God of Fishing

Chapter 1404: A New Reform

Chapter 1404: A New Reform

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Han Fei was not overwhelmed by this Power of Will. As early as when he decided to succeed the position of supreme commander, he had already thought about some things.

The Thirty-Six Towns were no weaker than the Thousand Star City, just like the former City of Justice. Anyone in any village could go to the City of Justice and accept missions there.

There was no such thing as the people in the main city being stronger than the people in the villages. They were all ordinary in body and could all cultivate. Whether they could succeed in the path of cultivation depended on themselves.

For the first time, Han Fei had a true wish in his heart. He wanted to open a pa.s.sage between the 36 towns and the Thousand Star City. He wanted to wipe out all the big clans in the Thousand Star City.

Furthermore, Han Fei wanted to change the relations.h.i.+p between the academies in Thousand Star City and in the 36 towns. If they were all academies, why couldn’t they recruit students from the entire world with a fixed score?

When the Thousand Star City and the 36 towns were completely connected, the world would be truly unified.

After exchanging a glance with Xue Shenqi, Han Fei said to him via voice transmission, “What I care about is the future of the entire human race.”

Xue Shenqi said solemnly, “Of course, or I would’ve objected to it.”

While the crowd was cheering, Han Fei held the rod in his hand and raised it high. “Now that I’ve succeeded the throne, I don’t want to see you risk your lives for human beings anymore. The leaders of the Trans-Island Inspectors and the Law Enforcement Team, come out.”

Buzz! Buzz!

He saw two figures rus.h.i.+ng over from a distance.

“I’m Meng Liang from the Trans-Island Inspectors. Nice to meet you, Marshal Han.”

“I’m the inspector of the Law Enforcement Team. Nice to meet you, Marshal Han.”

Han Fei shouted, “The two of you, from today onwards, check all the soldiers on the island. Anyone who is seriously injured or disabled shall remove their armors and return to their hometowns. Arrange jobs for them in their hometowns. For anyone who is below the Law Enforcer level and has fought on the Scattered Stars Island for more than eight years, if you want to stay on the Scattered Stars Island, you’ll have to submit an application. Only after approval can you stay…”


The crowd was in an uproar.

Someone was stunned. He met the requirements to return to his hometown, but what could he do after he went back?

Someone immediately shouted, “Marshal Han, I’m not going back. The Scattered Stars Island has already become our home. We’re not leaving.”

“We’re not leaving.”

Even the guardian soldiers shouted, “We’re not leaving…”

Han Fei smiled bitterly. This discharge was a bit tricky! These people were used to risking their lives here. If they went home, they wouldn’t be able to sleep well.

However, Han Fei’s voice rumbled like thunder and he shouted, “The situation on the Scattered Stars Island is about to be announced to the Thirty-Six Towns. Do you want me to give an order and forcibly inform them? The Scattered Stars Island, the Unknown Place in their eyes, is a mysterious and sacred place. I can personally break their illusions. However, it can’t be too abrupt and violent. I need you to tell them the history of heroes, the epic battles and the legendary tales on the Scattered Stars Island… You’re heroes of the human race. What can stop you from returning home?”

Someone roared, “Marshal Han, I’ve already got no family left. Are we just going back to tell stories?”

“Yes! Do we have to make up stories?”

“I’m not going back.”

Han Fei felt a strong headache and immediately shouted again, “If you insist on staying, write an application to stay. You have to know that if you don’t retreat, how can the newcomers come up? Every generation has new talents emerging. The Scattered Stars Island in the future will be a battlefield, a place of flames of the war. Besides, the 36 towns need your encouragement…”

In the crowd, someone didn’t listen at all and shouted, “I’m not going back!”


Someone immediately slapped his head. “Shut up, idiot. I remember you have a son. Do you want your son to not even know if his father is still alive?”

A captain-level powerhouse cursed, “Marshal Han is merciful. Don’t f*cking bark like crazy. If you don’t want to return home, write an application. F*ck, others can’t even get the chance to go back but you don’t want it? I really want to kick you to death.”

Meng Liang and Zhou Tianfang smiled bitterly. This task is f*cking tricky!

But Han Fei didn’t care. After issuing this rather disputed order, Han Fei finally took Xue Shenqi’s thirteen-star token. After he spent a huge sum of resources and fell out with the big clans of the Thousand Star City, he finally became the new marshal.

On the same day.

The entire Scattered Stars Island was undergoing a thorough reform. Han Fei’s more than 100 heaven-level combat skills and cultivation techniques, as well as more than 1,000 combat skills and cultivation techniques below heaven-level, attracted the attention of everyone below the Explorer level.

Because the Logistics Division needed to sort out the resources, the Logistics Division’s resource exchange window was drastically decreased by 90%.

As for those cultivation techniques, they were copied immediately and spread out. But no matter what, the original copies had to be kept in the Logistics Division in the Central City.

The squares inside and outside of the four Logistics Divisions in the east, west, south, and north was already overcrowded.

Someone shouted, “Haha, the Water-Stirring Seal Technique is too powerful. Once this technique is used, the seal technique may become a trend.”

Someone scoffed. “That’s bulls * it. The Water-Stirring Seal Technique is nothing at all. This War Soul Art is a heaven-level high-quality bow technique. It’s really strong.”

