God of Music

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

There was no way the men in suits would recognize KangYoon . No, they thought that they didn’t even need to . Of course, their att.i.tudes were polite . Since in front of them were their ‘customers’ .

“I don’t know who you are and where you work, but let’s talk later . I do understand that you’re from the same industry but… the work with miss SoYoung is important . ”

The man in the suit was smoothly pa.s.sing it over his even while feeling that something was wrong .

Of course, KangYoon realized the moment he saw the business card .

‘A scammer . ’

The business card was very well made . At a glance, the logo, the company telephone, and even the position looked very well to the point that anyone would be fooled . However, there was no way that KangYoon wouldn’t know the business cards that the Liaison Team carried with them . Moreover, this man called Oh ChiSung said he didn’t know KangYoon . Someone who doesn’t know KangYoon within the company? Was there a person who didn’t know the Planning Team Leader in MG Entertainment? There was no way he wouldn’t be suspicious .

When the man in the suit saw that KangYoon would interfere even despite that, he gave out a threat .

“I don’t know who you are, but I’m making a contract which would decide miss Park SoYoung’s future . It’s difficult for me if you keep interfering like this . ”

KangYoon burst out laughing since a scammer was being like that in front of the real deal . Any more politeness would be impossible .

“Yeah, you would be, since you can’t do a scam . How dare you steal the tears of a pure student?”

“…… . President, it’s difficult for us if you keep doing that . What do you mean a scam to a person who came for a contract? Just how is it a scam?” (T/N: Yes, the man says president… just being polite to KangYoon)

The man in the suit got angry . He was getting tired of KangYoon interfering, and couldn’t endure anymore . The expressions of the two men in suits turned fierce, but KangYoon didn’t lose out at all . No, he was even firmer .

“Excuse me, customer, if you keep interfering like this…”

When Park SoYoung’s father saw that the situation wasn’t going in a good direction, he tried to stop KangYoon . Then, KangYoon quietly took something out of his pocket and handed it to Park SoYoung . Park SoYoung received it thinking ‘what is this?’ and her eyes widened .

“MG Entertainment Planning and Management Team… Leader… . Lee KangYoon?! EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK?!”

This was completely different to the business card she received yesterday . Just the materials differed to the men in suits’ business card . Moreover, KangYoon took something else out and gave it to Park SoYoung . It was the employee card used for entering and exiting the company building . KangYoon’s face was right in the middle of it, and as it said ‘Planning and Management Team Leader’, she couldn’t not believe it .

“One of the most important principles, when MG Entertainment scouts for talent outside, is to ‘never request money from the trainees’ . However, to say you want 20 million won since you would invest 30 million… What the f.u.c.k are you doing?”

The two men in suits looked at each other . They never knew that a real MG person would be here . Moreover, this guy wasn’t some manager on the scene, but the real thing! The two’s leisurely att.i.tude disappeared .

“You f.u.c.kers!! Then you didn’t plan to make my dear SoYoung a star, but for money…?!”


After realizing the situation, Park SoYoung’s father picked up the bat on his side and started swinging it violently . At his threat, the two men hurriedly started running towards the door . KangYoon lightly tackled their legs as they were running past him . With a loud crash, the two men fell down, but they stood up instantly and ran away without even wearing their shoes .

“You f.u.c.kers…!!”

Park SoYoung’s father didn’t even look back and chased after them, but they were fast . In the end, he lost them .

“Dammit, *Spit*!! f.u.c.kers!!”

He violently spat on the ground . He felt like his anger had died down a little along with the spit . He finally saw KangYoon who stopped the accident .

“Customer, thank you . No, did you say you were a Team Leader? Thank you very much . Thank you . ”

He held KangYoon’s hand and didn’t let go . It was KangYoon who was instead, embarra.s.sed .

“Not at all . Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds should be driven away from this industry . It’s good that nothing bad happened . ”

“Oooh, not at all . To think that I received such grace… I’ll forego your fees for your lodging . No, I will treat you grandly . SoYoung!! Get some beef from the fridge!!”

“You don’t have to do that…”

KangYoon said alright, but Park SoYoung’s father was very pa.s.sionate . Thanks to that, KangYoon and HeeYoon could taste the pa.s.sionate personalities of those living in Tongyeong .




As always, JooAh slammed the door to the Chairman’s office open and entered with a strong presence .

“You’re as ever . ”

“h.e.l.lo . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon was in the middle of talking with Min JinSeo . Min JinSeo stood up and politely greeted JooAh, who she hadn’t seen for a while .

“You, JinSeo!! Wow, I heard you made your debut . You really seem different . ”

“Not as good as you . ”

“Don’t be so humble . JinSeo is here… does that mean it’s you in charge of her?”

When JooAh’s stunned gaze headed towards Chairman Won JinMoon, he nodded his head . Then, JooAh spoke with shocked eyes .

“Amazing . Chairman doesn’t take anyone . JinSeo, you’ve grown up!!”

“Not at all . ”

“What do you mean ‘not at all’!!? I heard a little, but wasn’t the drama a big hit? It had over 30% of viewer ratings . I heard you were hot nowadays?”

