God of Music

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

With many expectations, KangYoon and In MoonHee arrived at Narita International Airport in j.a.pan and headed to A-Trust’s headquarters with Producer Tsukasa, who had come to pick them up .

[I didn’t know you’d come to pick us up . ]

In the front pa.s.senger seat, KangYoon expressed his apologies to Producer Tsukasa, who was driving .

When he said that, Producer Tsukasa smiled, saying that it was okay .

[We’re going to have to meet quite a lot from now on . This much is nothing, so you don’t need to mind . ]

Entering Tokyo, Producer Tsukasa asked In MoonHee a lot of questions .

[I heard you used to be a teacher at an elementary school . ]

[Yes, I was . ]

In MoonHee sat upright in nervousness .

[I heard that, like j.a.pan, teachers are quite stable jobs in Korea . To think that you’d give up on such a job to become a singer… We valued your courage highly . ]

[Not at all . You praise me too much . ]

There should be a reason behind all that flattery .

In MoonHee nervously waited for her next words .

[May we use those facts to promote you?]

Pa.s.sion for singing, a mind that likes to challenge .

It would definitely be practical to use those things in marketing .

However, KangYoon, who was listening to the conversation the whole time, disagreed .

[It’s not a bad idea, but why don’t we discuss that later on?]

[May I ask about the reason?]

As the j.a.panese population was around 100 million, it had a correspondingly large market, and singers used all sorts of means to get more popular . They were in the same position, and KangYoon wanted to forgo such a good marketing strategy like this?

It was a quiet question, but her expression clearly demanded answers .

KangYoon turned around and looked at her eyes .

[This is a big market, so where can you find a singer without a backstory? The other singers will also try to stimulate their audiences with their backstories, connections, and everything . I don’t think we need to walk the same path as they did . ]

Producer Tsukasa’s eyes narrowed .

She wasn’t able to understand what KangYoon was saying right now .

In this era, where numerous celebrities could be seen on TV, new rookies had to use all means possible to get their names known to the public .

[The same path, you’re right . However, strictly speaking, Miss MoonHee is no more than a foreigner who came to j.a.pan to sell her music . We need to package her as nicely as possible . ]

[There’s no reason to do that with her backstory, is there?]

[So you’re saying you have another method in mind, Sir KangYoon?]

The car that Producer Tsukasa drove slowed down as it entered central Tokyo .

When she stopped in front of the traffic lights, her sharp eyes looked at KangYoon .

[I believe that singers should be promoted using their songs . ]

[Using songs? What do you mean by that?]

[A singer is someone who sings songs . In that case, we need to promote them in such a way that could let the public know their song or their skill, don’t you think?]

Hearing KangYoon’s words, Producer Tsukasa became absent-minded .

[D, don’t tell me marketing is like that In Korea?]

[Yes, I have always used this method . ]

She tilted her head .

The priority when it came to marketing singers was to get their name known to the public first using whatever means possible .

Only if they stood out from the rest could they appeal to the general public .

But songs only? In this era where stimulative content was everywhere?

[Uhm, president? Is, is that a proven…method?]

Seeing Producer Tsukasa get fl.u.s.tered, KangYoon nodded his head with confidence .

[JooAh also succeeded here because she was given a stage to showcase her skills to the fullest . Though, the process of getting there was a little complicated . ]

KangYoon commanded JooAh’s j.a.pan project .

A Korean singer appeared in the most prominent music show in j.a.pan where no foreigners had stood on stage there, and the gazes of the people were naturally focused on her . But then, the scene had something unseen before in female music artists they had seen until now .

The lights changed .

She stepped on the accel and thought .

‘…Song, a song-focused promotion, huh . ’

She was able to get a grasp of their new cooperator’s style of work .

Their style could be called old fashioned . At least it didn’t conform to the typical marketing strategies that big companies used nowadays where they promoted their artists before they even debuted .

However, she also realized .

‘If it’s that singer and that producer…’

Producer Tsukasa erased any plans to market In MoonHee using her backstory from her mind .

Then, she smoothly changed topics .

[Miss MoonHee . What’s your favorite song among enka?]

[Mine? Song of the Beach . the slow guitar sound captivates me . ]

[Oh? It’s the same as mine . Gino’s songs are quite relaxing .

The sharp atmosphere from before was gone, and it became warm again in the car .

After driving for around an hour, the car arrived in front of A-Trust’s office .

In front of the building, KangYoon exclaimed, looking at the trendy building that was around seven stories tall .