Someone sighed. “Although the War Soul Art is powerful, the spiritual energy it consumes is too terrifying. What kind of guy can shoot all the arrows?”

Someone laughed and scolded, “What do you know? Don’t just be attracted by the big destructive combat skills. This Flying Fish Technique is a heaven-level high-quality movement technique. If I can master this technique, I can kill two sea demons of the same level as me alone.”

Many people exclaimed, “All of you are wrong. Look at the 108 Spirit-Absorbing War Bodies. It’s a demon-level divine-quality body refining technique. This is the only divine-quality body refining technique donated by Marshal Han. It’s said that Marshal Han personally practiced it. Its rarity is unparalleled on the Scattered Stars Island.”

At this moment, in the crowd, several people were smiling bitterly in the garden outside of the Logistics Division.

A short-haired girl said, “So, he used to practice this technique. Li Hanyi, do you still want to compete with him?”

Li Hanyi was Li Hanyi from the Blue Sea Town. He used to be a Heavenly Talent of the Blue Sea Town, but now he seemed to be mediocre.

At this moment, Li Hanyi heaved a long sigh. “I don’t want to compete with him. But this 108 Spirit-Absorbing War Bodies technique appeared too late. I can’t use it now, neither can you, Xiang Zuozuo. Han Fei probably wants someone to send this technique back to the 36 towns.”

This was what countless people sighed about. Body tempering was not like other arts. If one didn’t polish his physique in every realm, the further he went, the more difficult it became. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t make up for his weak foundation.

Of course, if there were special opportunities, it was possible. However, there were not so many special opportunities in the world. After all, only a few people would encounter them.

In the crowd, another person was standing at the gate of the Logistics Division in the south of the city, looking absent-minded.

Lin Wu looked at the 108 Spirit-Absorbing War Bodies and was a little tranced. In the past five or six years, she had cultivated diligently, pa.s.sed through many secret realms, and experienced thousands of disasters. Finally, she came to the Scattered Stars Island two months ago.

When she first came to the Scattered Stars Island, Lin Wu was shocked by the strong masters here. To a rookie like her who had just entered the Scattered Stars Island, almost everyone here had a higher realm than her.

But Lin Wu was confident of her potential. In just five or six years, she had continuously broken through the three realms of great fis.h.i.+ng master, Dangling Fisher, and Hanging Fisher. This was because in her life, there once appeared a different person, her master who liked to eat barbecue.

Lin Wu stared at the 108 Spirit-Absorbing War Bodies in a daze, wondering, “Is Marshal Han my senior brother?”

Lin Wu never thought that Han Fei was actually her master. After all, her master once said that he walked in the world and had no fixed residence. Lin Wu felt that such a figure was at least stronger than those so-called Venerables. In any case, he was definitely stronger than Han Fei.

Lin Wu frowned, thinking to herself that this senior brother was really unreliable. He even provided the great techniques pa.s.sed down by her master to everyone in the world for free.

However, she didn’t blame Han Fei. She was still too weak now. Perhaps she couldn’t see the problem that Senior Brother saw. Since Senior Brother did this, he must have a reason.

With this in mind, Lin Wu felt at ease. She just needed to cultivate harder. Her goal was never the Scattered Stars Island. But now, she had to grow on the Scattered Stars Island. She had already planned a growth path for herself. Her first step was to be able to walk a thousand miles away from the coastline.

The island was busy and bustling. On the second day after Han Fei took over as the supreme commander, people from the seven major academies came.

Among the people who came this time, there was an acquaintance of Han Fei, Mu Tianfang from the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Mu Tianfang was still a peak-level Explorer, but today, Han Fei discovered that Mu Tianfang was actually a Half-Venerable.

Besides, judging from Mu Tianfang’s vigorous Qi and control of strength, Han Fei felt that Mu Tianfang was very likely suppressing his realm.

Four Venerables and fourteen Explorers came from the seven major sects in total.

Among them, except for Jian Sanqing, Patriarch Six Swords, and Elder Bingyun who were already here, there was also the Fire Moon Fairy from the Sea Tower.

Death Door Sect, Origin Returning Peak, and Mountain Sea Pavilion didn’t send out any Venerables but only explorers. There was no telling if they had no Venerables or the Venerables didn’t want to come.

This force was neither weak nor strong.

These four, plus Xue Shenqi, himself, and the hidden Elder Chen, now there were seven Venerables on the island.

With Old Han and Ning Jing as his trump cards, they definitely wouldn’t appear for nothing. This also meant that no matter what happened, the combat power of these seven people was probably the limit he could use now.

On the big clans’ side, even if they brought resources over and sent someone over, their people wouldn’t take the battles seriously because their goal was not defending the island but for the corpse of the king.

At this moment, Han Fei said, “You should understand what I mean. No matter what happens on the Scattered Stars Island, the big clans are now monstrously powerful and have countless resources. They are our common enemies. If the big clans obtain the Empyrean Waterfall, the consequences can be imagined. You can think about it.”

Mu Tianfang looked at the awe-inspiring Han Fei and thought to himself, It’s only been a few years. Tang Ge has only just entered the advanced Sea Spirit Realm, which is already shockingly fast. But Han Fei is already capable of slaughtering Venerables. It’s really incredible.

Mu Tianfang said, “We know about the big clans, but we need to confirm one thing.. The students of the seven major sects have to be treated equally… Besides, the resources given to us need to be doubled.”

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