God of Fishing

Chapter 2659 - 2659 Primordial Chaos (2 in 1)

Chapter 2659 - 2659 Primordial Chaos (2 in 1)

2659 Primordial Chaos (2 in 1)

Han Fei’s return wasn’t known to many people, because he had very important things to do now.

In less than three days, Han Fei came to the familiar Abyssal Chasm. He took out the Vast Ocean Navigator and asked, “Where did the ominous Han Fei go?”

The Vast Ocean Navigator pointed straight at the Abyssal Chasm. Han Fei thought to himself, It’s true. The Raging Sea is developing peacefully now. The entire human world is busy cultivating and improving their strength. Everything is a scene of prosperity. Only something happened in the Abyssal Chasm, and this place happened to be where the Yin-Yang World used to be. He didn’t believe that there was no connection.

When he was in the Sea Establishment realm, he had once felt the other path under the Abyssal Chasm, but at that time, he had felt a terrifying crisis. He felt that once he entered that place, he would definitely die.


But it was different now. Han Fei had already reached the Perfected Star Transformation Realm. His combat power was comparable to the Dao Proving Realm, which was much higher than before.

Besides, if the ominous Han Fei could get in, how could he not?

Therefore, Han Fei didn’t hesitate and quickly rushed to the Abyssal Chasm. Soon, under the suction force of the Abyssal Chasm, Han Fei got in.


It was still dark around, but the barrier of the Yin-Yang Millstone was gone.

After entering this place, Han Fei found the unknown road without taking out the Vast Ocean Navigator. Or rather, the road appeared on its own.

Han Fei flew towards a white spot in the darkness. At that moment, he felt his heart palpitate, but he no longer felt the sense of crisis.

It could be seen that the danger in the Abyssal Chasm was only relative. In face of such a dangerous and mysterious area, almost 99% of the powerhouses in the Raging Sea had given up the thought of exploring it.

In particular, when Han Fei sensed the spatial fluctuations here, his palpitations became more and more obvious, and he even felt a sense of crisis.


Han Fei suddenly stopped. There was a spatial barrier and a killing array here. As soon as Han Fei arrived, he felt that s.p.a.ce was conflicting with each other. This was the power of the Heavenly Dao, not something human beings could exert.

“A natural barrier?”

If he had been a step slower just now, he would have been crushed by the power of s.p.a.ce. Then he would have to resist the power of the Heavenly Dao here.

If he hadn’t been as strong as he was before, he might have been crushed into points and died on the spot.

But Han Fei didn’t panic. If it was a spiritual barrier, he would just break it. He extended his fingers and Sword Three burst out.

“Puff ~”


This sword cut open this natural spatial barrier, but behind this barrier, infinite ferocious aura rushed out at once. If such a huge amount of ferocious aura rushed into his body, even Han Fei wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

Therefore, Han Fei took out the Mystic Martial Monarch Armor and blocked it in front of him. As for the rear, he didn’t care. This must be the reserve flowing of murderous intent as Lu You said.

During this period, Han Fei jumped up and rushed in.

“Huh? Primordial Ancient Land?”

This was not the first time Han Fei had felt the aura of a primordial ancient land. If the murderous intent he felt under the Steps was just fine, the manic vibe of the Primordial Era was especially obvious in the G.o.d Burying Ridge. And here, it felt like the G.o.d Burying Ridge.

In the darkness, a suction force pulled Han Fei out, but it was not strong. Han Fei did not take the initiative to move forward, because he seemed to hear wailing sounds in this dark spatial pa.s.sage.

Soon, he saw red ma.s.ses of light floating in the void. These ma.s.ses of light took the initiative to approach Han Fei. Han Fei extended his hand to test them, only to find that the ma.s.s of light emitted an energy pulse comparable to the peak-level late-stage Star Transformation Realm. Furthermore, this power could even shake the soul.

“Huh! This is a defensive b.o.o.by trap. It was made like this purposely. Is there anyone in this place?”

The further he went, the more red blobs of light appeared out of thin air, combined with the power of s.p.a.ce, and would directly reflect on the intruders to intercept them.