[What a beautiful building . It’s artistic . ]

[Thanks . This is our president’s preference . ]

They were led inside by a secretary, where President Kojima was waiting inside .

After greeting, In MoonHee left with Producer Tsukasa to get a tour around the office, while KangYoon discussed plans with President Kojima .

[End of July, huh . That’s the beginning of the holidays . ]

President Kojima nodded at KangYoon’s words .

[Indeed . August will be the showdown . Also, I agree with the stage name Yuri . It sounds friendly . Though the downside is that it looks very common . ]

[I went with this name because it would work well in both Korea and j.a.pan . ]

[Okay then . Let’s then talk about how we should package our singer, Yuri . ]

President Kojima offered many plans to KangYoon .

From starring on ‘Today’s Enka’, a TV show which aired every night at 11 o’clock in OLS, to showcases, to drama OSTs .

As he got notified from Producer Tsukasa beforehand, he didn’t talk about things like revealing In MoonHee’s personal history .

KangYoon looked over the many proposals before pointing towards one TV program .

[What’s the viewership like for ‘Today’s Enka’?]

[It’s hovering around a 7% viewing rate . It’s neither high nor low, but it has steady popularity among the 30s and the 40s . ]

[Steady, you say…]

[The viewing rate is higher than ‘Love Singers’ where many idols appear . ]

The most crucial thing after debuting was recognition .

If there was a way to show up to one program steadily, it couldn’t be more charming .

[A high viewing rate, huh . That sounds attractive . What’s the method like for ‘Today’s Enka’?]

[What do you mean by method?]

[Oh, I’m referring to their liaisons, rankings, and things like that . ]

Understanding what he meant, President Kojima explained .

[There’s no battle or rankings . However, there’s an interview midway . More interview time is allocated to rookies . The questions range from simple things like ‘what did you do yesterday’ to harsh ones like ‘you look bloated today’ . It is a little pressuring for rookies . ]

[How about towards rookies from Korea?]

[This industry is more conservative than others, so they should be harsher . We don’t welcome rookies that much . ]

[So that’s the consequences we’d have to undertake, huh . Alright then . So we should prepare for both the song and the interview, to make this successful . ]

[Indeed . Singing skills and wits are the two most important things here . ]

After that, KangYoon went over many other proposals, but nothing seemed better than ‘Today’s Enka’ .

He no longer hesitated and decided on it .

[Why don’t we go with ‘Today’s Enka’?]

[It’s her debut stage we’re talking about… you’re quick to decide . ]

When President Kojima seemed surprised, KangYoon smiled awkwardly .

[It won’t change anything even if we drag things out any further . I believe that this is the best option for MoonHee . If there are drawbacks, then we should try to minimize them as much as possible . ]

[Okay . I’m glad that you’re so clear cut about everything . We’ll contact the producer for that program then . Please tell me if you need anything from me . ]

[Oh, the one I talked to you about before…]

[Oh, you mean the works.p.a.ce? It’s ready . I’ll lead you to the room after you unpack your luggage . ]

KangYoon was then guided around the company with In MoonHee before the two went to their residence to unpack their luggage .

Their schedule in j.a.pan began like that .


“Miss HyunHee, please take this to the director’s meeting room . ”

Manager Jung BeomHo gave some doc.u.ments to a.s.sistant Manager Cha HyunHee .

a.s.sistant Manager Cha HyunHee was known to be meek and obedient in the company, but her face turned blue after hearing the words ‘directors meeting room’ .

“M, manager, isn’t there a meeting there right now?”

“Yes . ”

“…Manager, this… is about the construction, isn’t it?”

a.s.sistant Manager Cha HyunHee looked like she didn’t want to go to the director’s meeting room .

However, she couldn’t disobey the instructions from her superior . She headed towards the meeting room, leaving behind the apologetic manager .

When she quietly entered the meeting room, she could see a tense atmosphere in the air .

“You want to delay the construction? You want to increase the scale and delay the finish to November?”

Director Lee HanSeo’s sharp remarks could be heard .

However, as always, he didn’t have any allies here .

Director Jung HyunTae smirked with a cold expression .

“This is all necessary business we’re doing . Even Euros, the shopping mall that we decided to build pa.s.sages between, has started extension work . We’re just raising the scale to match theirs . ”

The other directors all seemed to agree with Director Jung HyunTae as they were all nodding .

However, Director Lee HanSeo continued his lonely battle .

“We are barely keeping up with the money that’s being spent on the Star Tower project . And you’re trying to up the scale? That means we’d go into debt . Who’s going to take care of all the risks?”