“What do you mean ‘hot’?”

“What, It’s the truth . ”

Completely different to the humble Min JinSeo, JooAh was very boastful about her popularity . They were two different people .

“JooAh, what are you doing in Korea? You are supposed to be recording with the j.a.panese producer this time . I heard the recording was there too?”

“We finished the recording… but I have a bad feeling about it . ”

JooAh started speaking what she was thinking about to Chairman Won JinMoon .

“We finished recording and even finished preparing, but something’s weighing on my mind . I just need to release the alb.u.m, but I don’t like it the more I listen to it . So, in the end, I fought with the PD and came here . ”

“So that’s why there was a call yesterday . ”

“They told you already? j.a.panese are so narrow-minded . Anyway!! Where’s KangYoon-oppa?”

The main point was this . Lee KangYoon!!

The aim JooAh had for coming to Korea was him .

“Team Leader Lee? He’s on a vacation, why?”

“I knew it!! His phone was turned off too!! I’m planning to ask KangYoon-oppa . If I can release this or not . ”

“Hey… the planner on that side won’t like that . ”

“What’s wrong with that? It’s his fault for not making me trust him . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon heaved a deep sigh . After JooAh worked with KangYoon, she compared most planners with KangYoon . This wasn’t a good phenomenon . It was definite that the j.a.panese side wouldn’t like this .

“Excuse me… s...o...b..e-nim . Then you came here to work with sir?”

“Sir? Oh, you mean KangYoon-oppa?”


Min JinSeo’s voice became strange . Whether she knew it or not, JooAh kept speaking .

“Of course, or else, how would I have come here despite my busy schedule? Uncle, when does KangYoon-oppa’s vacation end?”

“… Tomorrow . ”

“Tch, I should wait then . ”

While looking at the grumbling JooAh, Min JinSeo’s lips strangely curved upwards .


‘Uuu… I think my stomach is still full…’

At the night beef party, KangYoon’s stomach was swollen . However, as the beef that Park SoYoung’s father grilled was very delicious, he overate and overate…

Even in the morning, his stomach was full .


“You’re up?”


HeeYoon headed towards the toilet with her hair crumpled . As she didn’t come out for a long time, it was clear that she was ‘suffering’ in there .

Kangyoon went outside . However, Park SoYoung was waiting for him outside .

“Did you have a nice sleep?”

“h.e.l.lo, sleep well?”

“Yes . I… was waiting . ”

“For me?”

Did she have something to say? KangYoon sat on a rock while questioning .

“Thank you for stopping us yesterday . I think I was a bit off that time . ”

“I received full appreciation from your father . ”

KangYoon tapped his stomach . Park SoYoung laughed when she heard that .

“I was scared of you even though you were HeeYoon’s brother . But you’re interesting . ”

“Really? Some other kids say that too . ”

“Really? Well, you’re the Planning Team Leader so that’s reasonable . Oppa’s position, you have to make singers’ alb.u.ms and such, right?”

“Correct . ”

“Wow… I’ve met an amazing person . ”

It wasn’t easy for Park SoYoung to meet someone like KangYoon . She didn’t want to miss this opportunity . KangYoon started walking on the beach and she followed .

“I wanted to ask yesterday but couldn’t . How was my song?”

“Song? Oh, you mean when you played the guitar?”

“…… . ”

She seemed to be embarra.s.sed and couldn’t speak anymore . To request another person for evaluation was something difficult . Was it easy to be devastated by another person?

“Hmm… You were good . ”

“I want you to be honest . I’m also an aspirant of this path . ”


KangYoon thought for a moment . Should he evaluate or not? Should he bury it under some praises or not – various thoughts flashed by in his mind .

‘She’s HeeYoon’s friend . ’

And resolved .

“You were a composer aspirant, right?”

“Yes . ”

“Your original composition needs some polishing . I feel that the intro had a weak impact . It feels like just running water . ”

KangYoon thought back to the musical notes he saw that day . The brightness of the notes was neither strong or weak . If it was strong, then it would have been bright; and should have given a positive effect on the light .

“Also, the guitar and the voice, it felt like these two didn’t mix well . A bit like the melody and the chord don’t match, I think? It felt a bit off . If you match those, then I think a good song may be created . ”


“Although I might not be a big help since I’m not that related to composing, I wish it could help you . ”

Park SoYoung opened a memo on her phone and recorded KangYoon’s words . She didn’t want to miss out a single word and asked again and again to repeat . Even KangYoon was surprised .

After writing all of KangYoon’s words down, Park SoYoung started walking again .

“Thank you . If I become well, Team Leader… Oh, can I call you that?”

“You’re HeeYoon’s friend so just call me oppa . ”

“Yes, oppa . ”

Although there was a little desire behind that, Park SoYoung complied . (T/N: All most Korean men want to be called oppa (by girls, ofc)… Don’t call me Chamber-oppa tho… I know most of the readers are male)(E/N: you are gonna get called oppa now chamber)

“If I do well, then I will repay you all back . ”

“This isn’t much though . ”

“I can go to MG Entertainment, right?”

