.s.s in the Miracle League was undoubtedly the summoner because there were too many pets to kill. The second was the hunter, since taking one step could activate a trap, making people very annoyed.

Li Cangyu had his own ways of dealing with hunters but Xiao Han obviously didn"t know how to fight them. He was disturbed by traps and his blood volume became lower and lower.

In the second game, Xiao Han lost again and he stared at the computer with great dissatisfaction.

Li Cangyu chuckled and touched his apprentice"s head. "It doesn"t matter. You haven"t learnt the skills of a hunter yet. Let me do it."

Xiao Han immediately got up and gave his position to his master. Li Cangyu used the Love to Eat Braised Fish account and entered the arena.

Bai Xuan heard the movements and came over to watch. Once he saw that Xiao Han was defeated, he couldn"t help feeling shocked. "Who is this person?"

Li Cangyu explained, "He saw our publicity post and said he wanted to join our team. I am testing him."

Bai Xuan sat down with interest. "It is a self-recommendation? I"ll watch as well."

The third match started. Great Navigator saw that his opponent had changed to Love to Eat Braised Fish and immediately sent a row of hugging emojis. [Cat G.o.d, Cat G.o.d! I"m here to convince you to take me. I"m excellent!"

Li Cangyu typed: [I will know after testing you.]

At the beginning of the match, Li Cangyu summoned his water spirit, fire spirit, thunder spirit and wind spirit. The four spirits of the elf summoner were all dispatched. The hunter was shocked. […Cat G.o.d has too many younger brothers!]

Li Cangyu said gently: [I didn"t summon the three universal pets because I was afraid that you couldn"t cope.]

Great Navigator: […]

Four was scary enough. If Cat G.o.d summoned seven pets then he could only surrender!

In order to avoid being killed by the numerous pets, Great Navigator immediately placed self-protection traps around him.

Xiao Han was shocked. Master usually acted like a soy sauce when playing instances in the game. This was the first time he saw all four of his master"s pets.

The blue water spirit, the red fire spirit, the purple thunder spirit and the green wind spirit, the four spirits were arranged around Li Cangyu and looked spectacular.

Li Cangyu calmly stood in the distance, not getting close to the hunter as he operated his four pets from four directions.

This multi-line operation was excellent as four spirits moved forward in four directions. It was equivalent to one heart, four users. He could actually operate all four so quickly without any flaws. Xiao Han listened to the clattering of the keyboard and felt an intense admiration fill his heart.

He suddenly felt extremely proud at having this master!

In the middle of the arena, Great Navigator was clearly in a hurry as four pets surrounded him.

The trap he placed trapped the water spirit but the fire spirit"s Fire accurately hit him. This was immediately followed by the thunder spirit"s big move and was stunned by Thunder"s Wrath.

Great Navigator"s fingers quickly hit the keyboard and he moved to avoid the pets" attacks.

This made him completely pa.s.sive. He could only deal with the spirits and couldn"t attack. His death was inevitable.

After playing for nearly 10 minutes, Li Cangyu stood in the distance and was still full of blood. Great Navigator was gradually losing blood due to the pets. Li Cangyu was no longer polite with him and once again dispatched the fire spirit. Fireb.a.l.l.s were successively fired and the hunter was killed.

Great Navigator: […]

Li Cangyu laughed: [You aren"t that great?]

Great Navigator blushed and typed: [I am very powerful but Cat G.o.d is even better!]

Bai Xuan was amused and couldn"t help saying, "This guy is really shameless."

Li Cangyu seriously commented, "His level is decent. I used four pets to suppress him and he could actually endure for 10 minutes."

Bai Xuan nodded. "That"s true."

Li Cangyu added, "He is also very fast which is the exact opposite of Xiao Li."

The hunter"s operator was a person with a very high hand speed. He moved in the arena like a gust of wind, leaving no shadows and no traces. The connections were very smooth when placing a trap and he could place them on the ground in an instant.

He had a good chance of winning against the melee Xiao Han but could only be suppressed by the summoner Li Cangyu. He apparently had a lot of experience playing melee but lacked experience against master remotes.

Li Cangyu thought this and couldn"t help asking: [How many years have you been playing a hunter?]

Great Navigator: [One year!]

Li Cangyu: [It is great that you can reach this level in one year.]

Great Navigator replied cheerfully: [Right? I also think that I"m very talented!]

Originally Li Cangyu wanted to praise him but changed his mind after seeing this proudly raised tail. Instead, Li Cangyu attacked. [Unfortunately, your fast hand speed is useless. You placed so many traps on the ground but most of them were wasted. Didn"t you think about limiting the actions of the opponent instead of attacking?]

Great Navigator lowered his head. [Oh, it seems so.]

Then he came alive again. [But I think I am still salvageable.]

Li Cangyu, "…"

Great Navigator sent a row of expectant eyes emojis. [If Cat G.o.d accepts me then my level will surely go further.]

Li Cangyu, "…"

Great Navigator: [Accept me. My hand speed is very fast. I tested it and I can reach 500!]

Li Cangyu, "…"

Bai Xuan was laughing so hard that his belly hurt. He was suddenly reminded of a kitten meowing and wrapping himself around Li Cangyu. Wouldn"t Li Cangyu relent?

Li Cangyu was very sensible so he sent: [Fast speed is just a hardware advantage. The software can"t be useless.]

Great Navigator: [Cat G.o.d, are you saying that my software can"t keep up?]

Li Cangyu smiled. [Yes.]

Great Navigator said cheekily: [The software can be updated. I need Cat G.o.d to transfer my brain system. Let me join the team. Cat G.o.d can reload the software for me!]

In fact, he was too good at bragging so Li Cangyu was just teasing him.

He didn"t think that guy would be so persevering to keep asking to join the team. His self-recommendation was really courageous. Li Cangyu became serious and asked: [Do you really want to join the team?]

Great Navigator didn"t hesitate. [Of course! I saw the forum post recruiting and immediately came to find Cat G.o.d. Becoming an e-sports player has always been my dream. I"ve been to other teams for interviews but they don"t want a hunter [Sad][Sad].]

This sentence seemed sincere.

Li Cangyu asked: [Is it convenient for you to tell me your name and age?]

Great Navigator replied: [It is convenient, very convenient! My name is Zhuo Hang and I am 17 this year.]

Bai Xuan couldn"t help smiling at Li Cangyu and teased him. "He is a young boy. The mahjong table has been gathered."

Li Cangyu also laughed. "You were correct."

Li Cangyu thought for a moment before typing in the arena channel: [Xiao Zhuo, you will follow us for a week in the arena as a test. If you pa.s.s the test, I will allow you to join.]

Zhuo Hang excitedly typed: [Great, thank you Cat G.o.d! I love you! [Kiss][Kiss][Kiss].]

Bai Xuan, “…”

Wasn"t this little guy surnamed Zhuo a bit unrestrained?

It seemed Cat G.o.d"s luck was excellent when returning to Miracle. He recruited four young teenagers. One was the crazy and wildcat Gu Siming. There was also the proud and cold Persian cat Xiao Han, the slow and stuttering poor stray cat Li Xiaojiang and the cheeky and unrestrained cat Zhuo Hang…

The four kittens together made a mahjong table. Besides, the cool and sharp black cat took the lead. This was simply a perfect cat team!

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