Fortunately, Han Fei had mastered the Great Dao of s.p.a.ce and was very strong. From the beginning to the end, except for the red ma.s.s of light that he took the initiative to touch, he only shattered two of them. The rest were all avoided by him.


When Han Fei finally walked out of this pa.s.sage, he stood in a vast primordial land.

Han Fei’s first impression was that it was hot and dry. There was magma flowing everywhere on the surface, and extremely high flames occasionally appeared underground. On the ground, it couldn’t be said that there was not a single blade of gra.s.s, but there was no greenness at all.

The spiritual energy here was extremely violent, even more violent than the Raging Sea. Han Fei only stood here for a while before his body began to burn with raging flames.

When Han Fei sensed that there was an invisible power trying to infiltrate his body from these flames, if he didn’t stop it, he might be burnt.

Han Fei was a little surprised. How could a mere mortal fire hurt him? There was something wrong with the flames and heat here!

“Ah! It’s so hot, so hot…”

At this time, Liu Qiansi couldn’t hold it anymore. She trembled in Han Fei’s hands and began to scream, “No, I’m going to wither. What the h.e.l.l is this place? Why is it so hot?”

Han Fei said, “You’re a Monarch. How can you be afraid of this?”

Liu Qiansi said, “But I’m a demon plant! It’s so hot! I feel very irritable. These fire elements seem to be trying to invade my body. Even a Monarch can’t stand being here every day.”

As she spoke, Liu Qiansi activated a Land of Laws in an attempt to resist.

With a thought from Han Fei, the Extreme Cold Pearl appeared in his hand. The flames immediately subsided, and within a thousand kilometers of Han Fei, the temperature suddenly dropped to normal, lukewarm and quite comfortable.


Liu Qiansi sighed. “Where are we? Why is it so hot?”

Han Fei said, “We won’t know where we are until we explore it.”

Han Fei tried to scan with his perception. When his perception spread out in this violent killing intent, it could spread out for about 100,000 kilometers. However, it couldn’t last long. Otherwise, this power of fire could actually burn his soul. This was normal, as if he could barely release his perception on the ice of the Chaotic Wasteland.

The flames in this ancient primordial land seemed to be mixed with some unknown power. Han Fei could still release his perception for a hundred thousand kilometers, which could last for a period of time. But it was still terrifying.

However, the flames here could burn him. From this, it could be seen that the strength of this world was probably not inferior to the ice above the Chaotic Wasteland. It was impossible for ordinary people to withstand this fire.

Therefore, Han Fei was certain that this ancient primordial land was not in the Raging Sea. He must have come to a new place through the Abyssal Chasm.

Swish ~

The Emperor Sparrow seemed to sense something and immediately appeared on Han Fei’s shoulder. His entire body trembled as he said, “It’s comfortable. Where did you find this Ancient Primeval Land? Well, this is not as simple as an Ancient Primeval Land. This should be the end of the Primordial Era. The fire of chaos burned the myriad worlds, all races withered, and the strong sought survival. This danger spread throughout the Sea Realm, causing 90% of the creatures in the Sea Realm to die. After several eras of burning, the Sea Realm gradually returned to normal. New races were born and entered the ancient era.”

Han Fei frowned. “The fire of chaos, burning all worlds?”

“Yes! Times have been changing. Just like the existence of the ominous, if the Sea Realm is destroyed by the ominous, it’s almost inevitable that all races will wither. However, the Sea Realm still exists. Perhaps new races will be born and the Sea Realm will enter an ominous era.”

Han Fei said, “You never mentioned it before.”

The Emperor Sparrow said, “It’s been so long. Why should I mention this?”

Han Fei asked, “What about the era after the Primordial Era? It seems to be the ancient era?”

Han Fei had heard the old turtle mention this before.

The Emperor Sparrow said, “To be precise, the ancient era was a revival era. After the end of the Primordial Era pa.s.sed, countless new races were born, laying the foundation of the myriad races in the infinite ocean. After the myriad races in the infinite ocean found their paths, the appearance of the first G.o.d marked the beginning of the Age of G.o.ds. It’s that simple.”

