God of Music

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

TL: Riil me

ED: Frozen Ink

At a coffee shop in Gangnam .

Lee Hyunji sat at the window with the rain falling down while resting her chin on her hand .

‘It feels good . ’

The sound of the piano and the sound of the rain which are flowing softly was fantastic . She smiled as she watched some couples walking with their umbrellas .

“Good times . ”

There was some force that allowed the emotion to come out, which usually never happen .

So at the cafe, she was enjoying her own time . But today, she had a promise .

“Over here . ”

As the doorbell rang, Lee Hyunji lifted her hand . There was a middle-aged man walking from the entrance . It was Director Lee Hanseo .

“It’s been a while, boss . ”

“Boss . It’s been a while since I resigned . ”

“I still get used to this t.i.tle . ”

Director Lee Hanseo reached out his hand and made his unique relaxed smile . Lee Hyunji grabbed his hand .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntThe two simply started a conversation . It was mainly a story from their company . They talked about the outside stories that they’ve heard and never talked about the confidential matters .

“… . as expected . Kangyoon is great . He returned Kim Jaehoon, who was no better than crippled and pulled more than the down payment . Even our company gave him up, but he was amazing . ”

After he listened to Lee Hyunji about Kangyoon and Kim Jaehoon, Director Lee Hanseo sincerely impressed .

“Don’t you hear the news at MG?”

“Team Leader Lee, nope, it’s CEO now . I’ve heard a lot about CEO Lee . But no one mentioned it directly . ”

“Sigh, maybe it is still too small after all . As expected, you have to raise the scale… . ”

“It’s not like that . ”

Lee Hyunji nodded at Director Lee Hanseo’s denial . Director Lee Hanseo gave power to his words .

“The words about Team Leader Kangyoon became taboo in the company . At the time he left, one director received a disciplinary action and the company lost the creator of the cash cow, then the singers were shaken by the low morale of the staffs . The directors could not even imagine that the power of one person would be this much . ”

“Is the action still under measured?”

“Yeah . The employees do not know, but the directors do . I also have a sense of patience in challenging their authority . ”

“It means that it’s also the reason why Eddios is hated, right?”

“That is…… . sigh . ”

Director Lee Hanseo sighed for a long time . He could not deny Lee Hyunji’s words .

“…Correct . None of the directors support Eddios . After Jooah, even as the biggest cash cow, being hit and struck by the directors . The president director has fallen and Eddios is literally being the punching bag . That’s why we sent the best singer in the country to America to be the pioneer to America . ”

“The director who was in charge of Eddios was Director Lee, weren’t you?”

“Yes, but I have no power . I was incompetent . ”

Director Lee Hanseo clenched his fist tight . He was the director, but he could not do anything because he was pushed by the power of majority . After all, what he could do was adjust the schedule for Eddios . It was totally his contribution that made the limit to the level of the Korean town which become money in order to move all over the United States .

“That place also getting wildly confusing . Jooah and other singers will suffer a lot . ”

“Sigh . ”

Director Lee Hanseo’s long sigh answered her question instead .


Today was the day of the recording of the talk show ‘Park Minchang’s Story Show’ . This talk show, which runs by HMC station, was a program where successful stars and successful CEOs talked to him about their success stories .

But today, the cast was a little different from usual .

“Hallo?! We are DiaTeen!!”

All five members of DiaTeen in the studio greeted each other in one voice, and the mouth of the male staff were wide open . In addition to them, even the MC, Park Minchang also could not hide his joy .

“As expected, you girls are great . Let’s do it well . ”

“Yes, oppa . ”

Hearing the word ‘oppa’, Park Minchang’s jaw fell further . His age, which was in mid-40s, was not qualified enough .

All of DiaTeen members, together with Park Minchang, the writer, and PD listened about how the recording would go with the stories . Some personal stories, company stories, and stories about the stage came to light .

After the story was over, a short break took over and the recording began . THe recording was quite long . But DiaTeen girls were pros . They did the recording without complaint .

Park Minchang usually deals with profound people, and dealing with youthful ladies make him more alive and his face brighten . He alternated between the questions in the script and questions that were not in it, and he led the recording with pleasure .

When the atmosphere ripened in such a way, Park Minchang brought out a story about dancing .

“This alb.u.m was more responsive than the previous alb.u.ms . Ms Sekyung, Can you show me the trendy S dance?”

“It’s embarra.s.sing though… . ”

Kang Sekyung bounced lightly . However, in a repeated request she rose from her seat . The music flowed with the audience’s cheers . She made a smooth curve with her waist curve and shook it lightly . The point ch.o.r.eography in this song, S dance .

It was a light movement, but it was a ch.o.r.eography that made the ant-waist stand out .


The audience applauded and Park Minchang responded with applause as well .

“It was cool . It seems easy though, can you teach me once?”


Kang Sekyung twisted Park Minchang’s stiff body and made the S-shape . But it was not easy for a stiff body to make S-line . The audience laughed at that .

In the end, Park Minchang returned to his seat with a smile .

“Dancing is indeed hard, difficult . ”

“Hahaha . Even for us, it’s also hard everytime we dance . We have to keep the S-line constantly . ”

“This is only for DiaTeen . ”

“Hahahaha . ”

The laugh burst out again at Joo YeAh’s answer . The recording atmosphere was very bright .

Park Minchang ended the talking about dancing and moved on to another topic .

“DiaTeen’s CEO is famous for producing his own self-t.i.tled track . ”

“Yes . Sigh… . ”

Joo YeAh light up her body and slightly smiled . Park Minchang laughed a little and continued talking .

“But I heard that this song was produced by asking the outsider . THis song also felt so much different with the songs produced by your company so far . ”

“Yes . It would have been a lot different from what we always looked like . However, we are so grateful for we are loved . ”

Kim Jisook replied . She answered with the big point in a mature way .

“I heard that the person who created this t.i.tle song also made a song for Jay Han . And he is also the composer of T&T . Was it muse?”

“Yes . It’s the composer known with the best feeling among the recent singers . ”

Park Minchang’s eyes were attracted to Joo Junghyun’s story .

“Is that so?”

“Yes . I just listened to the sample and I just took all the songs . Please give the singers the right songs .

There were one or two stories about ‘Muse The Composer’ on the stage of the ‘Park Minchang’s Story Show’ talk show .

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