God of Music

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Earning Trust (1)

“Is it that?”

KangYoon walked towards the ward with 1509 written on the door with big steps . He didn’t want to come to the hospital other than with Hee Yoon, but today, he even bought a fruits basket and went inside .

“Who is it?”

As soon as KangYoon went in, a middle-woman with a skinny body figure greeted him after looking outside the window blankly .

“h.e.l.lo? I’m Lee KangYoon who’s in charge of trainee Seo HanYu . ”

“O, oh . Why did the Team Leader come to a place like this?”

There was no way that Seo HanYu’s mother didn’t know of KangYoon . It was because of the influence of the story that Seo HanYu always talked about – that he was selected by the team leader to become a singer . To think that she would meet him in the hospital ward, Seo HanYu’s mother was slightly embarra.s.sed . It was because of the no make-up face and the now almost gone hair . She quickly wore a hat and looked at the mirror before greeting KangYoon propery .

“No, I should have looked for you earlier, I apologize . ”

“No, it’s nothing . HanYu’s doing well at the company, right?”

“Yes, of course . ”

The topic that mothers like the most is about her child . Seo HanYu’s mother wasn’t an exception . KangYoon talked a lot of her child . From that she was an honors student at the company to the fact that she would become this type of singer so she didn’t need to worry – KangYoon’s story made her immersed .

When about 1 hour had pa.s.sed since KangYoon came, Seo HanYu’s father came in . Perhaps due to having come here straight from the company, he was still in a suit . He panicked when he saw a man he had never seen before inside the ward .

“Dear, this person is…”

“Honey, introduce yourself . This is our daughter HanYu’s Team Leader at the company . The Team Leader that HanYu always talked about that he selected her . ”

“Oooh!! Nice to meet you!!”

Unlike the quiet mother, Seo HanYu’s father was quite unrestrained . He shook his hands with KangYoon and offered him to seat before giving him various things to eat and started asking various things . It seemed as if Seo HanYu’s father also wanted to know a lot about his daughter as KangYoon had to say what he already said again . However, KangYoon didn’t show any signs of discomfort .

As they had talked for a long time, Seo HanYu’s mother fell asleep due to fatigue . KangYoon and Seo HanYu’s father went outside to have a smoke together .

“Thank you,”

Seo HanYu’s father lighted KangYoon’s cigarrete . The two’s white breath of smoke sattered in the sky .

“How’s the madam’s condition?”

Finally, KangYoon could ask what he really wanted to ask . These were things he couldn’t ask easily inside the ward .

“She’s in the mid stages of liver cancer . They said she can get cured so we need to put in more effort . Like managing meticulously . ”

“Sounds difficult . ”

“No, the heads of households don’t know things like that . It’s alright . ”


KangYoon deeply sympathized with those words . The head of household was a strong existence . If one had something to protect then he would become stronger than anyone . LIke KangYoon himself .

“Did something perhaps happen to our HanYu?”


The talk between men were serious . While the cigarette smoke scattered, Seo HanYu’s father predicted that KangYoon had something to say .

“Did something happen to…”

“No, don’t you know well? That HanYu’s hardworking . ”

“I do . She’s too uptight – if that can be considered a problem . ”

“That’s right . So I came . ”

“So something did happen…”

KangYoon excused himself and took out another smoke . He didn’t smoke a lot but strangely, he craved for a smoke now . Seo HanYu’s father also seemed to have been effected as he also lit another one .

“HanYu worked part-time . She said it was fast food . ”

“Part-time… Does the company forbid part time jobs?”

“Yes . We exclude everything that can distract practice . Thanks to that, HanYu received punishment . ”

“Punishment? Then…”

“It’s not a big one . It’s just a 3 days of suspension . Of course, there will be no hindrances in her path to become a singer so you can rest a.s.sured . The reason I came here is because I know that HanYu will keep doing the part time job in the future . I came here to put a stop to it . ”

“Isn’t a 3 day suspension a big thing? Continue the part time job? What do you mean by…”

“Of course, suspension is a big punishment . However, what I can a.s.sure you now is that there will be no hindrances in her path to becoming a singer and her activities as one . I will take responsibility in that regard . ”

While looking at Seo HanYu’s father who was dumbfounded at the word ‘suspension’, KangYoon slightly hesitated for a moment . Sticking his nose into other household’s business was a very rude thing . However, if he didn’t do that now, then HanYu may encounter a bigger problem in the future . KangYoon set his mind and spoke .

“I truly excuse myself, but I know that your household is becoming difficult due to the treatment for cancer . Thanks to that, HanYu is also doing a part time job . ”

“Ha… that child… she doesn’t need to… Yes you’re right . We are a bit tight on our living expenses but it’s at a level I can manage with my salary . And there’s money saved up until now too . ”

“HanYu doesn’t seem to know that well . A child like HanYu is a type that will keep repeating an action that she was forced to stop when she judges that it’s the correct thing to do . If that happens, I have to stick to the principles even if I wanted to work with HanYu for a long time… I want to work with her for a long time . Please help . ”

Seo HanYu’s father could clearly understand this person called KangYoon . He was worried a lot about his daughter since he had heard that a lot of people who only talked about making someone into a singer . However, to think this person had come to find him for this… This kind of person was rare nowadays . From what he heard, companies treated trainees like disposable items, but this person was completely different .

“I understand . I will talk to HanYu about this . ”

“I heard that HanYu listened to her father’s words well . As far as I know, her most respected person is her father . ”

“Hoho . Is that so . Don’t worry . And thank you . ”

After requesting once more to Seo HanYu’s father, KangYoon left the hospital .

On his bus home, KangYoon thought about Seo HanYu .