Han Fei raised his eyebrows. “Times have changed and countless years have pa.s.sed… Does it mean that the Sea Realm may have experienced countless eras?”

“No. According to my inherited memories, the fire of Chaos burned the myriad worlds. It was because the previous era was not very stable that there was such an ending. That era was called the Chaotic Era, an era filled with Chaos everywhere.”

“Chaotic Era? What’s it like?”

“I haven’t seen it, but it seems to be that the world is in a state of darkness and chaos and most places haven’t been explored. In that era, a large number of Chaotic Spiritual Treasures, Spiritual Treasure of Heaven and Earth, and even the legendary Nature Spiritual Treasures, Primordial Spiritual Treasures, and so on were born. Our Emperor Sparrow race was born in the chaos.”

Han Fei was slightly lost in thought. How long has it been?

The Emperor Sparrow continued, “Don’t be surprised. Your human race was also born in that era. However, the humans at that time were very strong. They were simply worlds apart from the current human race. If the two are compared, the people at that time are equivalent to G.o.ds. Unfortunately, the inherited techniques of that era have almost been lost. I don’t know the details.”

Han Fei asked, “Are there any other eras?”

“I don’t know. It’s hard to say if there is. Even if there is, it’s too ancient to be traceable.”

Han Fei nodded slightly. He was just curious. He didn’t expect that the remnants of the primordial era would allow him to hear about some unheard-of eras from the Emperor Sparrow.

Entering a new world, Han Fei naturally wanted to test the upper limit of this world.

Therefore, he burst out at ten times the speed of light at once. After discovering that this place could carry ten times the speed of light, he strengthened it to twenty or thirty times.

In the end, he reached the bottom at thirty-two times the speed of light, but the so-called Great Dao Chains didn’t appear here. This world was much stronger than the Raging Sea!

But soon, Han Fei perceived a place of bones.

It was a place where magma flowed. There were some huge bones around. These jade-like skeletons were almost all incomplete.

Han Fei reached out and grabbed a piece of skeleton, tracing it back in time. But then he discovered that the original bodies of these skeletons had been dead for a long time! Although he didn’t have to go back in time personally, tracing back in time consumed a lot of spiritual power.

Soon, Han Fei saw a blurry picture in front of his eyes. It was a monster with a neck longer than a giraffe, a dragon face, and four limbs like the limbs of a dinosaur. He didn’t know what this thing was, but through time traceability, Han Fei could see some scenes when he was still alive.

About seven or eight such monsters were hunting a huge copper-skinned yak-like creature. These long-necked creatures would first release a mental shock that could cause the yak to enter a chaotic state. In this state, the long-necked mouth opened dozens of feet wide, revealing three layers of dagger-like sharp teeth.

When the sharp teeth bit the yak, Han Fei could see flickering flames and electric arcs. Although it was difficult for Han Fei to judge the strength of the bite force, according to the vibration of the earth, it should have reached the Sky Opening Realm. Some long-necked monsters that couldn’t bite the yak actually raised their necks and used their heads as hammers to hit the yak.

Knock, knock, knock!

Han Fei felt a headache when he saw them smash their heads as hammers. It turned out that they were a group of iron-headed monsters. When their iron heads. .h.i.t, they were obviously enhanced by the power of the Heavenly Dao. With a single blow, the surrounding mountains and rivers shook.

However, Han Fei also discovered that the mountains and rivers here seemed a little abnormal. What flowed in the river was not water, but billowing spiritual energy, like a turbulent river tide. On the mountain, there were occasional treasure lights. Such power shook the mountain, but the mountain didn’t collapse.

“Is this the Primordial Era?”

Han Fei couldn’t help but sigh. There seemed to be treasures everywhere in the Primordial Era!

After he came back to himself, Han Fei couldn’t help but ask, “Are there treasures everywhere in your Primordial Era?”