“Ok, come . I will treat you . ”

“No, I will become big and treat you . ”

The two exchanged phone numbers . KangYoon liked the fact that Park SoYoung was HeeYoon’s friend, and to Park SoYoung, KangYoon was her savior . The two did have something in common .

Soon, they went to the beach and came back to the lodging . Now they needed to head home . They had to stop by the hospital for dialysis so KangYoon hurried up .

“Thank you!! Please come back again!!”

“See you later . ”

KangYoon and HeeYoon left the lodging while receiving the farewells from Park SoYoung’s family .

They were heading towards a hospital in Tongyeong KangYoon looked up beforehand for the dialysis when HeeYoon checked her phone and spoke .

“Oppa, SoYoung says ‘let’s meet in Seoul next year’ . ”

“Good . ”

This meant that she would go to a university in Seoul . KangYoon smiled, thinking that Park SoYoung’s resolve was very good .


After the vacation, KangYoon got through the h.e.l.l train and went to work . The employees seemed to be curious when KangYoon came back after a while, as KangYoon was even more curious as to why they were greeting him with so much vigor .

When he went up to his office, his desk was clean .

‘So there isn’t any Concert Team work yet . ’

After the Directors’ meeting last time, it seemed the Concert Team work wasn’t included in his work anymore . After the work with The ACE, there wasn’t any work with the Concert Team for 2 months so KangYoon thought it was weird . However, as he had no work, he was also happy .

As soon as his work time came, the trainers brought him the reports . They were the reports on the girl group project .

‘They went on vacation, and now they’re back to practice . Now I should start on their conversation techniques and foreign languages . ’ (T/N: Idols are… omnipotent… They can sing, dance, converse well, can speak multiple languages,… and most of all, are pretty…)

Although it wasn’t like that now, in 3 to 4 years, China would become a huge market . KangYoon prepared for that and made them learn Chinese as compulsory . Of course, the girls were screaming saying that the four tones or whatever were extremely difficult .

When he checked over all of the, it was over 11 o’clock . He craved for coffee and was about to stand up when the door slammed open .


With that, an amazing personnel intruded . It was JooAh with a lively smile . KangYoon was stunned and dropped the paper cup on the floor .

“Hey!! I was frightened . ”

“Hehe . I’m here . You’re delighted, right? Right?”

“Not at all . ”

“……What the h.e.l.l?”

At KangYoon’s not so big reaction, JooAh seemed disappointed as she cringed . At her honest reaction, KangYoon just smiled .

“So knock next time, knock . ”

“Oh, whatever . I understand . ”

To JooAh, who didn’t like instant coffee, KangYoon gave her green tea . JooAh grumbled saying she only drank green tea from tea leaves, but there was no way it would work on KangYoon .

“Drink what you get . ”

“Why is the customer service like this here . ”

“If you don’t want it, then leave . ”

“Reflect . ”

However, JooAh was strong . She lightly pa.s.sed over KangYoon’s urging and even attacked back . She was a strong enemy amongst strong enemies .

After a childish prank, JooAh started talking about the main reason she came here today .

“I will release a mini alb.u.m in j.a.pan this time, but I’m a bit unsettled . ”

“Then talk to the planner on that side . ”

“But I can’t seem to get through to that planner . I find the song strange no matter how I listen to it, but that guy says it’s alright . I’m not a.s.sured about this, so to ask you, I came here with that song . ”

“Is that person from a cooperating company?”

“He is . He’s called ‘Akabashi Tao’ and this guy’s so self-a.s.serting and doesn’t listen to my opinion . Although his works were good in the past, nowadays they’re just so-so… I don’t know if his senses dulled or something . ”

JooAh insulted that planner for a long time . The grumbling kept on as she had a lot piled up in her heart . KangYoon didn’t cut her off and kept listening to her .

“…Ahhh . It’s annoying . ”

“No wonder you find it so annoying . So, in the end, you find that planner unreliable, right?”

“Yeah, yeah . I sure get my words through to you, oppa . ”

JooAh felt her heart at ease . Although it was a trivial conversation, she felt like the feeling she had when the j.a.pan project was taking place, was coming alive again . A feeling that something was there to support her, a good feeling that she would do well in whatever she does .

“I’ll take a look . ”

“I knew it!!”

“However, even if there’s a problem, it’s a different problem to edit it . It’s rude to the producer on that side, and we have to ask the cooperating company too, and we might have to change the release schedule as well . Moreover, I’m not the person in charge of your alb.u.m right now . You know that, right?”

“Okay, so listen to it first!!”

She didn’t seem to like complicated things, as she was very forceful . She looked exactly like a little sister who asked her brother to do everything for her . And here, she was so picky the first time he worked with her, and now, she was basically saying ‘you’re the only one’ . KangYoon only smiled .

“Okay, let’s go . ”


When KangYoon agreed and stood up, JooAh also became delighted and followed him out .

Like that, the two headed towards the underground studio .

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