‘In the ‘past’, Seo HanYu, in other words, singer Yun(T/N: her stage name) never spoke about her mother . And for some reason, she didn’t like the company that much . The first one to move in the recontract season was also Yun . Wasn’t that because there was something like this related to her mother? I don’t want this to turn out badly…’

While crossing the Hangang bridge, KangYoon briefly closed his eyes while thinking about a lot of things .


The next day .

A frightening notice came to the girls’ practice room .

“Seo HanYu’s suspended for 3 days . Reason is late for 4 days . ”


The 6 girls, including Seo HanYu who wasn’t late today, widened their eyes after hearing the bomb dropping from the trainer .

“What? 3 days of suspension because being late for 4 times?”

“Singer cla.s.ses are no joke . ”

Jung MinAh and Lee SamSoon were surprised and spoke a line each . The other girls also whispered to each other .

“Quiet, quiet!! Seo HanYu, practice until today and go home for today . You know that you can’t use the dorms during suspension, right?”

“Yes . ”

“Well then, shall we start today’s practice?”

Without even time to chat, the practice had begun . As always, the girls’ practices progressed strictly and they continued until the girls all collapsed due to exhaustion .

“Thank you for your hard work . ”

After the practice ended, the girls dragged their exhausted bodies to the shower rooms . The girls who emitted a thick smell of sweat and steam, weren’t bright teens anymore .

“Ah… What kind of practice…is so hard…”

The always carefree Lee SamSoon also limped when the practice ended . She didn’t even know how resting period went by . Practice, and more practice . The dumb spartan practice made them shiver just by thinking about it .

“Ah, I want to sleep just like thiiiis…”

Jung MinAh, who was always lively, also had loose eyes . She seemed like she would sleep the moment she lies down .

“It’s so crazy!! I’m…” (T/N: spoken in English . )

“Close her mouth . She’s speaking in English again . ”

[email protected]#$%!!”

From Ailee Jung, who was spouting something in English, to Jung MinAh who hated it, and Han JooYeon, who acted . – They were exhausted due to practice, but they were becoming closer while playing around like this .

After the shower, they changed their clothes and they found that all the practice rooms were dark .

“We’re always last . ”

Christie An complained . After being selected for the singer cla.s.s, they didn’t finish before other practice rooms went dark . The other girls were the same in complaining .

Originally, they would return to the dorms together with all 6 of them, but today was different, Seo HanYu went home, and the rest headed to the dorms .

“Should I be late and get some punishment too?”

“What are you saying?”

As she was jealous of Seo HanYu going home, Ailee Jung spoke a line before getting an earful from Christie An . There was nothing good with a punishment record . If rumors spread then they may even get affected if they take an audition .

And when the girls were chatting and leaving the company lobby, there was a guest who waited for Seo HanYu at the entrance . It was Seo HanYu’s father .

“Huh? Dad . ”

“HanYu . ”

“h.e.l.lo . ”

Seo HanYu’s father had parked the car and was waiting for his daugher .

The girls exchanged greetings with Seo HanYu’s father before parting soon . Seo HanYu’s father gave them some money to buy drinks and the girls rejoiced . And naturally, Seo HanYu’s value rose .

On the way home, Seo HanYu asked her father inside the car .

“How did you come here?”

“I was called by your Team Leader . ”

“Team Leader? Team Leader KangYoon?”

Seo HanYu widened her eyes as she thought it was unexpected . Why did the Team Leader do that? She couldn’t figure out the reason .

“The Team Leader said that you will finish around this time and told me to pick you up . I thought that it will be good for us father and daughter to have a conversation since this father was preoccupied with your mother nowadays and didn’t have time to speak to you . And so, I came here . ”


“Don’t be so touched . There’s nothing nowadays, right?”

“There isn’t . I’m alright . ”

Seo HanYu was as mature-acting as always . She was kind-hearted, good, and kind towards everyone . However, there were things that she suppressed in her heart . Her father wanted to hear those .

“I heard you were working part-time nowadays . ”

“You knew?”

“I heard . From that Team Leader . ”

“Oh… Did you meet the Team Leader? Did you perhaps…”

“I know everything . I heard you get to rest for 3 days this time . Think of it as vacation and rest deeply . Your Team Leader also told me to tell you that . ”

“Did the Team Leader… say that? Wait, before that, you met the Team Leader, dad?”

“He came to the hospital, he visited your mother . ”

Seo HanYu received a big shock . She didn’t think that KangYoon would visit her sick mother even in her dreams . KangYoon mercilessly gave her a punishment without holding back after he knew that she did a part-time job . Although she did think that the punishment was natural, the bloodless tearless figure came to her as a sad thing but to think… a sick visit .

The surprise didn’t end there .

“He also talked a lot about you before leaving . He said that you can become a good singer if you work hard like this . However, he was disappointed that your rotting your talent and possibilities while doing things like a part-time job . HanYu, dear, the house is alright . I can afford all the treatment that your mother receives . So you don’t have to do something like a part-time job . ”

“Dad, but…”

“You focus on becoming a singer . My daughter does everything well when she sets her mind to it, right?”

“Even so…”


Seo HanYu didn’t have the personality to reject her father’s soft offer . The authority of a father had such power . In fact, she herself knew already – that it wasn’t the time to do a part-time job .

“Is the house really alright?”

“You can’t trust your dad?”

“It’s not that… No, I understand . ”

Seo HanYu, in the end, closed her thoughts about part-time jobs which took a corner of her heart . She literally decided to focus on one thing .

“Good, good . HanYu, dad is feeling good so allow me to sm…”

“Never . ”

Her father felt down when he took out a cigarette only to put it back again .

The earful of a daughter was always frightening .

The atmosphere inside the car with the father and daughter was happy .

The car crossed a bridge where a beautiful night scenery could be seen and they quietly headed home .


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