The Emperor Sparrow said, “What do you mean by our Primordial Era? I haven’t really stayed in the Primordial Era. I just have the inherited memories. In the last Chaotic Era, there were treasures everywhere in the Chaotic Era. Therefore, in the Primordial Era, there were many treasures, so everyone’s strength grew very quickly. Also, when everyone has treasures, they can’t be called treasures, so you don’t have to be envious.”

Han Fei said, “The current Sea Realm is completely different from the Primordial Era.”

The Emperor Sparrow said, “Of course. After the consumption of countless strong masters over the generations, even if there is a treasure every inch of land and an opportunity every hundred steps, they must have been consumed by now.”

Han Fei frowned slightly and said, “So, the era where the Sea Realm is now should be called the Wasteland Era, an era where resources are exhausted.”

Han Fei joked with him. In fact, the resources in the current Sea Realm were quite abundant. However, it couldn’t be compared to the Primordial Era.

Tracing back in time this time consumed a lot of spiritual power. If he traced the bones of such a creature a hundred times, he would have to rest and recover.

However, the bones he saw here were actually relatively easy to recognize. Ignoring those whose level was below jade bones, Han Fei would occasionally trace the golden jade bones with Dao Patterns.

After searching for about ten times in a row, Han Fei finally found a skeleton of the Dao Proving realm. When tracing its past, he saw bears with two big horns on their heads. This bear was extremely good at jumping. With a stomp of its feet, it could step on a mountain in the Primordial Era. The force of its fist was almost comparable to the Star Explosion Fist.

“Interesting. I’ll keep it.”

He had to admit that this primordial ancient land was a good place. He could pick up the bones of Dao Proving realm powerhouses at random. If he picked up a hundred or so of them and used the Time Resurrection Technique to revive them to fight for him, there would be hundreds of Dao Proving realm powerhouses. He didn’t believe that there were so many Dao Proving realm powerhouses in the City of Scavengers.

Even if there are, we probably won’t lose, will we?

Unfortunately, considering his Great Dao of Time, he could revive at most fifty ancient creatures, which was a little weaker than Mo Qi, but Mo Qi was a disciple of the Time Temple after all. She specialized in the Great Dao of Time. It would be a little ridiculous if he, a dabbler, was even stronger than Mo Qi in the Great Dao of Time.

After searching for a long time, when Han Fei found the third skeleton of the Dao Proving realm, the danger that should have come still came. If this world wasn’t dangerous, it would have long been explored by others. How could it have been left here until now?

Han Fei didn’t run very far because he wanted to find the bones of the Dao Proving realm in pa.s.sing. But soon, he saw five or six fireb.a.l.l.s rolling in the void. Their goal was a magma lake.

Knock, knock, knock!

Just like a planet colliding with the earth, these fireb.a.l.l.s crashed into the magma lake. Then, a fiery flood dragon seethed in the water, slapping and roaring. Soon, the five or six fireb.a.l.l.s were sent flying.

“There are still living creatures here?”

Han Fei had thought that even if there was any danger here, there would only be some dead things. He didn’t expect there to be living creatures.

He looked again, only to see that the five or six fireb.a.l.l.s suddenly transformed into brawny men.

Han Fei was surprised to find that they were actually humanoids. However, their body structure was a little special. First of all, these humanoids had no hair and were bald. Then, there were fiery scales like magma carapace on their chest, abdomen, back, arms, knees, and even the soles of their feet.


Han Fei saw with his own eyes that the fiery flood dragon whipped a person with its tail. After he was sent flying, he turned into a ball again. Then, he flattened a few small mountains on this primeval land and smashed a big pit in the ground. The ground around cracked and ripples spread out for tens of thousands of kilometers before being swept away by the murderous intent in the void and then annihilated.

However, from that blow, Han Fei could tell that the fiery flood dragon was at least a powerful creature in the peak-level late-stage Star Transformation Realm.

Even so, the humanoid that was sent flying actually bounced out of the big pit, turned into a ball, and continued to smash at the fiery dragon.

No wonder this was a dangerous place. A place like the Raging Sea where few people were in the Sky Opening Realm was actually connected to a world with many Sky Openers. How could it not be dangerous?