“Don’t worry about that . Ericton Capital has decided to invest in us . ”

Hearing that, everyone’s gazes turned around to the caucasian man sitting next to Director Jung HyunTae, Richard . Richard showed a soft smile and continued where Director Jung HyunTae left off .

“We believe that the Star Tower project has potential . The cooperation between Euros, as well as merchandising Korean stars . Although the pressure is big due to the initial investment scale, we believe that it would soon return to us in the form of profits . ”

The other directors were already overjoyed by Richard’s words .

Except for President Won JinPyo, who stayed silent the whole time, and Director Lee HanSeo, everyone seemed to agree to increase the project’s scale .

“…Haaah . ”

In the end, it came down to a vote, and Director Jung HyunTae’s proposal was accepted .

“…Everyone’s out of their minds . ”

Director Lee HanSeo said those words for all of them to hear before leaving the meeting room first .

Even President Won JinPyo returned to his office dejected, and only then did the directors start leaving .

Soon, only Richard and Director Jung HyunTae were left in the meeting room .

“Thanks for your work . ”

Richard smiled and shook hands with Director Jung HyunTae .

“It was only natural . From now on, we should have more voice in the meetings . ”

“Hahahaha . ”

Richard laughed and patted his back .

‘He has his uses . ’

He made a blunder at the party last time, but he was quite smart when it came to things like this .

The two of them joyfully talked about company matters before switching topics to issues about the industry .

“I hear the name Lee HyunAh quite frequently these days . ”

“*Cough* . hm…”

Director Jung HyunTae frowned at those words .

A man feels envious of his neighbor’s success, and here the neighbor was practically their enemy, so there was no way he felt good .

“I heard she even influenced the viewing rates . ”

“That’s simply not true . Affecting viewing rates through a simple OST? It’s just nonsense made by people who like to gossip . ”

Director Jung HyunTae shook his head, but Richard disagreed with him .

“Not at all . I’ve seen the drama in question, but it was well-made . It’s not being called a high-cla.s.s drama for anything . Moreover, there’s something that rings in my heart whenever the song starts playing . Even I, a man, feel like this . What would the ladies be like?”


Director Jung HyunTae only made an awkward smile .

As drama watching wasn’t one of his hobbies, he didn’t understand Richard at all .

Regardless, Richard continued to speak .

“I realized again after watching that drama . World is a frightening place . ”

“…Is that so?”

Director Jung HyunTae didn’t show much of a reaction, but Richard grabbed his hand .

“At this rate, I believe that World has become on par with MG . ”

“Director, that’s…”

“You realize what I’m saying, don’t you?”


Seeing Richard’s frosty eyes, Director Jung HyunTae wasn’t able to say anything .


Four songs for In MoonHee’s mini debut alb.u.m were finished .

KangYoon had Park SoYoung, HeeYoon and the other artists of World take care of the rearrangement for three of the songs, while he took one into his own hands .

In j.a.pan, KangYoon practically lived in his works.p.a.ce and the office at A-Trust working .

In MoonHee also started her last-ditch practices, and people from A-Trust also met the producer for ‘Today’s Enka’ that they talked about last time .

Everything seemed to be a smooth sail .

“No wait, the kick source is a little too high…”

KangYoon sighed while inserting a percussion sound for the rhythm .

He was adjusting the drums’ kick sounds, but one of the lower peaks went out of range due to the ba.s.s being too echo-y .

“Just as it was getting okay too… it just goes outside the range . Moreover, it’s snapping… it’s like an electronic sound . ”

An electronic sound in enka?

That was the worst combination .

The song he was working on emphasized on acoustic sounds .

However, the instruments he deemed suitable always became chaotic when it was added to the rest .

He tried all sorts of sources that he deemed were suitable, but it wasn’t easy to find something that fitted well with enka .


KangYoon did not stop his work despite being dejected .

He combined many sounds and adjusted the sources so that the graph looked like a wave .

While he was working, he got a call .

[This is Lee KangYoon speaking . ]

-President . It’s me, Kojima .

President Kojima sounded urgent .

When KangYoon asked about the reason, he took some deep breaths before talking in a somewhat fl.u.s.tered voice .

– You know that MoonHee was going to appear in ‘Today’s Enka’, right? I think… that might not happen .

[What? What do you mean by that?]

– I’m sorry . Their reason was that the atmosphere between enka artists isn’t looking good recently… I’ll tell you about the specifics at the office .

KangYoon stopped his work and hurriedly headed towards the office .

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