A moment later, the flood dragon couldn’t take it anymore and seemed to go berserk. It spewed out a pillar of scorching flames, and the humanoids pushed their hands forward. Their hard carapaces flickered and formed a natural s.h.i.+eld. The few of them worked together and blocked it.

Upon seeing this, the fiery dragon dove into the magma river and was about to run. These people certainly wouldn’t let it. They roared and continued to roll out, continuously smas.h.i.+ng the fiery flood dragon and causing it to be dizzy. Its head was deformed and it was finally smashed to death.

Although these people had consumed a lot of spiritual energy, they still smiled and carried the fiery flood dragon, preparing to take it away.

At this moment, Han Fei’s heart did a flip, because a humanoid creature suddenly looked at Han Fei and roared, and the six b.a.l.l.s rolled towards Han Fei at the same time.

Han Fei: “…”

Han Fei had thought that they wouldn’t find him, but it seemed that they were just too focused on the fiery dragon to notice him.

However, Han Fei had been staring at them after the battle, so he was discovered by them.

Han Fei also had many questions. Since they were humanoids and had come to him, he might as well catch and control one to see what this place was.

“Not good. There’s an outsider here. Take him down.”

Han Fei: “???”

These people were speaking in the ancient language, which Han Fei could understand. The first time he came into contact with this language was when he was with the War Giants.

However, why did they have to catch the outsiders?

But the other party was already smas.h.i.+ng at him. Looking at the six meatb.a.l.l.s, Han Fei didn’t say anything but punched out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After six punches in a row, all six of them were sent flying. After all, no matter how strong they were, they were only in the late-stage Star Transformation Realm, not even in the peak-level late-stage Star Transformation Realm. Han Fei didn’t dare to use all his strength to hit them. What if he accidentally killed them?

If he had just arrived but had already offended a race before he even figured out anything yet, this wasn’t a good thing.

Therefore, Han Fei still showed mercy, but his attack wasn’t something they could block. However, the carapace of these six people was intact.

“Huh? It’s not a carapace, but flesh that looks like a carapace. What strong defense power.”

Han Fei thought to himself, With this kind of defense power, even if they took a solid punch from a Perfected Star Transformation Realm powerhouse, they probably wouldn’t die.

But Han Fei didn’t continue to attack. Instead, he said, “There’s no need to fight. Why don’t we talk first?”

Someone was surprised. “Huh? Can this outsider understand our language?”

The other person said warily, “So what? An outsider is an outsider. Call the elders.”

Han Fei still didn’t take action. Although he was here to pursue his ominous body, since he had encountered this race, he might as well get in touch with them. What if they were related to the ominous body?

Besides, the ominous body wanted to kill him before he was born through the river of time, which meant that Old Han and his mother must have been here.

He needed an explanation as to why they were here and what they were here for.

Han Fei was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he just watched one of them crush a fire crystal.

These people knew that they were no match for Han Fei and didn’t dare to attack rashly. But they were also curious. Is this person stupid? Why didn’t he leave when he knew that we had called for reinforcements?

In less than half an hour, more than thirty fireb.a.l.l.s rolled out of the void in a row. When they returned to their human forms, Han Fei saw a leader.

This person’s strength had reached the Perfected Star Transformation Realm. Han Fei could tell at a glance that he was accompanied by two perfected Star Transformation Realm powerhouses and seven or eight peak-level late-stage Star Transformation Realm powerhouses.

Obviously, they took outsiders very seriously, or so many high-end combatants wouldn’t have come at once. Even in the Sea Realm, this combat power was quite impressive.

The person in the lead was holding a walking stick formed from the bones of an unknown creature. He said, “Outsider, why have you come to our Lava Giant race? How did you find this place?”

“The Lava Giants?”

These guys called themselves giants, but they were twice as small as the war giants. On average, they were only five or six meters tall. Only the one in the front might be eight meters tall. Such a body size was actually not a giant, but they just called themselves giants.

Han Fei said, “I’m Han Fei. I came to your place after chasing a villain. I didn’t expect to meet you. Perhaps we can have a deep chat. What do you think?”

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